@ -253,20 +253,14 @@ module Builtin = struct
(* builtin function names for which we do symbolic execution *)
let builtin_functions = Procname.Hash.create 4
(* builtin plain function names: they match all the function names whose plain name is the given string *)
let builtin_plain_functions = Hashtbl.create 4
(* Check if the function is a builtin *)
let is_registered name =
Procname.Hash.mem builtin_functions name
Hashtbl.mem builtin_plain_functions (Procname.to_string name)
(* get the symbolic execution handler associated to the builtin function name *)
let get_sym_exe_builtin name : sym_exe_builtin =
try Procname.Hash.find builtin_functions name
with Not_found ->
try Hashtbl.find builtin_plain_functions (Procname.to_string name)
with Not_found -> assert false
(* register a builtin function name and symbolic execution handler *)
@ -289,17 +283,6 @@ module Builtin = struct
IList.iter pp !builtin_names;
Format.fprintf fmt "@]@."
(** register a builtin plain function name and symbolic execution handler *)
let register_plain proc_name_str (sym_exe_fun: sym_exe_builtin) =
let proc_name = Procname.from_string_c_fun proc_name_str in
Hashtbl.replace builtin_plain_functions proc_name_str sym_exe_fun;
(** register a builtin plain [Procname.t] and symbolic execution handler *)
let register_plain_procname proc_name (sym_exe_fun: sym_exe_builtin) =
Hashtbl.replace builtin_plain_functions (Procname.to_string proc_name) sym_exe_fun
(** print the builtin functions and exit *)