[thread-safety] eliminate escape analysis

Reviewed By: ngorogiannis

Differential Revision: D5946570

fbshipit-source-id: 9cd3509
Sam Blackshear 8 years ago committed by Facebook Github Bot
parent 94e7a7b141
commit d70babb871

@ -499,7 +499,7 @@ module TransferFunctions (CFG : ProcCfg.S) = struct
| _
-> false
let make_container_access callee_pname ~is_write actuals receiver_ap callee_loc tenv =
let make_container_access callee_pname ~is_write receiver_ap callee_loc tenv =
(* create a dummy write that represents mutating the contents of the container *)
let open Domain in
let callee_accesses =
@ -511,18 +511,14 @@ module TransferFunctions (CFG : ProcCfg.S) = struct
AccessDomain.add_access (Unprotected (IntSet.singleton 0)) container_access
(* TODO: for now all formals escape *)
(* we need a more intelligent escape analysis, that branches on whether
we own the container *)
let escapee_formals = List.length actuals |> List.range 0 |> FormalsDomain.of_list in
(* we need a more intelligent escape analysis, that branches on whether we own the container *)
{ thumbs_up= true
; locks= false
; threads= ThreadsDomain.Unknown
; accesses= callee_accesses
; return_ownership= OwnershipAbstractValue.unowned
; return_attributes= AttributeSetDomain.empty
; escapee_formals }
; return_attributes= AttributeSetDomain.empty }
let get_summary caller_pdesc callee_pname actuals callee_loc tenv =
let get_receiver_ap actuals =
@ -536,11 +532,10 @@ module TransferFunctions (CFG : ProcCfg.S) = struct
match get_container_access callee_pname tenv with
| Some ContainerWrite
-> make_container_access callee_pname ~is_write:true actuals (get_receiver_ap actuals)
callee_loc tenv
-> make_container_access callee_pname ~is_write:true (get_receiver_ap actuals) callee_loc tenv
| Some ContainerRead
-> make_container_access callee_pname ~is_write:false actuals (get_receiver_ap actuals)
callee_loc tenv
-> make_container_access callee_pname ~is_write:false (get_receiver_ap actuals) callee_loc
| None
-> Summary.read_summary caller_pdesc callee_pname
@ -565,19 +560,6 @@ module TransferFunctions (CFG : ProcCfg.S) = struct
add_access exp loc ~is_write_access:false acc locks threads ownership proc_data)
exps ~init:accesses
let add_escapees_from_exp rhs_exp ownership escapees =
HilExp.get_access_paths rhs_exp |> List.rev_map ~f:(Domain.Escapee.of_access_path ownership)
|> List.concat_no_order |> Domain.EscapeeDomain.add_from_list escapees
let add_escapees_from_exp_list exp_list extras escapees =
List.fold ~init:escapees exp_list ~f:(fun acc exp -> add_escapees_from_exp exp extras acc)
let add_escapees_from_call actuals escapee_formals extras escapees =
let escapee_actuals =
Domain.FormalsDomain.elements escapee_formals |> List.rev_map ~f:(List.nth_exn actuals)
add_escapees_from_exp_list escapee_actuals extras escapees
let exec_instr (astate: Domain.astate) ({ProcData.tenv; pdesc} as proc_data) _
(instr: HilInstr.t) =
let open Domain in
@ -590,9 +572,7 @@ module TransferFunctions (CFG : ProcCfg.S) = struct
let ownership =
OwnershipDomain.add (ret_base, []) OwnershipAbstractValue.owned astate.ownership
(* TODO: we need to model escaping formals, now just assume all escape *)
let escapees = add_escapees_from_exp_list actuals astate.ownership astate.escapees in
{astate with accesses; ownership; escapees}
{astate with accesses; ownership}
| Call (ret_opt, Direct callee_pname, actuals, call_flags, loc)
-> (
let accesses_with_unannotated_calls =
@ -649,14 +629,7 @@ module TransferFunctions (CFG : ProcCfg.S) = struct
