[inferbo] More precise min/max

Reviewed By: skcho

Differential Revision: D10386539

fbshipit-source-id: 15efa602d
Mehdi Bouaziz 7 years ago committed by Facebook Github Bot
parent 38ab5fda4e
commit e72cd6c00f

@ -198,6 +198,8 @@ module Bound = struct
let eval_big_int x i1 i2 = match x with Plus -> Z.(i1 + i2) | Minus -> Z.(i1 - i2)
let eval_neg_if_minus x i = match x with Plus -> i | Minus -> Z.neg i
let pp ~need_plus : F.formatter -> t -> unit =
fun fmt -> function
| Plus ->
@ -306,10 +308,10 @@ module Bound = struct
let big_int_ub_of_minmax = function
| MinMax (c, Plus, Min, d, _) ->
Some Z.(c + d)
| MinMax (c, Minus, Max, d, s) when Symb.Symbol.is_unsigned s ->
Some Z.(min c (c - d))
| MinMax (c, Minus, Max, d, _) ->
Some Z.(c - d)
| MinMax (c, Minus, Min, _, s) when Symb.Symbol.is_unsigned s ->
Some c
| MinMax _ ->
| MInf | PInf | Linear _ ->
@ -317,12 +319,12 @@ module Bound = struct
let big_int_lb_of_minmax = function
| MinMax (c, Plus, Max, d, s) when Symb.Symbol.is_unsigned s ->
Some Z.(max c (c + d))
| MinMax (c, Plus, Max, d, _) ->
Some Z.(c + d)
| MinMax (c, Minus, Min, d, _) ->
Some Z.(c - d)
| MinMax (c, Plus, Min, _, s) when Symb.Symbol.is_unsigned s ->
Some c
| MinMax _ ->
| MInf | PInf | Linear _ ->
@ -446,23 +448,30 @@ module Bound = struct
let xcompare = PartialOrder.of_le ~le
let remove_max_int : t -> t =
fun x ->
match x with
| MinMax (c, Plus, Max, _, s) ->
Linear (c, SymLinear.singleton_one s)
| MinMax (c, Minus, Min, _, s) ->
Linear (c, SymLinear.singleton_minus_one s)
let is_const : t -> bool = function
| Linear (_, se) when SymLinear.is_zero se ->
| _ ->
let rec lb : default:t -> t -> t -> t =
fun ~default x y ->
if le x y then x
else if le y x then y
let neg : t -> t = function
| MInf ->
| PInf ->
| Linear (c, x) ->
Linear (Z.neg c, SymLinear.neg x)
| MinMax (c, sign, min_max, d, x) ->
mk_MinMax (Z.neg c, Sign.neg sign, min_max, d, x)
let exact_min : otherwise:(t -> t -> t) -> t -> t -> t =
fun ~otherwise b1 b2 ->
if le b1 b2 then b1
else if le b2 b1 then b2
match (x, y) with
match (b1, b2) with
| Linear (c1, x1), Linear (c2, x2) when SymLinear.is_zero x1 && SymLinear.is_one_symbol x2 ->
mk_MinMax (c2, Plus, Min, Z.(c1 - c2), SymLinear.get_one_symbol x2)
| Linear (c1, x1), Linear (c2, x2) when SymLinear.is_one_symbol x1 && SymLinear.is_zero x2 ->
@ -473,70 +482,168 @@ module Bound = struct
| Linear (c1, x1), Linear (c2, x2) when SymLinear.is_mone_symbol x1 && SymLinear.is_zero x2
mk_MinMax (c1, Minus, Max, Z.(c1 - c2), SymLinear.get_mone_symbol x1)
| MinMax (c1, Plus, Min, d1, s), Linear (c2, se)
| Linear (c2, se), MinMax (c1, Plus, Min, d1, s)
when SymLinear.is_zero se ->
mk_MinMax (c1, Plus, Min, Z.(min d1 (c2 - c1)), s)
| MinMax (c1, Plus, Max, _, s), Linear (c2, se)
| Linear (c2, se), MinMax (c1, Plus, Max, _, s)
| MinMax (c1, (Plus as sign), (Min as minmax), _, s), Linear (c2, se)
| Linear (c2, se), MinMax (c1, (Plus as sign), (Min as minmax), _, s)
| MinMax (c1, (Minus as sign), (Max as minmax), _, s), Linear (c2, se)
