@ -9,37 +9,42 @@
open! IStd
module L = Logging
(** add instructions to perform abstraction *)
let add_abstraction_instructions pdesc =
let open Procdesc in
(* true if there is a succ node s.t.: it is an exit node, or the succ of >1 nodes *)
let converging_node node =
let is_exit node = match Node.get_kind node with Node.Exit_node -> true | _ -> false in
let succ_nodes = Node.get_succs node in
if List.exists ~f:is_exit succ_nodes then true
match succ_nodes with [] -> false | [h] -> List.length (Node.get_preds h) > 1 | _ -> false
let node_requires_abstraction node =
match Node.get_kind node with
| Node.Start_node | Node.Join_node ->
| Node.Exit_node | Node.Stmt_node _ | Node.Prune_node _ | Node.Skip_node _ ->
converging_node node
let do_node node =
let loc = Node.get_last_loc node in
if node_requires_abstraction node then Node.append_instrs node [Sil.Metadata (Abstract loc)]
Procdesc.iter_nodes do_node pdesc
module BackwardCfg = ProcCfg.Backward (ProcCfg.Exceptional)
module LivenessAnalysis =
AbstractInterpreter.MakeRPO (Liveness.PreAnalysisTransferFunctions (BackwardCfg))
module VarDomain = Liveness.Domain
(** computes the non-nullified reaching definitions at the end of each node by building on the
(** add Abstract instructions into the IR to give hints about when abstraction should be
performed *)
module AddAbstractionInstructions = struct
let process pdesc =
let open Procdesc in
(* true if there is a succ node s.t.: it is an exit node, or the succ of >1 nodes *)
let converging_node node =
let is_exit node = match Node.get_kind node with Node.Exit_node -> true | _ -> false in
let succ_nodes = Node.get_succs node in
if List.exists ~f:is_exit succ_nodes then true
match succ_nodes with [] -> false | [h] -> List.length (Node.get_preds h) > 1 | _ -> false
let node_requires_abstraction node =
match Node.get_kind node with
| Node.Start_node | Node.Join_node ->
| Node.Exit_node | Node.Stmt_node _ | Node.Prune_node _ | Node.Skip_node _ ->
converging_node node
let do_node node =
let loc = Node.get_last_loc node in
if node_requires_abstraction node then Node.append_instrs node [Sil.Metadata (Abstract loc)]
Procdesc.iter_nodes do_node pdesc
(** perform liveness analysis and insert Nullify/Remove_temps instructions into the IR to make it
easy for analyses to do abstract garbage collection *)
module Liveness = struct
module BackwardCfg = ProcCfg.Backward (ProcCfg.Exceptional)
module LivenessAnalysis =
AbstractInterpreter.MakeRPO (Liveness.PreAnalysisTransferFunctions (BackwardCfg))
module VarDomain = Liveness.Domain
(** computes the non-nullified reaching definitions at the end of each node by building on the
results of a liveness analysis to be precise, what we want to compute is:
to_nullify := (live_before U non_nullifed_reaching_defs) - live_after
@ -50,169 +55,167 @@ module VarDomain = Liveness.Domain
after the fact, nor can it be done with liveness alone. We will insert nullify instructions for
each pvar in to_nullify afer we finish the analysis. Nullify instructions speed up the analysis
by enabling it to GC state that will no longer be read. *)
module NullifyTransferFunctions = struct
module Domain = AbstractDomain.Pair (VarDomain) (VarDomain)
(** (reaching non-nullified vars) * (vars to nullify) *)
module CFG = ProcCfg.Exceptional
type extras = LivenessAnalysis.invariant_map
let postprocess ((reaching_defs, _) as astate) node {ProcData.extras} =
let node_id = Procdesc.Node.get_id (CFG.Node.underlying_node node) in
match LivenessAnalysis.extract_state node_id extras with
(* note: because the analysis is backward, post and pre are reversed *)
| Some {AbstractInterpreter.State.post= live_before; pre= live_after} ->
let to_nullify = VarDomain.diff (VarDomain.union live_before reaching_defs) live_after in
let reaching_defs' = VarDomain.diff reaching_defs to_nullify in
(reaching_defs', to_nullify)
| None ->
let cache_node = ref (Procdesc.Node.dummy Typ.Procname.Linters_dummy_method)
module NullifyTransferFunctions = struct
module Domain = AbstractDomain.Pair (VarDomain) (VarDomain)