Typ.Procname.pp callee_pname )
| NoEffect ->
match get_summary pdesc callee_pname actuals loc tenv with
| Some
{ thumbs_up
; threads
; locks
; accesses
; return_ownership
; return_attributes
; escapee_formals }
| Some {thumbs_up; threads; locks; accesses; return_ownership; return_attributes}
-> let update_caller_accesses pre callee_accesses caller_accesses =
let combined_accesses =
PathDomain.with_callsite callee_accesses (CallSite.make callee_pname loc)
@ -735,17 +708,9 @@ module TransferFunctions (CFG : ProcCfg.S) = struct
let ownership, attribute_map =
propagate_return ret_opt return_ownership return_attributes actuals astate
let escapees =
add_escapees_from_call actuals escapee_formals astate.ownership astate.escapees
{thumbs_up; locks; threads; accesses; ownership; attribute_map; escapees}
{thumbs_up; locks; threads; accesses; ownership; attribute_map}
| None
-> (* TODO: assume actuals escape, should we? *)
let new_escapees =
add_escapees_from_exp_list actuals astate.ownership astate.escapees
let astate = {astate with escapees= new_escapees} in
let should_assume_returns_ownership (call_flags: CallFlags.t) actuals =
-> let should_assume_returns_ownership (call_flags: CallFlags.t) actuals =
(* assume non-interface methods with no summary and no parameters return
ownership *)
not call_flags.cf_interface && List.is_empty actuals
@ -828,12 +793,7 @@ module TransferFunctions (CFG : ProcCfg.S) = struct
let ownership = propagate_ownership lhs_access_path rhs_exp astate.ownership in
let attribute_map = propagate_attributes lhs_access_path rhs_exp astate.attribute_map in
(* assigning to the return variable leads to no new escapees *)
let escapees =
if fst lhs_access_path |> fst |> Var.is_return then astate.escapees
else add_escapees_from_exp rhs_exp astate.ownership astate.escapees
{astate with accesses; ownership; attribute_map; escapees}
{astate with accesses; ownership; attribute_map}
| Assume (assume_exp, _, _, loc)
-> let rec eval_binop op var e1 e2 =
match (eval_bexp var e1, eval_bexp var e2) with
@ -992,8 +952,7 @@ let empty_post : ThreadSafetyDomain.summary =
; locks= false
; accesses= ThreadSafetyDomain.AccessDomain.empty
; return_ownership= ThreadSafetyDomain.OwnershipAbstractValue.unowned
; return_attributes= ThreadSafetyDomain.AttributeSetDomain.empty
; escapee_formals= ThreadSafetyDomain.FormalsDomain.empty }
; return_attributes= ThreadSafetyDomain.AttributeSetDomain.empty }
let analyze_procedure {Callbacks.proc_desc; tenv; summary} =
let is_initializer tenv proc_name =
@ -1045,7 +1004,7 @@ let analyze_procedure {Callbacks.proc_desc; tenv; summary} =
({ThreadSafetyDomain.empty with ownership; threads}, IdAccessPathMapDomain.empty)
match Analyzer.compute_post proc_data ~initial ~debug:false with
| Some ({thumbs_up; threads; locks; accesses; ownership; attribute_map; escapees}, _)
| Some ({thumbs_up; threads; locks; accesses; ownership; attribute_map}, _)
-> let return_var_ap =
(Pvar.get_ret_pvar (Procdesc.get_proc_name proc_desc))
@ -1056,16 +1015,7 @@ let analyze_procedure {Callbacks.proc_desc; tenv; summary} =
try AttributeMapDomain.find return_var_ap attribute_map
with Not_found -> AttributeSetDomain.empty
let escapee_formals = FormalsDomain.of_escapees escapees in
let post =
{ thumbs_up
; threads
; locks
; accesses
; return_ownership
; return_attributes
; escapee_formals }
let post = {thumbs_up; threads; locks; accesses; return_ownership; return_attributes} in
Summary.update_summary post summary
