[typ] make use of pretty printers instead of strings

As per previous diff, attempt to allocate fewer strings. This doesn't
seem to affect perf although allocating less might reduce memory

Reviewed By: mityal

Differential Revision: D17423973

fbshipit-source-id: e2e37b071
Jules Villard 6 years ago committed by Facebook Github Bot
parent 088b083d87
commit c19d9254b4

@ -43,9 +43,9 @@ let pp pe f = function
| Cfun fn -> (
match pe.Pp.kind with
| HTML ->
F.fprintf f "_fun_%s" (Escape.escape_xml (Typ.Procname.to_string fn))
F.fprintf f "_fun_%s" (Escape.escape_xml (F.asprintf "%a" Typ.Procname.pp fn))
| _ ->
F.fprintf f "_fun_%s" (Typ.Procname.to_string fn) )
F.fprintf f "_fun_%a" Typ.Procname.pp fn )
| Cstr s ->
F.fprintf f "\"%s\"" (String.escaped s)
| Cfloat v ->

@ -170,7 +170,7 @@ let pp f
F.fprintf f "; objc_accessor= %a@," (Pp.option pp_objc_accessor_type) objc_accessor ;
(* always print ret type *)
F.fprintf f "; ret_type= %a @," (Typ.pp_full Pp.text) ret_type ;
F.fprintf f "; proc_id= %s }@]" (Typ.Procname.to_unique_id proc_name)
F.fprintf f "; proc_id= %a }@]" Typ.Procname.pp_unique_id proc_name
module SQLite = SqliteUtils.MarshalledDataNOTForComparison (struct

@ -745,18 +745,17 @@ let pp_objc_accessor fmt accessor =
let pp_signature fmt pdesc =
let attributes = get_attributes pdesc in
let pname = get_proc_name pdesc in
let pname_string = Typ.Procname.to_string pname in
let defined_string = match is_defined pdesc with true -> "defined" | false -> "undefined" in
Format.fprintf fmt "@[%s [%s, Return type: %s, %aFormals: %a, Locals: %a" pname_string
(Typ.to_string (get_ret_type pdesc))
pp_objc_accessor attributes.ProcAttributes.objc_accessor pp_variable_list (get_formals pdesc)
pp_locals_list (get_locals pdesc) ;
Format.fprintf fmt "@[%a [%s, Return type: %a, %aFormals: %a, Locals: %a" Typ.Procname.pp pname
defined_string (Typ.pp_full Pp.text) (get_ret_type pdesc) pp_objc_accessor
attributes.ProcAttributes.objc_accessor pp_variable_list (get_formals pdesc) pp_locals_list
(get_locals pdesc) ;
if not (List.is_empty (get_captured pdesc)) then
Format.fprintf fmt ", Captured: %a" pp_variable_list (get_captured pdesc) ;
let method_annotation = attributes.ProcAttributes.method_annotation in
if not (Annot.Method.is_empty method_annotation) then
Format.fprintf fmt ", Annotation: %a" (Annot.Method.pp pname_string) method_annotation ;
( if not (Annot.Method.is_empty method_annotation) then
let pname_string = Typ.Procname.to_string pname in
Format.fprintf fmt ", Annotation: %a" (Annot.Method.pp pname_string) method_annotation ) ;
Format.fprintf fmt "]@]@;"

@ -38,7 +38,8 @@ type t = {pv_hash: int; pv_name: Mangled.t; pv_kind: pvar_kind} [@@deriving comp
let get_name_of_local_with_procname var =
match var.pv_kind with
| Local_var pname ->
Mangled.from_string (Mangled.to_string var.pv_name ^ "_" ^ Typ.Procname.to_string pname)
(F.asprintf "%s_%a" (Mangled.to_string var.pv_name) Typ.Procname.pp pname)
| _ ->
@ -247,12 +248,14 @@ let mk_tmp name pname =
(** create an abduced return variable for a call to [proc_name] at [loc] *)
let mk_abduced_ret (proc_name : Typ.Procname.t) (loc : Location.t) : t =
let name = Mangled.from_string ("$RET_" ^ Typ.Procname.to_unique_id proc_name) in
let name = Mangled.from_string (F.asprintf "$RET_%a" Typ.Procname.pp_unique_id proc_name) in
{pv_hash= name_hash name; pv_name= name; pv_kind= Abduced_retvar (proc_name, loc)}
let mk_abduced_ref_param (proc_name : Typ.Procname.t) (index : int) (loc : Location.t) : t =
let name = Mangled.from_string ("$REF_PARAM_VAL_" ^ Typ.Procname.to_unique_id proc_name) in
let name =
Mangled.from_string (F.asprintf "$REF_PARAM_VAL_%a" Typ.Procname.pp_unique_id proc_name)
{pv_hash= name_hash name; pv_name= name; pv_kind= Abduced_ref_param (proc_name, index, loc)}

