[ocamlformat] upgrade ocamlformat to 0.8

Reviewed By: mbouaziz

Differential Revision: D10359577

fbshipit-source-id: e7f5286e3
Josh Berdine 7 years ago committed by Facebook Github Bot
parent 9eecd1bb9b
commit e1d4aad487

@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
let-binding-spacing = sparse
break-cases = nested
margin = 100
version = 0.7
version = 0.8

@ -1 +1 @@

@ -684,7 +684,7 @@ endif
# This is a magical version number that doesn't reinstall the world when added on top of what we
# have in opam.lock. To upgrade this version number, manually try to install several utop versions
# until you find one that doesn't recompile the world. TODO(t20828442): get rid of magic
OPAM_DEV_DEPS = ocamlformat.$$(grep version .ocamlformat | cut -d ' ' -f 3) ocp-indent merlin utop.2.2.0 webbrowser
OPAM_DEV_DEPS = ocp-indent merlin utop.2.2.0 webbrowser
ifneq ($(EMACS),no)
OPAM_DEV_DEPS += tuareg
@ -697,6 +697,8 @@ devsetup: Makefile.autoconf
OPAMSWITCH=$(OPAMSWITCH); $(OPAM) install --yes --no-checksum user-setup $(OPAM_DEV_DEPS))
$(QUIET)echo '$(TERM_INFO)*** Running `opam config setup -a`$(TERM_RESET)' >&2
$(QUIET)OPAMSWITCH=$(OPAMSWITCH); $(OPAM) config --yes setup -a
$(QUIET)$(call silent_on_success,installing ocamlformat,\
OPAMSWITCH=$(OPAMSWITCH); $(OPAM) pin add --yes ocamlformat.$$(grep version .ocamlformat | cut -d ' ' -f 3) https://github.com/ocaml-ppx/ocamlformat.git#$$(grep version .ocamlformat | cut -d ' ' -f 3)-opam1)
$(QUIET)echo '$(TERM_INFO)*** Running `opam user-setup`$(TERM_RESET)' >&2
$(QUIET)if [ "$(PLATFORM)" = "Darwin" ] && [ x"$(GNU_SED)" = x"no" ]; then \

@ -210,6 +210,7 @@ let rec eval_arithmetic_binop op e1 e2 =
| _ ->
and eval = function
| Constant c ->
Some c

@ -1187,9 +1187,9 @@ and () =
"Do not show reports coming from this type of issue. Each checker can report a range of \
issue types. This option provides fine-grained filtering over which types of issue should \
be reported once the checkers have run. In particular, note that disabling issue types \
does not make the corresponding checker not run.\n \
By default, the following issue types are disabled: %s.\n\n \
See also $(b,--report-issue-type).\n"
does not make the corresponding checker not run.\n\
\ By default, the following issue types are disabled: %s.\n\n\
\ See also $(b,--report-issue-type).\n"
(String.concat ~sep:", " disabled_issues_ids)) ;
mk true ~long:"enable-issue-type"
~deprecated:["enable_checks"; "-enable-checks"]

@ -7,9 +7,10 @@
open! IStd
exception InferExternalError of string
InferExternalError of
exception InferInternalError of string

@ -45,8 +45,8 @@ let load_and_validate () =
"'%s' already exists but it is not an empty directory and it does not look like an \
infer results directory:\n \
infer results directory:\n\
\ %s\n\
Was it created using an older version of infer?"
Config.results_dir err_msg) )

@ -10,9 +10,8 @@ open! IStd
(** Re-arrangement and extension of structures with fresh variables *)
(* TODO: this description is not clear *)
exception ARRAY_ACCESS
exception (* TODO: this description is not clear *)
val is_only_pt_by_fld_or_param_nonnull :
Procdesc.t -> Tenv.t -> Prop.normal Prop.t -> Exp.t -> bool

@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
open! IStd
module F = Format
module L = Logging
(* forward dependency analysis for computing set of variables that
affect the looping behavior of the program

@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ open! IStd
open Graph
module L = Logging
module CFG = ProcCfg.Normal
(* Use ocamlgraph's dominators functor to get the dominators *)
module GDoms = Dominator.Make (ProcCfg.MakeOcamlGraph (CFG))

@ -148,5 +148,6 @@ module Summary = struct
post = set of uninit local variables of the procedure *)
type t = Domain.t prepost
let pp fmt {pre; post} = F.fprintf fmt "@\n Pre: %a @\nPost: %a @\n" Domain.pp pre Domain.pp post
let pp fmt {pre; post} =
F.fprintf fmt "@\n Pre: %a @\nPost: %a @\n" Domain.pp pre Domain.pp post

@ -160,7 +160,8 @@ let cc1_capture clang_cmd =
else if
Config.skip_analysis_in_path_skips_compilation && CLocation.is_file_blacklisted source_path
then (
L.(debug Capture Quiet) "@\n Skip compilation and analysis of source file %s@\n@\n" source_path ;
L.(debug Capture Quiet)
"@\n Skip compilation and analysis of source file %s@\n@\n" source_path ;
() )
match Config.clang_biniou_file with

@ -180,7 +180,7 @@ let exe ~prog ~args =
files. *)
L.(debug Capture Quiet)
"WARNING: `clang -### <args>` returned an empty set of commands to run and no error. Will \
run the original command directly:@\n \
run the original command directly:@\n\
\ %s@\n"
(String.concat ~sep:" " @@ (prog :: args)) ;
Process.create_process_and_wait ~prog ~args )