| Linear (c2, se), MinMax (c1, (Minus as sign), (Max as minmax), _, s)
when SymLinear.is_zero se ->
mk_MinMax (c1, Plus, Min, Z.(c2 - c1), s)
| MinMax (c1, Minus, Min, _, s), Linear (c2, se)
| Linear (c2, se), MinMax (c1, Minus, Min, _, s)
when SymLinear.is_zero se ->
mk_MinMax (c1, Minus, Max, Z.(c1 - c2), s)
| MinMax (c1, Minus, Max, d1, s), Linear (c2, se)
| Linear (c2, se), MinMax (c1, Minus, Max, d1, s)
when SymLinear.is_zero se ->
mk_MinMax (c1, Minus, Max, Z.(max d1 (c1 - c2)), s)
| MinMax (_, Plus, Min, _, _), MinMax (_, Plus, Max, _, _)
| MinMax (_, Plus, Min, _, _), MinMax (_, Minus, Min, _, _)
| MinMax (_, Minus, Max, _, _), MinMax (_, Plus, Max, _, _)
| MinMax (_, Minus, Max, _, _), MinMax (_, Minus, Min, _, _) ->
lb ~default x (remove_max_int y)
| MinMax (_, Plus, Max, _, _), MinMax (_, Plus, Min, _, _)
| MinMax (_, Minus, Min, _, _), MinMax (_, Plus, Min, _, _)
| MinMax (_, Plus, Max, _, _), MinMax (_, Minus, Max, _, _)
| MinMax (_, Minus, Min, _, _), MinMax (_, Minus, Max, _, _) ->
lb ~default (remove_max_int x) y
| MinMax (c1, Plus, Max, d1, _), MinMax (c2, Plus, Max, d2, _) ->
Linear (Z.(min (c1 + d1) (c2 + d2)), SymLinear.zero)
| _, _ ->
(** underapproximation of min b1 b2 *)
let min_l b1 b2 = lb ~default:MInf b1 b2
(** overapproximation of min b1 b2 *)
let min_u b1 b2 =
(* When the result is not representable, our best effort is to return the first argument. Any other deterministic heuristics would work too. *)
b1 b1 b2
let ub : default:t -> t -> t -> t =
fun ~default x y ->
if le x y then y
else if le y x then x
match (x, y) with
| Linear (c1, x1), Linear (c2, x2) when SymLinear.is_zero x1 && SymLinear.is_one_symbol x2 ->
mk_MinMax (c2, Plus, Max, Z.(c1 - c2), SymLinear.get_one_symbol x2)
| Linear (c1, x1), Linear (c2, x2) when SymLinear.is_one_symbol x1 && SymLinear.is_zero x2 ->
mk_MinMax (c1, Plus, Max, Z.(c2 - c1), SymLinear.get_one_symbol x1)
| Linear (c1, x1), Linear (c2, x2) when SymLinear.is_zero x1 && SymLinear.is_mone_symbol x2
mk_MinMax (c2, Minus, Min, Z.(c2 - c1), SymLinear.get_mone_symbol x2)
| Linear (c1, x1), Linear (c2, x2) when SymLinear.is_mone_symbol x1 && SymLinear.is_zero x2
mk_MinMax (c1, Minus, Min, Z.(c1 - c2), SymLinear.get_mone_symbol x1)
| _, _ ->
let d = Sign.eval_neg_if_minus sign Z.(c2 - c1) in
mk_MinMax (c1, sign, minmax, d, s)
| MinMax (c1, (Minus as sign), (Max as minmax), d1, s1), MinMax (c2, Minus, Max, d2, s2)
| MinMax (c1, (Plus as sign), (Min as minmax), d1, s1), MinMax (c2, Plus, Min, d2, s2)
when Symb.Symbol.equal s1 s2 ->
let v1 = Sign.eval_big_int sign c1 d1 in
let v2 = Sign.eval_big_int sign c2 d2 in
let c = Z.min c1 c2 in
let v = MinMax.eval_big_int minmax v1 v2 in
let d = Sign.eval_neg_if_minus sign Z.(v - c) in
mk_MinMax (c, sign, minmax, d, s1)
| b1, b2 ->
otherwise b1 b2
let rec underapprox_min b1 b2 =
exact_min b1 b2 ~otherwise:(fun b1 b2 ->
match (b1, b2) with
| MinMax (c1, sign, _, d1, _s), Linear (_c2, se)
| Linear (_c2, se), MinMax (c1, sign, _, d1, _s)
when SymLinear.is_zero se ->
