[clang] Refactor the translation of allocation functions

Reviewed By: ddino

Differential Revision: D6088255

fbshipit-source-id: 865b103
Dulma Churchill 8 years ago committed by Facebook Github Bot
parent bd74512c1a
commit e23153c1d9

@ -136,8 +136,8 @@ module CTrans_funct (F : CModule_type.CFrontend) : CModule_type.CTranslation = s
ignore (Tenv.mk_struct tenv ~fields block_typename) ;
let block_type = Typ.mk (Typ.Tstruct block_typename) in
let trans_res =
CTrans_utils.alloc_trans trans_state loc (Ast_expressions.dummy_stmt_info ()) block_type true
CTrans_utils.alloc_trans trans_state ~alloc_builtin:BuiltinDecl.__objc_alloc_no_fail loc
(Ast_expressions.dummy_stmt_info ()) block_type
let id_block = match trans_res.exps with [(Exp.Var id, _)] -> id | _ -> assert false in
let mblock = Mangled.from_string block_name in

@ -343,7 +343,7 @@ module Scope = struct
(** This function handles ObjC new/alloc and C++ new calls *)
let create_alloc_instrs sil_loc function_type fname size_exp_opt procname_opt =
let create_alloc_instrs ~alloc_builtin ?alloc_source_function ?size_exp sil_loc function_type =
let function_type, function_type_np =
match function_type.Typ.desc with
| Tptr (styp, Typ.Pk_pointer)
@ -354,50 +354,48 @@ let create_alloc_instrs sil_loc function_type fname size_exp_opt procname_opt =
| _
-> (CType.add_pointer_to_typ function_type, function_type)
let sizeof_exp_ =
Exp.Sizeof {typ= function_type_np; nbytes= None; dynamic_length= None; subtype= Subtype.exact}
let sizeof_exp =
match size_exp_opt with
| Some exp
-> Exp.BinOp (Binop.Mult, sizeof_exp_, exp)
| None
-> sizeof_exp_
let exp = (sizeof_exp, Typ.mk (Tint Typ.IULong)) in
let procname_arg =
match procname_opt with
let alloc_source_function_arg =
match alloc_source_function with
| Some procname
-> [(Exp.Const (Const.Cfun procname), Typ.mk Tvoid)]
| None
-> []
let args = exp :: procname_arg in
let ret_id = Ident.create_fresh Ident.knormal in
let args =
let sizeof_exp_ =
Exp.Sizeof {typ= function_type_np; nbytes= None; dynamic_length= None; subtype= Subtype.exact}
let sizeof_exp =
match size_exp with
| Some exp
-> Exp.BinOp (Binop.Mult, sizeof_exp_, exp)
| None
-> sizeof_exp_
let exp = (sizeof_exp, Typ.mk (Tint Typ.IULong)) in
exp :: alloc_source_function_arg
let ret_id_typ = Some (ret_id, function_type) in
let stmt_call =
Sil.Call (ret_id_typ, Exp.Const (Const.Cfun fname), args, sil_loc, CallFlags.default)
Sil.Call (ret_id_typ, Exp.Const (Const.Cfun alloc_builtin), args, sil_loc, CallFlags.default)
(function_type, stmt_call, Exp.Var ret_id)
(function_type, [stmt_call], Exp.Var ret_id)
let alloc_trans trans_state loc stmt_info function_type is_cf_non_null_alloc procname_opt =
let fname =
if is_cf_non_null_alloc then BuiltinDecl.__objc_alloc_no_fail else BuiltinDecl.__objc_alloc
let alloc_trans trans_state ~alloc_builtin ?alloc_source_function loc stmt_info function_type =
let function_type, instrs, exp =
create_alloc_instrs ~alloc_builtin ?alloc_source_function loc function_type
let function_type, stmt_call, exp =
create_alloc_instrs loc function_type fname None procname_opt
let res_trans_tmp = {empty_res_trans with instrs= [stmt_call]} in
let res_trans_tmp = {empty_res_trans with instrs} in
let res_trans =
let nname = "Call alloc" in
PriorityNode.compute_results_to_parent trans_state loc nname stmt_info [res_trans_tmp]
{res_trans with exps= [(exp, function_type)]}
let objc_new_trans trans_state loc stmt_info cls_name function_type =
let fname = BuiltinDecl.__objc_alloc_no_fail in
let objc_new_trans trans_state ~alloc_builtin loc stmt_info cls_name function_type =
