[sledge] Normalize And and Or formulas wrt ACUZ

Represent And and Or formulas as pairs of sets of formulas. One set is
interpreted as positive and the other as negative. This results in
normalization with respect to associativity, commutativity, and unit
laws. This does not normalize distributivity laws, e.g. formulas are
not expanded to disjunctive-normal form or conjunctive-normal
form. Additionally, "zero" laws P ∧ ¬P iff ⊥ and P ∨ ¬P iff ⊤ are
cheaply detected and normalized. Note that formulas are already in
negation-normal form.

Reviewed By: jvillard

Differential Revision: D24306072

fbshipit-source-id: e52265a44
Josh Berdine 4 years ago committed by Facebook GitHub Bot
parent 6ddb9fe1b8
commit e8b94baae2

@ -39,6 +39,7 @@ end) : S with type elt = Elt.t = struct
let diff_inter s t = (diff s t, inter s t)
let union_list ss = List.fold ~f:union ~init:empty ss
let is_empty = S.is_empty
let cardinal = S.cardinal
let mem s x = S.mem x s
let is_subset s ~of_:t = S.subset s t
let disjoint = S.disjoint
@ -60,6 +61,14 @@ end) : S with type elt = Elt.t = struct
let choose = root_elt
let choose_exn m = Option.get_exn (choose m)
let only_elt s =
match root_elt s with
| Some elt -> (
match S.split elt s with
| l, _, r when is_empty l && is_empty r -> Some elt
| _ -> None )
| None -> None
let pop_exn s =
let elt = choose_exn s in
(elt, S.remove elt s)

@ -35,10 +35,12 @@ module type S = sig
(** {1 Query} *)
val is_empty : t -> bool
val cardinal : t -> int
val mem : t -> elt -> bool
val is_subset : t -> of_:t -> bool
val disjoint : t -> t -> bool
val max_elt : t -> elt option
val only_elt : t -> elt option
val pop_exn : t -> elt * t
(** Find and remove an unspecified element. [O(1)]. *)

@ -250,10 +250,24 @@ let one = _Z Z.one
* Formulas
(** Sets of formulas *)
module rec Fmls : sig
include Set.S with type elt := Fml.fml
val t_of_sexp : Sexp.t -> t
end = struct
module T = struct
type t = Fml.fml [@@deriving compare, equal, sexp]
include Set.Make (T)
include Provide_of_sexp (T)
(** Formulas, built from literals with predicate symbols from various
theories, and propositional constants and connectives. Denote sets of
structures. *)
module Fml : sig
and Fml : sig
type fml = private
(* propositional constants *)
| Tt
@ -264,24 +278,26 @@ module Fml : sig
| Pos of trm (** [Pos(x)] iff x > 0 *)
(* propositional connectives *)
| Not of fml
| And of fml * fml
| Or of fml * fml
| And of {pos: Fmls.t; neg: Fmls.t}
| Or of {pos: Fmls.t; neg: Fmls.t}
| Iff of fml * fml
| Cond of {cnd: fml; pos: fml; neg: fml}
(* uninterpreted literals *)
| Lit of Predsym.t * trm array
[@@deriving compare, equal, sexp]
val _Tt : fml
val mk_Tt : unit -> fml
val _Eq : trm -> trm -> fml
