@ -147,23 +147,27 @@ struct
list_iter (process_one_method_decl tenv cg cfg curr_class namespace) decl_list
let process_getter_setter context procname =
let class_name = Procname.c_get_class procname in
let open CContext in
let cls = CContext.create_curr_class context.tenv class_name in
let method_name = Procname.c_get_method procname in
match ObjcProperty_decl.method_is_property_accesor cls method_name with
| Some (property_name, property_type, is_getter) when
CMethod_trans.should_create_procdesc context.cfg procname true true ->
(match property_type with qt, atts, decl_info, _, _, ivar_opt ->
let ivar_name = ObjcProperty_decl.get_ivar_name property_name ivar_opt in
let field = CField_decl.build_sil_field_property cls context.tenv ivar_name qt (Some atts) in
ignore (CField_decl.add_missing_fields context.tenv class_name [field]);
let accessor =
if is_getter then
ObjcProperty_decl.make_getter cls property_name property_type
else ObjcProperty_decl.make_setter cls property_name property_type in
list_iter (process_one_method_decl context.tenv context.cg context.cfg cls context.namespace) accessor;
| _ -> false
(*If there is already a spec for the method we want to generate (in incremental analysis) *)
(* we don't need to generate it again. *)
if Specs.summary_exists procname then false
let class_name = Procname.c_get_class procname in
let open CContext in
let cls = CContext.create_curr_class context.tenv class_name in
let method_name = Procname.c_get_method procname in
match ObjcProperty_decl.method_is_property_accesor cls method_name with
| Some (property_name, property_type, is_getter) when
CMethod_trans.should_create_procdesc context.cfg procname true true ->
(match property_type with qt, atts, decl_info, _, _, ivar_opt ->
let ivar_name = ObjcProperty_decl.get_ivar_name property_name ivar_opt in
let field = CField_decl.build_sil_field_property cls context.tenv ivar_name qt (Some atts) in
ignore (CField_decl.add_missing_fields context.tenv class_name [field]);
let accessor =
if is_getter then
ObjcProperty_decl.make_getter cls property_name property_type
else ObjcProperty_decl.make_setter cls property_name property_type in
list_iter (process_one_method_decl context.tenv context.cg context.cfg cls context.namespace) accessor;
| _ -> false