Linear (Sign.eval_big_int sign c1 d1, SymLinear.zero)
There is no best abstraction, we could also use:
For Plus, Max: mk_MinMax (c1, Plus, Min, Z.(c2 - c1), s)
For Minus, Min: mk_MinMax (c1, Minus, Max, Z.(c1 - c2), s)
| MinMax (_, Minus, Max, _, _), MinMax (_, Plus, Min, _, _)
| MinMax (_, Plus, Min, _, _), MinMax (_, Minus, Max, _, _) ->
fallback_underapprox_min b1 b2
| MinMax (c1, (Plus as sign1), Max, d1, _), MinMax (c2, (Minus as sign2), Min, d2, _)
| MinMax (c1, (Minus as sign1), Min, d1, _), MinMax (c2, (Plus as sign2), Max, d2, _) ->
let v1 = Sign.eval_big_int sign1 c1 d1 in
let v2 = Sign.eval_big_int sign2 c2 d2 in
Linear (Z.min v1 v2, SymLinear.zero)
| MinMax (c1, (Plus as sign), (Max as minmax), d1, s1), MinMax (c2, Plus, Max, d2, s2)
| MinMax (c1, (Minus as sign), (Min as minmax), d1, s1), MinMax (c2, Minus, Min, d2, s2)
when Symb.Symbol.equal s1 s2 ->
let v1 = Sign.eval_big_int sign c1 d1 in
let v2 = Sign.eval_big_int sign c2 d2 in
let v = Z.min v1 v2 in
let c = Z.min c1 c2 in
let d = Sign.eval_neg_if_minus sign Z.(v - c) in
mk_MinMax (c, sign, minmax, d, s1)
| ( MinMax (c1, (Plus as sign1), (Min as minmax1), d1, s1)
, MinMax (c2, (Plus as sign2), Max, d2, s2) )
| ( MinMax (c2, (Plus as sign2), Max, d2, s2)
, MinMax (c1, (Plus as sign1), (Min as minmax1), d1, s1) )
| ( MinMax (c1, (Minus as sign1), (Max as minmax1), d1, s1)
, MinMax (c2, (Minus as sign2), Min, d2, s2) )
| ( MinMax (c2, (Minus as sign2), Min, d2, s2)
, MinMax (c1, (Minus as sign1), (Max as minmax1), d1, s1) )
| ( MinMax (c1, (Minus as sign1), (Max as minmax1), d1, s1)
, MinMax (c2, (Plus as sign2), Max, d2, s2) )
| ( MinMax (c2, (Plus as sign2), (Max as minmax1), d2, s2)
, MinMax (c1, (Minus as sign1), Max, d1, s1) )
| ( MinMax (c1, (Plus as sign1), (Min as minmax1), d1, s1)
, MinMax (c2, (Minus as sign2), Min, d2, s2) )
| ( MinMax (c2, (Minus as sign2), (Min as minmax1), d2, s2)
, MinMax (c1, (Plus as sign1), Min, d1, s1) )
when Symb.Symbol.equal s1 s2 ->
let v1 = Sign.eval_big_int sign1 c1 d1 in
let v2 = Sign.eval_big_int sign2 c2 d2 in
let v = Z.min v1 v2 in
let d = Sign.eval_neg_if_minus sign1 Z.(v - c1) in
mk_MinMax (c1, sign1, minmax1, d, s1)
| b1, b2 ->
fallback_underapprox_min b1 b2 )
and fallback_underapprox_min b1 b2 =
match big_int_lb b2 with
| Some v2 when not (is_const b2) ->
underapprox_min b1 (Linear (v2, SymLinear.zero))
| _ -> (
match big_int_lb b1 with
| Some v1 when not (is_const b1) ->
underapprox_min (Linear (v1, SymLinear.zero)) b2
| _ ->
MInf )
let overapprox_min original_b1 b2 =
let rec overapprox_min b1 b2 =
exact_min b1 b2 ~otherwise:(fun b1 b2 ->
match (b1, b2) with
| ( MinMax (c1, (Minus as sign1), (Max as minmax1), d1, s1)
, MinMax (c2, (Plus as sign2), Min, d2, s2) )
| ( MinMax (c1, (Plus as sign1), (Min as minmax1), d1, s1)
, MinMax (c2, (Minus as sign2), Max, d2, s2) )
when Symb.Symbol.equal s1 s2 ->
let v1 = Sign.eval_big_int sign1 c1 d1 in
let v2 = Sign.eval_big_int sign2 c2 d2 in
let vmeet = Z.(shift_right (c1 + c2 + one) 1) in
let v = Z.(min vmeet (min v1 v2)) in
