@ -234,16 +234,18 @@ module TransferFunctions = struct
fun tenv get_summary exp mem ->
Option.value_map (Exp.get_java_class_initializer tenv exp) ~default:mem
~f:(fun (clinit_pname, pvar, fn, field_typ) ->
let copy_from_class_init () =
Option.value_map (get_summary clinit_pname) ~default:mem ~f:(fun clinit_mem ->
let field_loc = Loc.append_field ~typ:field_typ (Loc.of_pvar pvar) ~fn in
copy_reachable_locs_from field_loc ~from_mem:clinit_mem ~to_mem:mem )
match field_typ.Typ.desc with
| Typ.Tptr ({desc= Tstruct _}, _) ->
| Typ.Tptr ({desc= Tstruct _}, _) when is_known_java_static_field fn ->
(* It copies all of the reachable values when the contents of the field are commonly
used as immutable, e.g., values of enum. Otherwise, it copies only the size of
static final array. *)
Option.value_map (get_summary clinit_pname) ~default:mem ~f:(fun clinit_mem ->
let field_loc = Loc.append_field ~typ:field_typ (Loc.of_pvar pvar) ~fn in
if is_known_java_static_field fn then
copy_reachable_locs_from field_loc ~from_mem:clinit_mem ~to_mem:mem
else mem )
used as immutable, e.g., values of enum. *)
copy_from_class_init ()
| Typ.Tptr ({desc= Tarray _}, _) ->
copy_from_class_init ()
| _ ->
mem )