@ -40,9 +40,10 @@ module Misc = struct
fun i64 ~ caller_summary : _ location ~ ret : ( ret_id , _ ) astate ->
let ret_addr = AbstractValue . mk_fresh () in
let astate =
Memory . add_attribute ret_addr
( Arithmetic ( Arithmetic . equal_to ( IntLit . of_int64 i64 ) , Immediate { location ; history = [] } ) )
let i = IntLit . of_int64 i64 in
Memory . add_attribute ret_addr ( BoItv ( Itv . ItvPure . of_int_lit i ) ) astate
| > Memory . add_attribute ret_addr
( Arithmetic ( Arithmetic . equal_to i , Immediate { location ; history = [] } ) )
Ok [ PulseOperations . write_id ret_id ( ret_addr , [] ) astate ]
@ -57,13 +58,18 @@ end
module C = struct
let free deleted_access : model =
fun ~ caller_summary : _ location ~ ret : _ astate ->
match Memory . get_arithmetic ( fst deleted_access ) astate with
| Some ( arith , _ ) when Arithmetic . is_equal_to_zero arith ->
(* freeing 0 is a no-op *)
Ok [ astate ]
| _ ->
PulseOperations . invalidate location Invalidation . CFree deleted_access astate
> > | fun astate -> [ astate ]
(* NOTE: we could introduce a case-split explicitly on =0 vs ≠0 but instead only act on what we
currently know about the value . This is purely to avoid contributing to path explosion . * )
let is_known_zero =
( Memory . get_arithmetic ( fst deleted_access ) astate
| > function Some ( arith , _ ) -> Arithmetic . is_equal_to_zero arith | None -> false )
| | Itv . ItvPure . is_zero ( Memory . get_bo_itv ( fst deleted_access ) astate )
if is_known_zero then (* freeing 0 is a no-op *)
Ok [ astate ]
PulseOperations . invalidate location Invalidation . CFree deleted_access astate
> > | fun astate -> [ astate ]
module Cplusplus = struct