let d = Sign.eval_neg_if_minus sign1 Z.(v - c1) in
mk_MinMax (c1, sign1, minmax1, d, s1)
| MinMax (c1, (Minus as sign1), Max, d1, s1), MinMax (c2, (Plus as sign2), Min, d2, s2)
| MinMax (c1, (Minus as sign1), Min, d1, s1), MinMax (c2, (Plus as sign2), Max, d2, s2)
| MinMax (c1, (Plus as sign1), Min, d1, s1), MinMax (c2, (Minus as sign2), Max, d2, s2)
| MinMax (c1, (Plus as sign1), Max, d1, s1), MinMax (c2, (Minus as sign2), Min, d2, s2)
when Symb.Symbol.equal s1 s2 ->
let v1 = Sign.eval_big_int sign1 c1 d1 in
let v2 = Sign.eval_big_int sign2 c2 d2 in
let vmeet = Z.(shift_right (c1 + c2 + one) 1) in
Linear (Z.(max vmeet (max v1 v2)), SymLinear.zero)
| (MinMax (_, Plus, Min, _, s1) as b), MinMax (_, Plus, Max, _, s2)
| MinMax (_, Plus, Max, _, s2), (MinMax (_, Plus, Min, _, s1) as b)
| (MinMax (_, Minus, Min, _, s1) as b), MinMax (_, Minus, Max, _, s2)
| MinMax (_, Minus, Max, _, s2), (MinMax (_, Minus, Min, _, s1) as b)
when Symb.Symbol.equal s1 s2 ->
| MinMax (c1, Plus, Max, _, s1), MinMax (c2, Plus, Max, _, s2)
| MinMax (c1, Minus, Min, _, s1), MinMax (c2, Minus, Min, _, s2)
when Symb.Symbol.equal s1 s2 ->
if Z.leq c1 c2 then b1 else b2
| ( MinMax (c1, (Minus as sign1), (Max as minmax1), d1, s1)
, MinMax (c2, (Plus as sign2), Max, d2, s2) )
| ( MinMax (c2, (Plus as sign2), (Max as minmax1), d2, s2)
, MinMax (c1, (Minus as sign1), Max, d1, s1) )
| ( MinMax (c1, (Plus as sign1), (Min as minmax1), d1, s1)
, MinMax (c2, (Minus as sign2), Min, d2, s2) )
| ( MinMax (c2, (Minus as sign2), (Min as minmax1), d2, s2)
, MinMax (c1, (Plus as sign1), Min, d1, s1) )
when Symb.Symbol.equal s1 s2 ->
let v1 = Sign.eval_big_int sign1 c1 d1 in
let v2 = Sign.eval_big_int sign2 c2 d2 in
let vmin, vmax = if Z.leq v1 v2 then (v1, v2) else (v2, v1) in
let vmeet = Z.(shift_right (c1 + c2 + one) 1) in
let v = if Z.leq vmin vmeet && Z.leq vmeet vmax then vmeet else vmax in
let d = Sign.eval_neg_if_minus sign1 Z.(v - c1) in
mk_MinMax (c1, sign1, minmax1, d, s1)
| _ -> (
match big_int_ub b2 with
| Some v2 when not (is_const b2) ->
overapprox_min b1 (Linear (v2, SymLinear.zero))
| _ -> (
match big_int_ub b1 with
| Some v1 when not (is_const b1) ->
overapprox_min (Linear (v1, SymLinear.zero)) b2
| _ ->
(* When the result is not representable, our best effort is to return the first original argument. Any other deterministic heuristics would work too. *)
original_b1 ) ) )
overapprox_min original_b1 b2
let underapprox_max b1 b2 = neg (overapprox_min (neg b1) (neg b2))
let overapprox_max b1 b2 = neg (underapprox_min (neg b1) (neg b2))
let approx_max = function
| Symb.BoundEnd.LowerBound ->
| Symb.BoundEnd.UpperBound ->
let max_u : t -> t -> t = ub ~default:PInf
let widen_l : t -> t -> t =
fun x y ->
@ -656,17 +763,6 @@ module Bound = struct
let mult_const_u = mult_const Symb.BoundEnd.UpperBound
let neg : t -> t = function
| MInf ->
| PInf ->
| Linear (c, x) ->
Linear (Z.neg c, SymLinear.neg x)
| MinMax (c, sign, min_max, d, x) ->
mk_MinMax (Z.neg c, Sign.neg sign, min_max, d, x)
let div_const : t -> NonZeroInt.t -> t option =
