[sledge] Add Extract term

Add an Extract term form to interpret an integer with given signedness
and bitwidth.

Reviewed By: bennostein

Differential Revision: D17665263

fbshipit-source-id: 1d8917f3c
Josh Berdine 6 years ago committed by Facebook Github Bot
parent 5753f9b26a
commit e84f3fcf0f

@ -12,22 +12,22 @@ module Z = struct
include Z
(** Interpret as a bounded integer with specified signedness and width. *)
let extract ~signed bits z =
if signed then Z.signed_extract z 0 bits else Z.extract z 0 bits
let extract_cmp ~signed bits op x y =
op (extract ~signed bits x) (extract ~signed bits y)
let extract_bop ~signed bits op x y =
extract ~signed bits
(op (extract ~signed bits x) (extract ~signed bits y))
let buleq ~bits x y = extract_cmp ~signed:false bits Z.leq x y
let bugeq ~bits x y = extract_cmp ~signed:false bits Z.geq x y
let bult ~bits x y = extract_cmp ~signed:false bits Z.lt x y
let bugt ~bits x y = extract_cmp ~signed:false bits Z.gt x y
let budiv ~bits x y = extract_bop ~signed:false bits Z.div x y
let burem ~bits x y = extract_bop ~signed:false bits Z.rem x y
let extract ?(unsigned = false) bits z =
if unsigned then Z.extract z 0 bits else Z.signed_extract z 0 bits
let extract_cmp ~unsigned bits op x y =
op (extract ~unsigned bits x) (extract ~unsigned bits y)
let extract_bop ~unsigned bits op x y =
extract ~unsigned bits
(op (extract ~unsigned bits x) (extract ~unsigned bits y))
let buleq ~bits x y = extract_cmp ~unsigned:true bits Z.leq x y
let bugeq ~bits x y = extract_cmp ~unsigned:true bits Z.geq x y
let bult ~bits x y = extract_cmp ~unsigned:true bits Z.lt x y
let bugt ~bits x y = extract_cmp ~unsigned:true bits Z.gt x y
let budiv ~bits x y = extract_bop ~unsigned:true bits Z.div x y
let burem ~bits x y = extract_bop ~unsigned:true bits Z.rem x y
module rec T : sig
@ -80,6 +80,7 @@ module rec T : sig
| Update
| Struct_rec of {elts: t vector} (** NOTE: may be cyclic *)
(* unary: conversion *)
| Extract of {unsigned: bool; bits: int}
| Convert of {unsigned: bool; dst: Typ.t; src: Typ.t}
(* numeric constants *)
| Integer of {data: Z.t; typ: Typ.t}
@ -138,6 +139,7 @@ and T0 : sig
| Select
| Update
| Struct_rec of {elts: t vector}
| Extract of {unsigned: bool; bits: int}
| Convert of {unsigned: bool; dst: Typ.t; src: Typ.t}
| Integer of {data: Z.t; typ: Typ.t}
| Float of {data: string}
@ -182,6 +184,7 @@ end = struct
| Select
| Update
| Struct_rec of {elts: t vector}
| Extract of {unsigned: bool; bits: int}
| Convert of {unsigned: bool; dst: Typ.t; src: Typ.t}
| Integer of {data: Z.t; typ: Typ.t}
| Float of {data: string}
@ -310,6 +313,8 @@ let rec pp ?is_x fs term =
| op, [x; y] -> pf "(%a@ %a %a)" pp x pp op pp y
| _ -> pf "(%a@ %a)" pp op pp arg )
| Struct_rec {elts} -> pf "{|%a|}" (Vector.pp ",@ " pp) elts
| Extract {unsigned; bits} ->
pf "(%s%i)" (if unsigned then "u" else "i") bits
| Convert {unsigned= true; dst; src= Integer {bits}} ->
pf "(%a)(u%i)" Typ.pp dst bits
| Convert {unsigned= true; dst= Integer {bits}; src} ->
@ -441,6 +446,7 @@ let invariant ?(partial = false) e =
assert (Z.numbits data <= bits) )
| Integer _ -> assert false
| Var _ | Nondet _ | Label _ | Float _ -> assert_arity 0
| Extract _ -> assert_arity 1
| Convert {dst; src} ->
( match args with
| [Integer {typ= Integer _ as typ}] -> assert (Typ.equal src typ)
@ -634,12 +640,18 @@ let one (typ : Typ.t) =
let minus_one (typ : Typ.t) =
match typ with Float _ -> float "-1" | _ -> integer Z.minus_one typ
let simp_extract ~unsigned bits arg =
match arg with
| Integer {data} ->
integer (Z.extract ~unsigned bits data) (Typ.integer ~bits)
| _ -> App {op= Extract {unsigned; bits}; arg}
let simp_convert ~unsigned dst src arg =
if (not unsigned) && Typ.castable dst src then arg
match (dst, src, arg) with
| Integer {bits= m}, Integer {bits= n}, Integer {data} ->
integer (Z.extract ~signed:(not unsigned) (min m n) data) dst
integer (Z.extract ~unsigned (min m n) data) dst
| _ -> App {op= Convert {unsigned; dst; src}; arg}
let simp_gt x y =
@ -1070,6 +1082,7 @@ let app1 ?(partial = false) op arg =
| App {op= Lshr; arg= x}, y -> simp_lshr x y
| App {op= Ashr; arg= x}, y -> simp_ashr x y
| App {op= App {op= Conditional; arg= x}; arg= y}, z -> simp_cond x y z
| Extract {unsigned; bits}, x -> simp_extract ~unsigned bits x
| Convert {unsigned; dst; src}, x -> simp_convert ~unsigned dst src x
| _ -> App {op; arg} )
|> check (invariant ~partial)
@ -1193,6 +1206,9 @@ let struct_rec key =
forcing the recursive thunks also updates this value. *)
Struct_rec {elts}
let extract ?(unsigned = false) ~bits term =
app1 (Extract {unsigned; bits}) term
let convert ?(unsigned = false) ~dst ~src term =
app1 (Convert {unsigned; dst; src}) term

@ -64,6 +64,8 @@ and t = private
| Struct_rec of {elts: t vector}
(** Struct constant that may recursively refer to itself
(transitively) from [elts]. NOTE: represented by cyclic values. *)
| Extract of {unsigned: bool; bits: int}
(** Interpret integer argument with given signedness and bitwidth. *)
| Convert of {unsigned: bool; dst: Typ.t; src: Typ.t}
(** Convert between specified types, possibly with loss of
information. If [src] is an [Integer] type, then [unsigned]
@ -174,6 +176,7 @@ val conditional : cnd:t -> thn:t -> els:t -> t
val record : t list -> t
val select : rcd:t -> idx:t -> t
val update : rcd:t -> elt:t -> idx:t -> t
val extract : ?unsigned:bool -> bits:int -> t -> t
val convert : ?unsigned:bool -> dst:Typ.t -> src:Typ.t -> t -> t
val size_of : Typ.t -> t option
