[pulse][minor] moving some arithmetic stuff around

Summary: Not much to see here, extracted to make further changes more readable.

Reviewed By: da319

Differential Revision: D23241335

fbshipit-source-id: 81181f23a
Jules Villard 4 years ago committed by Facebook GitHub Bot
parent 5278cb7374
commit bcba7c8475

@ -12,6 +12,20 @@ module Var = PulseAbstractValue
type operand = LiteralOperand of IntLit.t | AbstractValueOperand of Var.t
module Q = struct
include Q
let not_equal q1 q2 = not (Q.equal q1 q2)
let is_one q = Q.equal q Q.one
let is_minus_one q = Q.equal q Q.minus_one
let is_zero q = Q.equal q Q.zero
let is_not_zero q = not (is_zero q)
(** Expressive term structure to be able to express all of SIL, but the main smarts of the formulas
are for the equality between variables and linear arithmetic subsets. Terms (and atoms, below)
are kept as a last-resort for when outside that fragment. *)
@ -173,9 +187,9 @@ module Term = struct
Or (t1, t2)
let is_zero = function Const c -> Q.equal c Q.zero | _ -> false
let is_zero = function Const c -> Q.is_zero c | _ -> false
let is_non_zero_const = function Const c -> not (Q.equal c Q.zero) | _ -> false
let is_non_zero_const = function Const c -> Q.is_not_zero c | _ -> false
(** Fold [f] on the strict sub-terms of [t], if any. Preserve physical equality if [f] does. *)
let fold_map_direct_subterms t ~init ~f =
@ -397,46 +411,46 @@ module Atom = struct
(* [~~t = t] *)
| Not (Const c) ->
if Q.equal c Q.zero then (* [!0 = 1] *)
if Q.is_zero c then (* [!0 = 1] *)
one else (* [!<non-zero> = 0] *)
| Add (Const c1, Const c2) ->
(* constants *)
Const (Q.add c1 c2)
| Add (Const c, t) when Q.equal c Q.zero ->
| Add (Const c, t) when Q.is_zero c ->
(* [0 + t = t] *)
| Add (t, Const c) when Q.equal c Q.zero ->
| Add (t, Const c) when Q.is_zero c ->
(* [t + 0 = t] *)
| Mult (Const c, t) when Q.equal c Q.one ->
| Mult (Const c, t) when Q.is_one c ->
(* [1 × t = t] *)
| Mult (t, Const c) when Q.equal c Q.one ->
| Mult (t, Const c) when Q.is_one c ->
(* [t × 1 = t] *)
| Mult (Const c, _) when Q.equal c Q.zero ->
| Mult (Const c, _) when Q.is_zero c ->
(* [0 × t = 0] *)
| Mult (_, Const c) when Q.equal c Q.zero ->
| Mult (_, Const c) when Q.is_zero c ->
(* [t × 0 = 0] *)
| Div (Const c, _) when Q.equal c Q.zero ->
| Div (Const c, _) when Q.is_zero c ->
(* [0 / t = 0] *)
| Div (t, Const c) when Q.equal c Q.one ->
| Div (t, Const c) when Q.is_one c ->
(* [t / 1 = t] *)
| Div (t, Const c) when Q.equal c Q.minus_one ->
| Div (t, Const c) when Q.is_minus_one c ->
(* [t / (-1) = -t] *)
eval_term (Minus t)
| Div (Minus t1, Minus t2) ->
(* [(-t1) / (-t2) = t1 / t2] *)
eval_term (Div (t1, t2))
| Mod (Const c, _) when Q.equal c Q.zero ->
| Mod (Const c, _) when Q.is_zero c ->
(* [0 % t = 0] *)
| Mod (_, Const q) when Q.equal q Q.one ->
| Mod (_, Const q) when Q.is_one q ->
(* [t % 1 = 0] *)
| Mod (t1, t2) when equal_syntax t1 t2 ->
@ -480,7 +494,7 @@ module Atom = struct
| Equal _ ->
eval_result_of_bool (Q.equal c1 c2)
| NotEqual _ ->
eval_result_of_bool (not (Q.equal c1 c2))
eval_result_of_bool (Q.not_equal c1 c2)
| LessEqual _ ->
eval_result_of_bool (Q.leq c1 c2)
| LessThan _ ->
@ -585,14 +599,14 @@ end = struct
if Var.Map.is_empty vs then Q.pp_print fmt c
let pp_c fmt c =
if Q.equal c Q.zero then ()
if Q.is_zero c then ()