fun x n ->
match x with
@ -727,7 +823,7 @@ module Bound = struct
let get s =
match eval_sym s with
| NonBottom x when Symb.Symbol.is_unsigned s ->
NonBottom (ub ~default:x zero x)
NonBottom (approx_max subst_pos x zero)
| x ->
@ -745,7 +841,8 @@ module Bound = struct
Bottom )
| NonBottom x ->
let x = mult_const subst_pos coeff x in
if Symb.Symbol.is_unsigned s then NonBottom (ub ~default:x zero x) else NonBottom x
if Symb.Symbol.is_unsigned s then NonBottom (approx_max subst_pos x zero)
else NonBottom x
match x with
| MInf | PInf ->

@ -81,11 +81,11 @@ module Bound : sig
val xcompare : t PartialOrder.xcompare
val min_l : t -> t -> t
val underapprox_min : t -> t -> t
val min_u : t -> t -> t
val overapprox_min : t -> t -> t
val max_u : t -> t -> t
val overapprox_max : t -> t -> t
val widen_l : t -> t -> t

@ -501,7 +501,9 @@ module ItvPure = struct
let join : t -> t -> t = fun (l1, u1) (l2, u2) -> (Bound.min_l l1 l2, Bound.max_u u1 u2)
let join : t -> t -> t =
fun (l1, u1) (l2, u2) -> (Bound.underapprox_min l1 l2, Bound.overapprox_max u1 u2)
let widen : prev:t -> next:t -> num_iters:int -> t =
fun ~prev:(l1, u1) ~next:(l2, u2) ~num_iters:_ -> (Bound.widen_l l1 l2, Bound.widen_u u1 u2)
@ -729,7 +731,9 @@ module ItvPure = struct
else Boolean.Top
let min_sem : t -> t -> t = fun (l1, u1) (l2, u2) -> (Bound.min_l l1 l2, Bound.min_u u1 u2)
let min_sem : t -> t -> t =
fun (l1, u1) (l2, u2) -> (Bound.underapprox_min l1 l2, Bound.overapprox_min u1 u2)
let is_invalid : t -> bool = function
| Bound.PInf, _ | _, Bound.MInf ->

@ -105,6 +105,9 @@ codetoanalyze/c/bufferoverrun/issue_kinds.c, l5_external_Warn_Bad, 2, BUFFER_OVE
codetoanalyze/c/bufferoverrun/issue_kinds.c, s2_symbolic_widened_Bad, 3, BUFFER_OVERRUN_S2, no_bucket, ERROR, [Offset: [n.lb, +oo] Size: n]
codetoanalyze/c/bufferoverrun/issue_kinds.c, s2_symbolic_widened_Good_FP, 3, BUFFER_OVERRUN_S2, no_bucket, ERROR, [Offset: [n.lb, +oo] Size: n]
codetoanalyze/c/bufferoverrun/issue_kinds.c, zero_to_infty, 3, INTEGER_OVERFLOW_L5, no_bucket, ERROR, [Assignment,Binop: ([0, +oo] + 1):signed32]
codetoanalyze/c/bufferoverrun/minmax.c, exact_min_minus_min_linear_CAF, 6, CONDITION_ALWAYS_FALSE, no_bucket, WARNING, []
codetoanalyze/c/bufferoverrun/minmax.c, exact_min_plus_min_plus_min_UNDERRUN, 7, BUFFER_OVERRUN_L1, no_bucket, ERROR, [ArrayDeclaration,Parameter: x,Call,Assignment,Assignment,Return,Assignment,Assignment,ArrayAccess: Offset: [-19+min(0, x.lb), -1] Size: 1]
codetoanalyze/c/bufferoverrun/minmax.c, underapprox_min_minus_min_linear_CAF, 6, CONDITION_ALWAYS_FALSE, no_bucket, WARNING, []
codetoanalyze/c/bufferoverrun/models.c, exit_bo_good_unreachable_bad, 2, UNREACHABLE_CODE, no_bucket, ERROR, []
codetoanalyze/c/bufferoverrun/models.c, fgetc_255_bad, 4, BUFFER_OVERRUN_L2, no_bucket, ERROR, [ArrayDeclaration,Assignment,ArrayAccess: Offset: [0, 255] Size: 255]
codetoanalyze/c/bufferoverrun/models.c, fgetc_256_bad, 3, BUFFER_OVERRUN_L2, no_bucket, ERROR, [ArrayDeclaration,Assignment,ArrayAccess: Offset: [0, 256] Size: 256]