| None
-> summary )

@ -328,48 +328,13 @@ module AccessDomain = struct
with Not_found -> PathDomain.empty
module Escapee = struct
type t = Formal of int | Local of Var.t [@@deriving compare]
let pp fmt = function
| Formal fml
-> F.fprintf fmt "Formal(%d)" fml
| Local loc
-> F.fprintf fmt "Local(%a)" Var.pp loc
let of_access_path ownership (base, _) =
match OwnershipDomain.get_owned (base, []) ownership with
| OwnershipAbstractValue.OwnedIf formal_indexes
-> List.map ~f:(fun formal_index -> Formal formal_index) (IntSet.elements formal_indexes)
| _
-> [Local (fst base)]
module EscapeeDomain = struct
include AbstractDomain.FiniteSet (Escapee)
let add_from_list escapees escapee_list =
List.fold ~init:escapees escapee_list ~f:(fun acc v -> add v acc)
module FormalsDomain = struct
include AbstractDomain.FiniteSet (Int)
let of_escapees escapees =
let aux escapee acc =
match escapee with Escapee.Formal fml -> add fml acc | Escapee.Local _ -> acc
EscapeeDomain.fold aux escapees empty
type astate =
{ thumbs_up: ThumbsUpDomain.astate
; threads: ThreadsDomain.astate
; locks: LocksDomain.astate
; accesses: AccessDomain.astate
; ownership: OwnershipDomain.astate
; attribute_map: AttributeMapDomain.astate
; escapees: EscapeeDomain.astate }
; attribute_map: AttributeMapDomain.astate }
let empty =
let thumbs_up = true in
@ -378,13 +343,11 @@ let empty =
let accesses = AccessDomain.empty in
let ownership = OwnershipDomain.empty in
let attribute_map = AttributeMapDomain.empty in
let escapees = EscapeeDomain.empty in
{thumbs_up; threads; locks; accesses; ownership; attribute_map; escapees}
{thumbs_up; threads; locks; accesses; ownership; attribute_map}
let is_empty {thumbs_up; threads; locks; accesses; ownership; attribute_map; escapees} =
let is_empty {thumbs_up; threads; locks; accesses; ownership; attribute_map} =
thumbs_up && ThreadsDomain.is_unknown threads && not locks && AccessDomain.is_empty accesses
&& OwnershipDomain.is_empty ownership && AttributeMapDomain.is_empty attribute_map
&& EscapeeDomain.is_empty escapees
let ( <= ) ~lhs ~rhs =
if phys_equal lhs rhs then true
@ -392,7 +355,6 @@ let ( <= ) ~lhs ~rhs =
&& LocksDomain.( <= ) ~lhs:lhs.locks ~rhs:rhs.locks
&& AccessDomain.( <= ) ~lhs:lhs.accesses ~rhs:rhs.accesses
&& AttributeMapDomain.( <= ) ~lhs:lhs.attribute_map ~rhs:rhs.attribute_map
&& EscapeeDomain.( <= ) ~lhs:lhs.escapees ~rhs:rhs.escapees
let join astate1 astate2 =
if phys_equal astate1 astate2 then astate1
@ -403,8 +365,7 @@ let join astate1 astate2 =
let accesses = AccessDomain.join astate1.accesses astate2.accesses in
let ownership = OwnershipDomain.join astate1.ownership astate2.ownership in
let attribute_map = AttributeMapDomain.join astate1.attribute_map astate2.attribute_map in
let escapees = EscapeeDomain.join astate1.escapees astate2.escapees in
{thumbs_up; threads; locks; accesses; ownership; attribute_map; escapees}
{thumbs_up; threads; locks; accesses; ownership; attribute_map}
let widen ~prev ~next ~num_iters =
if phys_equal prev next then prev
@ -417,8 +378,7 @@ let widen ~prev ~next ~num_iters =
let attribute_map =
AttributeMapDomain.widen ~prev:prev.attribute_map ~next:next.attribute_map ~num_iters
let escapees = EscapeeDomain.widen ~prev:prev.escapees ~next:next.escapees ~num_iters in
{thumbs_up; threads; locks; accesses; ownership; attribute_map; escapees}
{thumbs_up; threads; locks; accesses; ownership; attribute_map}
type summary =
{ thumbs_up: ThumbsUpDomain.astate
@ -426,20 +386,16 @@ type summary =
