@ -63,20 +63,15 @@ let update_reported (pname, access) reported =
let dedup (issues: Jsonbug_t.jsonbug list) =
List.fold issues ~init:(AccessMap.empty, []) ~f:
(fun (reported_map, nondup_issues) (issue: Jsonbug_t.jsonbug) ->
List.fold issues ~init:(empty_reported, []) ~f:
(fun (reported, nondup_issues) (issue: Jsonbug_t.jsonbug) ->
match issue.access with
| Some access_serial ->
let access : Access.t = Marshal.from_string (B64.decode access_serial) 0 in
let reported =
Option.value (AccessMap.find_opt access reported_map) ~default:empty_reported
if is_duplicate_report access reported then (reported_map, nondup_issues)
( AccessMap.add access (update_reported access reported) reported_map
, {issue with access= None} :: nondup_issues )
if is_duplicate_report access reported then (reported, nondup_issues)
else (update_reported access reported, {issue with access= None} :: nondup_issues)
| None ->
(reported_map, {issue with access= None} :: nondup_issues) )
(reported, {issue with access= None} :: nondup_issues) )
|> snd