@ -1165,6 +1165,7 @@ let rec eval_Atomic pred_name_ args an lcxt =
| _ ->
L.(die ExternalError) "Undefined Predicate or wrong set of arguments: '%s'" pred_name
and eval_AND an lcxt f1 f2 =
match eval_formula f1 an lcxt with
| Some witness1 -> (
@ -1176,6 +1177,7 @@ and eval_AND an lcxt f1 f2 =
| None (* we short-circuit the AND evaluation *) ->
and eval_OR an lcxt f1 f2 = choose_witness_opt (eval_formula f1 an lcxt) (eval_formula f2 an lcxt)
and eval_Implies an lcxt f1 f2 =
@ -1183,6 +1185,7 @@ and eval_Implies an lcxt f1 f2 =
let witness2 = eval_formula f2 an lcxt in
choose_witness_opt witness1 witness2
(* an, lcxt |= EF phi <=>
an, lcxt |= phi or exists an' in Successors(st): an', lcxt |= EF phi
@ -1203,6 +1206,7 @@ and eval_EF phi an lcxt trans =
List.fold_left (Ctl_parser_types.get_direct_successor_nodes an) ~init:witness_opt
~f:(fun acc node -> choose_witness_opt (eval_EF phi node lcxt trans) acc )
(* an, lcxt |= EX phi <=> exists an' in Successors(st): an', lcxt |= phi
That is: a (an, lcxt) satifies EX phi if and only if
@ -1227,6 +1231,7 @@ and eval_EX phi an lcxt trans =
| _ ->
(* an, lcxt |= E(phi1 U phi2) evaluated using the equivalence
an, lcxt |= E(phi1 U phi2) <=> an, lcxt |= phi2 or (phi1 and EX(E(phi1 U phi2)))
@ -1237,6 +1242,7 @@ and eval_EU phi1 phi2 an lcxt trans =
let f = Or (phi2, And (phi1, EX (trans, EU (trans, phi1, phi2)))) in
eval_formula f an lcxt
(* an |= A(phi1 U phi2) evaluated using the equivalence
an |= A(phi1 U phi2) <=> an |= phi2 or (phi1 and AX(A(phi1 U phi2)))
@ -1246,6 +1252,7 @@ and eval_AU phi1 phi2 an lcxt trans =
let f = Or (phi2, And (phi1, AX (trans, AU (trans, phi1, phi2)))) in
eval_formula f an lcxt
(* an, lcxt |= InNode[node_type_list] phi <=>
an is a node of type in node_type_list and an satifies phi
@ -1263,6 +1270,7 @@ and in_node node_type_list phi an lctx =
List.fold_left node_type_list ~init:None ~f:(fun acc node ->
choose_witness_opt (holds_for_one_node node) acc )
(* Intuitive meaning: (an,lcxt) satifies EH[Classes] phi
if the node an is among the declaration specified by the list Classes and
there exists a super class in its hierarchy whose declaration satisfy phi.
@ -1275,6 +1283,7 @@ and eval_EH classes phi an lcxt =
let f = ET (classes, None, EX (Some Super, EF (Some Super, phi))) in
eval_formula f an lcxt
(* an, lcxt |= ET[T][->l]phi <=>
eventually we reach a node an' such that an' is among the types defined in T
@ -1295,6 +1304,7 @@ and eval_ET tl trs phi an lcxt =
eval_formula f an lcxt
(* Formulas are evaluated on a AST node an and a linter context lcxt *)
and eval_formula f an lcxt : Ctl_parser_types.ast_node option =
debug_eval_begin (debug_create_payload an f lcxt) ;

@ -98,6 +98,7 @@ let rec build_array_type translate_decl tenv (qual_type : Clang_ast_t.qual_type)
let stride = Option.map ~f:IntLit.of_int stride_opt in
Typ.Tarray {elt= array_type; length; stride}
and type_desc_of_attr_type translate_decl tenv type_info attr_info =
match type_info.Clang_ast_t.ti_desugared_type with
| Some type_ptr -> (
@ -110,6 +111,7 @@ and type_desc_of_attr_type translate_decl tenv type_info attr_info =
| None ->
and type_desc_of_c_type translate_decl tenv c_type : Typ.desc =
let open Clang_ast_t in
match c_type with
@ -167,6 +169,7 @@ and type_desc_of_c_type translate_decl tenv c_type : Typ.desc =
| None ->
Typ.Tvoid )
and decl_ptr_to_type_desc translate_decl tenv decl_ptr : Typ.desc =
let open Clang_ast_t in
let typ = Clang_ast_extend.DeclPtr decl_ptr in
@ -194,6 +197,7 @@ and decl_ptr_to_type_desc translate_decl tenv decl_ptr : Typ.desc =
(Clang_ast_j.string_of_pointer decl_ptr) ;
Typ.Tvoid )
and clang_type_ptr_to_type_desc translate_decl tenv type_ptr =
try Clang_ast_extend.TypePointerMap.find type_ptr !CFrontend_config.sil_types_map
with Caml.Not_found -> (
@ -205,6 +209,7 @@ and clang_type_ptr_to_type_desc translate_decl tenv type_ptr =
| _ ->
Typ.Tvoid )
and type_ptr_to_type_desc translate_decl tenv type_ptr : Typ.desc =
match type_ptr with
| Clang_ast_types.TypePtr.Ptr _ ->
@ -226,6 +231,7 @@ and type_ptr_to_type_desc translate_decl tenv type_ptr : Typ.desc =
| _ ->
L.(die InternalError) "unknown variant for type_ptr"
and qual_type_to_sil_type translate_decl tenv qual_type =
let desc = type_ptr_to_type_desc translate_decl tenv qual_type.Clang_ast_t.qt_type_ptr in
let quals = Typ.mk_type_quals ~is_const:qual_type.Clang_ast_t.qt_is_const () in