val _Eq0 : trm -> fml
val _Pos : trm -> fml
val _Not : fml -> fml
val _And : fml -> fml -> fml
val _Or : fml -> fml -> fml
val _And : pos:Fmls.t -> neg:Fmls.t -> fml
val _Or : pos:Fmls.t -> neg:Fmls.t -> fml
val _Iff : fml -> fml -> fml
val _Cond : fml -> fml -> fml -> fml
val _Lit : Predsym.t -> trm array -> fml
val and_ : fml -> fml -> fml
val or_ : fml -> fml -> fml
end = struct
type fml =
| Tt
@ -289,8 +305,8 @@ end = struct
| Eq0 of trm
| Pos of trm
| Not of fml
| And of fml * fml
| Or of fml * fml
| And of {pos: Fmls.t; neg: Fmls.t}
| Or of {pos: Fmls.t; neg: Fmls.t}
| Iff of fml * fml
| Cond of {cnd: fml; pos: fml; neg: fml}
| Lit of Predsym.t * trm array
@ -301,6 +317,12 @@ end = struct
match f with
(* formulas are in negation-normal form *)
| Not (Not _ | And _ | Or _ | Cond _) -> assert false
(* conjunction and disjunction formulas are: *)
| And {pos; neg} | Or {pos; neg} ->
(* not "zero" (the negation of their unit) *)
assert (Fmls.disjoint pos neg) ;
(* not singleton *)
assert (Fmls.cardinal pos + Fmls.cardinal neg > 1)
(* conditional formulas are in "positive condition" form *)
| Cond {cnd= Not _ | Or _} -> assert false
| _ -> ()
@ -313,8 +335,9 @@ end = struct
[0 (p ? 1 : 0)] ==> [(p ? 0 1 : 0 0)] ==> [(p ? tt : ff)]
==> [p]. *)
let _Tt = Tt |> check invariant
let _Ff = Not Tt |> check invariant
let tt = Tt |> check invariant
let ff = Not Tt |> check invariant
let mk_Tt () = tt
(** classification of terms as either semantically equal or disequal, or
if semantic relationship is unknown, as either syntactically less than
@ -332,9 +355,9 @@ end = struct
let _Eq0 x =
( match compare_semantic_syntactic zero x with
(* 0 = 0 ==> tt *)
| SemEq -> Tt
| SemEq -> tt
(* 0 = N ==> ff for N ≢ 0 *)
| SemDq -> _Ff
| SemDq -> ff
| SynLt | SynGt -> Eq0 x )
|> check invariant
@ -343,33 +366,80 @@ end = struct
else if y == zero then _Eq0 x
match compare_semantic_syntactic x y with
| SemEq -> Tt
| SemDq -> _Ff
| SemEq -> tt
| SemDq -> ff
| SynLt -> Eq (x, y)
| SynGt -> Eq (y, x) )
|> check invariant
let _Pos x =
( match x with
| Z z -> if Z.gt z Z.zero then Tt else _Ff
| Q q -> if Q.gt q Q.zero then Tt else _Ff
| Z z -> if Z.gt z Z.zero then tt else ff
| Q q -> if Q.gt q Q.zero then tt else ff
| x -> Pos x )
|> check invariant
let _Lit p xs = Lit (p, xs) |> check invariant
let rec _Not p =
( match p with
| Not x -> x
| And {pos; neg} -> Or {pos= neg; neg= pos}
| Or {pos; neg} -> And {pos= neg; neg= pos}
| Cond {cnd; pos; neg} -> Cond {cnd; pos= _Not pos; neg= _Not neg}
| Tt | Eq _ | Eq0 _ | Pos _ | Lit _ | Iff _ -> Not p )
|> check invariant
let _Join cons zero ~pos ~neg =
if not (Fmls.disjoint pos neg) then zero
else if Fmls.is_empty neg then
