@ -4,7 +4,9 @@
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree .
* )
open ! IStd
module F = Format
(* Make sure we cannot create new issue types other than by calling [register_from_string]. This is because
we want to keep track of the list of all the issues ever declared . * )
@ -20,6 +22,8 @@ module Unsafe : sig
val equal : t -> t -> bool
val pp : F . formatter -> t -> unit
val register_from_string :
? enabled : bool
-> ? hum : string
@ -33,7 +37,7 @@ module Unsafe : sig
? enabled : bool
-> ? is_on_ui_thread : bool
-> kind : CostKind . t
-> ( string -> string , F ormat . formatter , unit , string ) format4
-> ( string -> string , F . formatter , unit , string ) format4
-> t
val all_issues : unit -> t list
@ -52,10 +56,16 @@ end = struct
let compare { unique_id = id1 } { unique_id = id2 } = String . compare id1 id2
let equal = [ % compare . equal : t ]
type rank = string
let to_rank { unique_id } = unique_id
let pp fmt t = F . pp_print_string fmt t . unique_id
include T
module IssueSet = Caml . Set . Make ( T )
module IssueSet = PrettyPrintable. MakePPUniqRankSet ( String ) ( T )
(* * keep track of the list of all declared issue types *)
let all_issues = ref IssueSet . empty
@ -80,25 +90,25 @@ end = struct
of the issue type , eg in AL . * )
let register_from_string ? ( enabled = true ) ? hum : hum0 ? doc_url ? linters_def_file ~ id : unique_id
checker =
let hum = match hum0 with Some str -> str | _ -> prettify unique_id in
let issue = { unique_id ; checker ; enabled ; hum ; doc_url ; linters_def_file } in
let old = IssueSet . find issue ! all_issues in
(* update human-readable string in case it was supplied this time, but keep the previous
value of enabled ( see doc comment ) * )
if Option . is_some hum0 then old . hum <- hum ;
if Option . is_some doc_url then old . doc_url <- doc_url ;
if Option . is_some linters_def_file then old . linters_def_file <- linters_def_file ;
with Caml . Not_found ->
all_issues := IssueSet . add issue ! all_issues ;
match IssueSet . find_rank ! all_issues unique_id with
| Some issue ->
(* update human-readable string in case it was supplied this time, but keep the previous
value of enabled ( see doc comment ) * )
Option . iter hum0 ~ f : ( fun hum -> issue . hum <- hum ) ;
if Option . is_some doc_url then issue . doc_url <- doc_url ;
if Option . is_some linters_def_file then issue . linters_def_file <- linters_def_file ;
| None ->
let hum = match hum0 with Some str -> str | _ -> prettify unique_id in
let issue = { unique_id ; checker ; enabled ; hum ; doc_url ; linters_def_file } in
all_issues := IssueSet . add ! all_issues issue ;
(* * cost issues are already registered below. *)
let register_from_cost_string ? ( enabled = true ) ? ( is_on_ui_thread = false ) ~ ( kind : CostKind . t ) s
let issue_type_base = F ormat . asprintf s ( CostKind . to_issue_string kind ) in
let issue_type_base = F . asprintf s ( CostKind . to_issue_string kind ) in
let issue_type = if is_on_ui_thread then issue_type_base ^ " _UI_THREAD " else issue_type_base in
register_from_string ~ enabled ~ id : issue_type Cost
@ -108,9 +118,6 @@ end
include Unsafe
(* * pretty print a localised string *)
let pp fmt t = Format . pp_print_string fmt t . unique_id
let checker_can_report reporting_checker { checker = allowed_checker } =
Checker . equal reporting_checker allowed_checker
@ -627,8 +634,8 @@ let unreachable_cost_call ~kind =
let () =
List . iter CostKind . enabled_cost_kinds ~ f : ( fun CostKind . { kind } ->
List . iter [ true ; false ] ~ f : ( fun is_on_ui_thread ->
let _ = unreachable_cost_call ~ kind in
let _ = expensive_cost_call ~ kind ~ is_on_ui_thread in
let _ = infinite_cost_call ~ kind in
let _ = complexity_increase ~ kind ~ is_on_ui_thread in
ignore ( unreachable_cost_call ~ kind ) ;
ignore ( expensive_cost_call ~ kind ~ is_on_ui_thread ) ;
ignore ( infinite_cost_call ~ kind ) ;
ignore ( complexity_increase ~ kind ~ is_on_ui_thread ) ;
() ) )