[tenv][merge][java] intelligently merge type definitions for the same typename

Merging global type environments for Java needs some form of non-trivial type definition merging because:
- The frontend is likely non-deterministic, so it can capture the same type differently.
- There are classes that appear with two distinct definitions (usually ordered by inclusion) when one is produced by an ABI-like compilation process (so only public fields/methods would appear for example), and one full version.
- The frontend produces dummy versions (empty definitions), and full ones.
- The location information is variously missing/present.

This diff tries to strike a balance between a full semantic merge (which depends on the frontend/buck integration) and the current code which "merges" by clobbering old definitions with new ones.

One side-effect of this diff is that code cannot expect a special order for supers.

Reviewed By: jvillard

Differential Revision: D22630286

fbshipit-source-id: fc66c7000
Nikos Gorogiannis 5 years ago committed by Facebook GitHub Bot
parent 928137fb34
commit c8a4cfdb95

@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ module F = Format
(** Type to represent an [@Annotation] with potentially complex parameter values such as arrays or
other annotations. *)
type t = {class_name: string (** name of the annotation *); parameters: parameter list}
[@@deriving compare]
[@@deriving compare, equal]
and parameter = {name: string option; value: value} [@@deriving compare]
@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ and pp fmt annotation =
module Item = struct
(** Annotation for one item: a list of annotations with visibility. *)
type nonrec t = (t * bool) list [@@deriving compare]
type nonrec t = (t * bool) list [@@deriving compare, equal]
(** Pretty print an item annotation. *)
let pp fmt ann =

@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ module F = Format
(** Type to represent an [@Annotation] with potentially complex parameter values such as arrays or
other annotations. *)
type t = {class_name: string (** name of the annotation *); parameters: parameter list}
[@@deriving compare]
[@@deriving compare, equal]
and parameter = {name: string option; value: value} [@@deriving compare]
@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ val pp : F.formatter -> t -> unit
module Item : sig
(** Annotation for one item: a list of annotations with visibility. *)
type nonrec t = (t * bool) list [@@deriving compare]
type nonrec t = (t * bool) list [@@deriving compare, equal]
val pp : F.formatter -> t -> unit
(** Pretty print an item annotation. *)