(** (reaching non-nullified vars) * (vars to nullify) *)
module CFG = ProcCfg.Exceptional
type extras = LivenessAnalysis.invariant_map
let postprocess ((reaching_defs, _) as astate) node {ProcData.extras} =
let node_id = Procdesc.Node.get_id (CFG.Node.underlying_node node) in
match LivenessAnalysis.extract_state node_id extras with
(* note: because the analysis is backward, post and pre are reversed *)
| Some {AbstractInterpreter.State.post= live_before; pre= live_after} ->
let to_nullify = VarDomain.diff (VarDomain.union live_before reaching_defs) live_after in
let reaching_defs' = VarDomain.diff reaching_defs to_nullify in
(reaching_defs', to_nullify)
| None ->
let cache_instr = ref Sil.skip_instr
let last_instr_in_node node =
let get_last_instr () =
CFG.instrs node |> Instrs.last |> Option.value ~default:Sil.skip_instr
let cache_node = ref (Procdesc.Node.dummy Typ.Procname.Linters_dummy_method)
let cache_instr = ref Sil.skip_instr
let last_instr_in_node node =
let get_last_instr () =
CFG.instrs node |> Instrs.last |> Option.value ~default:Sil.skip_instr
if phys_equal node !cache_node then !cache_instr
let last_instr = get_last_instr () in
cache_node := node ;
cache_instr := last_instr ;
let is_last_instr_in_node instr node = phys_equal (last_instr_in_node node) instr
let exec_instr ((active_defs, to_nullify) as astate) extras node instr =
let astate' =
match instr with
| Sil.Load {id= lhs_id} ->
(VarDomain.add (Var.of_id lhs_id) active_defs, to_nullify)
| Sil.Call ((id, _), _, actuals, _, {CallFlags.cf_assign_last_arg}) ->
let active_defs = VarDomain.add (Var.of_id id) active_defs in
let active_defs =
if cf_assign_last_arg then
match IList.split_last_rev actuals with
| Some ((Exp.Lvar pvar, _), _) ->
VarDomain.add (Var.of_pvar pvar) active_defs
| _ ->
else active_defs
(active_defs, to_nullify)
| Sil.Store {e1= Exp.Lvar lhs_pvar} ->
(VarDomain.add (Var.of_pvar lhs_pvar) active_defs, to_nullify)
| Sil.Metadata (VariableLifetimeBegins (pvar, _, _)) ->
(VarDomain.add (Var.of_pvar pvar) active_defs, to_nullify)
| Sil.Store _ | Prune _ | Metadata (Abstract _ | ExitScope _ | Skip) ->
| Sil.Metadata (Nullify _) ->
L.(die InternalError)
"Should not add nullify instructions before running nullify analysis!"
if is_last_instr_in_node instr node then postprocess astate' node extras else astate'
let pp_session_name _node fmt = Format.pp_print_string fmt "nullify"
module NullifyAnalysis = AbstractInterpreter.MakeRPO (NullifyTransferFunctions)
let add_nullify_instrs summary tenv liveness_inv_map =
let address_taken_vars =
if Typ.Procname.is_java (Summary.get_proc_name summary) then AddressTaken.Domain.empty
(* can't take the address of a variable in Java *)
let initial = AddressTaken.Domain.empty in
match AddressTaken.Analyzer.compute_post (ProcData.make_default summary tenv) ~initial with
| Some post ->
| None ->
if phys_equal node !cache_node then !cache_instr
let last_instr = get_last_instr () in
cache_node := node ;
cache_instr := last_instr ;
let is_last_instr_in_node instr node = phys_equal (last_instr_in_node node) instr
let exec_instr ((active_defs, to_nullify) as astate) extras node instr =
let astate' =
match instr with
| Sil.Load {id= lhs_id} ->
(VarDomain.add (Var.of_id lhs_id) active_defs, to_nullify)
| Sil.Call ((id, _), _, actuals, _, {CallFlags.cf_assign_last_arg}) ->
let active_defs = VarDomain.add (Var.of_id id) active_defs in
let active_defs =
if cf_assign_last_arg then
match IList.split_last_rev actuals with
| Some ((Exp.Lvar pvar, _), _) ->
VarDomain.add (Var.of_pvar pvar) active_defs
| _ ->
else active_defs
(active_defs, to_nullify)
| Sil.Store {e1= Exp.Lvar lhs_pvar} ->
(VarDomain.add (Var.of_pvar lhs_pvar) active_defs, to_nullify)
| Sil.Metadata (VariableLifetimeBegins (pvar, _, _)) ->
(VarDomain.add (Var.of_pvar pvar) active_defs, to_nullify)
| Sil.Store _ | Prune _ | Metadata (Abstract _ | ExitScope _ | Skip) ->
| Sil.Metadata (Nullify _) ->
L.(die InternalError)
"Should not add nullify instructions before running nullify analysis!"