@ -586,7 +586,10 @@ being the name of the struct, [None] means the parameter is of some other type.
initializer, None otherwise. *)
val pp : Format.formatter -> t -> unit
(** Pretty print a proc name. *)
(** Pretty print a proc name for the user to see. *)
val to_string : t -> string
(** Convert a proc name into a string for the user to see. *)
val describe : Format.formatter -> t -> unit
(** to use in user messages *)
@ -597,17 +600,20 @@ being the name of the struct, [None] means the parameter is of some other type.
val is_method_in_objc_protocol : t -> bool
val to_string : t -> string
(** Convert a proc name to a string for the user to see. *)
val pp_simplified_string : ?withclass:bool -> F.formatter -> t -> unit
(** Pretty print a proc name as an easy string for the user to see in an IDE. *)
val to_simplified_string : ?withclass:bool -> t -> string
(** Convert a proc name into a easy string for the user to see in an IDE. *)
(** Convert a proc name into an easy string for the user to see in an IDE. *)
val from_string_c_fun : string -> t
(** Convert a string to a c function name. *)
val hashable_name : t -> string
(** Print the procedure name in a format suitable for computing the bug hash *)
(** Convert the procedure name in a format suitable for computing the bug hash. *)
val pp_unique_id : F.formatter -> t -> unit
(** Print a proc name as a unique identifier. *)
val to_unique_id : t -> string
(** Convert a proc name into a unique identifier. *)

@ -439,7 +439,9 @@ end = struct
| Pcall (_, pname, ExecSkipped (reason, loc_opt), _), Some curr_node ->
let curr_loc = Procdesc.Node.get_loc curr_node in
let descr =
Format.sprintf "Skipping %s: %s" (Typ.Procname.to_simplified_string pname) reason
Format.asprintf "Skipping %a: %s"
(Typ.Procname.pp_simplified_string ~withclass:false)
pname reason
let node_tags = [] in
trace := Errlog.make_trace_element level curr_loc descr node_tags :: !trace ;
@ -447,7 +449,9 @@ end = struct
~f:(fun loc ->
if Typ.Procname.is_java pname && not (SourceFile.is_invalid loc.Location.file) then
let definition_descr =
Format.sprintf "Definition of %s" (Typ.Procname.to_simplified_string pname)
Format.asprintf "Definition of %a"
(Typ.Procname.pp_simplified_string ~withclass:false)
trace := Errlog.make_trace_element (level + 1) loc definition_descr [] :: !trace )
@ -458,7 +462,11 @@ end = struct
() (* omit join nodes from error traces *)
| Procdesc.Node.Start_node ->
let pname = Procdesc.Node.get_proc_name curr_node in
let descr = "start of procedure " ^ Typ.Procname.to_simplified_string pname in
let descr =
F.asprintf "start of procedure %a"
(Typ.Procname.pp_simplified_string ~withclass:false)
let node_tags = [Errlog.Procedure_start pname] in
trace := Errlog.make_trace_element level curr_loc descr node_tags :: !trace
| Procdesc.Node.Prune_node (is_true_branch, if_kind, _) ->
@ -485,7 +493,7 @@ end = struct
trace := Errlog.make_trace_element level curr_loc descr node_tags :: !trace
| Procdesc.Node.Exit_node ->
let pname = Procdesc.Node.get_proc_name curr_node in
let descr = "return from a call to " ^ Typ.Procname.to_string pname in
let descr = F.asprintf "return from a call to %a" Typ.Procname.pp pname in
let node_tags = [Errlog.Procedure_end pname] in
trace := Errlog.make_trace_element level curr_loc descr node_tags :: !trace
| _ ->

@ -174,7 +174,7 @@ let pp_dotty fmt cycle =
(Typ.to_string obj.rc_from.rc_node_typ)
Typ.Fieldname.pp obj.rc_field.rc_field_name
| Block (name, _) ->
Format.pp_print_string fmt (Typ.Procname.to_unique_id name)
Typ.Procname.pp_unique_id fmt name
let pp_dotty_field fmt element =
match element with