@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
open! IStd
(* This module adds more variants to some types in AST The implementation extends default one from
the facebook-clang-plugins repository *)
@ -88,6 +89,7 @@ module TypePointerOrd = struct
L.(die InternalError)
"unexpected type_ptr variants: %s, %s" (type_ptr_to_string t1) (type_ptr_to_string t2)
and compare_qual_type (qt1 : Clang_ast_t.qual_type) (qt2 : Clang_ast_t.qual_type) =
if phys_equal qt1 qt2 then 0

@ -254,10 +254,10 @@ let add_valid_formulae an checker lcxt cl =
add_in_set phi acc_set
| AG _ | AX _ | AF _ | AU _ | EH _ | ET _ | Implies _ ->
Logging.die InternalError
"@\n \
We should not have operators AG, AX, AF, AU, EH, ET.\n \
Failing with formula @\n \
\ We should not have operators AG, AX, AF, AU, EH, ET.\n\
\ Failing with formula @\n\
\ %a@\n"
CTL.Debug.pp_formula phi
| _ ->

@ -742,7 +742,8 @@ let get_reporting_explanation_java report_kind tenv pname thread =
if is_thread_safe_method pname tenv then
"@\n Reporting because current method is annotated %a or overrides an annotated method."
\ Reporting because current method is annotated %a or overrides an annotated method."
MF.pp_monospaced "@ThreadSafe")
match FbThreadSafety.get_fbthreadsafe_class_annot pname tenv with
@ -788,8 +789,8 @@ let get_reporting_explanation_java report_kind tenv pname thread =
( IssueType.thread_safety_violation
, F.asprintf
"@\n \
Reporting because another access to the same memory occurs on a background thread, \
\ Reporting because another access to the same memory occurs on a background thread, \
although this access may not." )

@ -698,8 +698,8 @@ let pp_summary fmt {threads; locks; accesses; return_ownership; return_attribute
let pp fmt {threads; locks; accesses; ownership; attribute_map; wobbly_paths} =
F.fprintf fmt
"Threads: %a, Locks: %a @\n\
Accesses %a @\n \
Ownership: %a @\n\
Accesses %a @\n\
\ Ownership: %a @\n\
Attributes: %a @\n\
Non-stable Paths: %a@\n"
ThreadsDomain.pp threads LocksDomain.pp locks AccessDomain.pp accesses OwnershipDomain.pp

@ -137,9 +137,9 @@ let tests =
; read_field_to_id "read_id" "base_id" "f"
; var_assign_id "var" "read_id"
; invariant
"{ base_id$0.f* => (SOURCE -> ?),\n \
ret_id$0* => (SOURCE -> ?),\n \
var* => (SOURCE -> ?) }" ] )
"{ base_id$0.f* => (SOURCE -> ?),\n\
\ ret_id$0* => (SOURCE -> ?),\n\
\ var* => (SOURCE -> ?) }" ] )
; ( "source flows to var then cleared"
, [ assign_to_source "ret_id"
; var_assign_id "var" "ret_id"

@ -39,6 +39,7 @@ end = struct
let (Arg (trm, set)) = List.fold_right ~f:pair args ~init in
Term.app (Term.const set) trm
let args : arg list ref = ref []
let mk ~default arg =
@ -47,6 +48,7 @@ end = struct
args := Arg (arg, set) :: !args ;
let parse info validate =
match Term.eval (Term.(ret (const validate $ tuple !args)), info) with
| `Ok () -> ()
@ -60,14 +62,17 @@ let input =
mk ~default:""
Arg.(required & pos ~rev:true 0 (some string) None & info [])
let output =
let default = None in
mk ~default Arg.(value & opt (some string) default & info ["o"; "output"])
let trace_all =
let default = false in
mk ~default Arg.(value & flag & info ["t"; "trace-all"])
let info = Term.info "sledge" ~version:Version.version
let validate () = `Ok ()

@ -43,11 +43,13 @@ let option_fmt fmt pp ff = function
| Some x -> Format.fprintf ff fmt pp x
| None -> ()
let rec list_fmt sep pp ff = function
| [] -> ()
| [x] -> pp ff x
| x :: xs -> Format.fprintf ff "%a%( %)%a" pp x sep (list_fmt sep pp) xs
let vector_fmt sep pp ff v = list_fmt sep pp ff (Vector.to_list v)
let warn fmt =
@ -60,6 +62,7 @@ let warn fmt =
Format.pp_force_newline ff () )
ff fmt
let raisef exn fmt =
let bt = Caml.Printexc.get_raw_backtrace () in
let ff = Format.str_formatter in
@ -72,6 +75,7 @@ let raisef exn fmt =
Caml.Printexc.raise_with_backtrace exn bt )
ff fmt
exception Unimplemented of string
let todo fmt = raisef (fun msg -> Unimplemented msg) fmt
@ -82,10 +86,12 @@ let assertf cnd fmt =
if not cnd then fail fmt
else Format.ikfprintf (fun _ () -> ()) Format.str_formatter fmt
let checkf cnd fmt =
if not cnd then fail fmt
else Format.ikfprintf (fun _ () -> true) Format.str_formatter fmt
type 'a or_error = ('a, exn * Caml.Printexc.raw_backtrace) Result.t
let or_error f x () =