match Fmls.only_elt pos with Some p -> p | _ -> cons ~pos ~neg
else if Fmls.is_empty pos then
match Fmls.only_elt neg with Some n -> _Not n | _ -> cons ~pos ~neg
else cons ~pos ~neg
let _And ~pos ~neg = _Join (fun ~pos ~neg -> And {pos; neg}) ff ~pos ~neg
let _Or ~pos ~neg = _Join (fun ~pos ~neg -> Or {pos; neg}) tt ~pos ~neg
let join _Cons zero split_pos_neg p q =
( if equal_fml p zero || equal_fml q zero then zero
let pp, pn = split_pos_neg p in
if Fmls.is_empty pp && Fmls.is_empty pn then q
let qp, qn = split_pos_neg q in
if Fmls.is_empty qp && Fmls.is_empty qn then p
let pos = Fmls.union pp qp in
let neg = Fmls.union pn qn in
_Cons ~pos ~neg )
|> check invariant
let and_ p q =
join _And ff
| And {pos; neg} -> (pos, neg)
| Not p -> (Fmls.empty, Fmls.of_ p)
| p -> (Fmls.of_ p, Fmls.empty) )
p q
let or_ p q =
join _Or tt
| Or {pos; neg} -> (pos, neg)
| Not p -> (Fmls.empty, Fmls.of_ p)
| p -> (Fmls.of_ p, Fmls.empty) )
p q
type equal_or_opposite = Equal | Opposite | Unknown
let rec equal_or_opposite p q =
match (p, q) with
| p, Not p' | Not p', p -> if equal_fml p p' then Opposite else Unknown
| And (a, b), Or (a', b') | Or (a', b'), And (a, b) -> (
match equal_or_opposite a a' with
| Opposite -> (
match equal_or_opposite b b' with
| Opposite -> Opposite
| _ -> Unknown )
| _ -> Unknown )
| And {pos= ap; neg= an}, Or {pos= op; neg= on}
|Or {pos= op; neg= on}, And {pos= ap; neg= an}
when Fmls.equal ap on && Fmls.equal an op ->
| Cond {cnd= c; pos= p; neg= n}, Cond {cnd= c'; pos= p'; neg= n'} ->
if equal_fml c c' then
match equal_or_opposite p p' with
@ -384,55 +454,20 @@ end = struct
let is_negative = function Not _ | Or _ -> true | _ -> false
let _And p q =
( match (p, q) with
| Tt, p | p, Tt -> p
| Not Tt, _ | _, Not Tt -> _Ff
| _ -> (
match equal_or_opposite p q with
| Equal -> p
| Opposite -> _Ff
| Unknown ->
let p, q = sort_fml p q in
And (p, q) ) )
|> check invariant
let _Or p q =
( match (p, q) with
| Not Tt, p | p, Not Tt -> p
| Tt, _ | _, Tt -> Tt
| _ -> (
match equal_or_opposite p q with
| Equal -> p
| Opposite -> Tt
| Unknown ->
let p, q = sort_fml p q in
Or (p, q) ) )
|> check invariant
let rec _Iff p q =
let _Iff p q =
( match (p, q) with
| Tt, p | p, Tt -> p
| Not Tt, p | p, Not Tt -> _Not p
| _ -> (
match equal_or_opposite p q with
| Equal -> Tt
| Opposite -> _Ff
| Equal -> tt
| Opposite -> ff
| Unknown ->
let p, q = sort_fml p q in
Iff (p, q) ) )
|> check invariant
and _Not p =
( match p with
| Not x -> x
| And (x, y) -> _Or (_Not x) (_Not y)
| Or (x, y) -> _And (_Not x) (_Not y)
| Cond {cnd; pos; neg} -> _Cond cnd (_Not pos) (_Not neg)
| Tt | Eq _ | Eq0 _ | Pos _ | Lit _ | Iff _ -> Not p )
|> check invariant
and _Cond cnd pos neg =