let plusminus, c_pos = if Q.geq c Q.zero then ('+', c) else ('-', Q.neg c) in
F.fprintf fmt " %c%a" plusminus Q.pp_print c_pos
let pp_coeff fmt q =
if Q.equal q Q.one then ()
else if Q.equal q Q.minus_one then F.pp_print_string fmt "-"
if Q.is_one q then ()
else if Q.is_minus_one q then F.pp_print_string fmt "-"
else F.fprintf fmt "%a·" Q.pp_print q
let pp_vs fmt vs =
@ -608,7 +622,7 @@ end = struct
( Var.Map.union
(fun _v c1 c2 ->
let c = Q.add c1 c2 in
if Q.equal c Q.zero then None else Some c )
if Q.is_zero c then None else Some c )
vs1 vs2
, Q.add c1 c2 )
@ -619,18 +633,18 @@ end = struct
let zero = (Var.Map.empty, Q.zero)
let is_zero (vs, c) = Q.equal c Q.zero && Var.Map.is_empty vs
let is_zero (vs, c) = Q.is_zero c && Var.Map.is_empty vs
let mult q ((vs, c) as l) =
if Q.equal q Q.zero then (* needed for correction: coeffs cannot be zero *) zero
else if Q.equal q Q.one then (* purely an optimisation *) l
if Q.is_zero q then (* needed for correction: coeffs cannot be zero *) zero
else if Q.is_one q then (* purely an optimisation *) l
else (Var.Map.map (fun c -> Q.mul q c) vs, Q.mul q c)
let solve_eq_zero (vs, c) =
match Var.Map.min_binding_opt vs with
| None ->
if Q.equal c Q.zero then Sat None else Unsat
if Q.is_zero c then Sat None else Unsat
| Some (x, coeff) ->
let d = Q.neg coeff in
let vs' =
@ -671,7 +685,7 @@ end = struct
| Mult (Const c, t) | Mult (t, Const c) ->
let+ l = of_term t in
mult c l
| Div (t, Const c) when not (Q.equal c Q.zero) ->
| Div (t, Const c) when Q.is_not_zero c ->
let+ l = of_term t in
mult (Q.inv c) l
| Mult _
@ -696,9 +710,9 @@ end = struct
let get_as_const (vs, c) = if Var.Map.is_empty vs then Some c else None
let get_as_var (vs, c) =
if Q.equal c Q.zero then
if Q.is_zero c then
match Var.Map.is_singleton_or_more vs with
| Singleton (x, cx) when Q.equal cx Q.one ->
| Singleton (x, cx) when Q.is_one cx ->
Some x
| _ ->
@ -729,7 +743,7 @@ end = struct
Var.Map.add v q0 vs
| Some q ->
let q' = Q.add q q0 in
if Q.equal q' Q.zero then Var.Map.remove v vs else Var.Map.add v q vs
if Q.is_zero q' then Var.Map.remove v vs else Var.Map.add v q vs
(acc_f, vs) )
vs_foreign (init, Var.Map.empty)

@ -10,120 +10,124 @@ module AbstractValue = PulseAbstractValue
open PulseFormula
open SatUnsatMonad
let%test_module _ =
( module struct
(** {2 Utilities for defining formulas easily}
(** {2 Utilities for defining formulas easily}
We want to be able to write something close to [x + y - 42 < z], but the API of {!PulseFormula}
doesn't support building arbitrary formulas or even arbitrary terms. Instead, we have to
introduce intermediate variables for each sub-expression (this corresponds to how the rest of
Pulse interacts with the arithmetic layer, so it's good that we follow this convention here
The definitions here make this transparent by passing the formula around. For example, building
[x+y] takes in a formula [phi] and returns [(phi v123 = x+y, v123)], i.e. a pair of the
formula with a new intermediate equality and the resulting intermediate variable. This allows us
to chain operations: [x+y-42] is a function that takes a formula, passes it to [x+y] returning
[(phi',v123)] as we saw with [phi' = phi v123 = x+y], passes it to "42", which here is also
a function returning [(phi',42)] (note the unchanged [phi']), then finally returns
[(phi v123 = x+y v234 = v123-42, v234)].
