[inferbo] Introduce inequality for size alias target

Summary: This diff introduces an inequality for the size alias targets, in order to get preciser array lengths after loops. The alias domain in inferbo was able to express strict equality between alias source and its targets, e.g. x=size(array). Now, for the size alias target, it can express less than or equal relations, e.g. x>=size(array).

Reviewed By: ezgicicek

Differential Revision: D17606222

fbshipit-source-id: 2557d3bd0
Sungkeun Cho 6 years ago committed by Facebook Github Bot
parent d163be3b87
commit dda1486a67

@ -148,6 +148,8 @@ let shift_right intlit1 {i= i2} =
lift1 (fun i -> Z.shift_right i i2) intlit1
let min i1 i2 = if leq i1 i2 then i1 else i2
let pp f intlit = if isnull intlit then F.pp_print_string f "null" else Z.pp_print f intlit.i
let to_string i = F.asprintf "%a" pp i

@ -89,6 +89,8 @@ val shift_right : t -> t -> t
val sub : t -> t -> t
val min : t -> t -> t
val to_int : t -> int option
val to_int_exn : t -> int

@ -817,6 +817,19 @@ module MemPure = struct
module AliasTarget = struct
(* [Eq]: The value of alias target is exactly the same to the alias key.
[Le]: The value of alias target is less than or equal to the alias key. For example, if there
is an alias between [%r] and [size(x)+i] with the [Le] type, which means [size(x)+i <= %r]. *)
type alias_typ = Eq | Le [@@deriving compare]
let alias_typ_pp fmt = function
| Eq ->
F.pp_print_string fmt "="
| Le ->
F.pp_print_string fmt ">="
(* Relations between values of logical variables(registers) and program variables
"Simple relation": Since Sil distinguishes logical and program variables, we need a relation for
@ -839,7 +852,7 @@ module AliasTarget = struct
type t =
| Simple of {l: Loc.t; i: IntLit.t; java_tmp: Loc.t option}
| Empty of Loc.t
| Size of {l: Loc.t; i: IntLit.t; java_tmp: Loc.t option}
| Size of {alias_typ: alias_typ; l: Loc.t; i: IntLit.t; java_tmp: Loc.t option}
| Fgets of Loc.t
| Top
[@@deriving compare]
@ -858,8 +871,9 @@ module AliasTarget = struct
F.fprintf fmt "%t%a=%a%a" pp_key pp_java_tmp java_tmp Loc.pp l pp_intlit i
| Empty l ->
F.fprintf fmt "%t=empty(%a)" pp_key Loc.pp l
| Size {l; i; java_tmp} ->
F.fprintf fmt "%t%a=size(%a)%a" pp_key pp_java_tmp java_tmp Loc.pp l pp_intlit i
| Size {alias_typ; l; i; java_tmp} ->
F.fprintf fmt "%t%a%asize(%a)%a" pp_key pp_java_tmp java_tmp alias_typ_pp alias_typ
Loc.pp l pp_intlit i
| Fgets l ->
F.fprintf fmt "%t=fgets(%a)" pp_key Loc.pp l
| Top ->
@ -888,27 +902,60 @@ module AliasTarget = struct
Option.map (f l) ~f:(fun l -> Simple {l; i; java_tmp})
| Empty l ->
Option.map (f l) ~f:(fun l -> Empty l)
| Size {l; i; java_tmp} ->
| Size {alias_typ; l; i; java_tmp} ->
let java_tmp = Option.bind java_tmp ~f in
Option.map (f l) ~f:(fun l -> Size {l; i; java_tmp})
Option.map (f l) ~f:(fun l -> Size {alias_typ; l; i; java_tmp})
| Fgets l ->
Option.map (f l) ~f:(fun l -> Fgets l)
| Top ->
Some Top
let ( <= ) ~lhs ~rhs = equal lhs rhs
let ( <= ) ~lhs ~rhs =
equal lhs rhs
match (lhs, rhs) with
| ( Size {alias_typ= _; l= l1; i= i1; java_tmp= java_tmp1}
, Size {alias_typ= Le; l= l2; i= i2; java_tmp= java_tmp2} ) ->
(* (a=size(l)+2) <= (a>=size(l)+1) *)
(* (a>=size(l)+2) <= (a>=size(l)+1) *)
Loc.equal l1 l2 && IntLit.geq i1 i2 && Option.equal Loc.equal java_tmp1 java_tmp2