@ -70,6 +70,7 @@ let uncurry exp =
uncurry_ [] exp
let rec fmt ff exp =
let pf fmt =
Format.pp_open_box ff 2 ;
@ -125,6 +126,7 @@ let rec fmt ff exp =
| Rem, [x; y] -> pf "(%a@ %% %a)" fmt x fmt y
| URem, [x; y] -> pf "(%a@ u%% %a)" fmt x fmt y
(** Queries *)
let rec typ_of : t -> Typ.t = function[@warning "p"]
@ -172,6 +174,7 @@ let rec typ_of : t -> Typ.t = function[@warning "p"]
typ_of arg
| AppN {op} -> typ_of op
let valid_fld fld elts = 0 <= fld && fld < Vector.length elts
(** Re-exported modules *)
@ -220,6 +223,7 @@ module Global = struct
(option_fmt " =@ @[%a@]" fmt)
let fmt = fmt
let mk ?init ?(loc = Loc.none) name typ =
@ -228,6 +232,7 @@ module Global = struct
Typ.equal typ (Typ.mkPointer ~elt:(typ_of exp)) ) ) ;
Global {name; init; typ; loc}
let of_exp e = match e with Global _ -> Some e | _ -> None
let name = function[@warning "p"] Global {name} -> name
@ -249,6 +254,7 @@ let locate loc exp =
| AppN {op; args} -> AppN {op; args; loc}
| _ -> exp
let mkApp1 op arg = App {op; arg; loc= Loc.none}
let mkApp2 op x y = mkApp1 (mkApp1 op x) y
@ -265,12 +271,14 @@ let mkNondet (typ : Typ.t) msg =
assert (match typ with Function _ -> false | _ -> true) ;
Nondet {typ; loc= Loc.none; msg}
let mkLabel ~parent ~name = Label {parent; name; loc= Loc.none}
let mkNull (typ : Typ.t) =
assert (match typ with Opaque _ | Function _ -> false | _ -> true) ;
Null {typ}
let mkPtrFld ~ptr ~fld =
assert (
match typ_of ptr with
@ -278,6 +286,7 @@ let mkPtrFld ~ptr ~fld =
| _ -> false ) ;
mkApp1 (PtrFld {fld}) ptr
let mkPtrIdx ~ptr ~idx =
assert (
match (typ_of ptr, typ_of idx) with
@ -285,6 +294,7 @@ let mkPtrIdx ~ptr ~idx =
| _ -> false ) ;
mkApp2 PtrIdx ptr idx
let mkPrjFld ~agg ~fld =
assert (
match typ_of agg with
@ -292,6 +302,7 @@ let mkPrjFld ~agg ~fld =
| _ -> false ) ;
mkApp1 (PrjFld {fld}) agg
let mkPrjIdx ~arr ~idx =
assert (
match (typ_of arr, typ_of idx) with
@ -299,6 +310,7 @@ let mkPrjIdx ~arr ~idx =
| _ -> false ) ;
mkApp2 PrjIdx arr idx
let mkUpdFld ~agg ~elt ~fld =
assert (
match typ_of agg with
@ -307,6 +319,7 @@ let mkUpdFld ~agg ~elt ~fld =
| _ -> false ) ;
mkApp2 (UpdFld {fld}) agg elt
let mkUpdIdx ~arr ~elt ~idx =
assert (
match (typ_of arr, typ_of idx) with
@ -314,6 +327,7 @@ let mkUpdIdx ~arr ~elt ~idx =
| _ -> false ) ;
mkApp3 UpdIdx arr elt idx
let mkInteger data (typ : Typ.t) =
assert (
let in_range num bits =
@ -324,12 +338,14 @@ let mkInteger data (typ : Typ.t) =
match typ with Integer {bits} -> in_range data bits | _ -> false ) ;
Integer {data; typ}
let mkBool b = mkInteger (Z.of_int (Bool.to_int b)) Typ.i1
let mkFloat data (typ : Typ.t) =
assert (match typ with Float _ -> true | _ -> false) ;
Float {data; typ}
let mkArray elts (typ : Typ.t) =
assert (
match typ with
@ -339,6 +355,7 @@ let mkArray elts (typ : Typ.t) =
| _ -> false ) ;
mkAppN (Array {typ}) elts
let mkStruct elts (typ : Typ.t) =
assert (
match typ with
@ -348,6 +365,7 @@ let mkStruct elts (typ : Typ.t) =
| _ -> false ) ;
mkAppN (Struct {typ}) elts
let mkStruct_rec key =
let memo_id = Hashtbl.create key () in
let dummy = Null {typ= Typ.mkBytes} in
@ -373,14 +391,17 @@ let mkStruct_rec key =
Staged.stage mkStruct_
let mkCast exp typ =
assert (Typ.compatible (typ_of exp) typ) ;
mkApp1 (Cast {typ}) exp
let mkConv exp ?(signed = false) typ =
assert (Typ.compatible (typ_of exp) typ) ;
mkApp1 (Conv {signed; typ}) exp
let mkSelect ~cnd ~thn ~els =
assert (
match (typ_of cnd, typ_of thn, typ_of els) with
@ -390,6 +411,7 @@ let mkSelect ~cnd ~thn ~els =
| _ -> false ) ;
mkApp3 Select cnd thn els
let binop op x y =
(let typ = typ_of x in
@ -404,6 +426,7 @@ let binop op x y =
"ill-typed: %a" fmt (mkApp2 op x y) () ;
mkApp2 op x y
let mkEq = binop Eq
let mkNe = binop Ne