@ -8,17 +8,35 @@
open! IStd
module F = Format
type field = Fieldname.t * Typ.t * Annot.Item.t [@@deriving compare]
type field = Fieldname.t * Typ.t * Annot.Item.t [@@deriving compare, equal]
type fields = field list
type fields = field list [@@deriving equal]
type java_class_kind = Interface | AbstractClass | NormalClass [@@deriving equal, compare]
let pp_java_class_kind fmt kind =
F.pp_print_string fmt
( match kind with
| Interface ->
| AbstractClass ->
| NormalClass ->
"NormalClass" )
type java_class_kind = Interface | AbstractClass | NormalClass [@@deriving equal]
type java_class_info =
{ kind: java_class_kind (** class kind in Java *)
; loc: Location.t option
(** None should correspond to rare cases when it was impossible to fetch the location in
source file *) }
[@@deriving equal]
let pp_java_class_info fmt {kind; loc} =
F.fprintf fmt "{kind= %a; loc= %a}" pp_java_class_kind kind (Pp.option Location.pp) loc
let pp_java_class_info_opt fmt jopt = Pp.option pp_java_class_info fmt jopt
(** Type for a structured value. *)
type t =
@ -31,6 +49,7 @@ type t =
; annots: Annot.Item.t (** annotations *)
; java_class_info: java_class_info option (** present if and only if the class is Java *)
; dummy: bool (** dummy struct for class including static method *) }
[@@deriving equal]
type lookup = Typ.Name.t -> t option
@ -38,7 +57,10 @@ let pp_field pe f (field_name, typ, ann) =
F.fprintf f "@\n\t\t%a %a %a" (Typ.pp_full pe) typ Fieldname.pp field_name Annot.Item.pp ann
let pp pe name f {fields; supers; methods; exported_objc_methods; annots} =
let pp pe name f
({fields; statics; subs; supers; methods; exported_objc_methods; annots; java_class_info; dummy}[@warning
let pp_field pe f (field_name, typ, ann) =
F.fprintf f "@;<0 2>%a %a %a" (Typ.pp_full pe) typ Fieldname.pp field_name Annot.Item.pp ann
@ -52,19 +74,27 @@ let pp pe name f {fields; supers; methods; exported_objc_methods; annots} =
F.fprintf f
@[<v>fields: {@[<v>%a@]}@,\
statics: {@[<v>%a@]}@,\
supers: {@[<v>%a@]}@,\
subs: {@[<v>%a@]}@,\
methods: {@[<v>%a@]}@,\
exported_obj_methods: {@[<v>%a@]}@,\
annots: {%a}@]@,"
annots: {@[<v>%a@]}@,\
java_class_info: {@[<v>%a@]}@,\
dummy: %b@]@,"
Typ.Name.pp name
(seq (pp_field pe))
(seq (pp_field pe))
(seq (fun f n -> F.fprintf f "@;<0 2>%a" Typ.Name.pp n))
(seq (fun f n -> F.fprintf f "@;<0 2>%a" Typ.Name.pp n))
(Typ.Name.Set.elements subs)
(seq (fun f m -> F.fprintf f "@;<0 2>%a" Procname.pp m))
(seq (fun f m -> F.fprintf f "@;<0 2>%a" Procname.pp m))
exported_objc_methods Annot.Item.pp annots
exported_objc_methods Annot.Item.pp annots pp_java_class_info_opt java_class_info dummy
let internal_mk_struct ?default ?fields ?statics ?methods ?exported_objc_methods ?supers ?annots
@ -159,3 +189,86 @@ let get_field_type_and_annotation ~lookup field_name_to_lookup typ =
let is_dummy {dummy} = dummy
let add_sub sub x = {x with subs= Typ.Name.Set.add sub x.subs}
let merge_lists ~compare ~newer ~current =
let equal x y = Int.equal 0 (compare x y) in
match (newer, current) with
| [], _ ->
| _, [] ->
| _, _ when List.equal equal newer current ->
| _, _ ->
List.dedup_and_sort ~compare (newer @ current)
let merge_fields ~newer ~current = merge_lists ~compare:compare_field ~newer ~current
let merge_supers ~newer ~current = merge_lists ~compare:Typ.Name.compare ~newer ~current
let merge_methods ~newer ~current = merge_lists ~compare:Procname.compare ~newer ~current
let merge_annots ~newer ~current = merge_lists ~compare:[%compare: Annot.t * bool] ~newer ~current
let merge_kind ~newer ~current =
(* choose the maximal, ie most concrete *)
if compare_java_class_kind newer current < 0 then current else newer
(* choose [Some] option if possible, [newer] if both [None] else [merge] *)
let merge_opt ~merge ~newer ~current =
match (newer, current) with
| _, None ->
| None, _ ->
| Some newer, Some current ->
Some (merge ~newer ~current)
let merge_loc ~newer ~current =
if Location.equal Location.dummy newer then current
else if Location.equal Location.dummy current then newer
else if (* arbitrarily but deterministically choose one *) Location.compare newer current <= 0
then newer
else current
let merge_loc_opt ~newer ~current = merge_opt ~merge:merge_loc ~newer ~current
let merge_java_class_info ~newer ~current =
{ kind= merge_kind ~newer:newer.kind ~current:current.kind
; loc= merge_loc_opt ~newer:newer.loc ~current:current.loc }
let merge_java_class_info_opt ~newer ~current =
merge_opt ~merge:merge_java_class_info ~newer ~current
let full_merge ~newer ~current =
let fields = merge_fields ~newer:newer.fields ~current:current.fields in
let statics = merge_fields ~newer:newer.statics ~current:current.statics in
let supers = merge_supers ~newer:newer.supers ~current:current.supers in
(* the semantics of [subs] is such that no merging is attempted *)
let methods = merge_methods ~newer:newer.methods ~current:current.methods in
(* we are merging only Java classes, so [exported_obj_methods] should be empty, so no merge *)
let annots = merge_annots ~newer:newer.annots ~current:current.annots in
let java_class_info =
merge_java_class_info_opt ~newer:newer.java_class_info ~current:current.java_class_info
{newer with fields; statics; supers; methods; annots; java_class_info}
let merge typename ~newer ~current =
match (typename : Typ.Name.t) with
| CStruct _ | CUnion _ | ObjcClass _ | ObjcProtocol _ | CppClass _ ->
if not (is_dummy newer) then newer else current
| JavaClass _ when is_dummy newer ->
| JavaClass _ when is_dummy current ->
| JavaClass _ when equal newer current ->
| JavaClass _ ->
full_merge ~newer ~current

@ -70,7 +70,8 @@ val get_field_type_and_annotation :
lookup:lookup -> Fieldname.t -> Typ.t -> (Typ.t * Annot.Item.t) option
(** Return the type of the field [fn] and its annotation, None if [typ] has no field named [fn] *)
val is_dummy : t -> bool
val add_sub : Typ.Name.t -> t -> t
(** Add a subclass to the struct type *)
val merge : Typ.Name.t -> newer:t -> current:t -> t
(** best effort directed merge of two structs for the same typename *)

@ -97,11 +97,15 @@ module SQLite : SqliteUtils.Data with type t = per_file = struct
let merge ~src ~dst =
(fun pname cfg ->
if (not (Struct.is_dummy cfg)) || not (TypenameHash.mem dst pname) then
TypenameHash.replace dst pname cfg )
let merge_internal typename newer =
match TypenameHash.find_opt dst typename with
| None ->
TypenameHash.add dst typename newer
| Some current ->
let merged_struct = Struct.merge typename ~newer ~current in
TypenameHash.replace dst typename merged_struct
TypenameHash.iter merge_internal src
let merge_per_file ~src ~dst =