| _, _ ->
let join x y = if equal x y then x else Top
let widen ~prev ~next ~num_iters:_ = join prev next
let join x y =
if equal x y then x
match (x, y) with
| ( Size {alias_typ= _; l= l1; i= i1; java_tmp= java_tmp1}
, Size {alias_typ= _; l= l2; i= i2; java_tmp= java_tmp2} )
when Loc.equal l1 l2 && Option.equal Loc.equal java_tmp1 java_tmp2 ->
(* (a=size(l)+1) join (a=size(l)+2) is (a>=size(l)+1) *)
(* (a=size(l)+1) join (a>=size(l)+2) is (a>=size(l)+1) *)
Size {alias_typ= Le; l= l1; i= IntLit.min i1 i2; java_tmp= java_tmp1}
| _, _ ->
let widen ~prev ~next ~num_iters:_ =
if equal prev next then prev
match (prev, next) with
| Size {alias_typ= Eq}, Size {alias_typ= _} ->
join prev next
| Size {alias_typ= Le; i= i1}, Size {alias_typ= _; i= i2} when IntLit.eq i1 i2 ->
join prev next
| _, _ ->
let is_unknown x = PowLoc.exists Loc.is_unknown (get_locs x)
let incr_size_alias loc x =
match x with
| Size {l; i} when Loc.equal l loc ->
Size {l; i= IntLit.(add i minus_one); java_tmp= None}
| Size {alias_typ; l; i} when Loc.equal l loc ->
Size {alias_typ; l; i= IntLit.(add i minus_one); java_tmp= None}
| _ ->
@ -1001,15 +1048,17 @@ module AliasMap = struct
let add_zero_size_alias ~size ~arr x =
add (Key.of_loc size) (AliasTarget.Size {l= arr; i= IntLit.zero; java_tmp= None}) x
add (Key.of_loc size)
(AliasTarget.Size {alias_typ= Eq; l= arr; i= IntLit.zero; java_tmp= None})
let incr_size_alias loc = map (AliasTarget.incr_size_alias loc)
let store_n ~prev loc id n x =
match find_id id prev with
| Some (AliasTarget.Size {l; i}) ->
add (Key.of_loc loc) (AliasTarget.Size {l; i= IntLit.add i n; java_tmp= None}) x
| Some (AliasTarget.Size {alias_typ; l; i}) ->
add (Key.of_loc loc) (AliasTarget.Size {alias_typ; l; i= IntLit.add i n; java_tmp= None}) x
| _ ->
@ -1096,7 +1145,8 @@ module Alias = struct
let add_empty_size_alias : Loc.t -> PowLoc.t -> t -> t =
fun loc arr_locs a ->
fun loc arr_locs prev ->
let a = lift_map (AliasMap.forget loc) prev in
match PowLoc.is_singleton_or_more arr_locs with
| IContainer.Singleton arr_loc ->
lift_map (AliasMap.add_zero_size_alias ~size:loc ~arr:arr_loc) a
@ -1606,11 +1656,11 @@ module MemReach = struct
let find_size_alias : Ident.t -> _ t0 -> (Loc.t * Loc.t option) option =
let find_size_alias : Ident.t -> _ t0 -> (AliasTarget.alias_typ * Loc.t * Loc.t option) option =
fun k m ->
match Alias.find_id k m.alias with
| Some (AliasTarget.Size {l; java_tmp}) ->
Some (l, java_tmp)
| Some (AliasTarget.Size {alias_typ; l; java_tmp}) ->
Some (alias_typ, l, java_tmp)
| _ ->
@ -1933,7 +1983,7 @@ module Mem = struct
fun k -> f_lift_default ~default:None (MemReach.find_simple_alias k)
let find_size_alias : Ident.t -> _ t0 -> (Loc.t * Loc.t option) option =
let find_size_alias : Ident.t -> _ t0 -> (AliasTarget.alias_typ * Loc.t * Loc.t option) option =
fun k -> f_lift_default ~default:None (MemReach.find_size_alias k)
@ -1954,7 +2004,8 @@ module Mem = struct
let load_size_alias : Ident.t -> Loc.t -> t -> t =
fun id loc -> load_alias id (AliasTarget.Size {l= loc; i= IntLit.zero; java_tmp= None})
fun id loc ->
load_alias id (AliasTarget.Size {alias_typ= Eq; l= loc; i= IntLit.zero; java_tmp= None})
let store_simple_alias : Loc.t -> Exp.t -> t -> t =

@ -556,7 +556,8 @@ module Prune = struct