@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ let fmt_llvalue ff t = Format.pp_print_string ff (Llvm.string_of_llvalue t)
let fmt_llblock ff t =
Format.pp_print_string ff (Llvm.string_of_llvalue (Llvm.value_of_block t))
(* gather debug locations *)
let (scan_locs : Llvm.llmodule -> unit), (find_loc : Llvm.llvalue -> Loc.t)
@ -81,6 +82,7 @@ let (scan_locs : Llvm.llmodule -> unit), (find_loc : Llvm.llvalue -> Loc.t)
(scan_locs, find_loc)
let ( (scan_names : Llvm.llmodule -> unit)
, (find_name : Llvm.llvalue -> string) ) =
let name_tbl = Hashtbl.Poly.create () in
@ -156,12 +158,15 @@ let ( (scan_names : Llvm.llmodule -> unit)
let find_name v = Hashtbl.find_exn name_tbl v in
(scan_names, find_name)
let label_of_block : Llvm.llbasicblock -> string =
fun blk -> find_name (Llvm.value_of_block blk)
let anon_struct_name : (Llvm.lltype, string) Hashtbl.t =
Hashtbl.Poly.create ()
let struct_name : Llvm.lltype -> string =
fun llt ->
match Llvm.struct_name llt with
@ -170,6 +175,7 @@ let struct_name : Llvm.lltype -> string =
Hashtbl.find_or_add anon_struct_name llt ~default:(fun () ->
Int.to_string (Hashtbl.length anon_struct_name) )
let memo_type : (Llvm.lltype, Typ.t) Hashtbl.t = Hashtbl.Poly.create ()
let rec xlate_type : Llvm.lltype -> Typ.t =
@ -226,12 +232,14 @@ let rec xlate_type : Llvm.lltype -> Typ.t =
[%Trace.retn fun pf -> pf "%a" Typ.fmt_defn] )
and xlate_type_opt : Llvm.lltype -> Typ.t option =
fun llt ->
match Llvm.classify_type llt with
| Void -> None
| _ -> Some (xlate_type llt)
let rec is_zero : Exp.t -> bool =
fun exp ->
match exp with
@ -241,9 +249,11 @@ let rec is_zero : Exp.t -> bool =
| App {op; arg} -> is_zero op && is_zero arg
| _ -> false
let suffix_after_space : string -> string =
fun str -> String.slice str (String.rindex_exn str ' ' + 1) 0
let xlate_int : Llvm.llvalue -> Exp.t =
fun llv ->
let typ = xlate_type (Llvm.type_of llv) in
@ -254,12 +264,14 @@ let xlate_int : Llvm.llvalue -> Exp.t =
Exp.mkInteger data typ
let xlate_float : Llvm.llvalue -> Exp.t =
fun llv ->
let typ = xlate_type (Llvm.type_of llv) in
let data = suffix_after_space (Llvm.string_of_llvalue llv) in
Exp.mkFloat data typ
let xlate_name_opt : Llvm.llvalue -> Var.t option =
fun instr ->
@ -269,9 +281,11 @@ let xlate_name_opt : Llvm.llvalue -> Var.t option =
let loc = find_loc instr in
Var.mk name typ ~loc )
let xlate_name : Llvm.llvalue -> Var.t =
fun instr -> Option.value_exn (xlate_name_opt instr)
let xlate_intrinsic_exp : string -> (Exp.t -> Exp.t) option =
fun name ->
let i32 = Typ.mkInteger ~bits:32 in
@ -279,6 +293,7 @@ let xlate_intrinsic_exp : string -> (Exp.t -> Exp.t) option =
| "llvm.eh.typeid.for" -> Some (fun arg -> Exp.mkCast arg i32)
| _ -> None
let memo_value : (Llvm.llvalue, Exp.t) Hashtbl.t = Hashtbl.Poly.create ()
module Llvalue = struct
@ -368,6 +383,7 @@ let rec xlate_value : Llvm.llvalue -> Exp.t =
typ' fmt_llvalue llv () ;
pf "%a" Exp.fmt exp] )
and xlate_opcode : Llvm.llvalue -> Llvm.Opcode.t -> Exp.t =
fun llv opcode ->
[%Trace.call fun pf -> pf "%a" fmt_llvalue llv]
@ -529,6 +545,7 @@ and xlate_opcode : Llvm.llvalue -> Llvm.Opcode.t -> Exp.t =
fmt_llvalue llv () ;
pf "%a" Exp.fmt exp]
and xlate_global : Llvm.llvalue -> Global.t =
fun llg ->
let init =
@ -540,6 +557,7 @@ and xlate_global : Llvm.llvalue -> Global.t =
let g = xlate_name llg in
Global.mk (Var.name g) (Var.typ g) ~loc:(Var.loc g) ?init
let xlate_global : Llvm.llvalue -> Global.t =
fun llg ->
[%Trace.call fun pf -> pf "%a" fmt_llvalue llg]
@ -548,6 +566,7 @@ let xlate_global : Llvm.llvalue -> Global.t =
[%Trace.retn fun pf -> pf "%a" Global.fmt]
type pop_thunk = Loc.t -> Llair.inst list
let pop_stack_frame_of_function :
@ -580,6 +599,7 @@ let pop_stack_frame_of_function :
(** construct the types involved in landingpads: i32, std::type_info*, and
__cxa_exception *)
let landingpad_typs : Llvm.llvalue -> Typ.t * Typ.t * Typ.t =
@ -607,12 +627,14 @@ let landingpad_typs : Llvm.llvalue -> Typ.t * Typ.t * Typ.t =
let cxa_exception = Llvm.struct_type llcontext [|tip; dtor|] in
(i32, xlate_type tip, xlate_type cxa_exception)
(** construct the argument of a landingpad block, mainly fix the encoding
scheme for landingpad instruction name to block arg name *)
let landingpad_arg : Llvm.llvalue -> Var.t =
fun instr ->
Var.mk (find_name instr ^ ".exc") Typ.i8p ~loc:(find_loc instr)
(** [rev_map_phis ~f blk] returns [(retn_arg, rev_args, pos)] by rev_mapping