let nullify_proc_cfg = ProcCfg.Exceptional.from_pdesc (Summary.get_proc_desc summary) in
let nullify_proc_data = ProcData.make summary tenv liveness_inv_map in
let initial = (VarDomain.empty, VarDomain.empty) in
let nullify_inv_map = NullifyAnalysis.exec_cfg nullify_proc_cfg nullify_proc_data ~initial in
(* only nullify pvars that are local; don't nullify those that can escape *)
let is_local pvar = not (Pvar.is_return pvar || Pvar.is_global pvar) in
let prepend_node_nullify_instructions loc pvars instrs =
List.fold pvars ~init:instrs ~f:(fun instrs pvar ->
if is_local pvar then Sil.Metadata (Nullify (pvar, loc)) :: instrs else instrs )
if is_last_instr_in_node instr node then postprocess astate' node extras else astate'
let pp_session_name _node fmt = Format.pp_print_string fmt "nullify"
module NullifyAnalysis = AbstractInterpreter.MakeRPO (NullifyTransferFunctions)
let add_nullify_instrs summary tenv liveness_inv_map =
let address_taken_vars =
if Typ.Procname.is_java (Summary.get_proc_name summary) then AddressTaken.Domain.empty
(* can't take the address of a variable in Java *)
let initial = AddressTaken.Domain.empty in
match AddressTaken.Analyzer.compute_post (ProcData.make_default summary tenv) ~initial with
| Some post ->
| None ->
let nullify_proc_cfg = ProcCfg.Exceptional.from_pdesc (Summary.get_proc_desc summary) in
let nullify_proc_data = ProcData.make summary tenv liveness_inv_map in
let initial = (VarDomain.empty, VarDomain.empty) in
let nullify_inv_map = NullifyAnalysis.exec_cfg nullify_proc_cfg nullify_proc_data ~initial in
(* only nullify pvars that are local; don't nullify those that can escape *)
let is_local pvar = not (Pvar.is_return pvar || Pvar.is_global pvar) in
let prepend_node_nullify_instructions loc pvars instrs =
List.fold pvars ~init:instrs ~f:(fun instrs pvar ->
if is_local pvar then Sil.Metadata (Nullify (pvar, loc)) :: instrs else instrs )
let node_deadvars_instruction loc vars =
let local_vars =
List.rev_filter vars ~f:(function
| Var.ProgramVar pvar ->
is_local pvar
| Var.LogicalVar _ ->
true )
let node_deadvars_instruction loc vars =
let local_vars =
List.rev_filter vars ~f:(function
| Var.ProgramVar pvar ->
is_local pvar
| Var.LogicalVar _ ->
true )
if List.is_empty local_vars then None else Some (Sil.Metadata (ExitScope (local_vars, loc)))
if List.is_empty local_vars then None else Some (Sil.Metadata (ExitScope (local_vars, loc)))
Container.iter nullify_proc_cfg ~fold:ProcCfg.Exceptional.fold_nodes ~f:(fun node ->
match NullifyAnalysis.extract_post (ProcCfg.Exceptional.Node.id node) nullify_inv_map with
| Some (_, to_nullify) ->
let dead_vars, pvars_to_nullify =
(fun var (dead_vars, pvars_to_nullify) ->
let pvars_to_nullify =
match Var.get_pvar var with
| Some pvar when not (AddressTaken.Domain.mem pvar address_taken_vars) ->
(* We nullify all address taken variables at the end of the procedure. This is
to avoid setting heap values to 0 that may be aliased somewhere else. *)
pvar :: pvars_to_nullify
| _ ->
(var :: dead_vars, pvars_to_nullify) )
to_nullify ([], [])
let loc = Procdesc.Node.get_last_loc node in
Option.to_list (node_deadvars_instruction loc dead_vars)
|> prepend_node_nullify_instructions loc pvars_to_nullify
|> Procdesc.Node.append_instrs node
| None ->
() ) ;
(* nullify all address taken variables at the end of the procedure *)
