[clangdb] support shell-escaped compilation databases

Xcode's compilation databases follows a different convention than cmake's and
escape the `"file"` and `"dir"` fields of each unit to make them shell-ready.
We need to treat them differently when reading them.

This adds a new `--clang-compilation-db-files-escaped` option and makes the
code related to reading compilation databases deal correctly with both

Reviewed By: akotulski

Differential Revision: D4559239

fbshipit-source-id: 51120ae
Jules Villard 8 years ago committed by Facebook Github Bot
parent 08aad39050
commit cfd3770a8b

.gitignore vendored

@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ duplicates.txt
/infer/tests/build_systems/codetoanalyze/path with spaces/
# generated by oUnit

@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ ifeq ($(BUILD_C_ANALYZERS),yes)
assembly \
ck_analytics ck_imports \
clang_compilation_db_relpath \
clang_compilation_db_escaped clang_compilation_db_relpath \
clang_multiple_files \
clang_translation \
clang_unknown_ext \

@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
open! IStd
let compilation_db = lazy (CompilationDatabase.from_json_files !Config.clang_compilation_db_files)
let compilation_db = lazy (CompilationDatabase.from_json_files !Config.clang_compilation_dbs)
(** Given proc_attributes try to produce proc_attributes' where proc_attributes'.is_defined = true
It may trigger capture of extra files to do so and when it does, it waits for

@ -39,8 +39,11 @@ let cluster_should_be_analyzed cluster =
let pp_prolog fmt clusters =
let escape = Escape.escape_map (fun c -> if Char.equal c '#' then Some "\\#" else None) in
let infer_flag_of_compilation_db = function
| `Escaped f -> F.sprintf "--clang-compilation-db-files-escaped '%s'" f
| `Raw f -> F.sprintf "--clang-compilation-db-files '%s'" f in
let compilation_dbs_cmd =
IList.map (F.sprintf "--clang-compilation-db-files '%s'") !Config.clang_compilation_db_files
List.map ~f:infer_flag_of_compilation_db !Config.clang_compilation_dbs
|> String.concat ~sep:" " |> escape in
F.fprintf fmt "INFERANALYZE= %s --results-dir '%s' %s \n@."
(Config.bin_dir ^/ (Config.exe_name Analyze))

@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ type driver_mode =
| Analyze
| BuckGenrule of string
| BuckCompilationDB
| ClangCompilationDB of string list
| ClangCompilationDB of [ `Escaped of string | `Raw of string ] list
| Javac of Javac.compiler * string * string list
| Maven of string * string list
| PythonCapture of build_system * string list
@ -182,7 +182,10 @@ let check_xcpretty () =
let capture_with_compilation_database db_files =
let root = Unix.getcwd () in
Config.clang_compilation_db_files := IList.map (Utils.filename_to_absolute ~root) db_files;
Config.clang_compilation_dbs := List.map db_files ~f:(function
| `Escaped fname -> `Escaped (Utils.filename_to_absolute ~root fname)
| `Raw fname -> `Raw (Utils.filename_to_absolute ~root fname)
let compilation_database = CompilationDatabase.from_json_files db_files in
CaptureCompilationDatabase.capture_files_in_database compilation_database
@ -351,8 +354,8 @@ let log_infer_args driver_mode =
let driver_mode_of_build_cmd build_cmd =
match build_cmd with
| [] ->
if not (List.is_empty !Config.clang_compilation_db_files) then
ClangCompilationDB !Config.clang_compilation_db_files
if not (List.is_empty !Config.clang_compilation_dbs) then
ClangCompilationDB !Config.clang_compilation_dbs
| prog :: args ->

@ -639,11 +639,19 @@ and clang_biniou_file =
CLOpt.mk_path_opt ~long:"clang-biniou-file" ~parse_mode:CLOpt.(Infer [Clang]) ~meta:"file"
"Specify a file containing the AST of the program, in biniou format"
and clang_compilation_dbs = ref []
and clang_compilation_db_files =
CLOpt.mk_path_list ~long:"clang-compilation-db-files"
~parse_mode:CLOpt.(Infer [Clang])
"File that contain compilation commands (can be specified multiple times)"
and clang_compilation_db_files_escaped =
CLOpt.mk_path_list ~long:"clang-compilation-db-files-escaped"
~parse_mode:CLOpt.(Infer [Clang])
"File that contain compilation commands where all entries are escaped for the shell, eg coming \
from Xcode (can be specified multiple times)"
and clang_frontend_action =
CLOpt.mk_symbol_opt ~long:"clang-frontend-action"
~parse_mode:CLOpt.(Infer [Clang])
@ -1408,6 +1416,10 @@ let post_parsing_initialization () =
if is_none !symops_per_iteration then symops_per_iteration := symops_timeout ;
if is_none !seconds_per_iteration then seconds_per_iteration := seconds_timeout ;
clang_compilation_dbs :=
List.rev_map ~f:(fun x -> `Raw x) !clang_compilation_db_files
|> List.rev_map_append ~f:(fun x -> `Escaped x) !clang_compilation_db_files_escaped;
match !analyzer with
| Some Checkers -> checkers := true
| Some Crashcontext -> checkers := true; crashcontext := true

@ -333,7 +333,7 @@ val run_with_abs_val_equal_zero : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a -> 'b
val allow_leak : bool ref
val clang_compilation_db_files : string list ref
val clang_compilation_dbs : [ `Escaped of string | `Raw of string ] list ref
(** Command Line Interface Documentation *)

