@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ let pp_objc_accessor_type fmt objc_accessor_type =
F.fprintf fmt "%s<%a:%a@,[%a]>"
(kind_of_objc_accessor_type objc_accessor_type)
Typ.Fieldname.pp fieldname (Typ.pp Pp.text) typ
(Pp.semicolon_seq (Pp.pair ~fst:Annot.pp ~snd:F.pp_print_bool))
(Pp.semicolon_seq ~print_env:Pp.text_break (Pp.pair ~fst:Annot.pp ~snd:F.pp_print_bool))
@ -78,10 +78,12 @@ let var_attribute_equal = [%compare.equal : var_attribute]
type var_data = {name: Mangled.t; typ: Typ.t; attributes: var_attribute list} [@@deriving compare]
let pp_var_data fmt {name; typ; attributes} =
F.fprintf fmt "{@[<h>name=@ %a;@,typ=@ %a;@,attributes=@ %a@]}" Mangled.pp name (Typ.pp Pp.text)
(Pp.semicolon_seq (Pp.to_string ~f:string_of_var_attribute))
F.fprintf fmt "@[<h>{ name=@ %a;@ typ=@ %a" Mangled.pp name (Typ.pp_full Pp.text) typ ;
if not (List.is_empty attributes) then
F.fprintf fmt ";@ attributes=@ [@[%a@]]"
(Pp.semicolon_seq ~print_env:Pp.text_break (Pp.to_string ~f:string_of_var_attribute))
attributes ;
F.fprintf fmt " }@]"
type t =
@ -144,62 +146,107 @@ let default proc_name =
; source_file_captured= SourceFile.invalid __FILE__ }
let pp_parameters = Pp.semicolon_seq (Pp.pair ~fst:Mangled.pp ~snd:(Typ.pp Pp.text))
let pp fmt attributes =
let[@warning "+9"] { access
; captured
; did_preanalysis
; err_log
; exceptions
; formals
; const_formals
; by_vals
; func_attributes
; is_abstract
; is_bridge_method
; is_defined
; is_cpp_noexcept_method
; is_java_synchronized_method
; is_model
; is_specialized
; is_synthetic_method
; clang_method_kind
; loc
; translation_unit
; locals
; method_annotation
; objc_accessor
; proc_flags
; proc_name
; ret_type
; source_file_captured } =
let pp_parameters =
Pp.semicolon_seq ~print_env:Pp.text_break (Pp.pair ~fst:Mangled.pp ~snd:(Typ.pp_full Pp.text))
let pp f
({ access
; captured
; did_preanalysis
; err_log
; exceptions
; formals
; const_formals
; by_vals
; func_attributes
; is_abstract
; is_bridge_method
; is_defined
; is_cpp_noexcept_method
; is_java_synchronized_method
; is_model
; is_specialized
; is_synthetic_method
; clang_method_kind
; loc
; translation_unit
; locals
; method_annotation
; objc_accessor
; proc_flags
; proc_name
; ret_type
; source_file_captured }[@warning "+9"]) =
let default = default proc_name in
let pp_bool_default ~default title b f () =
if not (Bool.equal default b) then F.fprintf f "; %s= %b@," title b
Format.fprintf fmt
"{@[access= %a;@ captured= [@[%a@]];@ did_preanalysis= %b;@ err_log= [@[%a%a@]];@ exceptions= \
[@[%a@]];@ formals= [@[%a@]];@ const_formals= [@[%a@]];@ by_vals= [@[%a@]];@ \
func_attributes= [@[%a@]];@ is_abstract= %b;@ is_bridge_method= %b;@ is_defined= %b;@ \
is_cpp_noexcept_method= %b;@ is_java_synchronized_method= %b;@ is_model= %b;@ \
is_specialized= %b;@ is_synthetic_method= %b;@ clang_method_kind= %a;@ loc= %a;@ \
translation_unit= %a;@ locals= [@[%a@]];@ method_annotation= %a;@ objc_accessor= %a;@ \
proc_flags= [@[%a@]];@ proc_name= %a;@ ret_type= %a;@ source_file_captured=%a@]}"
(Pp.to_string ~f:PredSymb.string_of_access)
access pp_parameters captured did_preanalysis Errlog.pp_errors err_log Errlog.pp_warnings
(Pp.semicolon_seq F.pp_print_string)
exceptions pp_parameters formals (Pp.semicolon_seq F.pp_print_int) const_formals
(Pp.semicolon_seq F.pp_print_int) by_vals
(Pp.semicolon_seq PredSymb.pp_func_attribute)
func_attributes is_abstract is_bridge_method is_defined is_cpp_noexcept_method
is_java_synchronized_method is_model is_specialized is_synthetic_method
(Pp.to_string ~f:string_of_clang_method_kind)
clang_method_kind Location.pp loc (Pp.option SourceFile.pp) translation_unit
(Pp.semicolon_seq pp_var_data) locals (Annot.Method.pp "") method_annotation
(Pp.option pp_objc_accessor_type) objc_accessor
(Pp.hashtbl ~key:F.pp_print_string ~value:F.pp_print_string)