@ -153,9 +156,8 @@ codetoanalyze/c/bufferoverrun/prune_alias.c, prune_alias_not_Ok, 7, CONDITION_AL
codetoanalyze/c/bufferoverrun/prune_alias.c, prune_alias_not_Ok, 11, CONDITION_ALWAYS_FALSE, no_bucket, WARNING, []
codetoanalyze/c/bufferoverrun/prune_alias.c, prune_alias_or_Ok, 3, CONDITION_ALWAYS_FALSE, no_bucket, WARNING, []
codetoanalyze/c/bufferoverrun/prune_alias.c, prune_alias_or_Ok, 3, CONDITION_ALWAYS_FALSE, no_bucket, WARNING, []
codetoanalyze/c/bufferoverrun/prune_constant.c, call_fromHex2_200_Good_FP, 3, BUFFER_OVERRUN_L4, no_bucket, ERROR, [ArrayDeclaration,Call,Assignment,Return,Assignment,ArrayAccess: Offset: [0, +oo] Size: 17]
codetoanalyze/c/bufferoverrun/prune_constant.c, call_fromHex2_200_Good_FP, 3, INTEGER_OVERFLOW_L5, no_bucket, ERROR, [Call,Assignment,Return,Assignment,Binop: ([-1, +oo] + 1):signed32]
codetoanalyze/c/bufferoverrun/prune_constant.c, call_fromHex_200_Good_FP, 4, BUFFER_OVERRUN_L4, no_bucket, ERROR, [ArrayDeclaration,Call,Assignment,Return,Assignment,ArrayAccess: Offset: [0, +oo] Size: 16]
codetoanalyze/c/bufferoverrun/prune_constant.c, call_fromHex2_200_Good_FP, 3, BUFFER_OVERRUN_L3, no_bucket, ERROR, [ArrayDeclaration,Call,Assignment,Return,Assignment,ArrayAccess: Offset: [-28, 16] Size: 17]
codetoanalyze/c/bufferoverrun/prune_constant.c, call_fromHex2_sym_Good_FP, 3, BUFFER_OVERRUN_L3, no_bucket, ERROR, [ArrayDeclaration,Call,Assignment,Return,Assignment,ArrayAccess: Offset: [-28, 16] Size: 17]
codetoanalyze/c/bufferoverrun/prune_constant.c, prune_constant_false_Ok, 3, CONDITION_ALWAYS_FALSE, no_bucket, WARNING, []
codetoanalyze/c/bufferoverrun/prune_constant.c, prune_constant_not_Bad, 3, CONDITION_ALWAYS_TRUE, no_bucket, WARNING, []
codetoanalyze/c/bufferoverrun/prune_constant.c, prune_constant_not_Bad, 4, BUFFER_OVERRUN_L1, no_bucket, ERROR, [ArrayDeclaration,Assignment,ArrayAccess: Offset: 1 Size: 1]

@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
* Copyright (c) 2018-present, Facebook, Inc.
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
int exact_min_minus_min_linear_CAF(int x) {
int size1[1];
int y = 28;
if (x < 5)
y = x + 10;
// y = [10 + min(18, x), 28]
if (y > 28) {
size1[-1] = 0;
return y;
int underapprox_min_minus_min_linear_CAF(int x) {
int size1[1];
int y = 10;
if (x < 5)
y = x + 20;
// y = [20 + min(-10, x), 24]
if (y > 24) {
size1[-1] = 0;
return y;
void exact_min_plus_min_plus_min_UNDERRUN(int x, int b) {
int size1[1];
int y = exact_min_minus_min_linear_CAF(x);
if (b)
y = underapprox_min_minus_min_linear_CAF(x);
y -= 29;
// [-19 + min(0, x), -1]
size1[y] = 0;

@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ void call_fromHex_sym_Good(char c) {
void call_fromHex_200_Good_FP() {
void call_fromHex_200_Good() {
char arr[16];
int idx = fromHex(200);
if (idx >= 0) {
@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ void call_fromHex_200_Good_FP() {
void call_fromHex2_sym_Good(char c) {
void call_fromHex2_sym_Good_FP(char c) {
char arr[17];
int idx = fromHex(c);
arr[idx + 1] = 'H';