over the prefix of [PHI] instructions at the beginning of [blk].
[retn_arg], if any, is [f] applied to the [PHI] instruction which takes
@ -669,6 +691,7 @@ let rev_map_phis :
block_args_ false None [] (Llvm.instr_begin blk)
(** [trampoline_args jump_instr dest_block] is the actual arguments to which
the translation of [dest_block] should be partially-applied, to yield a
trampoline accepting the return parameter of the block and then jumping
@ -681,6 +704,7 @@ let trampoline_args : Llvm.llvalue -> Llvm.llbasicblock -> Exp.t vector =
if Poly.equal pred src then Some (xlate_value arg) else None ) )
|> snd3 |> Vector.of_list_rev
(** [unique_pred blk] is the unique predecessor of [blk], or [None] if there
are 0 or >1 predecessors. *)
let unique_pred : Llvm.llbasicblock -> Llvm.llvalue option =
@ -692,11 +716,13 @@ let unique_pred : Llvm.llbasicblock -> Llvm.llvalue option =
| Some _ -> None )
| None -> None
(** [return_formal_is_used instr] holds if the return value of [instr] is
used anywhere. *)
let return_formal_is_used : Llvm.llvalue -> bool =
fun instr -> Option.is_some (Llvm.use_begin instr)
(** [need_return_trampoline instr blk] holds when the return formal of
[instr] is used, but the returned to block [blk] does not take it as an
argument (e.g. if it has multiple predecessors and no PHI node). *)
@ -706,6 +732,7 @@ let need_return_trampoline : Llvm.llvalue -> Llvm.llbasicblock -> bool =
&& Option.is_none (unique_pred blk)
&& return_formal_is_used instr
(** [unique_used_invoke_pred blk] is the unique predecessor of [blk], if it
is an [Invoke] instruction, whose return value is used. *)
let unique_used_invoke_pred : Llvm.llbasicblock -> 'a option =
@ -716,6 +743,7 @@ let unique_used_invoke_pred : Llvm.llbasicblock -> 'a option =
Some instr
| _ -> None
(** formal parameters accepted by a block *)
let block_formals : Llvm.llbasicblock -> Var.t list * _ Llvm.llpos =
fun blk ->
@ -734,6 +762,7 @@ let block_formals : Llvm.llbasicblock -> Var.t list * _ Llvm.llpos =
(List.rev_append rev_args (Option.to_list instr_arg), pos)
| At_end blk -> fail "block_formals: %a" fmt_llblock blk ()
(** actual arguments passed by a jump to a block *)
let jump_args : Llvm.llvalue -> Llvm.llbasicblock -> Exp.t vector =
fun jmp dst ->
@ -752,6 +781,7 @@ let jump_args : Llvm.llvalue -> Llvm.llbasicblock -> Exp.t vector =
Vector.of_list (List.rev_append rev_args (Option.to_list retn_arg))
(** An LLVM instruction is translated to a sequence of LLAIR instructions
and a terminator, plus some additional blocks to which it may refer
(that is, essentially a function body). These are needed since LLVM and
@ -774,6 +804,7 @@ let fmt_code ff (insts, term, blocks) =
(list_fmt "@ " Llair.Block.fmt)
let rec xlate_func_name llv =
match Llvm.classify_value llv with
| Function ->
@ -788,6 +819,7 @@ let rec xlate_func_name llv =
| InlineAsm -> todo "inline asm: %a" fmt_llvalue llv ()
| _ -> fail "unknown function: %a" fmt_llvalue llv ()
let xlate_instr :
-> Llvm.llvalue
@ -1173,6 +1205,7 @@ let xlate_instr :
fail "xlate_instr: %a" fmt_llvalue instr ()
| PHI | Invalid | Invalid2 | UserOp1 | UserOp2 -> assert false
let rec xlate_instrs : pop_thunk -> _ Llvm.llpos -> code =
fun pop -> function
| Before instrI ->
@ -1183,6 +1216,7 @@ let rec xlate_instrs : pop_thunk -> _ Llvm.llpos -> code =
(instsI, termI, blocksI @ blocksJN) )
| At_end blk -> fail "xlate_instrs: %a" fmt_llblock blk ()
let xlate_block : pop_thunk -> Llvm.llbasicblock -> Llair.block list =
fun pop blk ->
[%Trace.call fun pf -> pf "%a" fmt_llblock blk]
@ -1196,6 +1230,7 @@ let xlate_block : pop_thunk -> Llvm.llbasicblock -> Llair.block list =
[%Trace.retn fun pf blocks -> pf "%s" (List.hd_exn blocks).Llair.lbl]
let xlate_function : Llvm.llvalue -> Llair.func =
fun llf ->
[%Trace.call fun pf -> pf "%a" fmt_llvalue llf]
@ -1234,6 +1269,7 @@ let xlate_function : Llvm.llvalue -> Llair.func =
[%Trace.retn fun pf -> pf "@\n%a" Llair.Func.fmt]
let transform : Llvm.llmodule -> unit =
fun llmodule ->
let pm = Llvm.PassManager.create () in
@ -1245,6 +1281,7 @@ let transform : Llvm.llmodule -> unit =
Llvm.PassManager.run_module llmodule pm |> (ignore : bool -> _) ;
Llvm.PassManager.dispose pm
exception Invalid_llvm of string
let invalid_llvm : string -> 'a =
@ -1256,6 +1293,7 @@ let invalid_llvm : string -> 'a =
Format.printf "@\n%s@\n" msg ;
raise (Invalid_llvm first_line)
let translate : string -> Llair.t =
fun file ->
[%Trace.call fun pf -> pf "%s" file]