@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ module SymbolPath = struct
BufferOverrunField.pp ~pp_lhs:(pp_partial_paren ~paren:true)
~pp_lhs_alone:(pp_partial_paren ~paren) ~sep:"." fmt p fn
| Callsite {cs} ->
F.fprintf fmt "%s" (Typ.Procname.to_simplified_string ~withclass:true (CallSite.pname cs))
Typ.Procname.pp_simplified_string ~withclass:true fmt (CallSite.pname cs)
| StarField {last_field; prefix} ->
BufferOverrunField.pp ~pp_lhs:(pp_star ~paren:true) ~pp_lhs_alone:(pp_star ~paren) ~sep:"."
fmt prefix last_field

@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
open! IStd
module F = Format
(** General utility functions such as functions on lists *)
@ -159,7 +160,8 @@ let mk_sil_var trans_unit_ctx named_decl_info decl_info_qual_type_opt procname o
if var_decl_info.Clang_ast_t.vdi_is_static_local then
(fun name_string _ ->
Mangled.from_string (Typ.Procname.to_string outer_procname ^ "." ^ name_string) )
Mangled.from_string (F.asprintf "%a.%s" Typ.Procname.pp outer_procname name_string)
else None
mk_sil_global_var trans_unit_ctx ?mk_name decl_info named_decl_info var_decl_info qt

@ -200,7 +200,6 @@ let create_local_procdesc ?(set_objc_accessor_attr = false) trans_unit_ctx cfg t
captured =
let defined = not (List.is_empty fbody) in
let proc_name = ms.CMethodSignature.name in
let pname = Typ.Procname.to_string proc_name in
let attributes = sil_func_attributes_of_attributes ms.CMethodSignature.attributes in
let clang_method_kind = ms.CMethodSignature.method_kind in
let is_cpp_nothrow = ms.CMethodSignature.is_cpp_nothrow in
@ -233,7 +232,8 @@ let create_local_procdesc ?(set_objc_accessor_attr = false) trans_unit_ctx cfg t
get_const_params_indices ~shift:(List.length captured_mangled) all_params
let source_range = ms.CMethodSignature.loc in
L.(debug Capture Verbose) "@\nCreating a new procdesc for function: '%s'@\n@." pname ;
L.(debug Capture Verbose)
"@\nCreating a new procdesc for function: '%a'@\n@." Typ.Procname.pp proc_name ;
L.(debug Capture Verbose) "@\nms = %a@\n@." CMethodSignature.pp ms ;
let loc_start =
CLocation.location_of_source_range trans_unit_ctx.CFrontend_config.source_file source_range

@ -142,9 +142,7 @@ let create_icfg source_file linereader program tenv icfg cn node =
JClasspath.set_callee_translated program proc_name ;
if JClasspath.is_model proc_name then
(* do not translate the method if there is a model for it *)
L.(debug Capture Verbose)
"Skipping method with a model: %s@."
(Typ.Procname.to_string proc_name)
L.debug Capture Verbose "Skipping method with a model: %a@." Typ.Procname.pp proc_name
(* each procedure has different scope: start names from id 0 *)

@ -114,9 +114,9 @@ let pp proc_name fmt annotated_signature =
Mangled.pp mangled
let {ret_annotation_deprecated; ret_nullsafe_type} = annotated_signature.ret in
F.fprintf fmt "%a%a %s (%a )" pp_ia ret_annotation_deprecated NullsafeType.pp ret_nullsafe_type
(Typ.Procname.to_simplified_string proc_name)
(Pp.comma_seq pp_annotated_param) annotated_signature.params
F.fprintf fmt "%a%a %a (%a )" pp_ia ret_annotation_deprecated NullsafeType.pp ret_nullsafe_type
(Typ.Procname.pp_simplified_string ~withclass:false)
proc_name (Pp.comma_seq pp_annotated_param) annotated_signature.params
let mk_ann_str s = {Annot.class_name= s; parameters= []}
@ -154,9 +154,8 @@ let set_modelled_nullability proc_name asig (nullability_for_ret, params_nullabi
let final_params =
let fail () =
L.die InternalError
"Annotation for procedure %s has wrong number of arguments.@\n Annotated signature: %a"
(Typ.Procname.to_unique_id proc_name)
(pp proc_name) asig
"Annotation for procedure %a has wrong number of arguments.@\n Annotated signature: %a"
Typ.Procname.pp_unique_id proc_name (pp proc_name) asig
let rec model_param_nullability original_params params_nullability =
match (original_params, params_nullability) with