@ -110,13 +110,11 @@ let get_compilation_database_files_buck () =
match fst @@ Utils.with_process_in buck_targets In_channel.input_lines with
| [] -> Logging.stdout "There are no files to process, exiting."; exit 0
| lines ->
Logging.out "Reading compilation database from:@\n%s@\n" (String.concat ~sep:"\n" lines);
Logging.out "Reading compilation database from:@\n%s@\n"
(String.concat ~sep:"\n" lines);
let scan_output compilation_database_files chan =
Scanf.sscanf chan "%s %s"
(fun target file -> String.Map.add ~key:target ~data:file compilation_database_files) in
(* Map from targets to json output *)
let compilation_database_files = IList.fold_left scan_output String.Map.empty lines in
String.Map.data compilation_database_files
Scanf.sscanf chan "%s %s" (fun _ file -> `Raw file::compilation_database_files) in
IList.fold_left scan_output [] lines
with Unix.Unix_error (err, _, _) ->
"Cannot execute %s\n%!"
@ -142,7 +140,7 @@ let get_compilation_database_files_xcodebuild () =
~producer_prog:xcodebuild_prog ~producer_args:xcodebuild_args
~consumer_prog:xcpretty_prog ~consumer_args:xcpretty_args in
match producer_status, consumer_status with
| Ok (), Ok () -> [tmp_file]
| Ok (), Ok () -> [`Escaped tmp_file]
| _ ->
Logging.stderr "There was an error executing the build command";
exit 1

@ -19,8 +19,8 @@ val capture_file_in_database : CompilationDatabase.t -> SourceFile.t -> unit
(** Get the compilation database files that contain the compilation given by the
buck command. It will be the compilation of the passed targets only or also
the dependencies according to the flag --use-compilation-database deps | no-deps *)
val get_compilation_database_files_buck : unit -> string list
val get_compilation_database_files_buck : unit -> [> `Raw of string ] list
(** Get the compilation database files that contain the compilation given by the
xcodebuild command, using xcpretty. *)
val get_compilation_database_files_xcodebuild : unit -> string list
val get_compilation_database_files_xcodebuild : unit -> [> `Escaped of string ] list

@ -36,18 +36,25 @@ let parse_command_and_arguments command_and_arguments =
to be compiled, the directory to be compiled in, and the compilation command as a list
and as a string. We pack this information into the compilationDatabase map, and remove the
clang invocation part, because we will use a clang wrapper. *)
let decode_json_file (database : t) json_path =
let decode_json_file (database : t) json_format =
let json_path = match json_format with | `Raw x | `Escaped x -> x in
let to_string s = match json_format with
| `Raw _ ->
| `Escaped _ ->
Utils.with_process_in (Printf.sprintf "/bin/sh -c 'printf \"%%s\" %s'" s) input_line
|> fst in
Logging.out "parsing compilation database from %s@\n" json_path;
let exit_format_error () =
failwith ("Json file doesn't have the expected format") in
let json = Yojson.Basic.from_file json_path in
let get_dir el =
match el with
| ("directory", `String dir) -> Some dir
| ("directory", `String dir) -> Some (to_string dir)
| _ -> None in
let get_file el =
match el with
| ("file", `String file) -> Some file
| ("file", `String file) -> Some (to_string file)
| _ -> None in
let get_cmd el =
match el with

@ -25,6 +25,6 @@ val iter : t -> (SourceFile.t -> compilation_data -> unit) -> unit
val find : t -> SourceFile.t -> compilation_data
val decode_json_file : t -> string -> unit
val decode_json_file : t -> [< `Escaped of string | `Raw of string ] -> unit
val from_json_files : string list -> t
val from_json_files : [< `Escaped of string | `Raw of string ] list -> t

@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
# Copyright (c) 2016 - present Facebook, Inc.
# All rights reserved.
# This source code is licensed under the BSD style license found in the
# LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant
# of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.
TESTS_DIR = ../..
ANALYZER = infer
INFER_OPTIONS = --report-custom-error --developer-mode
SOURCES = ../codetoanalyze/path\ with\ spaces/hel\ lo.c
CLEAN_EXTRA = compile_commands.json
INFERPRINT_OPTIONS = --issues-tests
include $(TESTS_DIR)/base.make
../codetoanalyze/path\ with\ spaces/hel\ lo.c: ../codetoanalyze/path_with_spaces/hel_lo.c
# make does not want to interpret "$(@D)" in the right way here...
$(MKDIR_P) ../codetoanalyze/path\ with\ spaces/
@cp "$<" "$@"
@touch "$@"
compile_commands.json: compile_commands.json.in
sed -e 's#%pwd%#$(CURDIR)#g' $< > $@ || $(REMOVE) $@
infer-out/report.json: compile_commands.json $(SOURCES) Makefile \
../codetoanalyze/path\ with\ spaces/hel\ lo.c
$(call silent_on_success,\
$(INFER_BIN) -a $(ANALYZER) $(INFER_OPTIONS) --project-root $(TESTS_DIR) \
--clang-compilation-db-files-escaped $<)

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
"command" : "clang -c hel\\ lo.c",
"directory" : "%pwd%/../codetoanalyze/path\\ with\\ spaces",
"file" : "hel\\ lo.c"

@ -0,0 +1 @@
build_systems/codetoanalyze/path with spaces/hel lo.c, test_hel_lo, 2, NULL_DEREFERENCE, [start of procedure test_hel_lo()]