if not (AddressTaken.Domain.is_empty address_taken_vars) then
let exit_node = ProcCfg.Exceptional.exit_node nullify_proc_cfg in
let exit_loc = Procdesc.Node.get_last_loc exit_node in
prepend_node_nullify_instructions exit_loc (AddressTaken.Domain.elements address_taken_vars) []
|> Procdesc.Node.append_instrs exit_node
(** perform liveness analysis and insert Nullify/Remove_temps instructions into the IR to make it
easy for analyses to do abstract garbage collection *)
let do_liveness summary tenv =
let liveness_proc_cfg = BackwardCfg.from_pdesc (Summary.get_proc_desc summary) in
let initial = Liveness.Domain.empty in
let liveness_inv_map =
LivenessAnalysis.exec_cfg liveness_proc_cfg (ProcData.make_default summary tenv) ~initial
add_nullify_instrs summary tenv liveness_inv_map
(** add Abstract instructions into the IR to give hints about when abstraction should be
performed *)
let do_abstraction pdesc = add_abstraction_instructions pdesc
let do_funptr_sub summary tenv =
let updated = FunctionPointers.substitute_function_pointers summary tenv in
let pdesc = Summary.get_proc_desc summary in
if updated then Attributes.store ~proc_desc:(Some pdesc) (Procdesc.get_attributes pdesc)
Container.iter nullify_proc_cfg ~fold:ProcCfg.Exceptional.fold_nodes ~f:(fun node ->
match NullifyAnalysis.extract_post (ProcCfg.Exceptional.Node.id node) nullify_inv_map with
| Some (_, to_nullify) ->
let dead_vars, pvars_to_nullify =
(fun var (dead_vars, pvars_to_nullify) ->
let pvars_to_nullify =
match Var.get_pvar var with
| Some pvar when not (AddressTaken.Domain.mem pvar address_taken_vars) ->
(* We nullify all address taken variables at the end of the procedure. This is
to avoid setting heap values to 0 that may be aliased somewhere else. *)
pvar :: pvars_to_nullify
| _ ->
(var :: dead_vars, pvars_to_nullify) )
to_nullify ([], [])
let loc = Procdesc.Node.get_last_loc node in
Option.to_list (node_deadvars_instruction loc dead_vars)
|> prepend_node_nullify_instructions loc pvars_to_nullify
|> Procdesc.Node.append_instrs node
| None ->
() ) ;
(* nullify all address taken variables at the end of the procedure *)
if not (AddressTaken.Domain.is_empty address_taken_vars) then
let exit_node = ProcCfg.Exceptional.exit_node nullify_proc_cfg in
let exit_loc = Procdesc.Node.get_last_loc exit_node in
prepend_node_nullify_instructions exit_loc
(AddressTaken.Domain.elements address_taken_vars)
|> Procdesc.Node.append_instrs exit_node
let process summary tenv =
let liveness_proc_cfg = BackwardCfg.from_pdesc (Summary.get_proc_desc summary) in
let initial = Liveness.Domain.empty in
let liveness_inv_map =
LivenessAnalysis.exec_cfg liveness_proc_cfg (ProcData.make_default summary tenv) ~initial
add_nullify_instrs summary tenv liveness_inv_map
module FunctionPointerSubstitution = struct
let process summary tenv =
let updated = FunctionPointers.substitute_function_pointers summary tenv in
let pdesc = Summary.get_proc_desc summary in
if updated then Attributes.store ~proc_desc:(Some pdesc) (Procdesc.get_attributes pdesc)
let do_preanalysis pdesc tenv =
let summary = Summary.OnDisk.reset pdesc in
&& not (Typ.Procname.is_java (Procdesc.get_proc_name pdesc))
then do_funptr_sub summary tenv ;
do_liveness summary tenv ;
do_abstraction pdesc
then FunctionPointerSubstitution.process summary tenv ;
Liveness.process summary tenv ;
AddAbstractionInstructions.process pdesc ;