; locks: LocksDomain.astate
; accesses: AccessDomain.astate
; return_ownership: OwnershipAbstractValue.astate
; return_attributes: AttributeSetDomain.astate
; escapee_formals: FormalsDomain.astate }
; return_attributes: AttributeSetDomain.astate }
let pp_summary fmt
{thumbs_up; threads; locks; accesses; return_ownership; return_attributes; escapee_formals} =
let pp_summary fmt {thumbs_up; threads; locks; accesses; return_ownership; return_attributes} =
F.fprintf fmt
"@\nThumbsUp: %a, Threads: %a, Locks: %a @\nAccesses %a @\nOwnership: %a @\nReturn Attributes: %a @\nEscapee Formals: %a @\n"
"@\nThumbsUp: %a, Threads: %a, Locks: %a @\nAccesses %a @\nOwnership: %a @\nReturn Attributes: %a @\n"
ThumbsUpDomain.pp thumbs_up ThreadsDomain.pp threads LocksDomain.pp locks AccessDomain.pp
accesses OwnershipAbstractValue.pp return_ownership AttributeSetDomain.pp return_attributes
FormalsDomain.pp escapee_formals
let pp fmt {thumbs_up; threads; locks; accesses; ownership; attribute_map; escapees} =
let pp fmt {thumbs_up; threads; locks; accesses; ownership; attribute_map} =
F.fprintf fmt
"@\nThumbsUp: %a, Threads: %a, Locks: %a @\nAccesses %a @\n Ownership: %a @\nAttributes: %a @\nEscapees: %a @\n"
"@\nThumbsUp: %a, Threads: %a, Locks: %a @\nAccesses %a @\n Ownership: %a @\nAttributes: %a @\n"
ThumbsUpDomain.pp thumbs_up ThreadsDomain.pp threads LocksDomain.pp locks AccessDomain.pp
accesses OwnershipDomain.pp ownership AttributeMapDomain.pp attribute_map EscapeeDomain.pp
accesses OwnershipDomain.pp ownership AttributeMapDomain.pp attribute_map

@ -164,29 +164,6 @@ module AccessDomain : sig
(** get all accesses with the given precondition *)
(** a formal or a local variable that may escape *)
module Escapee : sig
type t = Formal of int | Local of Var.t [@@deriving compare]
val pp : F.formatter -> t -> unit
val of_access_path : OwnershipDomain.astate -> AccessPath.t -> t list
(** set of formals or locals that may escape *)
module EscapeeDomain : sig
include module type of AbstractDomain.FiniteSet (Escapee)
val add_from_list : astate -> Escapee.t list -> astate
(** Domain that only includes escaping formals, for use in summary *)
module FormalsDomain : sig
include module type of AbstractDomain.FiniteSet (Int)
val of_escapees : EscapeeDomain.astate -> astate
type astate =
{ thumbs_up: ThumbsUpDomain.astate (** boolean that is true if we think we have a proof *)
; threads: ThreadsDomain.astate (** current thread: main, background, or unknown *)
@ -195,8 +172,7 @@ type astate =
(** read and writes accesses performed without ownership permissions *)
; ownership: OwnershipDomain.astate (** map of access paths to ownership predicates *)
; attribute_map: AttributeMapDomain.astate
(** map of access paths to attributes such as owned, functional, ... *)
; escapees: EscapeeDomain.astate (** set of formals and locals that may escape *) }
(** map of access paths to attributes such as owned, functional, ... *) }
(** same as astate, but without [attribute_map] (since these involve locals) and with the addition
of the ownership/attributes associated with the return value as well as the set of formals which
@ -207,8 +183,7 @@ type summary =
; locks: LocksDomain.astate
; accesses: AccessDomain.astate
; return_ownership: OwnershipAbstractValue.astate
; return_attributes: AttributeSetDomain.astate
; escapee_formals: FormalsDomain.astate }
; return_attributes: AttributeSetDomain.astate }
include AbstractDomain.WithBottom with type astate := astate