@ -66,9 +66,11 @@ let rec dummy_block =
; parent= dummy_func
; sort_index= 0 }
and dummy_func =
{name= Global.mk "dummy" Typ.i8p; entry= dummy_block; cfg= Vector.empty}
module Inst = struct
type t = inst
@ -79,6 +81,7 @@ module Inst = struct
| _ -> false ) ;
Load {reg; ptr; loc}
let mkStore ~ptr ~exp ~loc =
assert (
match Exp.typ ptr with
@ -86,6 +89,7 @@ module Inst = struct
| _ -> false ) ;
Store {ptr; exp; loc}
let mkMemcpy ~dst ~src ~len ~loc =
assert (
match (Exp.typ dst, Exp.typ src, Exp.typ len) with
@ -94,6 +98,7 @@ module Inst = struct
| _ -> false ) ;
Memcpy {dst; src; len; loc}
let mkMemmov ~dst ~src ~len ~loc =
assert (
match (Exp.typ dst, Exp.typ src, Exp.typ len) with
@ -102,6 +107,7 @@ module Inst = struct
| _ -> false ) ;
Memmov {dst; src; len; loc}
let mkMemset ~dst ~byt ~len ~loc =
assert (
match (Exp.typ dst, Exp.typ byt, Exp.typ len) with
@ -109,6 +115,7 @@ module Inst = struct
| _ -> false ) ;
Memset {dst; byt; len; loc}
let mkAlloc ~reg ~num ~loc =
assert (
match (Var.typ reg, Exp.typ num) with
@ -116,6 +123,7 @@ module Inst = struct
| _ -> false ) ;
Alloc {reg; num; loc}
let mkFree ~ptr ~loc =
assert (
match Exp.typ ptr with
@ -123,10 +131,12 @@ module Inst = struct
| _ -> false ) ;
Free {ptr; loc}
let mkNondet ~reg ~msg ~loc =
assert (Option.for_all ~f:(Var.typ >> Typ.is_sized) reg) ;
Nondet {reg; msg; loc}
let fmt ff inst =
let pf fmt = Format.fprintf ff fmt in
match inst with
@ -151,9 +161,11 @@ let fmt_cmnd = vector_fmt "@ " Inst.fmt
let fmt_args fmt_arg ff args =
Format.fprintf ff "@ (@[%a@])" (vector_fmt ",@ " fmt_arg) args
let fmt_param ff var =
Format.fprintf ff "%a %a" Typ.fmt (Var.typ var) Var.fmt var
module Jump = struct
type t = jump
@ -172,6 +184,7 @@ module Term = struct
assert (match Exp.typ key with Integer _ -> true | _ -> false) ;
Switch {key; tbl; els; loc}
let mkISwitch ~ptr ~tbl ~loc =
assert (
match Exp.typ ptr with
@ -179,6 +192,7 @@ module Term = struct
| _ -> false ) ;
ISwitch {ptr; tbl; loc}
let mkCall ~func ~args ~return ~throw ~ignore_result ~loc =
assert (
match Exp.typ func with
@ -193,6 +207,7 @@ module Term = struct
; ignore_result
; loc }
let mkReturn ~exp ~loc = Return {exp; loc}
let mkThrow ~exc ~loc = Throw {exc; loc}
@ -239,6 +254,7 @@ module Block = struct
) ;
{dummy_block with lbl; params; cmnd; term}
(* blocks in a [t] are uniquely identified by [sort_index] *)
let compare x y = Int.compare x.sort_index y.sort_index
@ -257,15 +273,18 @@ module Func = struct
let find functions func =
Vector.find functions ~f:(fun {name} -> Global.equal func name)
let is_undefined = function
| {entry= {cmnd; term= Unreachable}} -> Vector.is_empty cmnd
| _ -> false
let fold_term {entry; cfg} ~init ~f =
let fold_block {term} ~init ~f = f init term in
Vector.fold cfg ~init:(fold_block entry ~init ~f) ~f:(fun z k ->
fold_block k ~init:z ~f )
let mk ~name ~entry ~cfg =
let func = {name; entry; cfg} in
let resolve_parent_and_jumps block =
@ -330,6 +349,7 @@ module Func = struct
true ) ;
let mk_undefined ~name ~params =
let entry =
Block.mk ~lbl:"" ~params ~cmnd:Vector.empty ~term:Term.mkUnreachable
@ -337,6 +357,7 @@ module Func = struct
let cfg = Vector.empty in
mk ~name ~entry ~cfg
let fmt ff ({name; entry= {params; cmnd; term; sort_index}; cfg} as func)
let fmt_if cnd str ff = if cnd then Format.fprintf ff str in
@ -363,6 +384,7 @@ module Block_id = struct
[%compare: string * Global.t] (x.lbl, x.parent.name)
(y.lbl, y.parent.name)
let hash b = Hashtbl.hash (b.lbl, b.parent.name)
@ -442,6 +464,7 @@ let set_derived_metadata functions =
sort_functions functions ;
Vector.of_array functions
let mk ~typ_defns ~globals ~functions =
assert (
@ -462,6 +485,7 @@ let mk ~typ_defns ~globals ~functions =
; globals= Vector.of_list_rev globals
; functions= set_derived_metadata functions }
let fmt ff {typ_defns; globals; functions} =
Format.fprintf ff "@[<v>@[%a@]@ @ @ @[%a@]@ @ @ @[%a@]@]"
(list_fmt "@\n@\n" Typ.fmt_defn)