let _Cond cnd pos neg =
( match (cnd, pos, neg) with
(* (tt ? p : n) ==> p *)
| Tt, _, _ -> pos
@ -443,13 +478,13 @@ end = struct
(* (c ? ff : tt) ==> ¬c *)
| _, Not Tt, Tt -> _Not cnd
(* (c ? p : ff) ==> c ∧ p *)
| _, _, Not Tt -> _And cnd pos
| _, _, Not Tt -> and_ cnd pos
(* (c ? ff : n) ==> ¬c ∧ n *)
| _, Not Tt, _ -> _And (_Not cnd) neg
| _, Not Tt, _ -> and_ (_Not cnd) neg
(* (c ? tt : n) ==> c n *)
| _, Tt, _ -> _Or cnd neg
| _, Tt, _ -> or_ cnd neg
(* (c ? p : tt) ==> ¬c p *)
| _, _, Tt -> _Or (_Not cnd) pos
| _, _, Tt -> or_ (_Not cnd) pos
| _ -> (
match equal_or_opposite pos neg with
(* (c ? p : p) ==> c *)
@ -494,6 +529,14 @@ let ppx_f strength fs fml =
let pp_t = Trm.ppx strength in
let rec pp fs fml =
let pf fmt = pp_boxed fs fmt in
let pp_join sep pos neg =
pf "(%a%t%a)" (Fmls.pp ~sep pp) pos
(fun ppf ->
if (not (Fmls.is_empty pos)) && not (Fmls.is_empty neg) then
Format.fprintf ppf sep )
(Fmls.pp ~sep (fun fs fml -> pp fs (_Not fml)))
match (fml : fml) with
| Tt -> pf "tt"
| Not Tt -> pf "ff"
@ -504,8 +547,8 @@ let ppx_f strength fs fml =
| Pos x -> pf "(0 < %a)" pp_t x
| Not (Pos x) -> pf "(0 @<2>≥ %a)" pp_t x
| Not x -> pf "@<1>¬%a" pp x
| And (x, y) -> pf "(%a@ @<2>∧ %a)" pp x pp y
| Or (x, y) -> pf "(%a@ @<2> %a)" pp x pp y
| And {pos; neg} -> pp_join "@ @<2>∧ " pos neg
| Or {pos; neg} -> pp_join "@ @<2> " pos neg
| Iff (x, y) -> pf "(%a@ <=> %a)" pp x pp y
| Cond {cnd; pos; neg} ->
pf "@[<hv 1>(%a@ ? %a@ : %a)@]" pp cnd pp pos pp neg
@ -534,6 +577,10 @@ let pp = ppx (fun _ -> None)
(** fold_vars *)
let fold_pos_neg ~pos ~neg ~init ~f =
let f_not s p = f s (_Not p) in
Fmls.fold ~init:(Fmls.fold ~init ~f pos) ~f:f_not neg
let rec fold_vars_t e ~init ~f =
match e with
| Z _ | Q _ | Ancestor _ -> init
@ -557,8 +604,9 @@ let rec fold_vars_f ~init p ~f =
| Eq (x, y) -> fold_vars_t ~f x ~init:(fold_vars_t ~f y ~init)
| Eq0 x | Pos x -> fold_vars_t ~f x ~init
| Not x -> fold_vars_f ~f x ~init
| And (x, y) | Or (x, y) | Iff (x, y) ->
fold_vars_f ~f x ~init:(fold_vars_f ~f y ~init)
| And {pos; neg} | Or {pos; neg} ->
fold_pos_neg ~f:(fun init -> fold_vars_f ~f ~init) ~pos ~neg ~init
| Iff (x, y) -> fold_vars_f ~f x ~init:(fold_vars_f ~f y ~init)
| Cond {cnd; pos; neg} ->
fold_vars_f ~f cnd
~init:(fold_vars_f ~f pos ~init:(fold_vars_f ~f neg ~init))
@ -596,6 +644,11 @@ let mapN f e cons xs =
let xs' = Array.map_endo ~f xs in
if xs' == xs then e else cons xs'
let map_pos_neg f e cons ~pos ~neg =
let pos' = Fmls.map ~f pos in
let neg' = Fmls.map ~f neg in
if pos' == pos && neg' == neg then e else cons ~pos:pos' ~neg:neg'
(** map_trms *)
let rec map_trms_f ~f b =
@ -605,8 +658,8 @@ let rec map_trms_f ~f b =
| Eq0 x -> map1 f b _Eq0 x
| Pos x -> map1 f b _Pos x
