[sledge semantics] Add a rough draft llair semantics

Not everything is here yet, and there is some confusion on what to do
about the size values. However, the semantics has the right general
shape and will be a nice starting point for thinking about the details.

Reviewed By: jberdine

Differential Revision: D17111041

fbshipit-source-id: cc75651c6
Scott Owens 6 years ago committed by Facebook Github Bot
parent 2339791336
commit d864fb2c89

@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ Datatype:
llair = <| globals : global list; functions : (label, func) alist |>
llair = <| globals : global list; functions : (string, func) alist |>
(* ----- Semantic states ----- *)
@ -134,42 +134,345 @@ End
Type v = ``:flat_v reg_v``
pc = <| l : label; i : num |>
frame = <| ret : pc; exn_ret : pc; ret_var : var; saved_locals : var |-> v; |>
frame = <| ret : label; exn_ret : label; ret_var : var; saved_locals : var |-> v; |>
state =
<| ip : pc;
<| bp : label; (* Pointer to the next block to execute *)
globals : var |-> word64;
locals : var |-> v;
stack : frame list;
pointer_size : 'a itself;
heap : unit heap |>
(* ----- Semantic transitions ----- *)
Definition eval_exp_def:
eval_exp = ARB: state -> exp -> v
Definition sizeof_def:
(sizeof (:'a) (IntegerT n) = n)
(sizeof (:'a) (PointerT t) = dimindex (:'a))
(sizeof (:'a) (ArrayT t n) = n * sizeof (:'a) t)
(sizeof (:'a) (TupleT ts) = sum (map (sizeof (:'a)) ts))
WF_REL_TAC `measure (typ_size o snd)` >> simp [] >>
Induct >> rw [definition "typ_size_def"] >> simp [] >>
first_x_assum drule >> decide_tac
Definition type_to_shape_def:
(type_to_shape (:'a) (IntegerT n) = Flat (sizeof (:'a) (IntegerT n)) (IntegerT n))
(type_to_shape (:'a) (ArrayT t n) = Array (type_to_shape (:'a) t) n)
(type_to_shape (:'a) (TupleT ts) = Tuple (map (type_to_shape (:'a)) ts))
WF_REL_TAC `measure (typ_size o snd)` >>
rw [] >>
Induct_on `ts` >> rw [definition "typ_size_def"] >>
res_tac >> decide_tac
Definition first_class_type_def:
(first_class_type (IntegerT _) T)
(first_class_type (PointerT _) T)
(first_class_type (ArrayT t _) first_class_type t)
(first_class_type (TupleT ts) every first_class_type ts)
(first_class_type _ F)
WF_REL_TAC `measure typ_size` >>
rw [] >>
Induct_on `ts` >> rw [definition "typ_size_def"] >>
res_tac >> decide_tac
Inductive value_type:
(value_type (IntegerT n) (FlatV (IntV i n)))
(value_type (PointerT _) (FlatV (LocV n)))
(every (value_type t) vs length vs = n first_class_type t
value_type (ArrayT t n) (AggV vs))
(list_rel value_type ts vs
value_type (StrT ts) (AggV vs))
Definition bool2v_def:
bool2v b = FlatV (IntV (if b then 1 else 0) 1)
Definition int2unsigned_def:
int2unsigned (i:int) size =
if i < 0 then
256 ** size + i
Definition fits_def:
fits (i:int) size
0 < size 0 - (256 ** (size - 1)) i i < 256 ** (size - 1)
(* TODO: We never create anything that is a SizeV *)
Inductive eval_exp:
(∀s v r.
flookup s.locals v = Some r
eval_exp s (Var v) r)
(* TODO: Nondet I guess we need to know the type here *)
(* TODO: Label *)
(∀s e1 e2 size byte.
eval_exp s e1 (FlatV (IntV byte 1))
eval_exp s e2 (FlatV (SizeV size))
eval_exp s (Splat e1 e2) (AggV (replicate size (FlatV (IntV byte 1)))))
(* TODO Question: What if size <> vals? *)
(∀s e1 e2 size vals.
eval_exp s e1 (AggV vals)
eval_exp s e2 (FlatV (SizeV size))
