[compilation db] add support for commands with `"arguments" and no `"command"` field

This is in the spec for clang compilation databases.

Also improves error messages when we fail to parse the compilation database.

closes #771

Reviewed By: dulmarod

Differential Revision: D6123832

fbshipit-source-id: 070f70f
Jules Villard 8 years ago committed by Facebook Github Bot
parent 2f8b749045
commit df0491272c

@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ let parse_command_and_arguments command_and_arguments =
clang invocation part, because we will use a clang wrapper. *)
let decode_json_file (database: t) json_format =
let json_path = match json_format with `Raw x | `Escaped x -> x in
let to_string s =
let unescape_path s =
match json_format with
| `Raw _ ->
@ -52,34 +52,100 @@ let decode_json_file (database: t) json_format =
|> fst
L.(debug Capture Quiet) "parsing compilation database from %s@\n" json_path ;
let exit_format_error () = L.(die ExternalError) "Json file doesn't have the expected format" in
let json = Yojson.Basic.from_file json_path in
let get_dir el = match el with "directory", `String dir -> Some (to_string dir) | _ -> None in
let get_file el = match el with "file", `String file -> Some (to_string file) | _ -> None in
let get_cmd el = match el with "command", `String cmd -> Some cmd | _ -> None in
let rec parse_json json =
let exit_format_error error =
L.(die ExternalError) ("Json file doesn't have the expected format: " ^^ error)
let parse_command json =
let directory = ref None in
let file = ref None in
let command = ref None in
let one_field = function
| "directory", `String dir ->
directory := Some (unescape_path dir)
| "directory", json ->
"the value of the \"directory\" field is not a string; found '%s' instead"
(Yojson.Basic.to_string json)
| "file", `String f ->
file := Some (unescape_path f)
| "file", json ->
exit_format_error "the value of the \"file\" field is not a string; found '%s' instead"
(Yojson.Basic.to_string json)
| "command", `String cmd ->
(* prefer "arguments" when available *)
if Option.is_none !command then command := Some (parse_command_and_arguments cmd)
| "command", json ->
"the value of the \"command\" field is not a string; found '%s' instead"
(Yojson.Basic.to_string json)
| "arguments", `List args
-> (
let args =
List.map args ~f:(function
| `String argument ->
| _ ->
"the value of the \"arguments\" field is not a list of strings in command %s"
(Yojson.Basic.to_string json) )
match args with
| [] ->
"the value of the \"arguments\" field is an empty list in command %s"
(Yojson.Basic.to_string json)
| cmd :: args ->
command := Some (cmd, Utils.shell_escape_command args) )
| "arguments", json ->
"the value of the \"arguments\" field is not a list; found '%s' instead"
(Yojson.Basic.to_string json)
| "output", _ ->
| _, _ (* be generous and allow anything else too *) ->
match json with
| `List arguments ->
List.iter ~f:parse_json arguments
| `Assoc l ->
| `Assoc fields ->
List.iter ~f:one_field fields ;
let dir =
match List.find_map ~f:get_dir l with Some dir -> dir | None -> exit_format_error ()
match !directory with
| Some directory ->
| None ->
exit_format_error "no \"directory\" entry found in command %s"
(Yojson.Basic.to_string json)
let file =
match List.find_map ~f:get_file l with Some file -> file | None -> exit_format_error ()
match !file with
| Some file ->
| None ->
exit_format_error "no \"file\" entry found in command %s"
(Yojson.Basic.to_string json)
let cmd =
match List.find_map ~f:get_cmd l with Some cmd -> cmd | None -> exit_format_error ()
let command, args =
match !command with
| Some x ->
| None ->
exit_format_error "no \"command\" or \"arguments\" entry found in command %s"
(Yojson.Basic.to_string json)
let command, args = parse_command_and_arguments cmd in
let compilation_data = {dir; command; args} in
let abs_file = if Filename.is_relative file then dir ^/ file else file in
let source_file = SourceFile.from_abs_path abs_file in
database := SourceFile.Map.add source_file compilation_data !database
| _ ->
exit_format_error ()
exit_format_error "Compilation database entry is not an object: %s"
(Yojson.Basic.to_string json)
parse_json json
match Yojson.Basic.from_file json_path with
| `List commands ->
List.iter ~f:parse_command commands
| _ as json ->
exit_format_error "Compilation database is not a list of commands: %s"
(Yojson.Basic.to_string json)
let from_json_files db_json_files =

@ -11,18 +11,20 @@ ANALYZER = checkers
INFER_OPTIONS = --report-custom-error --developer-mode
../codetoanalyze/hello.c ../codetoanalyze/hello2.c ../codetoanalyze/hello3.c \
../codetoanalyze/path\ with\ spaces/hel\ lo.c
../codetoanalyze/path\ with\ spaces/hel\ lo.c ../codetoanalyze/path\ with\ spaces/hel\ lo2.c
CLEAN_EXTRA = compile_commands.json ../codetoanalyze/path\ with\ spaces
INFERPRINT_OPTIONS = --issues-tests
include $(TESTS_DIR)/infer.make
../codetoanalyze/path\ with\ spaces/hel\ lo.c: ../codetoanalyze/path_with_spaces/hel_lo.c
../codetoanalyze/path\ with\ spaces/hel\ lo.c ../codetoanalyze/path\ with\ spaces/hel\ lo2.c:
# make does not want to interpret "$(@D)" in the right way here...
$(QUIET)$(MKDIR_P) ../codetoanalyze/path\ with\ spaces/
$(QUIET)cp "$<" "$@"
$(QUIET)touch "$@"
../codetoanalyze/path\ with\ spaces/hel\ lo.c: ../codetoanalyze/path_with_spaces/hel_lo.c
../codetoanalyze/path\ with\ spaces/hel\ lo2.c: ../codetoanalyze/path_with_spaces/hel_lo2.c
compile_commands.json: compile_commands.json.in
$(QUIET)sed -e 's#%pwd%#$(CURDIR)#g' $< > $@ || $(REMOVE) $@

@ -9,6 +9,11 @@
"file" : "hel lo.c",
"command" : "clang -c hel\\ lo.c"
"directory" : "%pwd%/../codetoanalyze/path with spaces",
"file" : "hel lo2.c",
"arguments" : ["clang", "-c", "hel lo2.c"]
"directory" : "%pwd%/../codetoanalyze",
"file" : "hello2.c",

@ -2,3 +2,4 @@ build_systems/codetoanalyze/hello.c, test, 2, NULL_DEREFERENCE, [start of proced
build_systems/codetoanalyze/hello2.c, test2, 2, NULL_DEREFERENCE, [start of procedure test2()]
build_systems/codetoanalyze/hello3.c, test3, 2, NULL_DEREFERENCE, [start of procedure test3()]
build_systems/codetoanalyze/path with spaces/hel lo.c, test_hel_lo, 2, NULL_DEREFERENCE, [start of procedure test_hel_lo()]
build_systems/codetoanalyze/path with spaces/hel lo2.c, test_hel_lo2, 2, NULL_DEREFERENCE, [start of procedure test_hel_lo2()]

@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
* Copyright (c) 2015 - present Facebook, Inc.
* All rights reserved.
* This source code is licensed under the BSD style license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant
* of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.
#include <stdlib.h>
void test_hel_lo2() {
int* s = NULL;
*s = 42;