@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ let none = {dir= ""; file= ""; line= 0; col= 0}
let mk ?(dir = none.dir) ?(file = none.file) ?(col = none.col) ~line =
{dir; file; line; col}
let fmt ff {dir; file; line; col} =
Format.pp_print_string ff dir ;
if not (String.is_empty dir) then

@ -45,6 +45,7 @@ let rec fmt ff typ =
| Struct {name} | Opaque {name} -> Format.fprintf ff "@[%%%s@]" name
| Bytes -> Format.fprintf ff "bytes"
and fmts ff typs = vector_fmt ",@ " fmt ff typs
let fmt_defn ff = function
@ -54,6 +55,7 @@ let fmt_defn ff = function
| Opaque {name} -> Format.fprintf ff "@[<2>%%%s =@ opaque@]" name
| typ -> fmt ff typ
let is_sized = function
| Function _ | Bytes -> false
| Integer _ | Float _ | Pointer _ | Array _ | Tuple _ | Struct _ -> true
@ -62,12 +64,14 @@ let is_sized = function
as they are not sized but may become sized through linking. *)
let rec prim_bit_size_of = function
| Integer {bits} | Float {bits} -> Some bits
| Array {elt; len} ->
Option.map (prim_bit_size_of elt) ~f:(fun n -> n * len)
| Opaque _ | Function _ | Pointer _ | Tuple _ | Struct _ | Bytes -> None
let rec compatible t0 t1 =
match (t0, t1, prim_bit_size_of t0, prim_bit_size_of t1) with
| ( (Integer _ | Float _ | Pointer _)
@ -86,11 +90,13 @@ let rec compatible t0 t1 =
| _ -> false
let mkFunction ~return ~args =
assert (
Option.for_all ~f:is_sized return && Vector.for_all ~f:is_sized args ) ;
Function {return; args}
let mkInteger ~bits = Integer {bits}
let mkFloat ~bits ~enc = Float {bits; enc}
@ -101,12 +107,14 @@ let mkArray ~elt ~len =
assert (is_sized elt) ;
Array {elt; len}
let defns : (string, t) Hashtbl.t = Hashtbl.create (module String) ()
let mkTuple ~packed elts =
assert (Vector.for_all ~f:is_sized elts) ;
Tuple {elts; packed}
let mkStruct ~name ~packed elt_thks =
match Hashtbl.find defns name with
| Some typ -> typ
@ -124,6 +132,7 @@ let mkStruct ~name ~packed elt_thks =
elts.(i) <- elt ) ;
let mkOpaque ~name = Opaque {name}
let mkBytes = Bytes

@ -54,6 +54,7 @@ let rec get_fun_name pat =
(Selected_ast.To_ocaml.copy_pattern p) )
let vb_stack_with, vb_stack_top =
let stack = ref [] in
let with_ x ~f =
@ -65,6 +66,7 @@ let vb_stack_with, vb_stack_top =
let top () = List.hd_exn !stack in
(with_, top)
let mapper =
let value_binding (m : Ast_mapper.mapper) vb =
vb_stack_with vb.pvb_pat ~f:(fun () ->
@ -113,6 +115,7 @@ let mapper =
{Ast_mapper.default_mapper with expr; value_binding}
let impl = Selected_ast.Ast.map_structure mapper

@ -32,5 +32,6 @@ let main ~input ~output =
(Caml.Printexc.to_string exn) ) ;
Caml.Printexc.raise_with_backtrace exn bt
Config.run main

@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ let init ~trace_all:ta =
Caml.at_exit flush ;
trace_all := ta
(* selective tracing not yet implemented *)
let enabled _ = !trace_all
@ -35,18 +36,21 @@ let info mod_name fun_name fmt =
Format.kfprintf (fun ff -> Format.fprintf ff "@]") ff fmt )
else Format.ifprintf ff fmt
let incf rev_prefix name fmt =
if enabled (name :: rev_prefix) then (
Format.fprintf ff "@\n@[<2>@[( %s: " name ;
Format.kfprintf (fun ff -> Format.fprintf ff "@]") ff fmt )
else Format.ifprintf ff fmt
let decf rev_prefix name fmt =
if enabled (name :: rev_prefix) then (
Format.fprintf ff "@]@\n@[<2>) %s:@ " name ;
Format.kfprintf (fun ff -> Format.fprintf ff "@]") ff fmt )
else Format.ifprintf ff fmt
let call mod_name fun_name k = k (incf [mod_name] fun_name)
let retn mod_name fun_name k result =