let gen_prune_alias_functions ~prune_alias_core integer_type_widths comp x e astate =
let val_prune =
(* [val_prune_eq] is applied when the alias type is [AliasTarget.Eq]. *)
let val_prune_eq =
match comp with
| Binop.Lt | Binop.Gt | Binop.Le | Binop.Ge ->
Val.prune_comp comp
@ -567,19 +568,37 @@ module Prune = struct
| _ ->
assert false
(* [val_prune_le] is applied when the alias type is [AliasTarget.Le]. *)
let val_prune_le =
match comp with
| Binop.Lt ->
(* when [alias_target <= alias_key < e], prune [alias_target] with [alias_target < e] *)
Some (Val.prune_comp comp)
| Binop.Le | Binop.Eq ->
(* when [alias_target <= alias_key = e] or [alias_target <= alias_key <= e], prune
[alias_target] with [alias_target <= e] *)
Some (Val.prune_comp Binop.Le)
| Binop.Ne | Binop.Gt | Binop.Ge ->
(* when [alias_target <= alias_key != e], [alias_target <= alias_key > e] or [alias_target
<= alias_key >= e], no prune *)
| _ ->
assert false
let make_pruning_exp = PruningExp.make comp in
prune_alias_core ~val_prune ~make_pruning_exp integer_type_widths x e astate
prune_alias_core ~val_prune_eq ~val_prune_le ~make_pruning_exp integer_type_widths x e astate
let prune_simple_alias =
let prune_alias_core ~val_prune ~make_pruning_exp integer_type_widths x e ({mem} as astate) =
let prune_alias_core ~val_prune_eq ~val_prune_le:_ ~make_pruning_exp integer_type_widths x e
({mem} as astate) =
Option.value_map (Mem.find_simple_alias x mem) ~default:astate ~f:(fun (lv, opt_i) ->
let lhs = Mem.find lv mem in
let rhs =
let v' = eval integer_type_widths e mem in
Option.value_map opt_i ~default:v' ~f:(fun i -> Val.minus_a v' (Val.of_int_lit i))
let v = val_prune lhs rhs in
let v = val_prune_eq lhs rhs in
let pruning_exp = make_pruning_exp ~lhs ~rhs in
update_mem_in_prune lv v ~pruning_exp astate )
@ -587,20 +606,36 @@ module Prune = struct
let prune_size_alias =
let prune_alias_core ~val_prune ~make_pruning_exp integer_type_widths x e ({mem} as astate) =
Option.value_map (Mem.find_size_alias x mem) ~default:astate ~f:(fun (lv, java_tmp) ->
let prune_alias_core ~val_prune_eq ~val_prune_le ~make_pruning_exp integer_type_widths x e
({mem} as astate) =
Option.value_map (Mem.find_size_alias x mem) ~default:astate
~f:(fun (alias_typ, lv, java_tmp) ->
let array_v = Mem.find lv mem in
let size =
Val.get_array_blk array_v |> ArrayBlk.sizeof |> Val.of_itv
|> Val.set_itv_updated_by_addition
let rhs = eval integer_type_widths e mem in
let size' = val_prune size rhs in
let array_v' = Val.set_array_length Location.dummy ~length:size' array_v in
let pruning_exp = make_pruning_exp ~lhs:size' ~rhs in
let astate = update_mem_in_prune lv array_v' ~pruning_exp astate in
Option.value_map java_tmp ~default:astate ~f:(fun java_tmp ->
update_mem_in_prune java_tmp size' ~pruning_exp astate ) )
let prune_target val_prune astate =
let size' = val_prune size rhs in
let array_v' = Val.set_array_length Location.dummy ~length:size' array_v in
let pruning_exp = make_pruning_exp ~lhs:size' ~rhs in
(update_mem_in_prune lv array_v' ~pruning_exp astate, size', pruning_exp)
match alias_typ with
| AliasTarget.Eq ->
let astate, size', pruning_exp = prune_target val_prune_eq astate in
Option.value_map java_tmp ~default:astate ~f:(fun java_tmp ->
update_mem_in_prune java_tmp size' ~pruning_exp astate )
| AliasTarget.Le ->
let astate =
