@ -964,63 +964,6 @@ let iter_rearrange_pe_dllseg_last tenv recurse_on_iters default_case_iter iter p
recurse_on_iters iter_subcases
(** find the type at the offset from the given type expression, if any *)
let type_at_offset tenv texp off =
let rec strip_offset (off : Predicates.offset list) (typ : Typ.t) =
match (off, typ.desc) with
| [], _ ->
Some typ
| Off_fld (f, _) :: off', Tstruct name -> (
match Tenv.lookup tenv name with
| Some {fields} -> (
match List.find ~f:(fun (f', _, _) -> Fieldname.equal f f') fields with
| Some (_, typ', _) ->
strip_offset off' typ'
| None ->
None )
| None ->
None )
| Off_index _ :: off', Tarray {elt= typ'} ->
strip_offset off' typ'
| _ ->
match texp with Exp.Sizeof {typ} -> strip_offset off typ | _ -> None
(** Check that the size of a type coming from an instruction does not exceed the size of the type
from the pointsto predicate For example, that a pointer to int is not used to assign to a char *)
let check_type_size {InterproceduralAnalysis.proc_desc; err_log; tenv} pname prop texp off
typ_from_instr =
L.d_strln ~color:Orange "check_type_size" ;
L.d_str "off: " ;
Predicates.d_offset_list off ;
L.d_ln () ;
L.d_str "typ_from_instr: " ;
Typ.d_full typ_from_instr ;
L.d_ln () ;
match type_at_offset tenv texp off with
| Some typ_of_object ->
L.d_str "typ_o: " ;
Typ.d_full typ_of_object ;
L.d_ln () ;
Prover.type_size_comparable typ_from_instr typ_of_object
&& not (Prover.check_type_size_leq typ_from_instr typ_of_object)
let deref_str = Localise.deref_str_pointer_size_mismatch typ_from_instr typ_of_object in
let loc = AnalysisState.get_loc_exn () in
let exn =
(Errdesc.explain_dereference pname tenv deref_str prop loc, __POS__)
BiabductionReporting.log_issue_deprecated_using_state proc_desc err_log exn
| None ->
L.d_str "texp: " ;
Exp.d_texp_full texp ;
L.d_ln ()
(** Exposes lexp |->- from iter. In case that it is not possible to * expose lexp |->-, this
function prints an error message and * faults. There are four things to note. First, typ is the
type of the * root of lexp. Second, prop should mean the same as iter. Third, the * result []
@ -1116,8 +1059,7 @@ let rec iter_rearrange analysis_data pname tenv lexp typ_from_instr prop iter in
[default_case_iter iter]
| Some iter -> (
match Prop.prop_iter_current tenv iter with
| Predicates.Hpointsto (_, _, texp), off ->
if Config.type_size then check_type_size analysis_data pname prop texp off typ_from_instr ;
| Predicates.Hpointsto (_, _, _), _ ->
iter_rearrange_ptsto analysis_data pname tenv prop iter lexp inst
| Predicates.Hlseg (Lseg_NE, para, e1, e2, elist), _ ->
iter_rearrange_ne_lseg tenv recurse_on_iters iter para e1 e2 elist