| Not x -> map1 (map_trms_f ~f) b _Not x
| And (x, y) -> map2 (map_trms_f ~f) b _And x y
| Or (x, y) -> map2 (map_trms_f ~f) b _Or x y
| And {pos; neg} -> map_pos_neg (map_trms_f ~f) b _And ~pos ~neg
| Or {pos; neg} -> map_pos_neg (map_trms_f ~f) b _Or ~pos ~neg
| Iff (x, y) -> map2 (map_trms_f ~f) b _Iff x y
| Cond {cnd; pos; neg} -> map3 (map_trms_f ~f) b _Cond cnd pos neg
| Lit (p, xs) -> mapN f b (_Lit p) xs
@ -909,7 +962,7 @@ module Formula = struct
(* constants *)
let tt = _Tt
let tt = mk_Tt ()
let ff = _Not tt
(* comparisons *)
@ -936,9 +989,9 @@ module Formula = struct
(* connectives *)
let and_ = _And
let and_ = and_
let andN = function [] -> tt | b :: bs -> List.fold ~init:b ~f:and_ bs
let or_ = _Or
let or_ = or_
let orN = function [] -> ff | b :: bs -> List.fold ~init:b ~f:or_ bs
let iff = _Iff
let xor p q = _Not (_Iff p q)
@ -976,8 +1029,8 @@ module Formula = struct
| Eq0 x -> lift_map1 f b _Eq0 x
| Pos x -> lift_map1 f b _Pos x
| Not x -> map1 (map_terms ~f) b _Not x
| And (x, y) -> map2 (map_terms ~f) b _And x y
| Or (x, y) -> map2 (map_terms ~f) b _Or x y
| And {pos; neg} -> map_pos_neg (map_terms ~f) b _And ~pos ~neg
| Or {pos; neg} -> map_pos_neg (map_terms ~f) b _Or ~pos ~neg
| Iff (x, y) -> map2 (map_terms ~f) b _Iff x y
| Cond {cnd; pos; neg} -> map3 (map_terms ~f) b _Cond cnd pos neg
| Lit (p, xs) -> lift_mapN f b (_Lit p) xs
@ -1006,16 +1059,18 @@ module Formula = struct
match fml with
| Tt | Eq _ | Eq0 _ | Pos _ | Iff _ | Lit _ | Not _ ->
(meet1 fml cjn, splits)
| And (p, q) -> add_conjunct (add_conjunct (cjn, splits) p) q
| Or (p, q) -> (cjn, [p; q] :: splits)
| And {pos; neg} ->
fold_pos_neg ~f:add_conjunct ~init:(cjn, splits) ~pos ~neg
| Or {pos; neg} -> (cjn, (pos, neg) :: splits)
| Cond {cnd; pos; neg} ->
(cjn, [and_ cnd pos; and_ (not_ cnd) neg] :: splits)
add_conjunct (cjn, splits)
(or_ (and_ cnd pos) (and_ (not_ cnd) neg))
let rec add_disjunct (cjn, splits) djn fml =
let cjn, splits = add_conjunct (cjn, splits) fml in
match splits with
| split :: splits ->
List.fold ~f:(add_disjunct (cjn, splits)) ~init:djn split
| (pos, neg) :: splits ->
fold_pos_neg ~f:(add_disjunct (cjn, splits)) ~init:djn ~pos ~neg
| [] -> join1 cjn djn
add_disjunct (top, []) bot fml
@ -1081,8 +1136,14 @@ let rec f_to_ses : fml -> Ses.Term.t = function
| Eq0 x -> Ses.Term.eq Ses.Term.zero (t_to_ses x)
| Pos x -> Ses.Term.lt Ses.Term.zero (t_to_ses x)
| Not p -> Ses.Term.not_ (f_to_ses p)
| And (p, q) -> Ses.Term.and_ (f_to_ses p) (f_to_ses q)
| Or (p, q) -> Ses.Term.or_ (f_to_ses p) (f_to_ses q)
| And {pos; neg} ->
~f:(fun p f -> Ses.Term.and_ p (f_to_ses f))
~init:Ses.Term.true_ ~pos ~neg
| Or {pos; neg} ->
~f:(fun p f -> Ses.Term.or_ p (f_to_ses f))
