[pulse] take array indices into account

This will be useful to make the analysis more precise. In particular, it
allows a disjunctive version of pulse to deal will deleting vector
elements in a loop: without this, deleting an array element in one
iteration will make the analysis think that the next array element is
invalid too since they are all the same. By keep track of the index, we
can detect when we are sure that two elements are the same and only
report in that case.

Reviewed By: ngorogiannis

Differential Revision: D13431374

fbshipit-source-id: dae82deeb
Jules Villard 6 years ago committed by Facebook Github Bot
parent 101283f9d0
commit d9a014f71b

@ -207,20 +207,21 @@ module AccessExpression = struct
let pp = pp_access_expr
let to_accesses ~f_array_offset ae =
let rec aux accesses = function
let to_accesses_fold access_expr ~init ~f_array_offset =
let rec aux accum accesses = function
| Base base ->
(base, accesses)
| FieldOffset (ae, fld) ->
aux (Access.FieldAccess fld :: accesses) ae
| ArrayOffset (ae, typ, index) ->
aux (Access.ArrayAccess (typ, f_array_offset index) :: accesses) ae
| AddressOf ae ->
aux (Access.TakeAddress :: accesses) ae
| Dereference ae ->
aux (Access.Dereference :: accesses) ae
(accum, base, accesses)
| FieldOffset (access_expr, fld) ->
aux accum (Access.FieldAccess fld :: accesses) access_expr
| ArrayOffset (access_expr, typ, index) ->
let accum, index' = f_array_offset accum index in
aux accum (Access.ArrayAccess (typ, index') :: accesses) access_expr
| AddressOf access_expr ->
aux accum (Access.TakeAddress :: accesses) access_expr
| Dereference access_expr ->
aux accum (Access.Dereference :: accesses) access_expr
aux [] ae
aux init [] access_expr
(** convert to an AccessPath.t, ignoring AddressOf and Dereference for now *)

@ -50,10 +50,11 @@ module AccessExpression : sig
val dereference : access_expression -> access_expression
(** guarantees that we never build [Dereference (AddressOf t)] expressions: these become [t] *)
val to_accesses :
f_array_offset:(t option -> 'array_index)
-> access_expression
-> AccessPath.base * 'array_index Access.t list
val to_accesses_fold :
-> init:'accum
-> f_array_offset:('accum -> t option -> 'accum * 'array_index)
-> 'accum * AccessPath.base * 'array_index Access.t list
val to_access_path : access_expression -> AccessPath.t