Option.value_map val_prune_le ~default:astate ~f:(fun val_prune_le ->
prune_target val_prune_le astate |> fun (astate, _, _) -> astate )
Option.value_map java_tmp ~default:astate ~f:(fun java_tmp ->
let v = val_prune_eq (Mem.find java_tmp mem) rhs in
let pruning_exp = make_pruning_exp ~lhs:v ~rhs in
update_mem_in_prune java_tmp v ~pruning_exp astate ) )
gen_prune_alias_functions ~prune_alias_core

@ -49,4 +49,28 @@ class ArrayListTest {
int j = a.get(b.size() + 1);
boolean unknown_bool;
void add_in_loop_by_param2_ok(ArrayList<Integer> b) {
ArrayList<Integer> a = new ArrayList<>();
for (int i = 0; i < b.size(); i++) {
if (unknown_bool) {
} // a.size should be [0, b.size]
if (a.size() > 0) {
int j = b.get(a.size() - 1);
void add_in_loop_by_param2_bad(ArrayList<Integer> b) {
ArrayList<Integer> a = new ArrayList<>();
for (int i = 0; i < b.size(); i++) {
if (unknown_bool) {
} // a.size should be [0, b.size]
int j = b.get(a.size());

@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ codetoanalyze/java/bufferoverrun/Array.java, codetoanalyze.java.bufferoverrun.Ar
codetoanalyze/java/bufferoverrun/Array.java, codetoanalyze.java.bufferoverrun.Array.null_pruning2_Good_FP():void, 4, BUFFER_OVERRUN_L1, no_bucket, ERROR, [<Length trace>,Array declaration,Array access: Offset: 10 Size: 5]
codetoanalyze/java/bufferoverrun/Array.java, codetoanalyze.java.bufferoverrun.Array.prune_assign_exp_Bad():void, 4, BUFFER_OVERRUN_L2, no_bucket, ERROR, [<Offset trace>,Call,Assignment,Assignment,Assignment,Assignment,<Length trace>,Array declaration,Array access: Offset: [0, 4] Size: 3]
codetoanalyze/java/bufferoverrun/ArrayListTest.java, ArrayListTest.add_in_loop_bad():void, 5, BUFFER_OVERRUN_L1, no_bucket, ERROR, [<Length trace>,Array declaration,Array access: Offset: 6 Size: 5]
codetoanalyze/java/bufferoverrun/ArrayListTest.java, ArrayListTest.add_in_loop_by_param2_bad(java.util.ArrayList):void, 7, BUFFER_OVERRUN_L2, no_bucket, ERROR, [<Offset trace>,Array declaration,Assignment,<Length trace>,Assignment,Array declaration,Array access: Offset: [0, b.length] Size: b.length]
codetoanalyze/java/bufferoverrun/ArrayListTest.java, ArrayListTest.add_in_loop_by_param_bad(java.util.ArrayList):void, 5, BUFFER_OVERRUN_L1, no_bucket, ERROR, [<Offset trace>,Assignment,Array declaration,Assignment,<Length trace>,Parameter `b.elements[*]`,Assignment,Array declaration,Array access: Offset: b.length + 1 Size: b.length]
codetoanalyze/java/bufferoverrun/ArrayListTest.java, ArrayListTest.alloc_is_negative_bad():void, 2, INFERBO_ALLOC_IS_NEGATIVE, no_bucket, ERROR, [Allocation: Length: -1]
codetoanalyze/java/bufferoverrun/ArrayMember.java, codetoanalyze.java.bufferoverrun.ArrayMember.load_array_member_Bad():void, 4, BUFFER_OVERRUN_L1, no_bucket, ERROR, [<Offset trace>,Parameter `this.buf[*]`,Assignment,<Length trace>,Array declaration,Array access: Offset: [max(10, this.buf[*].lb), min(10, this.buf[*].ub)] Size: 10]

@ -42,9 +42,8 @@ public class ArrayListTest {
list.add(4, 666);
// we can't set the size of the list to 10 because it depends on how
// many times the loop is executed.Should be fixed once we have
// relational domain working.
// We can set the size of the list to 10. The reason of FP is that the widened [i] value at the
// second loop is failed to be narrowed precisely.
