@ -59,14 +59,12 @@ module TransferFunctions = struct
let base_var, _ = HilExp.AccessExpression.get_base ae in
(* treat writes to global (static) variables separately since they
are not considered to be explicit parameters. *)
let modified_params =
if Var.is_global base_var then Domain.ModifiedParamIndices.singleton Domain.global
get_modified_params formals ~f:(fun var ->
Var.equal var base_var || ModifiedVarSet.mem var (get_alias_set inferbo_mem base_var)
Domain.impure modified_params
if Var.is_global base_var then Domain.impure_global
let alias_set = lazy (get_alias_set inferbo_mem base_var) in
get_modified_params formals ~f:(fun var ->
Var.equal var base_var || ModifiedVarSet.mem var (Lazy.force alias_set) )
|> Domain.impure_params
let rec is_heap_access ae =
@ -115,21 +113,21 @@ module TransferFunctions = struct
get_modified_params formals ~f:(fun formal_var ->
ModifiedVarSet.mem formal_var vars_of_modified_args )
(* if callee modified global, caller also indirectly does so*)
if Domain.contains_global callee_modified_params then
Domain.ModifiedParamIndices.add Domain.global caller_modified_params
else caller_modified_params
(* if the callee is impure, find the parameters that have been modified by the callee *)
let find_modified_if_impure inferbo_mem formals args callee_summary =
match Domain.get_modified_params callee_summary with
| Some callee_modified_params ->
debug "Callee modified params %a \n" Domain.ModifiedParamIndices.pp callee_modified_params ;
(find_params_matching_modified_args inferbo_mem formals args callee_modified_params)
| None ->
match callee_summary with
| AbstractDomain.Types.Top ->
| AbstractDomain.Types.NonTop callee_modified_params ->
debug "Callee modified params %a \n" ModifiedParamIndices.pp callee_modified_params ;
if ModifiedParamIndices.is_empty callee_modified_params then pure
(find_params_matching_modified_args inferbo_mem formals args callee_modified_params))
let exec_instr (astate : Domain.t)
@ -146,18 +144,21 @@ module TransferFunctions = struct
track_modified_params inferbo_mem formals ae |> Domain.join astate
| Call (_, Direct called_pname, args, _, _) ->
let matching_modified =
find_params_matching_modified_args inferbo_mem formals args
(Domain.all_params_modified args)
(find_params_matching_modified_args inferbo_mem formals args
(Domain.all_params_modified args))
Domain.join astate
( match InvariantModels.Call.dispatch tenv called_pname [] with
| Some inv ->
Domain.with_purity (InvariantModels.is_invariant inv) matching_modified
| None ->
Payload.read pdesc called_pname
|> Option.value_map ~default:(Domain.impure matching_modified) ~f:(fun summary ->
debug "Reading from %a \n" Typ.Procname.pp called_pname ;
find_modified_if_impure inferbo_mem formals args summary ) )
Domain.with_purity (InvariantModels.is_invariant inv) (Lazy.force matching_modified)
| None -> (
match Payload.read pdesc called_pname with
| Some summary ->
debug "Reading from %a \n" Typ.Procname.pp called_pname ;
find_modified_if_impure inferbo_mem formals args summary
| None ->
Domain.impure_params (Lazy.force matching_modified) ) )
| Call (_, Indirect _, _, _, _) ->
(* This should never happen in Java. Fail if it does. *)
L.(die InternalError) "Unexpected indirect call %a" HilInstr.pp instr
@ -200,16 +201,8 @@ let checker {Callbacks.tenv; summary; proc_desc; integer_type_widths} : Summary.
match Analyzer.compute_post proc_data ~initial:PurityDomain.pure with
| Some astate ->
let astate' =
PurityDomain.get_modified_params astate
|> Option.value_map ~default:astate ~f:(fun modified_params ->
debug "Modified parameter indices of %a: %a \n" Typ.Procname.pp proc_name
PurityDomain.ModifiedParamIndices.pp modified_params ;
if PurityDomain.ModifiedParamIndices.is_empty modified_params then PurityDomain.pure
else astate )
if should_report proc_desc && PurityDomain.is_pure astate' then report_pure () ;
Payload.update_summary astate' summary
if should_report proc_desc && PurityDomain.is_pure astate then report_pure () ;
Payload.update_summary astate summary
| None ->
L.internal_error "Analyzer failed to compute purity information for %a@." Typ.Procname.pp
proc_name ;