~init:Ses.Term.false_ ~pos ~neg
| Iff (p, q) -> Ses.Term.eq (f_to_ses p) (f_to_ses q)
| Cond {cnd; pos; neg} ->
Ses.Term.conditional ~cnd:(f_to_ses cnd) ~thn:(f_to_ses pos)

@ -514,14 +514,13 @@ let%test_module _ =
(Formula.orN (Iter.to_list (Iter.map ~f:snd3 (Context.dnf f)))) ;
(((%x_5 = %y_6) ((0 = %x_5) ? (%z_7 = 2) : (%z_7 = 3)))
((%w_4 = 4) (%w_4 = 5)))
(((0 = %x_5) ((%z_7 = 2) ((%w_4 = 4) (%x_5 = %y_6))))
(((0 %x_5) ((%z_7 = 3) ((%w_4 = 4) (%x_5 = %y_6))))
(((0 = %x_5) ((%z_7 = 2) ((%w_4 = 5) (%x_5 = %y_6))))
((0 %x_5)
((%z_7 = 3) ((%w_4 = 5) (%x_5 = %y_6))))))) |}]
((%x_5 = %y_6) ((%w_4 = 4) (%w_4 = 5))
((0 = %x_5) ? (%z_7 = 2) : (%z_7 = 3)))
((tt (%w_4 = 4) (%x_5 = %y_6) (%z_7 = 2) (0 = %x_5))
(tt (%w_4 = 4) (%x_5 = %y_6) (%z_7 = 3) (0 %x_5))
(tt (%w_4 = 5) (%x_5 = %y_6) (%z_7 = 2) (0 = %x_5))
(tt (%w_4 = 5) (%x_5 = %y_6) (%z_7 = 3) (0 %x_5))) |}]
let%test "unsigned boolean overflow" =
Formula.equal Formula.tt

@ -94,9 +94,9 @@ let%test_module _ =
( ( ( 1 = _ = %y_7 emp) ( 2 = _ emp) ))
( ( %x_6, %x_7 . (%x_7 = 2) emp)
( %x_6 . ((%x_6 = 1) (%y_7 = 1)) emp)
( (0 = %x_6) emp)
( ( %x_6, %x_7 . (tt (%x_7 = 2)) emp)
( %x_6 . (tt (%x_6 = 1) (%y_7 = 1)) emp)
( (tt (0 = %x_6)) emp)
) |}]
let%expect_test _ =
@ -119,9 +119,9 @@ let%test_module _ =
( ( ( 1 = _ = %y_7 emp) ( 2 = _ emp) ))
( ( %x_6, %x_8, %x_9 . (%x_9 = 2) emp)
( %x_6, %x_8 . ((%y_7 = 1) (%x_8 = 1)) emp)
( %x_6 . (0 = %x_6) emp)
( ( %x_6, %x_8, %x_9 . (tt (%x_9 = 2)) emp)
( %x_6, %x_8 . (tt (%y_7 = 1) (%x_8 = 1)) emp)
( %x_6 . (tt (0 = %x_6)) emp)
) |}]
let%expect_test _ =
@ -156,7 +156,7 @@ let%test_module _ =
%x_6 . (1 × (%y_7) + -1) = %y_7^ %x_6 = %x_6^ emp
((1 × (%y_7) + -1) = %y_7^) emp
(tt ((1 × (%y_7) + -1) = %y_7^)) emp
(1 × (%y_7) + -1) = %y_7^ emp |}]
@ -179,13 +179,13 @@ let%test_module _ =
%a_1, %c_3, %d_4, %e_5 .
(16,%e_5 = (8,%a_1^8,%d_4))
(tt (16,%e_5 = (8,%a_1^8,%d_4)))
* ( ( (0 %x_6) emp)
( %b_2 . (8,%a_1 = (4,%c_3^4,%b_2)) emp)
* ( ( (tt (0 %x_6)) emp)
( %b_2 . (tt (8,%a_1 = (4,%c_3^4,%b_2))) emp)
tt emp * ( ( tt emp) ( (0 %x_6) emp) )
tt emp * ( ( tt emp) ( (tt (0 %x_6)) emp) )
( ( emp) ( (0 %x_6) emp) ) |}]
end )

@ -239,22 +239,22 @@ let%test_module _ =
( infer_frame:
-[ %l_6, 16 )-> (8 × (%n_9)),%a_2^(-8 × (%n_9) + 16),%a_3
* ( ( 2 = %n_9 emp)
* ( ( 1 = %n_9 emp)
( 0 = %n_9 emp)
( 1 = %n_9 emp)
( 2 = %n_9 emp)
\- %a_1, %m_8 .
%l_6 -[ %l_6, %m_8 )-> %m_8,%a_1
) infer_frame:
( ( 16 = %m_8
2 = %n_9
%a_1 = %a_2
(1 × (%l_6) + 16) -[ %l_6, 16 )-> 0,%a_3)
( (8,%a_2^8,%a_3) = %a_1
( ( (8,%a_2^8,%a_3) = %a_1
16 = %m_8
1 = %n_9
%a_3 = _
( 16 = %m_8
2 = %n_9
%a_1 = %a_2
(1 × (%l_6) + 16) -[ %l_6, 16 )-> 0,%a_3)
( (0,%a_2^16,%a_3) = %a_1
16 = %m_8
0 = %n_9