public void arraylist_add_in_loop_FP() {
ArrayList<Integer> list = new ArrayList<Integer>();
for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {

@ -18,36 +18,36 @@ codetoanalyze/java/performance/ArrayCost.java, ArrayCost.ArrayCost(int[]):void,
codetoanalyze/java/performance/ArrayCost.java, ArrayCost.isPowOfTwo_FP(int):boolean, 4, EXPENSIVE_EXECUTION_TIME, no_bucket, ERROR, [with estimated cost 883, O(1), degree = 0]
codetoanalyze/java/performance/ArrayListTest.java, ArrayListTest.arraylist_add3_overrun_bad():void, 5, BUFFER_OVERRUN_L1, no_bucket, ERROR, [<Length trace>,Array declaration,Through,Through,Through,Array access: Offset added: 4 Size: 3]
codetoanalyze/java/performance/ArrayListTest.java, ArrayListTest.arraylist_addAll_bad():void, 10, BUFFER_OVERRUN_L1, no_bucket, ERROR, [<Length trace>,Array declaration,Through,Through,Through,Array access: Offset added: 5 Size: 4]
codetoanalyze/java/performance/ArrayListTest.java, ArrayListTest.arraylist_add_in_loop_FP():void, 0, INFINITE_EXECUTION_TIME, no_bucket, ERROR, [Unbounded loop,Loop at line 53]
codetoanalyze/java/performance/ArrayListTest.java, ArrayListTest.arraylist_add_in_loop_FP():void, 0, INFINITE_EXECUTION_TIME, no_bucket, ERROR, [Unbounded loop,Loop at line 52]
codetoanalyze/java/performance/ArrayListTest.java, ArrayListTest.arraylist_add_in_loop_FP():void, 5, INTEGER_OVERFLOW_L5, no_bucket, ERROR, [<LHS trace>,Assignment,Binary operation: ([0, +oo] + 1):signed32]
codetoanalyze/java/performance/ArrayListTest.java, ArrayListTest.arraylist_empty_overrun_bad():void, 2, BUFFER_OVERRUN_L1, no_bucket, ERROR, [<Length trace>,Array declaration,Array access: Offset added: 1 Size: 0]
codetoanalyze/java/performance/ArrayListTest.java, ArrayListTest.arraylist_empty_underrun_bad():void, 2, BUFFER_OVERRUN_L1, no_bucket, ERROR, [<Length trace>,Array declaration,Array access: Offset added: -1 Size: 0]
codetoanalyze/java/performance/ArrayListTest.java, ArrayListTest.arraylist_get_overrun_bad():void, 3, BUFFER_OVERRUN_L1, no_bucket, ERROR, [<Length trace>,Array declaration,Through,Array access: Offset: 2 Size: 1]
codetoanalyze/java/performance/ArrayListTest.java, ArrayListTest.arraylist_get_underrun_bad():void, 2, BUFFER_OVERRUN_L1, no_bucket, ERROR, [<Length trace>,Array declaration,Array access: Offset: 0 Size: 0]
codetoanalyze/java/performance/ArrayListTest.java, ArrayListTest.arraylist_remove_bad():void, 5, BUFFER_OVERRUN_L1, no_bucket, ERROR, [<Length trace>,Array declaration,Through,Through,Through,Array access: Offset: 1 Size: 1]
codetoanalyze/java/performance/ArrayListTest.java, ArrayListTest.arraylist_remove_in_loop_Good_FP():void, 0, INFINITE_EXECUTION_TIME, no_bucket, ERROR, [Unbounded loop,Loop at line 164]
codetoanalyze/java/performance/ArrayListTest.java, ArrayListTest.arraylist_remove_in_loop_Good_FP():void, 0, INFINITE_EXECUTION_TIME, no_bucket, ERROR, [Unbounded loop,Loop at line 163]
codetoanalyze/java/performance/ArrayListTest.java, ArrayListTest.arraylist_remove_in_loop_Good_FP():void, 5, INTEGER_OVERFLOW_L5, no_bucket, ERROR, [<LHS trace>,Assignment,Binary operation: ([0, +oo] + 1):signed32]
codetoanalyze/java/performance/ArrayListTest.java, ArrayListTest.arraylist_remove_in_loop_Good_FP():void, 6, BUFFER_OVERRUN_L5, no_bucket, ERROR, [<Offset trace>,Assignment,<Length trace>,Array declaration,Array access: Offset: [0, +oo] Size: [0, +oo]]
codetoanalyze/java/performance/ArrayListTest.java, ArrayListTest.arraylist_remove_overrun_bad():void, 3, BUFFER_OVERRUN_L1, no_bucket, ERROR, [<Length trace>,Array declaration,Through,Array access: Offset: 1 Size: 1]
codetoanalyze/java/performance/ArrayListTest.java, ArrayListTest.arraylist_set_overrun_bad():void, 3, BUFFER_OVERRUN_L1, no_bucket, ERROR, [<Length trace>,Array declaration,Through,Array access: Offset: 1 Size: 1]
