@ -39,9 +39,6 @@ type inst =
| Move of {reg_exps: (Reg.t * Exp.t) iarray; loc: Loc.t}
| Load of {reg: Reg.t; ptr: Exp.t; len: Exp.t; loc: Loc.t}
| Store of {ptr: Exp.t; exp: Exp.t; len: Exp.t; loc: Loc.t}
| Memset of {dst: Exp.t; byt: Exp.t; len: Exp.t; loc: Loc.t}
| Memcpy of {dst: Exp.t; src: Exp.t; len: Exp.t; loc: Loc.t}
| Memmov of {dst: Exp.t; src: Exp.t; len: Exp.t; loc: Loc.t}
| Alloc of {reg: Reg.t; num: Exp.t; len: int; loc: Loc.t}
| Free of {ptr: Exp.t; loc: Loc.t}
| Nondet of {reg: Reg.t option; msg: string; loc: Loc.t}
@ -260,15 +257,6 @@ let pp_inst fs inst =
| Store {ptr; exp; len; loc} ->
pf "@[<2>store %a@ %a@ %a;@]\t%a" Exp.pp len Exp.pp ptr Exp.pp exp
Loc.pp loc
| Memset {dst; byt; len; loc} ->
pf "@[<2>memset %a %a %a;@]\t%a" Exp.pp len Exp.pp dst Exp.pp byt
Loc.pp loc
| Memcpy {dst; src; len; loc} ->
pf "@[<2>memcpy %a %a %a;@]\t%a" Exp.pp len Exp.pp dst Exp.pp src
Loc.pp loc
| Memmov {dst; src; len; loc} ->
pf "@[<2>memmov %a %a %a;@]\t%a" Exp.pp len Exp.pp dst Exp.pp src
Loc.pp loc
| Alloc {reg; num; len; loc} ->
pf "@[<2>%a@ := alloc [%a x %i];@]\t%a" Reg.pp reg Exp.pp num len
Loc.pp loc
@ -369,9 +357,6 @@ module Inst = struct
let move ~reg_exps ~loc = Move {reg_exps; loc}
let load ~reg ~ptr ~len ~loc = Load {reg; ptr; len; loc}
let store ~ptr ~exp ~len ~loc = Store {ptr; exp; len; loc}
let memset ~dst ~byt ~len ~loc = Memset {dst; byt; len; loc}
let memcpy ~dst ~src ~len ~loc = Memcpy {dst; src; len; loc}
let memmov ~dst ~src ~len ~loc = Memmov {dst; src; len; loc}
let alloc ~reg ~num ~len ~loc = Alloc {reg; num; len; loc}
let free ~ptr ~loc = Free {ptr; loc}
let nondet ~reg ~msg ~loc = Nondet {reg; msg; loc}
@ -382,9 +367,6 @@ module Inst = struct
| Move {loc; _}
|Load {loc; _}
|Store {loc; _}
|Memset {loc; _}
|Memcpy {loc; _}
|Memmov {loc; _}
|Alloc {loc; _}
|Free {loc; _}
|Nondet {loc; _}
@ -401,7 +383,7 @@ module Inst = struct
|Nondet {reg= Some reg; _}
|Intrinsic {reg= Some reg; _} ->
Reg.Set.add reg vs
| Store _ | Memcpy _ | Memmov _ | Memset _ | Free _
| Store _ | Free _
|Nondet {reg= None; _}
|Abort _
|Intrinsic {reg= None; _} ->
@ -415,9 +397,6 @@ module Inst = struct
IArray.fold ~f:(fun (_reg, exp) -> f exp) reg_exps s
| Load {reg= _; ptr; len; loc= _} -> f len (f ptr s)
| Store {ptr; exp; len; loc= _} -> f len (f exp (f ptr s))
| Memset {dst; byt; len; loc= _} -> f len (f byt (f dst s))
| Memcpy {dst; src; len; loc= _} | Memmov {dst; src; len; loc= _} ->
f len (f src (f dst s))
| Alloc {reg= _; num; len= _; loc= _} -> f num s
| Free {ptr; loc= _} -> f ptr s
| Nondet {reg= _; msg= _; loc= _} -> s