[taskbar] migrate compilation db jobs from `Parmap` to `Tasks`

Summary: This integration rolls out its own parallelisation using `Parmap` and its own error handling. Make it use `Tasks` instead.

Reviewed By: mbouaziz

Differential Revision: D8807109

fbshipit-source-id: ac09b3791
Jules Villard 7 years ago committed by Facebook Github Bot
parent 4b69087ad5
commit c53f35fcf2

@ -203,8 +203,6 @@ let lint_dotty_dir_name = "lint_dotty"
let lint_issues_dir_name = "lint_issues"
let linters_failed_sentinel_filename = "linters_failed_sentinel"
let manual_buck_compilation_db = "BUCK COMPILATION DATABASE OPTIONS"
let manual_buck_flavors = "BUCK FLAVORS OPTIONS"

@ -122,8 +122,6 @@ val lint_dotty_dir_name : string
val lint_issues_dir_name : string
val linters_failed_sentinel_filename : string
val load_average : float option
val max_widens : int

@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ open! IStd
module F = Format
module L = Logging
let create_cmd (compilation_data: CompilationDatabase.compilation_data) =
let create_cmd (source_file, (compilation_data: CompilationDatabase.compilation_data)) =
let swap_executable cmd =
if String.is_suffix ~suffix:"++" cmd then Config.wrappers_dir ^/ "clang++"
else Config.wrappers_dir ^/ "clang"
@ -18,42 +18,33 @@ let create_cmd (compilation_data: CompilationDatabase.compilation_data) =
ClangQuotes.mk_arg_file "cdb_clang_args" ClangQuotes.EscapedNoQuotes
{ CompilationDatabase.directory= compilation_data.directory
; executable= swap_executable compilation_data.executable
; escaped_arguments= ["@" ^ arg_file; "-fsyntax-only"] }
(* A sentinel is a file which indicates that a failure occurred in another infer process.
Because infer processes run in parallel but do not share any memory, we use the
filesystem to signal failures across processes. *)
let sentinel_exists sentinel_opt =
let file_exists sentinel = PolyVariantEqual.( = ) (Sys.file_exists sentinel) `Yes in
Option.value_map ~default:false sentinel_opt ~f:file_exists
let invoke_cmd ~fail_sentinel (cmd: CompilationDatabase.compilation_data) =
let create_sentinel_if_needed () =
let create_empty_file fname = Utils.with_file_out ~f:(fun _ -> ()) fname in
Option.iter fail_sentinel ~f:create_empty_file
if sentinel_exists fail_sentinel then L.progress "E%!"
let pid =
let open Spawn in
spawn ~cwd:(Path cmd.directory) ~prog:cmd.executable
~argv:(cmd.executable :: cmd.escaped_arguments) ()
match Unix.waitpid (Pid.of_int pid) with
| Ok () ->
L.progress ".%!"
| Error _ ->
L.progress "!%!" ; create_sentinel_if_needed ()
with exn ->
let trace = Printexc.get_backtrace () in
L.external_error "@\nException caught:@\n%a.@\n%s@\n" Exn.pp exn trace ;
L.progress "X%!" ;
create_sentinel_if_needed ()
( source_file
, { CompilationDatabase.directory= compilation_data.directory
; executable= swap_executable compilation_data.executable
; escaped_arguments= ["@" ^ arg_file; "-fsyntax-only"] } )
let invoke_cmd (source_file, (cmd: CompilationDatabase.compilation_data)) =
let argv = cmd.executable :: cmd.escaped_arguments in
( match Spawn.spawn ~cwd:(Path cmd.directory) ~prog:cmd.executable ~argv () with
| pid ->
!ProcessPoolState.update_status (Mtime_clock.now ()) (SourceFile.to_string source_file) ;
Unix.waitpid (Pid.of_int pid)
|> Result.map_error ~f:(fun unix_error ->
Unix.Exit_or_signal.to_string_hum (Error unix_error) )
| exception Unix.Unix_error (err, f, arg) ->
Error (F.asprintf "%s(%s): %s@." f arg (Unix.Error.message err)) )
|> function
| Ok () ->
| Error error ->
let log_or_die fmt =
if Config.linters_ignore_clang_failures || Config.keep_going then
L.debug Capture Quiet fmt
else L.die ExternalError fmt
log_or_die "Error running compilation for '%a': %a:@\n%s@." SourceFile.pp source_file
Pp.cli_args argv error
let run_compilation_database compilation_database should_capture_file =
@ -64,23 +55,11 @@ let run_compilation_database compilation_database should_capture_file =
L.(debug Capture Quiet)
"Starting %s %d files@\n%!" Config.clang_frontend_action_string number_of_jobs ;
L.progress "Starting %s %d files@\n%!" Config.clang_frontend_action_string number_of_jobs ;
let sequence = Parmap.L (List.map ~f:create_cmd compilation_data) in
let fail_sentinel_fname = Config.results_dir ^/ Config.linters_failed_sentinel_filename in
(* fail_sentinel = Some file means we will fail by compilation failures, None means we won't *)
let fail_sentinel =
if Config.linters_ignore_clang_failures || Config.keep_going then None
else Some fail_sentinel_fname
Utils.rmtree fail_sentinel_fname ;
let chunksize = min ((List.length compilation_data / Config.jobs) + 1) 10 in
Parmap.pariter ~ncores:Config.jobs ~chunksize (invoke_cmd ~fail_sentinel) sequence ;
let compilation_commands = List.map ~f:create_cmd compilation_data in
let runner = Tasks.Runner.create ~jobs:Config.jobs ~f:invoke_cmd in
Tasks.Runner.run runner ~tasks:compilation_commands ;
L.progress "@." ;
L.(debug Analysis Medium) "Ran %d jobs" number_of_jobs ;
if sentinel_exists fail_sentinel then (
"Failure detected, capture did not finish successfully. Use `--keep-going` to ignore \
compilation errors. Terminating@." ;
L.exit 1 )
L.(debug Analysis Medium) "Ran %d jobs" number_of_jobs
(** Computes the compilation database files. *)

@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ let empty () = ref SourceFile.Map.empty
let get_size database = SourceFile.Map.cardinal !database
let filter_compilation_data database ~f =
SourceFile.Map.filter (fun s _ -> f s) !database |> SourceFile.Map.bindings |> List.map ~f:snd
SourceFile.Map.filter (fun s _ -> f s) !database |> SourceFile.Map.bindings
let parse_command_and_arguments command_and_arguments =

@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ type compilation_data =
entry. *)
val filter_compilation_data : t -> f:(SourceFile.t -> bool) -> compilation_data list
val filter_compilation_data :
t -> f:(SourceFile.t -> bool) -> (SourceFile.t * compilation_data) list
val from_json_files : [< `Escaped of string | `Raw of string] list -> t