codetoanalyze/java/performance/ArrayListTest.java, ArrayListTest.arraylist_set_underrun_bad():void, 2, BUFFER_OVERRUN_L1, no_bucket, ERROR, [<Length trace>,Array declaration,Array access: Offset: 0 Size: 0]
codetoanalyze/java/performance/ArrayListTest.java, ArrayListTest.boolean_control_var_linear():void, 1, EXPENSIVE_EXECUTION_TIME, no_bucket, ERROR, [with estimated cost 2 + 19 ⋅ this.arr.length + 4 ⋅ (this.arr.length + 1), O(this.arr.length), degree = 1,{this.arr.length + 1},Loop at line 295,{this.arr.length},Loop at line 295]
codetoanalyze/java/performance/ArrayListTest.java, ArrayListTest.boolean_control_var_linear():void, 1, EXPENSIVE_EXECUTION_TIME, no_bucket, ERROR, [with estimated cost 2 + 19 ⋅ this.arr.length + 4 ⋅ (this.arr.length + 1), O(this.arr.length), degree = 1,{this.arr.length + 1},Loop at line 294,{this.arr.length},Loop at line 294]
codetoanalyze/java/performance/ArrayListTest.java, ArrayListTest.call_sortArrayList(java.util.ArrayList):void, 1, EXPENSIVE_EXECUTION_TIME, no_bucket, ERROR, [with estimated cost 4 + list.length × log(list.length), O(list.length × log(list.length)), degree = 1 + 1⋅log,{list.length},call to void ArrayListTest.sortArrayList(ArrayList),Modeled call to Collections.sort,{list.length},call to void ArrayListTest.sortArrayList(ArrayList),Modeled call to Collections.sort]
codetoanalyze/java/performance/ArrayListTest.java, ArrayListTest.constructor_add_all(java.util.ArrayList,java.util.ArrayList):void, 4, EXPENSIVE_EXECUTION_TIME, no_bucket, ERROR, [with estimated cost 10 + 5 ⋅ (l.length + list.length) + 3 ⋅ (l.length + list.length + 1), O((l.length + list.length)), degree = 1,{l.length + list.length + 1},Loop at line 245,{l.length + list.length},Loop at line 245]
codetoanalyze/java/performance/ArrayListTest.java, ArrayListTest.constructor_add_all_sym(java.util.ArrayList,java.util.ArrayList):void, 4, EXPENSIVE_EXECUTION_TIME, no_bucket, ERROR, [with estimated cost 10 + 5 ⋅ (l.length + list.length) + 3 ⋅ (l.length + list.length + 1), O((l.length + list.length)), degree = 1,{l.length + list.length + 1},Loop at line 252,{l.length + list.length},Loop at line 252]
codetoanalyze/java/performance/ArrayListTest.java, ArrayListTest.constructor_linear(java.util.ArrayList):void, 2, EXPENSIVE_EXECUTION_TIME, no_bucket, ERROR, [with estimated cost 6 + 5 ⋅ list.length + 3 ⋅ (list.length + 1), O(list.length), degree = 1,{list.length + 1},Loop at line 227,{list.length},Loop at line 227]
codetoanalyze/java/performance/ArrayListTest.java, ArrayListTest.constructor_modify(java.util.ArrayList):void, 8, EXPENSIVE_EXECUTION_TIME, no_bucket, ERROR, [with estimated cost 18 + 5 ⋅ (list.length + 4) + 3 ⋅ (list.length + 5), O(list.length), degree = 1,{list.length + 5},Loop at line 238,{list.length + 4},Loop at line 238]
codetoanalyze/java/performance/ArrayListTest.java, ArrayListTest.constructor_add_all(java.util.ArrayList,java.util.ArrayList):void, 4, EXPENSIVE_EXECUTION_TIME, no_bucket, ERROR, [with estimated cost 10 + 5 ⋅ (l.length + list.length) + 3 ⋅ (l.length + list.length + 1), O((l.length + list.length)), degree = 1,{l.length + list.length + 1},Loop at line 244,{l.length + list.length},Loop at line 244]
codetoanalyze/java/performance/ArrayListTest.java, ArrayListTest.constructor_add_all_sym(java.util.ArrayList,java.util.ArrayList):void, 4, EXPENSIVE_EXECUTION_TIME, no_bucket, ERROR, [with estimated cost 10 + 5 ⋅ (l.length + list.length) + 3 ⋅ (l.length + list.length + 1), O((l.length + list.length)), degree = 1,{l.length + list.length + 1},Loop at line 251,{l.length + list.length},Loop at line 251]
