@ -29,15 +29,15 @@ let print_error_and_exit ?(exit_code=1) fmt =
terminate. The standard out and error are not redirected. If the command fails to execute,
print an error message and exit. *)
let create_process_and_wait ~prog ~args =
let pid =
Unix.create_process prog (Array.of_list (prog :: args)) Unix.stdin Unix.stdout Unix.stderr in
let _, status = Unix.waitpid [] pid in
let exit_code = match status with
| Unix.WEXITED i -> i
| _ -> 1 in
if exit_code <> 0 then
print_error_and_exit ~exit_code:exit_code
"Failed to execute: %s\n" (String.concat ~sep:" " (prog :: args))
let open! Core.Std in
Unix.fork_exec ~prog ~args:(prog :: args) ()
|> Unix.waitpid
|> function
| Ok () -> ()
| Error err as status ->
L.do_err "Executing: %s@\n%s@\n"
(String.concat ~sep:" " (prog :: args)) (Unix.Exit_or_signal.to_string_hum status) ;
exit (match err with `Exit_non_zero i -> i | `Signal _ -> 1)
(** Given a process id and a function that describes the command that the process id
represents, prints a message explaining the command and its status, if in debug or stats mode.