size = length vals
eval_exp s (Memory e1 e2) (AggV vals))
(∀s es vals.
list_rel (eval_exp s) es (map AggV vals)
eval_exp s (Concat es) (AggV (flat vals)))
(∀s i size.
eval_exp s (Integer i (IntegerT size)) (FlatV (IntV i size)))
(* TODO Question: Should the same integer with two different sizes be equal *)
(∀s e1 e2 r1 r2.
eval_exp s e1 r1
eval_exp s e2 r2
eval_exp s (Eq e1 e2) (bool2v (r1 = r2)))
(∀s e1 e2 i1 size1 i2 size2.
eval_exp s e1 (FlatV (IntV i1 size1))
eval_exp s e2 (FlatV (IntV i2 size2))
fits i1 size1
fits i2 size2
eval_exp s (Lt e1 e2) (bool2v (i1 < i2)))
(∀s e1 e2 i1 size1 i2 size2.
eval_exp s e1 (FlatV (IntV i1 size1))
eval_exp s e2 (FlatV (IntV i2 size2))
fits i1 size1
fits i2 size2
eval_exp s (Ult e1 e2) (bool2v (int2unsigned i1 size1 < int2unsigned i2 size2)))
(∀s size e1 e2 i1 i2.
eval_exp s e1 (FlatV (IntV i1 size))
eval_exp s e2 (FlatV (IntV i2 size))
fits i1 size
fits i2 size
eval_exp s (Sub (IntegerT size) e1 e2) (FlatV (IntV (i1 - i2) size)))
(∀s es vals.
list_rel (eval_exp s) es vals
eval_exp s (Record es) (AggV vals))
(∀s e1 e2 vals size.
eval_exp s e1 (AggV vals)
eval_exp s e2 (FlatV (SizeV size))
size < length vals
eval_exp s (Select e1 e2) (el size vals))
(∀s e1 e2 e3 vals size r.
eval_exp s e1 (AggV vals)
eval_exp s e2 (FlatV (SizeV size))
eval_exp s e3 r
size < length vals
eval_exp s (Update e1 e2 e3) (AggV (list_update r size vals)))
Definition convert_value_def:
(convert_value (IntegerT n) w = IntV (w2i w) n)
(convert_value (PointerT t) w = LocV (w2n w))
Definition bytes_to_llair_value_def:
bytes_to_llair_value (:'a) t bs =
(bytes_to_value (λn t (w:'a word). convert_value t w) (type_to_shape (:'a) t) bs)
Definition unconvert_value_def:
(unconvert_value (:'a) (IntV i size) = (size, i2w i))
(unconvert_value (:'a) (LocV n) = (dimindex (:'a), n2w n))
Definition llair_value_to_bytes_def:
llair_value_to_bytes (:'a) v =
value_to_bytes (unconvert_value (:'a) : flat_v -> num # 'a word) v
Definition update_results_def:
update_results xvs s = s with locals := s.locals |++ xvs
Definition inc_pc_def:
inc_pc s = s with ip := (s.ip with i := s.ip.i + 1)
Inductive step_inst:
(∀s ves r.
eval_exp s e r
step_inst s
(Move ves)
(update_results (map (λ(v,e). (v, r)) ves) s))
(∀(s:'a state) x t e size ptr freeable interval bytes.
eval_exp s e (FlatV (LocV ptr))
interval = Interval freeable ptr (ptr + size)
is_allocated interval s.heap
bytes = map snd (get_bytes s.heap interval)
step_inst s
(Load (Var_name x t) e size)
(update_results [(Var_name x t, fst (bytes_to_llair_value (:'a) t bytes))] s))
(∀s e1 e2 size ptr bytes freeable interval r.
eval_exp s e1 (FlatV (LocV ptr))
eval_exp s e2 r
interval = Interval freeable ptr (ptr + size)
is_allocated interval s.heap
bytes = llair_value_to_bytes (:'a) r
length bytes = size
step_inst s
(Store e1 e2 size)
(s with heap := set_bytes () bytes ptr s.heap))
(* TODO memset *)
(∀s e1 e2 e3 dest_ptr src_ptr size src_interval freeable1 freeable2 bytes.
eval_exp s e1 (FlatV (LocV dest_ptr))
eval_exp s e2 (FlatV (LocV src_ptr))
eval_exp s e3 (FlatV (SizeV size))
src_interval = Interval freeable1 src_ptr (src_ptr + size)
is_allocated src_interval s.heap
is_allocated (Interval freeable2 dest_ptr (dest_ptr + size)) s.heap
(* TODO Question: should we allow overlap? *)
bytes = map snd (get_bytes s.heap src_interval)