codetoanalyze/java/performance/ArrayListTest.java, ArrayListTest.constructor_linear(java.util.ArrayList):void, 2, EXPENSIVE_EXECUTION_TIME, no_bucket, ERROR, [with estimated cost 6 + 5 ⋅ list.length + 3 ⋅ (list.length + 1), O(list.length), degree = 1,{list.length + 1},Loop at line 226,{list.length},Loop at line 226]
codetoanalyze/java/performance/ArrayListTest.java, ArrayListTest.constructor_modify(java.util.ArrayList):void, 8, EXPENSIVE_EXECUTION_TIME, no_bucket, ERROR, [with estimated cost 18 + 5 ⋅ (list.length + 4) + 3 ⋅ (list.length + 5), O(list.length), degree = 1,{list.length + 5},Loop at line 237,{list.length + 4},Loop at line 237]
codetoanalyze/java/performance/ArrayListTest.java, ArrayListTest.empty_list_constant(int):void, 3, CONDITION_ALWAYS_FALSE, no_bucket, WARNING, [Here]
codetoanalyze/java/performance/ArrayListTest.java, ArrayListTest.iterate_over_arraylist(java.util.ArrayList):void, 1, EXPENSIVE_EXECUTION_TIME, no_bucket, ERROR, [with estimated cost 5 + 5 ⋅ list.length, O(list.length), degree = 1,{list.length},Loop at line 14]
codetoanalyze/java/performance/ArrayListTest.java, ArrayListTest.iterate_over_arraylist_shortcut_FP(java.util.ArrayList):boolean, 1, EXPENSIVE_EXECUTION_TIME, no_bucket, ERROR, [with estimated cost 4 + 11 ⋅ list.length + 2 ⋅ list.length × (11-max(10, list.elements)) + 3 ⋅ (list.length + 1) × (11-max(10, list.elements)), O(list.length × (-list.elements + 11)), degree = 2,{11-max(10, list.elements)},Loop at line 193,{list.length + 1},Loop at line 193,{11-max(10, list.elements)},Loop at line 193,{list.length},Loop at line 193]
codetoanalyze/java/performance/ArrayListTest.java, ArrayListTest.iterate_over_arraylist_with_inner(java.util.ArrayList):void, 3, EXPENSIVE_EXECUTION_TIME, no_bucket, ERROR, [with estimated cost 7 + 11 ⋅ list1.length + 3 ⋅ (list1.length + 1), O(list1.length), degree = 1,{list1.length + 1},Loop at line 184,{list1.length},Loop at line 184]
codetoanalyze/java/performance/ArrayListTest.java, ArrayListTest.iterate_over_arraylist_shortcut_FP(java.util.ArrayList):boolean, 1, EXPENSIVE_EXECUTION_TIME, no_bucket, ERROR, [with estimated cost 4 + 11 ⋅ list.length + 2 ⋅ list.length × (11-max(10, list.elements)) + 3 ⋅ (list.length + 1) × (11-max(10, list.elements)), O(list.length × (-list.elements + 11)), degree = 2,{11-max(10, list.elements)},Loop at line 192,{list.length + 1},Loop at line 192,{11-max(10, list.elements)},Loop at line 192,{list.length},Loop at line 192]
codetoanalyze/java/performance/ArrayListTest.java, ArrayListTest.iterate_over_arraylist_with_inner(java.util.ArrayList):void, 3, EXPENSIVE_EXECUTION_TIME, no_bucket, ERROR, [with estimated cost 7 + 11 ⋅ list1.length + 3 ⋅ (list1.length + 1), O(list1.length), degree = 1,{list1.length + 1},Loop at line 183,{list1.length},Loop at line 183]
codetoanalyze/java/performance/ArrayListTest.java, ArrayListTest.iterate_over_local_arraylist(java.util.ArrayList):void, 2, EXPENSIVE_EXECUTION_TIME, no_bucket, ERROR, [with estimated cost 7 + 5 ⋅ list.length, O(list.length), degree = 1,{list.length},Loop at line 19]
codetoanalyze/java/performance/ArrayListTest.java, ArrayListTest.iterate_while_has_next(java.util.ArrayList):void, 3, EXPENSIVE_EXECUTION_TIME, no_bucket, ERROR, [with estimated cost 4 + 10 ⋅ list.length + 3 ⋅ (list.length + 1), O(list.length), degree = 1,{list.length + 1},Loop at line 176,{list.length},Loop at line 176]
codetoanalyze/java/performance/ArrayListTest.java, ArrayListTest.iterate_with_iterator(java.util.ArrayList):void, 1, EXPENSIVE_EXECUTION_TIME, no_bucket, ERROR, [with estimated cost 4 + 8 ⋅ list.length + 3 ⋅ (list.length + 1), O(list.length), degree = 1,{list.length + 1},Loop at line 170,{list.length},Loop at line 170]
