[IR] Put the procnames for c functions and blocks in designated modules

Reviewed By: mbouaziz

Differential Revision: D8331890

fbshipit-source-id: 87d9dde
Dulma Churchill 7 years ago committed by Facebook Github Bot
parent 18b3a465d2
commit c1cd2f44cf

@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ and non_empty
type typ = Typ.t
type c = Typ.Procname.c
type c = Typ.Procname.C.t
type objc_cpp = Typ.Procname.ObjC_Cpp.t

@ -261,7 +261,7 @@ let get_initializer_pname {pv_name; pv_kind} =
| Some file ->
let mangled = SourceFile.to_string file |> Utils.string_crc_hex32 in
(Typ.Procname.c (QualifiedCppName.of_qual_string name) mangled [] Typ.NoTemplate)
(Typ.Procname.C.c (QualifiedCppName.of_qual_string name) mangled [] Typ.NoTemplate)
|> Option.return
| None ->

@ -841,67 +841,76 @@ being the name of the struct, [None] means the parameter is of some other type.
^ Parameter.parameters_to_string osig.parameters ^ m_str
(** Type of c procedure names. *)
type c =
{ name: QualifiedCppName.t
; mangled: string option
; parameters: Parameter.t list
; template_args: template_spec_info }
[@@deriving compare]
module C = struct
(** Type of c procedure names. *)
type t =
{ name: QualifiedCppName.t
; mangled: string option
; parameters: Parameter.t list
; template_args: template_spec_info }
[@@deriving compare]
(** Type of Objective C block names. *)
type block_name = string [@@deriving compare]
let c name mangled parameters template_args =
{name; mangled= Some mangled; parameters; template_args}
let from_string name =
{ name= QualifiedCppName.of_qual_string name
; mangled= None
; parameters= []
; template_args= NoTemplate }
(** to_string for C_function type *)
let to_string {name; mangled; parameters} verbose =
let plain = QualifiedCppName.to_qual_string name in
match verbose with
| Simple ->
plain ^ "()"
| Non_verbose ->
| Verbose ->
match mangled with
| None ->
plain ^ Parameter.parameters_to_string parameters
| Some s ->
plain ^ Parameter.parameters_to_string parameters ^ "{" ^ s ^ "}"
module Block = struct
(** Type of Objective C block names. *)
type block_name = string [@@deriving compare]
type t = {name: block_name; parameters: Parameter.t list} [@@deriving compare]
let make name parameters = {name; parameters}
let to_string bsig detail_level =
match detail_level with
| Simple ->
| Non_verbose ->
| Verbose ->
bsig.name ^ Parameter.parameters_to_string bsig.parameters
(** Type of procedure names. *)
type t =
| Java of Java.t
| C of c
| C of C.t
| Linters_dummy_method
| Block of block_name * Parameter.t list
| Block of Block.t
| ObjC_Cpp of ObjC_Cpp.t
| WithBlockParameters of t * block_name list
| WithBlockParameters of t * Block.block_name list
[@@deriving compare]
let equal = [%compare.equal : t]
let hash = Hashtbl.hash
let block_name_of_procname procname =
match procname with
| Block (block_name, _) ->
| _ ->
Logging.die InternalError "Only to be called with Objective-C block names"
let empty_block = Block ("", [])
let c name mangled parameters template_args =
{name; mangled= Some mangled; parameters; template_args}
let from_string_c_fun (name: string) =
{ name= QualifiedCppName.of_qual_string name
; mangled= None
; parameters= []
; template_args= NoTemplate }
let with_block_parameters base blocks = WithBlockParameters (base, blocks)
let mangled_objc_block name parameters = Block (name, parameters)
let objc_block_to_string (name, parameters) detail_level =
match detail_level with
| Simple ->
| Non_verbose ->
| Verbose ->
name ^ Parameter.parameters_to_string parameters
let is_java = function Java _ -> true | _ -> false
(* TODO: deprecate this unfortunately named function and use is_clang instead *)
@ -916,6 +925,16 @@ being the name of the struct, [None] means the parameter is of some other type.
is_c_function name
let block_name_of_procname procname =
match procname with
| Block block ->
| _ ->
Logging.die InternalError "Only to be called with Objective-C block names"
let empty_block = Block {name= ""; parameters= []}
(** Replace the class name component of a procedure name.
In case of Java, replace package and class name. *)
let rec replace_class t (new_class: Name.t) =
@ -952,7 +971,7 @@ being the name of the struct, [None] means the parameter is of some other type.
get_method base
| C {name} ->
QualifiedCppName.to_qual_string name
| Block (name, _) ->
| Block {name} ->
| Java j ->
@ -1013,22 +1032,6 @@ being the name of the struct, [None] means the parameter is of some other type.
(** to_string for C_function type *)
let c_function_to_string {name; mangled; parameters} verbose =
let plain = QualifiedCppName.to_qual_string name in
match verbose with
| Simple ->
plain ^ "()"
| Non_verbose ->
| Verbose ->
match mangled with
| None ->
plain ^ Parameter.parameters_to_string parameters
| Some s ->
plain ^ Parameter.parameters_to_string parameters ^ "{" ^ s ^ "}"
let with_blocks_parameters_to_string base blocks to_string_f =
let base_id = to_string_f base in
String.concat ~sep:"_" (base_id :: blocks)
@ -1040,11 +1043,11 @@ being the name of the struct, [None] means the parameter is of some other type.
| Java j ->
Java.to_string j Verbose
| C osig ->
c_function_to_string osig Verbose
C.to_string osig Verbose
| ObjC_Cpp osig ->
ObjC_Cpp.to_string osig Verbose
| Block (name, parameters) ->
objc_block_to_string (name, parameters) Verbose
| Block bsig ->
Block.to_string bsig Verbose
| WithBlockParameters (base, blocks) ->
with_blocks_parameters_to_string base blocks to_unique_id
| Linters_dummy_method ->
@ -1057,11 +1060,11 @@ being the name of the struct, [None] means the parameter is of some other type.
| Java j ->
Java.to_string j Non_verbose
| C osig ->
c_function_to_string osig Non_verbose
C.to_string osig Non_verbose
| ObjC_Cpp osig ->
ObjC_Cpp.to_string osig Non_verbose
| Block (name, parameters) ->
objc_block_to_string (name, parameters) Non_verbose
| Block bsig ->
Block.to_string bsig Non_verbose
| WithBlockParameters (base, blocks) ->
with_blocks_parameters_to_string base blocks to_string
| Linters_dummy_method ->
@ -1074,17 +1077,19 @@ being the name of the struct, [None] means the parameter is of some other type.
| Java j ->
Java.to_string ~withclass j Simple
| C osig ->
c_function_to_string osig Simple
C.to_string osig Simple
| ObjC_Cpp osig ->
ObjC_Cpp.to_string osig Simple
| Block (name, parameters) ->
objc_block_to_string (name, parameters) Simple
| Block bsig ->
Block.to_string bsig Simple
| WithBlockParameters (base, _) ->
to_simplified_string base
| Linters_dummy_method ->
to_unique_id p
let from_string_c_fun func = C (C.from_string func)
let hashable_name p =
match p with
| Java pname ->