We want to be able to write something close to [x + y - 42 < z], but the API of
{!PulseFormula} doesn't support building arbitrary formulas or even arbitrary terms.
Instead, we have to introduce intermediate variables for each sub-expression (this
corresponds to how the reste of Pulse interacts with the arithmetic layer too, so it's good
that we follow this constraint here too).
This is convoluted, especially as each step may also return [Unsat] even during "term"
construction, but as a result the tests themselves should be straightforward to understand. *)
The definitions here make this transparent by passing the formula around. For example,
building [x+y] takes in a formula [phi] and returns [(phi v123 = x+y, v123)], i.e. a
pair of the formula with a new intermediate equality and the resulting intermediate
variable. This allows us to chain operations: [x+y-42] is a function that takes a formula,
passes it to [x+y] returning [(phi',v123)] as we saw with [phi' = phi v123 = x+y],
passes it to "42", which here is also a function returning [(phi',42)] (note the unchanged
[phi']), then finally returns [(phi v123 = x+y v234 = v123-42, v234)].
(** a literal integer leaves the formula unchanged and returns a [LiteralOperand] *)
let i i phi = Sat (phi, LiteralOperand (IntLit.of_int i))
This is convoluted, especially as each step may also return [Unsat] even during "term"
construction, but as a result the tests themselves should be straightforward to understand. *)
(** similarly as for literals; this is not used directly in tests so the name is a bit more
descriptive *)
let op_of_var x phi = Sat (phi, AbstractValueOperand x)
(** a literal integer leaves the formula unchanged and returns a [LiteralOperand] *)
let i i phi = Sat (phi, LiteralOperand (IntLit.of_int i))
let of_binop bop f1 f2 phi =
let* phi, op1 = f1 phi in
let* phi, op2 = f2 phi in
let v = Var.mk_fresh () in
let+ phi = and_equal_binop v bop op1 op2 phi in
(phi, AbstractValueOperand v)
(** similarly as for literals; this is not used directly in tests so the name is a bit more
descriptive *)
let op_of_var x phi = Sat (phi, AbstractValueOperand x)
let of_binop bop f1 f2 phi =
let* phi, op1 = f1 phi in
let* phi, op2 = f2 phi in
let v = Var.mk_fresh () in
let+ phi = and_equal_binop v bop op1 op2 phi in
(phi, AbstractValueOperand v)
let ( + ) f1 f2 phi = of_binop (PlusA None) f1 f2 phi
let ( - ) f1 f2 phi = of_binop (MinusA None) f1 f2 phi
let ( + ) f1 f2 phi = of_binop (PlusA None) f1 f2 phi
let ( * ) f1 f2 phi = of_binop (Mult None) f1 f2 phi
let ( - ) f1 f2 phi = of_binop (MinusA None) f1 f2 phi
let ( / ) f1 f2 phi = of_binop Div f1 f2 phi
let ( * ) f1 f2 phi = of_binop (Mult None) f1 f2 phi
let ( & ) f1 f2 phi = of_binop BAnd f1 f2 phi
let ( / ) f1 f2 phi = of_binop Div f1 f2 phi
let ( mod ) f1 f2 phi = of_binop Mod f1 f2 phi
let ( = ) f1 f2 phi =
let* phi, op1 = f1 phi in
let* phi, op2 = f2 phi in
and_equal op1 op2 phi
let ( = ) f1 f2 phi =
let* phi, op1 = f1 phi in
let* phi, op2 = f2 phi in
and_equal op1 op2 phi
let ( < ) f1 f2 phi =
let* phi, op1 = f1 phi in
let* phi, op2 = f2 phi in
and_less_than op1 op2 phi
let ( < ) f1 f2 phi =
let* phi, op1 = f1 phi in
let* phi, op2 = f2 phi in
and_less_than op1 op2 phi
let ( && ) f1 f2 phi = f1 phi >>= f2
let ( && ) f1 f2 phi = f1 phi >>= f2
(* we remember a mapping [Var.t -> string] to print more readable results that mention the