step_inst s
(Memcpy e1 e2 e3)
(s with heap := set_bytes () bytes dest_ptr s.heap))
(* TODO memmove *)
(∀s v e1 e2 n size ptr new_h.
eval_exp s e1 (FlatV (SizeV n))
eval_exp s e2 (FlatV (SizeV size))
allocate s.heap (n * size) () (ptr, new_h)
step_inst s
(Alloc v e1 e2)
(update_results [(v, FlatV (LocV ptr))] (s with heap := new_h)))
(∀s e ptr.
eval_exp s e (FlatV (LocV ptr))
step_inst s
(Free e)
(s with heap := deallocate [A ptr] s.heap))
(∀s x t nondet.
value_type t nondet
step_inst s
(NondetI (Var_name x t))
(update_results [(Var_name x t, nondet)] s))
Inductive step_inst:
(step_inst (prog : llair) s
(Assign ves)
(inc_pc (update_results (map (λ(v,e). (v, eval_exp s e)) ves) s)))
Inductive step_term:
(∀prog s e table default size fname bname bname'.
eval_exp s e (FlatV (SizeV size))
Lab_name fname bname = (case alookup table size of Some lab => lab | None => default)
s.bp = Lab_name fname bname'
step_term prog s
(Switch e table default)
(s with bp := Lab_name fname bname))
(∀prog s e labs size.
eval_exp s e (FlatV (SizeV size))
size < length labs
step_term prog s
(Iswitch e labs)
(s with bp := el size labs))
(∀prog s v fname bname es t ret1 ret2 vals f.
alookup prog.functions fname = Some f
f.entry = Lab_name fname bname
list_rel (eval_exp s) es vals
step_term prog s
(Call v (Lab_name fname bname) es t ret1 ret2)
<| bp := Lab_name fname bname;
globals := s.globals;
locals := alist_to_fmap (zip (f.params, vals));
stack :=
<| ret := ret1;
exn_ret := ret2;
ret_var := v;
saved_locals := s.locals |> :: s.stack;
pointer_size := s.pointer_size;
heap := s.heap |>)
(∀prog s e r top rest.
eval_exp s e r
s.stack = top::rest
step_term prog s
(Return e)
<| bp := top.ret;
globals := s.globals;
locals := top.saved_locals |+ (top.ret_var, r);
stack := rest;
pointer_size := s.pointer_size;
heap := s.heap |>)
(* TODO Throw *)
(* With function calls terminating blocks, it's very easy to get rid of the
* instruction pointer and do a big-step evaluation for each block *)
Inductive step_block:
(!prog s1 t s2.
step_term prog s1 t s2
step_block prog s1 [] t s2)
(!prog s1 i is t s2 s3.
step_inst s1 i s2
step_block prog s2 is t s3
step_block prog s1 (i::is) t s3)
Inductive step:
(∀prog s fname bname f b s'.
s.bp = Lab_name fname bname
alookup prog.functions fname = Some f
alookup f.cfg s.bp = Some b
step_block prog s b.cmnd b.term s'
step prog s s')
export_theory ();

@ -497,11 +497,12 @@ Inductive step_instr:
(eval s a1 = v
v2n v.value = Some n
allocate s.heap (n * sizeof t) v.poison (v2, new_h)
allocate s.heap (n * sizeof t) v.poison (n2, new_h)
step_instr prog s
(Alloca r t (t1, a1))
(inc_pc (update_result r v2 (s with heap := new_h))))
(inc_pc (update_result r <| poison := v.poison; value := FlatV (PtrV (n2w n2)) |>
(s with heap := new_h))))
(eval s a1 = <| poison := p1; value := FlatV (PtrV w) |>
interval = Interval freeable (w2n w) (w2n w + sizeof t)

@ -153,7 +153,6 @@ Definition get_bytes_def:
case flookup h.memory (A (start + off)) of
| None => (F, 0w)
| Some w => w)
(count_list (stop - start))
@ -170,7 +169,7 @@ Inductive allocate:
is_free b h
length bytes = size
allocate h size tag (w, set_bytes tag bytes p
allocate h size tag (p, set_bytes tag bytes p
<| memory := h.memory;
allocations := { b } h.allocations;
valid_addresses := h.valid_addresses |>)
