[thread-safety][cleanup] use record for summary type

Reviewed By: peterogithub

Differential Revision: D5636060

fbshipit-source-id: 5e25a28
Sam Blackshear 8 years ago committed by Facebook Github Bot
parent 336f6f8dff
commit e0ad650dcd

@ -499,13 +499,13 @@ module TransferFunctions (CFG : ProcCfg.S) = struct
we own the container *)
let escapee_formals = List.length actuals |> List.range 0 |> FormalsDomain.of_list in
( true
, false
, false
, callee_accesses
, OwnershipAbstractValue.unowned
, AttributeSetDomain.empty
, escapee_formals )
{ thumbs_up= true
; locks= false
; threads= false
; accesses= callee_accesses
; return_ownership= OwnershipAbstractValue.unowned
; return_attributes= AttributeSetDomain.empty
; escapee_formals }
let get_summary caller_pdesc callee_pname actuals callee_loc tenv =
let get_receiver_ap actuals =
@ -627,13 +627,13 @@ module TransferFunctions (CFG : ProcCfg.S) = struct
| NoEffect ->
match get_summary pdesc callee_pname actuals loc tenv with
| Some
( callee_thumbs_up
, callee_threads
, callee_locks
, callee_accesses
, return_ownership
, return_attributes
, escapee_formals )
{ thumbs_up
; threads
; locks
; accesses
; return_ownership
; return_attributes
; escapee_formals }
-> let update_caller_accesses pre callee_accesses caller_accesses =
let combined_accesses =
PathDomain.with_callsite callee_accesses (CallSite.make callee_pname loc)
@ -641,9 +641,9 @@ module TransferFunctions (CFG : ProcCfg.S) = struct
AccessDomain.add pre combined_accesses caller_accesses
let thumbs_up = callee_thumbs_up && astate.thumbs_up in
let locks = callee_locks || astate.locks in
let threads = callee_threads || astate.threads in
let thumbs_up = thumbs_up && astate.thumbs_up in
let locks = locks || astate.locks in
let threads = threads || astate.threads in
let unprotected = is_unprotected locks threads pdesc in
(* add [ownership_accesses] to the [accesses_acc] with a protected pre if
[exp] is owned, and an appropriate unprotected pre otherwise *)
@ -707,7 +707,7 @@ module TransferFunctions (CFG : ProcCfg.S) = struct
add_ownership_access callee_accesses (List.nth_exn actuals index) acc)
formal_indexes accesses_acc
AccessDomain.fold update_accesses callee_accesses astate.accesses
AccessDomain.fold update_accesses accesses astate.accesses
let ownership, attribute_map =
propagate_return ret_opt return_ownership return_attributes actuals astate
@ -841,7 +841,7 @@ module TransferFunctions (CFG : ProcCfg.S) = struct
-> (* non-boolean expression; can't evaluate it *)
let add_choice bool_value acc = function
let add_choice bool_value (acc: Domain.astate) = function
| Choice.LockHeld
-> let locks = bool_value in
{acc with locks}
@ -963,20 +963,14 @@ let is_thread_safe_method pdesc tenv =
tenv (Procdesc.get_proc_name pdesc)
let empty_post =
let initial_thumbs_up = true
and initial_known_on_ui_thread = false
and has_lock = false
and return_ownership = ThreadSafetyDomain.OwnershipAbstractValue.unowned
and return_attrs = ThreadSafetyDomain.AttributeSetDomain.empty
and escapee_formals = ThreadSafetyDomain.FormalsDomain.empty in
( initial_thumbs_up
, initial_known_on_ui_thread
, has_lock
, ThreadSafetyDomain.AccessDomain.empty
, return_ownership
, return_attrs
, escapee_formals )
let empty_post : ThreadSafetyDomain.summary =
{ ThreadSafetyDomain.thumbs_up= true
; threads= false
; locks= false
; accesses= ThreadSafetyDomain.AccessDomain.empty
; return_ownership= ThreadSafetyDomain.OwnershipAbstractValue.unowned
; return_attributes= ThreadSafetyDomain.AttributeSetDomain.empty
; escapee_formals= ThreadSafetyDomain.FormalsDomain.empty }
let analyze_procedure {Callbacks.proc_desc; tenv; summary} =
let is_initializer tenv proc_name =
@ -1035,13 +1029,13 @@ let analyze_procedure {Callbacks.proc_desc; tenv; summary} =
let escapee_formals = FormalsDomain.of_escapees escapees in
let post =
( thumbs_up
, threads
, locks
, accesses
, return_ownership
, return_attributes
, escapee_formals )
{ thumbs_up
; threads
; locks
; accesses
; return_ownership
; return_attributes
; escapee_formals }
Summary.update_summary post summary
| None
@ -1141,10 +1135,10 @@ let trace_of_pname orig_sink orig_pdesc callee_pname =
let open ThreadSafetyDomain in
let orig_access = PathDomain.Sink.kind orig_sink in
match Summary.read_summary orig_pdesc callee_pname with
| Some (_, _, _, access_map, _, _, _)
| Some {accesses}
-> get_all_accesses
(fun access -> Int.equal (Access.compare (PathDomain.Sink.kind access) orig_access) 0)
| _
-> PathDomain.empty
@ -1578,8 +1572,8 @@ let should_filter_access access =
now, our abstraction is an access path like x.f.g whose concretization is the set of memory cells
that x.f.g may point to during execution *)
let make_results_table file_env =
let aggregate_post (_, threaded, _, accesses, _, _, _) tenv pdesc acc =
let open ThreadSafetyDomain in
let open ThreadSafetyDomain in
let aggregate_post {threads; accesses} tenv pdesc acc =
(fun pre accesses acc ->
@ -1592,7 +1586,7 @@ let make_results_table file_env =
with Not_found -> []
AccessListMap.add access_kind
((access, pre, threaded, tenv, pdesc) :: grouped_accesses) acc)
((access, pre, threads, tenv, pdesc) :: grouped_accesses) acc)
(PathDomain.sinks accesses) acc)
accesses acc