user-defined variables by their readable names instead of [v123] *)
let var_names = Caml.Hashtbl.create 4
(* we remember a mapping [Var.t -> string] to print more readable results that mention the
user-defined variables by their readable names instead of [v123] *)
let var_names = Caml.Hashtbl.create 4
let mk_var name =
let v = AbstractValue.mk_fresh () in
Caml.Hashtbl.add var_names v name ;
let mk_var name =
let v = AbstractValue.mk_fresh () in
Caml.Hashtbl.add var_names v name ;
let x_var = mk_var "x"
let x_var = mk_var "x"
let x = op_of_var x_var
let x = op_of_var x_var
let y_var = mk_var "y"
let y_var = mk_var "y"
let y = op_of_var y_var
let y = op_of_var y_var
let z_var = mk_var "z"
let z_var = mk_var "z"
let z = op_of_var z_var
let z = op_of_var z_var
let w = op_of_var (mk_var "w")
let w_var = mk_var "w"
let v = op_of_var (mk_var "v")
let w = op_of_var w_var
(** reset to this state before each test so that variable id's remain stable when tests are
added in the future *)
let init_vars_state = AbstractValue.State.get ()
let v = op_of_var (mk_var "v")
let pp_var fmt v =
match Caml.Hashtbl.find_opt var_names v with
| Some name ->
F.pp_print_string fmt name
| None ->
AbstractValue.pp fmt v
(** reset to this state before each test so that variable id's remain stable when tests are added in
the future *)
let init_vars_state = AbstractValue.State.get ()
let pp_var fmt v =
match Caml.Hashtbl.find_opt var_names v with
| Some name ->
F.pp_print_string fmt name
| None ->
AbstractValue.pp fmt v
let normalized_pp fmt = function
| Unsat ->
F.pp_print_string fmt "unsat"
| Sat phi ->
pp_with_pp_var pp_var fmt phi
let normalized_pp fmt = function
| Unsat ->
F.pp_print_string fmt "unsat"
| Sat phi ->
pp_with_pp_var pp_var fmt phi
let test ~f phi =
AbstractValue.State.set init_vars_state ;
phi ttrue >>= f |> F.printf "%a" normalized_pp
let test ~f phi =
AbstractValue.State.set init_vars_state ;
phi ttrue >>= f |> F.printf "%a" normalized_pp
let normalize phi = test ~f:normalize phi
let simplify ~keep phi = test ~f:(simplify ~keep:(AbstractValue.Set.of_list keep)) phi
let normalize phi = test ~f:normalize phi
(** the actual tests *)
let simplify ~keep phi = test ~f:(simplify ~keep:(AbstractValue.Set.of_list keep)) phi
let%test_module "normalization" =
( module struct
let%expect_test _ =
normalize (x < y) ;
[%expect {|true (no var=var) && true (no linear) && {x < y}|}]
@ -194,7 +198,10 @@ let%test_module _ =
v8 = x + v6 +1 v9 = 0 v10 = 0
true (no atoms)|}]
end )
let%test_module "variable elimination" =
( module struct
let%expect_test _ =
simplify ~keep:[x_var] (x = i 0 && y = i 1 && z = i 2 && w = i 3) ;
[%expect {|true (no var=var) && x = 0 && true (no atoms)|}]
@ -226,3 +233,14 @@ let%test_module _ =
simplify ~keep:[x_var; y_var] (x = y + i 4 && x = w && y = z) ;
[%expect {|x=w=v6 y=z && x = y +4 && true (no atoms)|}]
end )
let%test_module "non-linear simplifications" =
( module struct
let%expect_test "zero propagation" =
simplify ~keep:[w_var] (((i 0 / (x * z)) & v) * v mod y = w) ;
[%expect {|w=v10 && true (no linear) && {w = v9 mod y}{v8 = 0&v}{v9 = v8×v}|}]
let%expect_test "constant propagation: bitshift" =
simplify ~keep:[x_var] (of_binop Shiftlt (of_binop Shiftrt (i 0b111) (i 2)) (i 2) = x) ;
[%expect {|x=v7 && true (no linear) && {x = v6<<2}{v6 = 7>>2}|}]
end )