@ -425,15 +425,26 @@ module Procname : sig
(** Return true if the procname is operator= *)
(** Type of c procedure names. *)
type c = private
{ name: QualifiedCppName.t
; mangled: string option
; parameters: Parameter.t list
; template_args: template_spec_info }
module C : sig
(** Type of c procedure names. *)
type t = private
{ name: QualifiedCppName.t
; mangled: string option
; parameters: Parameter.t list
; template_args: template_spec_info }
val c : QualifiedCppName.t -> string -> Parameter.t list -> template_spec_info -> t
(** Create a C procedure name from plain and mangled name. *)
module Block : sig
(** Type of Objective C block names. *)
type block_name = string
type t = {name: block_name; parameters: Parameter.t list} [@@deriving compare]
(** Type of Objective C block names. *)
type block_name
val make : block_name -> Parameter.t list -> t
(** Type of procedure names.
WithBlockParameters is used for creating an instantiation of a method that contains block parameters
@ -443,14 +454,14 @@ module Procname : sig
where foo_my_block is created with WithBlockParameters (foo, [my_block]) *)
type t =
| Java of Java.t
| C of c
| C of C.t
| Linters_dummy_method
| Block of block_name * Parameter.t list
| Block of Block.t
| ObjC_Cpp of ObjC_Cpp.t
| WithBlockParameters of t * block_name list
| WithBlockParameters of t * Block.block_name list
[@@deriving compare]
val block_name_of_procname : t -> block_name
val block_name_of_procname : t -> Block.block_name
val equal : t -> t -> bool
@ -473,15 +484,9 @@ module Procname : sig
module SQLiteList : SqliteUtils.Data with type t = t list
val c : QualifiedCppName.t -> string -> Parameter.t list -> template_spec_info -> c
(** Create a C procedure name from plain and mangled name. *)
val empty_block : t
(** Empty block name. *)
val from_string_c_fun : string -> t
(** Convert a string to a proc name. *)
val get_language : t -> Language.t
(** Return the language of the procedure. *)
@ -506,10 +511,7 @@ module Procname : sig
val is_java : t -> bool
(** Check if this is a Java procedure name. *)
val mangled_objc_block : string -> Parameter.t list -> t
(** Create an objc block name. *)
val with_block_parameters : t -> block_name list -> t
val with_block_parameters : t -> Block.block_name list -> t
(** Create a procedure name instantiated with block parameters from a base procedure name
and a list of block procedure names (the arguments). *)
@ -537,6 +539,9 @@ module Procname : sig
val to_simplified_string : ?withclass:bool -> t -> string
(** Convert a proc name into a easy string for the user to see in an IDE. *)
val from_string_c_fun : string -> t
(** Convert a string to a c function name. *)
val hashable_name : t -> string
(** Print the procedure name in a format suitable for computing the bug hash *)

@ -547,7 +547,7 @@ and mk_c_function ?tenv name function_decl_info_opt parameters =
let mangled = file ^ mangled_name in
if String.is_empty mangled then
Typ.Procname.from_string_c_fun (QualifiedCppName.to_qual_string name)
else Typ.Procname.C (Typ.Procname.c name mangled parameters template_info)
else Typ.Procname.C (Typ.Procname.C.c name mangled parameters template_info)
and mk_cpp_method ?tenv class_name method_name ?meth_decl mangled parameters =
@ -600,7 +600,7 @@ and objc_block_procname outer_proc_opt parameters =
Config.anonymous_block_num_sep i
let name = block_procname_with_index (CFrontend_config.get_fresh_block_index ()) in
Typ.Procname.mangled_objc_block name parameters
Typ.Procname.Block (Typ.Procname.Block.make name parameters)
and procname_from_decl ?tenv ?block_return_type ?outer_proc meth_decl =