proc_flags Typ.Procname.pp proc_name (Typ.pp Pp.text) ret_type SourceFile.pp
F.fprintf f "@[<v>{ proc_name= %a@,; source_file_captured= %a@," Typ.Procname.pp proc_name
SourceFile.pp source_file_captured ;
if not (PredSymb.equal_access default.access access) then
F.fprintf f "; access= %a@," (Pp.to_string ~f:PredSymb.string_of_access) access ;
if not ([%compare.equal : (Mangled.t * Typ.t) list] default.captured captured) then
F.fprintf f "; captured= [@[%a@]]@," pp_parameters captured ;
pp_bool_default ~default:default.did_preanalysis "did_preanalysis" did_preanalysis f () ;
if not (Errlog.equal default.err_log err_log) then
F.fprintf f "; err_log= [@[%a%a@]]@," Errlog.pp_errors err_log Errlog.pp_warnings err_log ;
if not ([%compare.equal : string list] default.exceptions exceptions) then
F.fprintf f "; exceptions= [@[%a@]]@,"
(Pp.semicolon_seq ~print_env:Pp.text_break F.pp_print_string)
exceptions ;
(* always print formals *)
F.fprintf f "; formals= [@[%a@]]@," pp_parameters formals ;
if not ([%compare.equal : int list] default.const_formals const_formals) then
F.fprintf f "; const_formals= [@[%a@]]@,"
(Pp.semicolon_seq ~print_env:Pp.text_break F.pp_print_int)
const_formals ;
if not ([%compare.equal : int list] default.by_vals by_vals) then
F.fprintf f "; by_vals= [@[%a@]]@,"
(Pp.semicolon_seq ~print_env:Pp.text_break F.pp_print_int)
by_vals ;
if not ([%compare.equal : PredSymb.func_attribute list] default.func_attributes func_attributes)
F.fprintf f "; func_attributes= [@[%a@]]@,"
(Pp.semicolon_seq ~print_env:Pp.text_break PredSymb.pp_func_attribute)
func_attributes ;
pp_bool_default ~default:default.did_preanalysis "did_preanalysis" did_preanalysis f () ;
pp_bool_default ~default:default.is_abstract "is_abstract" is_abstract f () ;
pp_bool_default ~default:default.is_bridge_method "is_bridge_method" is_bridge_method f () ;
pp_bool_default ~default:default.is_defined "is_defined" is_defined f () ;
pp_bool_default ~default:default.is_cpp_noexcept_method "is_cpp_noexcept_method"
is_cpp_noexcept_method f () ;
pp_bool_default ~default:default.is_java_synchronized_method "is_java_synchronized_method"
is_java_synchronized_method f () ;
pp_bool_default ~default:default.is_model "is_model" is_model f () ;
pp_bool_default ~default:default.is_specialized "is_specialized" is_specialized f () ;
pp_bool_default ~default:default.is_synthetic_method "is_synthetic_method" is_synthetic_method f
() ;
if not ([%compare.equal : clang_method_kind] default.clang_method_kind clang_method_kind) then
F.fprintf f "; clang_method_kind= %a@,"
(Pp.to_string ~f:string_of_clang_method_kind)
clang_method_kind ;
if not (Location.equal default.loc loc) then F.fprintf f "; loc= %a@," Location.pp loc ;
if not ([%compare.equal : SourceFile.t option] default.translation_unit translation_unit) then
F.fprintf f "; translation_unit= %a@," (Pp.option SourceFile.pp) translation_unit ;
if not ([%compare.equal : var_data list] default.locals locals) then
F.fprintf f "; locals= [@[%a@]]@,"
(Pp.semicolon_seq ~print_env:Pp.text_break pp_var_data)
locals ;
if not (Annot.Method.equal default.method_annotation method_annotation) then
F.fprintf f "; method_annotation= %a@," (Annot.Method.pp "") method_annotation ;
if not ([%compare.equal : objc_accessor_type option] default.objc_accessor objc_accessor) then
F.fprintf f "; objc_accessor= %a@," (Pp.option pp_objc_accessor_type) objc_accessor ;
(* HACK: this hardcodes the default instead of comparing to [default.proc_flags], and tests
emptiness in linear time too *)
not (Int.equal (Hashtbl.length proc_flags) 0)
F.fprintf f "; proc_flags= [@[%a@]]@,"
(Pp.hashtbl ~key:F.pp_print_string ~value:F.pp_print_string)
proc_flags ;
(* always print ret type *)
F.fprintf f "; ret_type= %a }@]" (Typ.pp_full Pp.text) ret_type
module SQLite = SqliteUtils.MarshalledData (struct