let alloc_ret_type, alloc_stmt_call, alloc_ret_exp =
create_alloc_instrs loc function_type fname None None
create_alloc_instrs ~alloc_builtin loc function_type
let init_ret_id = Ident.create_fresh Ident.knormal in
let is_instance = true in
@ -412,7 +410,7 @@ let objc_new_trans trans_state loc stmt_info cls_name function_type =
let init_stmt_call =
Sil.Call (ret_id_typ, Exp.Const (Const.Cfun pname), args, loc, call_flags)
let instrs = [alloc_stmt_call; init_stmt_call] in
let instrs = alloc_stmt_call @ [init_stmt_call] in
let res_trans_tmp = {empty_res_trans with instrs} in
let res_trans =
let nname = "Call objC new" in
@ -431,19 +429,21 @@ let new_or_alloc_trans trans_state loc stmt_info qual_type class_name_opt select
-> CType.objc_classname_of_type function_type
if String.equal selector CFrontend_config.alloc then
alloc_trans trans_state loc stmt_info function_type true None
alloc_trans trans_state ~alloc_builtin:BuiltinDecl.__objc_alloc_no_fail loc stmt_info
else if String.equal selector CFrontend_config.new_str then
objc_new_trans trans_state loc stmt_info class_name function_type
else assert false
objc_new_trans trans_state ~alloc_builtin:BuiltinDecl.__objc_alloc_no_fail loc stmt_info
class_name function_type
else Logging.die InternalError "Expected selector new or alloc but got, %s" selector
let cpp_new_trans sil_loc function_type size_exp_opt =
let fname =
match size_exp_opt with Some _ -> BuiltinDecl.__new_array | None -> BuiltinDecl.__new
let cpp_new_trans sil_loc function_type size_exp =
let alloc_builtin =
match size_exp with Some _ -> BuiltinDecl.__new_array | None -> BuiltinDecl.__new
let function_type, stmt_call, exp =
create_alloc_instrs sil_loc function_type fname size_exp_opt None
create_alloc_instrs ~alloc_builtin ?size_exp sil_loc function_type
{empty_res_trans with instrs= [stmt_call]; exps= [(exp, function_type)]}
{empty_res_trans with instrs= stmt_call; exps= [(exp, function_type)]}
let create_cast_instrs exp cast_from_typ cast_to_typ sil_loc =
let ret_id = Ident.create_fresh Ident.knormal in
@ -559,9 +559,13 @@ let trans_replace_with_deref_first_arg sil_loc params_trans_res ~cxx_method_call
let builtin_trans trans_state loc stmt_info function_type params_trans_res pname =
if CTrans_models.is_cf_non_null_alloc pname || CTrans_models.is_alloc_model function_type pname
then Some (alloc_trans trans_state loc stmt_info function_type true (Some pname))
(alloc_trans trans_state ~alloc_builtin:BuiltinDecl.__objc_alloc_no_fail
~alloc_source_function:pname loc stmt_info function_type)
else if CTrans_models.is_alloc pname then
Some (alloc_trans trans_state loc stmt_info function_type false None)
(alloc_trans trans_state ~alloc_builtin:BuiltinDecl.__objc_alloc loc stmt_info function_type)
else if CTrans_models.is_assert_log pname then Some (trans_assertion trans_state loc)
else if CTrans_models.is_builtin_expect pname then trans_builtin_expect params_trans_res
else if CTrans_models.is_replace_with_deref_first_arg pname then

@ -99,8 +99,8 @@ val cxx_method_builtin_trans :
trans_state -> Location.t -> trans_result list -> Typ.Procname.t -> trans_result option
val alloc_trans :
trans_state -> Location.t -> Clang_ast_t.stmt_info -> Typ.t -> bool -> Typ.Procname.t option
-> trans_result
trans_state -> alloc_builtin:Typ.Procname.t -> ?alloc_source_function:Typ.Procname.t
-> Location.t -> Clang_ast_t.stmt_info -> Typ.t -> trans_result
val new_or_alloc_trans :
trans_state -> Location.t -> Clang_ast_t.stmt_info -> Clang_ast_t.qual_type -> Typ.Name.t option
