[concurrency] drop option type from method matcher records

Summary: Option is not needed, just set `default` record to agree with function default arguments.

Reviewed By: da319

Differential Revision: D10050463

fbshipit-source-id: e7d13bbd5
Nikos Gorogiannis 7 years ago committed by Facebook Github Bot
parent 2989b339a1
commit cbe4d9b0fd

@ -190,7 +190,7 @@ let ui_matcher_records =
(* according to Android documentation, *all* methods of the View class run on UI thread, but
let's be a bit conservative and catch all methods that start with "on".
https://developer.android.com/reference/android/view/View.html *)
method_prefix= Some true
method_prefix= true
; classname= "android.view.View"
; methods= ["on"] } ]

@ -43,21 +43,21 @@ let call_matches ?(search_superclasses = true) ?(method_prefix = false)
type t = Tenv.t -> Typ.Procname.t -> HilExp.t list -> bool
type record =
{ search_superclasses: bool option
; method_prefix: bool option
; actuals_pred: (HilExp.t list -> bool) option
{ search_superclasses: bool
; method_prefix: bool
; actuals_pred: HilExp.t list -> bool
; classname: string
; methods: string list }
let of_record {search_superclasses; method_prefix; actuals_pred; classname; methods} =
call_matches ?search_superclasses ?method_prefix ?actuals_pred classname methods
call_matches ~search_superclasses ~method_prefix ~actuals_pred classname methods
|> Staged.unstage
let default =
{ search_superclasses= Some true
; method_prefix= Some false
; actuals_pred= Some (fun _ -> true)
{ search_superclasses= true
; method_prefix= false
; actuals_pred= (fun _ -> true)
; classname= ""
; methods= [] }
@ -73,9 +73,9 @@ let of_json top_json =
let rec parse_fields assoclist acc =
match assoclist with
| ("search_superclasses", `Bool b) :: rest ->
{acc with search_superclasses= Some b} |> parse_fields rest
{acc with search_superclasses= b} |> parse_fields rest
| ("method_prefix", `Bool b) :: rest ->
{acc with method_prefix= Some b} |> parse_fields rest
{acc with method_prefix= b} |> parse_fields rest
| ("classname", `String classname) :: rest ->
{acc with classname} |> parse_fields rest
| ("methods", `List methodnames) :: rest ->

@ -28,9 +28,9 @@ val call_matches :
which must return [true] for the matcher to return [true]. The default returns [true]. *)
type record =
{ search_superclasses: bool option
; method_prefix: bool option
; actuals_pred: (HilExp.t list -> bool) option
{ search_superclasses: bool
; method_prefix: bool
; actuals_pred: HilExp.t list -> bool
; classname: string
; methods: string list }

@ -96,10 +96,10 @@ let strict_mode_matcher =
let open StarvationDomain.Event in
(* NB [default] searches superclasses too. Most of the classes below are final and we don't
really want to search superclasses for those that aren't, so for performance, disable that *)
let dont_search_superclasses = {default with search_superclasses= Some false} in
let dont_search_superclasses = {default with search_superclasses= false} in
let matcher_records =
[ { dont_search_superclasses with
classname= "dalvik.system.BlockGuard$Policy"; methods= ["on"]; method_prefix= Some true }
classname= "dalvik.system.BlockGuard$Policy"; methods= ["on"]; method_prefix= true }
; { dont_search_superclasses with
classname= "java.lang.System"; methods= ["gc"; "runFinalization"] }
; {dont_search_superclasses with classname= "java.lang.Runtime"; methods= ["gc"]}
@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ let strict_mode_matcher =
; { dont_search_superclasses with
classname= "java.net.Socket"
; methods= [Typ.Procname.Java.constructor_method_name]
; actuals_pred= Some (function [] | [_] -> false | _ -> true) }
; actuals_pred= (function [] | [_] -> false | _ -> true) }
; {dont_search_superclasses with classname= "java.net.DatagramSocket"; methods= ["connect"]}
; { dont_search_superclasses with
classname= "java.io.File"
@ -147,13 +147,12 @@ let standard_matchers =
let high_sev =
[ {default with classname= "java.lang.Thread"; methods= ["sleep"]}
; { default with
classname= "java.lang.Object"
; methods= ["wait"]
; actuals_pred= Some empty_or_excessive_timeout }
classname= "java.lang.Object"; methods= ["wait"]; actuals_pred= empty_or_excessive_timeout
; { default with
classname= "java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch"
; methods= ["await"]
; actuals_pred= Some empty_or_excessive_timeout }
; actuals_pred= empty_or_excessive_timeout }
(* an IBinder.transact call is an RPC. If the 4th argument (5th counting `this` as the first)
is int-zero then a reply is expected and returned from the remote process, thus potentially
blocking. If the 4th argument is anything else, we assume a one-way call which doesn't block. *)
@ -161,24 +160,23 @@ let standard_matchers =
classname= "android.os.IBinder"
; methods= ["transact"]
; actuals_pred=
(fun actuals ->
List.nth actuals 4 |> Option.value_map ~default:false ~f:HilExp.is_int_zero ) }
(fun actuals ->
List.nth actuals 4 |> Option.value_map ~default:false ~f:HilExp.is_int_zero ) }
; { default with
classname= "android.accounts.AccountManager"
; methods= ["setUserData"]
; search_superclasses= Some false } ]
; search_superclasses= false } ]
let low_sev =
[ { default with
classname= "java.util.concurrent.Future"
; methods= ["get"]
; actuals_pred= Some empty_or_excessive_timeout
; search_superclasses= Some false }
; actuals_pred= empty_or_excessive_timeout
; search_superclasses= false }
; { default with
classname= "android.os.AsyncTask"
; methods= ["get"]
; actuals_pred= Some empty_or_excessive_timeout } ]
; actuals_pred= empty_or_excessive_timeout } ]
let high_sev_matcher = List.map high_sev ~f:of_record |> of_list in
let low_sev_matcher = List.map low_sev ~f:of_record |> of_list in
