@ -18,6 +18,9 @@ module type Spec = sig
(** should a flow originating at source and entering sink be reported? *)
val should_report : Source.t -> Sink.t -> bool
(** get a loggable exception reporting a flow from source -> sink *)
val get_reportable_exn : Source.t -> Sink.t -> Passthrough.Set.t -> exn
module type S = sig
@ -35,8 +38,8 @@ module type S = sig
(** get the reportable source-sink flows in this trace *)
val get_reports : t -> (Source.t * Sink.t * Passthrough.Set.t) list
(** log the reportable source-sink flows in this trace *)
val log_reports : t -> Procname.t -> Location.t -> unit
(** get logging-ready exceptions for the reportable source-sink flows in this trace *)
val get_reportable_exns : t -> exn list
(** create a trace from a source *)
val of_source : Source.t -> t
@ -102,18 +105,10 @@ module Make (Spec : Spec) = struct
else acc in
Sources.fold (fun source acc -> Sinks.fold (report_one source) t.sinks acc) t.sources []
let log_reports t pname loc =
let report_one (source, sink, passthroughs) =
let pp_error fmt () =
"Error: %a -> %a via %a"
Source.pp source Sink.pp sink Passthrough.Set.pp passthroughs in
let description = pp_to_string pp_error () in
let exn = Exceptions.Checkers (msg, Localise.verbatim_desc description) in
Reporting.log_error pname exn ~loc in
IList.iter report_one (get_reports t)
let get_reportable_exns t =
(fun (source, sink, passthroughs) -> Spec.get_reportable_exn source sink passthroughs)
(get_reports t)
let of_source source =
let sources = Sources.singleton source in