codetoanalyze/java/performance/ArrayListTest.java, ArrayListTest.json_array_constructor_linear(java.util.ArrayList):void, 3, EXPENSIVE_EXECUTION_TIME, no_bucket, ERROR, [with estimated cost 6 + 5 ⋅ arr.length + 3 ⋅ (arr.length + 1), O(arr.length), degree = 1,{arr.length + 1},Loop at line 272,{arr.length},Loop at line 272]
codetoanalyze/java/performance/ArrayListTest.java, ArrayListTest.linear(int,java.util.ArrayList):void, 1, EXPENSIVE_EXECUTION_TIME, no_bucket, ERROR, [with estimated cost 4 + 9 ⋅ (-i + a.length + 1), O((-i + a.length)), degree = 1,{-i + a.length + 1},Loop at line 279]
codetoanalyze/java/performance/ArrayListTest.java, ArrayListTest.iterate_while_has_next(java.util.ArrayList):void, 3, EXPENSIVE_EXECUTION_TIME, no_bucket, ERROR, [with estimated cost 4 + 10 ⋅ list.length + 3 ⋅ (list.length + 1), O(list.length), degree = 1,{list.length + 1},Loop at line 175,{list.length},Loop at line 175]
codetoanalyze/java/performance/ArrayListTest.java, ArrayListTest.iterate_with_iterator(java.util.ArrayList):void, 1, EXPENSIVE_EXECUTION_TIME, no_bucket, ERROR, [with estimated cost 4 + 8 ⋅ list.length + 3 ⋅ (list.length + 1), O(list.length), degree = 1,{list.length + 1},Loop at line 169,{list.length},Loop at line 169]
codetoanalyze/java/performance/ArrayListTest.java, ArrayListTest.json_array_constructor_linear(java.util.ArrayList):void, 3, EXPENSIVE_EXECUTION_TIME, no_bucket, ERROR, [with estimated cost 6 + 5 ⋅ arr.length + 3 ⋅ (arr.length + 1), O(arr.length), degree = 1,{arr.length + 1},Loop at line 271,{arr.length},Loop at line 271]
codetoanalyze/java/performance/ArrayListTest.java, ArrayListTest.linear(int,java.util.ArrayList):void, 1, EXPENSIVE_EXECUTION_TIME, no_bucket, ERROR, [with estimated cost 4 + 9 ⋅ (-i + a.length + 1), O((-i + a.length)), degree = 1,{-i + a.length + 1},Loop at line 278]
codetoanalyze/java/performance/ArrayListTest.java, ArrayListTest.max_linear(java.util.ArrayList):Person, 1, EXPENSIVE_EXECUTION_TIME, no_bucket, ERROR, [with estimated cost 8 + people.length, O(people.length), degree = 1,{people.length},Modeled call to Collections.max]
codetoanalyze/java/performance/ArrayListTest.java, ArrayListTest.remove_string_from_list(java.lang.String):boolean, 2, EXPENSIVE_EXECUTION_TIME, no_bucket, ERROR, [with estimated cost 5 + 12 ⋅ this.list.length + 3 ⋅ (this.list.length + 1), O(this.list.length), degree = 1,{this.list.length + 1},Loop at line 216,{this.list.length},Loop at line 216]
codetoanalyze/java/performance/ArrayListTest.java, ArrayListTest.remove_string_from_list(java.lang.String):boolean, 2, EXPENSIVE_EXECUTION_TIME, no_bucket, ERROR, [with estimated cost 5 + 12 ⋅ this.list.length + 3 ⋅ (this.list.length + 1), O(this.list.length), degree = 1,{this.list.length + 1},Loop at line 215,{this.list.length},Loop at line 215]
codetoanalyze/java/performance/ArrayListTest.java, ArrayListTest.sortArrayList(java.util.ArrayList):void, 1, EXPENSIVE_EXECUTION_TIME, no_bucket, ERROR, [with estimated cost 2 + list.length × log(list.length), O(list.length × log(list.length)), degree = 1 + 1⋅log,{list.length},Modeled call to Collections.sort,{list.length},Modeled call to Collections.sort]
codetoanalyze/java/performance/ArrayListTest.java, ArrayListTest.sort_comparator_nlogn(java.util.ArrayList):void, 1, EXPENSIVE_EXECUTION_TIME, no_bucket, ERROR, [with estimated cost 8 + people.length × log(people.length), O(people.length × log(people.length)), degree = 1 + 1⋅log,{people.length},Modeled call to Collections.sort,{people.length},Modeled call to Collections.sort]
codetoanalyze/java/performance/Break.java, codetoanalyze.java.performance.Break.break_constant(int):int, 1, EXPENSIVE_EXECUTION_TIME, no_bucket, ERROR, [with estimated cost 10 + 7 ⋅ p, O(p), degree = 1,{p},call to int Break.break_loop(int,int),Loop at line 12]