@ -78,7 +78,8 @@ end
module Attributes = AbstractDomain.FiniteSet (Attribute)
module Memory : sig
module Access : PrettyPrintable.PrintableOrderedType with type t = unit HilExp.Access.t
module Access :
PrettyPrintable.PrintableOrderedType with type t = AbstractAddressSet.t HilExp.Access.t
module Edges : PrettyPrintable.PPMap with type key = Access.t
@ -116,9 +117,9 @@ module Memory : sig
val is_std_vector_reserved : AbstractAddressSet.t -> t -> bool
end = struct
module Access = struct
type t = unit HilExp.Access.t [@@deriving compare]
type t = AbstractAddressSet.t HilExp.Access.t [@@deriving compare]
let pp = HilExp.Access.pp (fun _ () -> ())
let pp = HilExp.Access.pp AbstractAddressSet.pp
module Edges = PrettyPrintable.MakePPMap (Access)
@ -622,11 +623,28 @@ module Operations = struct
{astate with stack}
let rec to_accesses location access_expr astate =
let exception Failed_fold of Diagnostic.t in
HilExp.AccessExpression.to_accesses_fold access_expr ~init:astate
~f_array_offset:(fun astate hil_exp_opt ->
match hil_exp_opt with
| None ->
(astate, AbstractAddressSet.mk_fresh ())
| Some hil_exp -> (
match eval_hil_exp location hil_exp astate with
| Ok result ->
| Error diag ->
raise (Failed_fold diag) ) )
|> Result.return
with Failed_fold diag -> Error diag
(** add addresses to the state to give a address to the destination of the given access path *)
let walk_access_expr ~on_last astate access_expr location =
let (access_var, _), access_list =
HilExp.AccessExpression.to_accesses ~f_array_offset:(fun _ -> ()) access_expr
and walk_access_expr ~on_last astate access_expr location =
to_accesses location access_expr astate
>>= fun (astate, (access_var, _), access_list) ->
if Config.write_html then
L.d_printfln "Accessing %a -> [%a]" Var.pp access_var
(Pp.seq ~sep:"," Memory.Access.pp)
@ -653,7 +671,28 @@ module Operations = struct
Return an error state if it traverses some known invalid address or if the end destination is
known to be invalid. *)
let materialize_address astate access_expr = walk_access_expr ~on_last:`Access astate access_expr
and materialize_address astate access_expr = walk_access_expr ~on_last:`Access astate access_expr
and read location access_expr astate =
materialize_address astate access_expr location
>>= fun (astate, addr) ->
let actor = {access_expr; location} in
check_addr_access_set actor addr astate >>| fun astate -> (astate, addr)
and read_all location access_exprs astate =
List.fold_result access_exprs ~init:astate ~f:(fun astate access_expr ->
read location access_expr astate >>| fst )
and eval_hil_exp location (hil_exp : HilExp.t) astate =
match hil_exp with
| AccessExpression access_expr ->
read location access_expr astate
| _ ->
read_all location (HilExp.get_access_exprs hil_exp) astate
>>| fun astate -> (astate, AbstractAddressSet.mk_fresh ())
(** Use the stack and heap to walk the access path represented by the given expression down to an
abstract address representing what the expression points to, and replace that with the given
@ -686,18 +725,6 @@ module Operations = struct
>>| fst
let read location access_expr astate =
materialize_address astate access_expr location
>>= fun (astate, addr) ->
let actor = {access_expr; location} in
check_addr_access_set actor addr astate >>| fun astate -> (astate, addr)
let read_all location access_exprs astate =
List.fold_result access_exprs ~init:astate ~f:(fun astate access_expr ->
read location access_expr astate >>| fst )
let write location access_expr addr astate =
overwrite_address astate access_expr addr location >>| fun (astate, _) -> astate
@ -708,6 +735,28 @@ module Operations = struct
check_addr_access_set {access_expr; location} addr astate >>| mark_invalid_set cause addr
let invalidate_array_elements cause location access_expr astate =
materialize_address astate access_expr location
>>= fun (astate, addrs) ->
check_addr_access_set {access_expr; location} addrs astate
>>| fun astate ->
(fun addr astate ->
match Memory.find_opt addr astate.heap with
| None ->
| Some (edges, _) ->
(fun access dest_addrs astate ->
match (access : Memory.Access.t) with
| ArrayAccess _ ->
mark_invalid_set cause dest_addrs astate
| _ ->
astate )
edges astate )
addrs astate
let remove_vars vars astate =
let stack = List.fold ~f:(fun var stack -> Stack.remove stack var) ~init:astate.stack vars in
if phys_equal stack astate.stack then astate else {astate with stack}

@ -71,4 +71,7 @@ val write : Location.t -> HilExp.AccessExpression.t -> AbstractAddressSet.t -> t
val invalidate :
PulseInvalidation.t -> Location.t -> HilExp.AccessExpression.t -> t -> t access_result
val invalidate_array_elements :
PulseInvalidation.t -> Location.t -> HilExp.AccessExpression.t -> t -> t access_result
val remove_vars : Var.t list -> t -> t

@ -97,16 +97,20 @@ module StdVector = struct
let to_internal_array vector = HilExp.AccessExpression.field_offset vector internal_array
let deref_internal_array vector =
HilExp.AccessExpression.(array_offset (dereference (to_internal_array vector)) Typ.void None)
HilExp.AccessExpression.(dereference (to_internal_array vector))
let element_of_internal_array vector index =
HilExp.AccessExpression.array_offset (deref_internal_array vector) Typ.void index
let reallocate_internal_array vector vector_f location astate =
let array = to_internal_array vector in
(* all elements should be invalidated *)
let array_elements = deref_internal_array vector in
let array_address = to_internal_array vector in
let array = deref_internal_array vector in
let invalidation = PulseInvalidation.StdVector (vector_f, vector, location) in
PulseDomain.invalidate invalidation location array_elements astate
>>= PulseDomain.havoc location array
PulseDomain.invalidate_array_elements invalidation location array astate
>>= PulseDomain.invalidate invalidation location array
>>= PulseDomain.havoc location array_address
let invalidate_references invalidation : model =
@ -121,8 +125,10 @@ module StdVector = struct
let at : model =
fun location ~ret ~actuals astate ->
match actuals with
| [AccessExpression vector; _index] ->
PulseDomain.read location (deref_internal_array vector) astate
| [AccessExpression vector_access_expr; index_exp] ->
PulseDomain.read location
(element_of_internal_array vector_access_expr (Some index_exp))
>>= fun (astate, loc) ->
PulseDomain.write location (HilExp.AccessExpression.base ret) loc astate
| _ ->
