@ -1553,7 +1553,7 @@ let report_unsafe_accesses
let sound = false
let may_alias_container tenv p1 p2 =
let syntactic_equal_access_path tenv p1 p2 =
if sound then
(* this is much too noisy: we'll warn that accesses to * any * Map can race with accesses to any
other Map , etc . Instead , do something simple and unsound : just assume that two accesses can
@ -1569,7 +1569,7 @@ let may_alias_container tenv p1 p2 =
match ( fst p1 , fst p2 ) with
| ( Var . ProgramVar pvar1 , typ1 ) , ( Var . ProgramVar pvar2 , typ2 )
when Pvar . is_this pvar1 && Pvar . is_this pvar2
&& ( Prover. Subtyping_check . check_subtype tenv typ1 typ2
&& ( Typ. equal typ1 typ2 | | Prover. Subtyping_check . check_subtype tenv typ1 typ2
| | Prover . Subtyping_check . check_subtype tenv typ2 typ1 )
-> (* the `this` used in C.foo and C.bar will compare unequal if we're not careful `this` is
represented as a local pvar , and a local pvar contains its parent procedure name . Count
@ -1585,21 +1585,23 @@ let may_alias tenv p1 p2 =
let open AccessPath in
phys_equal p1 p2
| |
match ( List . last_exn ( snd p1 ) , List . last_exn ( snd p2 ) ) with
| FieldAccess _ , ArrayAccess _ | ArrayAccess _ , FieldAccess _
-> false
(* fields in Java contain the class name /declaring/ them
if Tenv . language_is tenv Clang then syntactic_equal_access_path tenv p1 p2
match ( List . last_exn ( snd p1 ) , List . last_exn ( snd p2 ) ) with
| FieldAccess _ , ArrayAccess _ | ArrayAccess _ , FieldAccess _
-> false
(* fields in Java contain the class name /declaring/ them
thus two fields can be aliases * iff * they are equal * )
| FieldAccess f1 , FieldAccess f2
-> Typ . Fieldname . equal f1 f2
(* if arrays of objects that have an inheritance rel then they can alias *)
| ( ArrayAccess ( { desc = Tptr ( { desc = Tstruct tn1 } , _ ) } , _ )
, ArrayAccess ( { desc = Tptr ( { desc = Tstruct tn2 } , _ ) } , _ ) )
-> if sound then PatternMatch . is_subtype tenv tn1 tn2 | | PatternMatch . is_subtype tenv tn2 tn1
else may_alias_container tenv p1 p2
(* primitive type arrays can alias if the prim. type is the same *)
| ArrayAccess ( t1 , _ ) , ArrayAccess ( t2 , _ )
-> if sound then equal_desc t1 . desc t2 . desc else may_alias_container tenv p1 p2
| FieldAccess f1 , FieldAccess f2
-> Typ . Fieldname . equal f1 f2
(* if arrays of objects that have an inheritance rel then they can alias *)
| ( ArrayAccess ( { desc = Tptr ( { desc = Tstruct tn1 } , _ ) } , _ )
, ArrayAccess ( { desc = Tptr ( { desc = Tstruct tn2 } , _ ) } , _ ) )
-> if sound then PatternMatch . is_subtype tenv tn1 tn2 | | PatternMatch . is_subtype tenv tn2 tn1
else syntactic_equal_access_path tenv p1 p2
(* primitive type arrays can alias if the prim. type is the same *)
| ArrayAccess ( t1 , _ ) , ArrayAccess ( t2 , _ )
-> if sound then equal_desc t1 . desc t2 . desc else syntactic_equal_access_path tenv p1 p2
(* take a results table and quotient it by the may_alias relation *)
let quotient_access_map acc_map =
@ -1620,7 +1622,7 @@ let quotient_access_map acc_map =
-> may_alias tenv ap1 ap2
| ( ( ContainerRead ( ap1 , _ ) | ContainerWrite ( ap1 , _ ) )
, ( ContainerRead ( ap2 , _ ) | ContainerWrite ( ap2 , _ ) ) )
-> may_alias_container tenv ap1 ap2
-> syntactic_equal_access_path tenv ap1 ap2
| _
-> ThreadSafetyDomain . Access . equal k k' )