@ -318,15 +318,6 @@ type astate =
; attribute_map: AttributeMapDomain.astate
; escapees: EscapeeDomain.astate }
type summary =
* ThreadsDomain.astate
* LocksDomain.astate
* AccessDomain.astate
* OwnershipAbstractValue.astate
* AttributeSetDomain.astate
* FormalsDomain.astate
let empty =
let thumbs_up = true in
let threads = false in
@ -371,12 +362,21 @@ let widen ~prev ~next ~num_iters =
let escapees = EscapeeDomain.widen ~prev:prev.escapees ~next:next.escapees ~num_iters in
{thumbs_up; threads; locks; accesses; ownership; attribute_map; escapees}
type summary =
{ thumbs_up: ThumbsUpDomain.astate
; threads: ThreadsDomain.astate
; locks: LocksDomain.astate
; accesses: AccessDomain.astate
; return_ownership: OwnershipAbstractValue.astate
; return_attributes: AttributeSetDomain.astate
; escapee_formals: FormalsDomain.astate }
let pp_summary fmt
(thumbs_up, threads, locks, accesses, ownership, return_attributes, escapee_formals) =
{thumbs_up; threads; locks; accesses; return_ownership; return_attributes; escapee_formals} =
F.fprintf fmt
"@\nThumbsUp: %a, Threads: %a, Locks: %a @\nAccesses %a @\nOwnership: %a @\nReturn Attributes: %a @\nEscapee Formals: %a @\n"
ThumbsUpDomain.pp thumbs_up ThreadsDomain.pp threads LocksDomain.pp locks AccessDomain.pp
accesses OwnershipAbstractValue.pp ownership AttributeSetDomain.pp return_attributes
accesses OwnershipAbstractValue.pp return_ownership AttributeSetDomain.pp return_attributes
FormalsDomain.pp escapee_formals
let pp fmt {thumbs_up; threads; locks; accesses; ownership; attribute_map; escapees} =

@ -186,17 +186,17 @@ type astate =
(** map of access paths to attributes such as owned, functional, ... *)
; escapees: EscapeeDomain.astate (** set of formals and locals that may escape *) }
(** same as astate, but without [attribute_map] (since these involve locals)
and with the addition of the attributes associated with the return value
as well as the set of formals which may escape *)
(** same as astate, but without [attribute_map] (since these involve locals) and with the addition
of the ownership/attributes associated with the return value as well as the set of formals which
may escape *)
type summary =
* ThreadsDomain.astate
* LocksDomain.astate
* AccessDomain.astate
* OwnershipAbstractValue.astate
* AttributeSetDomain.astate
* FormalsDomain.astate
{ thumbs_up: ThumbsUpDomain.astate
; threads: ThreadsDomain.astate
; locks: LocksDomain.astate
; accesses: AccessDomain.astate
; return_ownership: OwnershipAbstractValue.astate
; return_attributes: AttributeSetDomain.astate
; escapee_formals: FormalsDomain.astate }
include AbstractDomain.WithBottom with type astate := astate
