Weak Topological Order and Abstract Interpreter using it

Reviewed By: jberdine

Differential Revision: D7783487

fbshipit-source-id: 15b4c84e1
Mehdi Bouaziz 7 years ago committed by Facebook Github Bot
parent c9b89b54dd
commit eca0b491d6

@ -248,8 +248,81 @@ struct
let compute_post = make_compute_post ~exec_cfg_internal
module MakeWithWTO
(WTO : WeakTopologicalOrder.S)
(TransferFunctions : TransferFunctions.SIL with module CFG = WTO.CFG) =
include AbstractInterpreterCommon (TransferFunctions)
let debug_wto wto node =
let pp_name fmt =
TransferFunctions.pp_session_name node fmt ;
F.pp_print_string fmt " WEAK TOPOLOGICAL ORDER"
let underlying_node = Node.underlying_node node in
NodePrinter.start_session ~pp_name underlying_node ;
let pp_node fmt node = node |> Node.id |> Node.pp_id fmt in
L.d_strln (Format.asprintf "%a" (WeakTopologicalOrder.Partition.pp ~pp_node) wto) ;
NodePrinter.finish_session underlying_node
let exec_wto_node ~debug cfg proc_data inv_map node ~is_loop_head =
match compute_pre cfg node inv_map with
| Some astate_pre ->
exec_node ~debug proc_data node ~is_loop_head astate_pre inv_map
| None ->
L.(die InternalError) "Could not compute the pre of a node"
let rec exec_wto_component ~debug cfg proc_data inv_map head ~is_loop_head rest =
match exec_wto_node ~debug cfg proc_data inv_map head ~is_loop_head with
| inv_map, ReachedFixPoint ->
| inv_map, DidNotReachFixPoint ->
let inv_map = exec_wto_partition ~debug cfg proc_data inv_map rest in
exec_wto_component ~debug cfg proc_data inv_map head ~is_loop_head:true rest
and exec_wto_partition ~debug cfg proc_data inv_map
(partition : CFG.Node.t WeakTopologicalOrder.Partition.t) =
match partition with
| Empty ->
| Node {node; next} ->
let inv_map = exec_wto_node ~debug cfg proc_data inv_map node ~is_loop_head:false |> fst in
exec_wto_partition ~debug cfg proc_data inv_map next
| Component {head; rest; next} ->
let inv_map =
exec_wto_component ~debug cfg proc_data inv_map head ~is_loop_head:false rest
exec_wto_partition ~debug cfg proc_data inv_map next
let exec_cfg_internal ~debug cfg proc_data ~initial =
match WTO.make cfg with
| Empty ->
InvariantMap.empty (* empty cfg *)
| Node {node= start_node; next} as wto ->
if Config.write_html then debug_wto wto start_node ;
let inv_map, _did_not_reach_fix_point =
exec_node ~debug proc_data start_node ~is_loop_head:false initial InvariantMap.empty
exec_wto_partition ~debug cfg proc_data inv_map next
| Component _ ->
L.(die InternalError) "Did not expect the start node to be part of a loop"
let exec_cfg = exec_cfg_internal ~debug:Default
let exec_pdesc = make_exec_pdesc ~exec_cfg_internal
let compute_post = make_compute_post ~exec_cfg_internal
module type Make = functor (TransferFunctions : TransferFunctions.SIL) -> S
with module TransferFunctions = TransferFunctions
module MakeRPO (T : TransferFunctions.SIL) =
MakeWithScheduler (Scheduler.ReversePostorder (T.CFG)) (T)
module MakeWTO (T : TransferFunctions.SIL) =
MakeWithWTO (WeakTopologicalOrder.Bourdoncle_SCC (T.CFG)) (T)

@ -59,3 +59,6 @@ module type Make = functor (TransferFunctions : TransferFunctions.SIL) -> S
(** create an intraprocedural abstract interpreter from transfer functions using the reverse post-order scheduler *)
module MakeRPO : Make
(** create an intraprocedural abstract interpreter from transfer functions using Bourdoncle's strongly connected component weak topological order *)
module MakeWTO : Make

@ -0,0 +1,172 @@
* Copyright (c) 2018-present, Facebook, Inc.
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
open! IStd
module F = Format
module Partition = struct
type 'node t =
| Empty
| Node of {node: 'node; next: 'node t}
| Component of {head: 'node; rest: 'node t; next: 'node t}
let empty = Empty
let add_node node next = Node {node; next}
let add_component head rest next = Component {head; rest; next}
let rec pp ~prefix ~pp_node fmt = function
| Empty ->
| Node {node; next} ->
F.fprintf fmt "%s%a" prefix pp_node node ;
pp ~prefix:" " ~pp_node fmt next
| Component {head; rest; next} ->
F.fprintf fmt "%s(%a%a)" prefix pp_node head (pp ~prefix:" " ~pp_node) rest ;
pp ~prefix:" " ~pp_node fmt next
let pp ~pp_node = pp ~prefix:"" ~pp_node
module type S = sig
module CFG : ProcCfg.S
val make : CFG.t -> CFG.Node.t Partition.t
module type Make = functor (CFG : ProcCfg.S) -> S with module CFG = CFG
module Bourdoncle_SCC (CFG : ProcCfg.S) = struct
module CFG = CFG
[dfn] contains a DFS pre-order indexing. A node is not in the map if it has never been visited.
A node's dfn is +oo if it has been fully visited (head of cross-edges) or we want to hide it
for building a subcomponent partition (head of highest back-edges).
module Dfn = CFG.Node.IdMap
Unlike Bourdoncle's paper version or OCamlGraph implementation, this implementation handles
high DFS-depth graphs, which would stack-overflow otherwise.
It still doesn't handle high component nesting, but it is pretty unlikely to happen in real
code (means a lot of loop nesting).
type stack =
{ node: CFG.Node.t
; node_id: CFG.Node.id
; node_dfn: int
; succs: CFG.Node.t list
; mutable succs_to_visit: CFG.Node.t list
; mutable head: int (** Minimum [dfn] of the nodes accessibles from [node]. *)
; mutable component: CFG.Node.id ARList.t
(** Nodes in the current strict-connected component. *)
; mutable building_component: bool
; next: stack option }
let make cfg =
let num = ref 0 in
let dfn = ref Dfn.empty in
let stack = ref None in
let push_on_stack node =
let node_id = CFG.Node.id node in
incr num ;
let node_dfn = !num in
dfn := Dfn.add node_id node_dfn !dfn ;
let succs = IContainer.to_rev_list ~fold:(CFG.fold_succs cfg) node in
stack :=
{ node
; node_id
; node_dfn
; succs
; succs_to_visit= succs
; head= Int.max_value
; component= ARList.empty
; building_component= false
; next= !stack }
let record_head ?add_to_component cur_head =
let stack_top = Option.value_exn !stack in
stack_top.head <- min stack_top.head cur_head ;
Option.iter add_to_component ~f:(fun add ->
stack_top.component <- ARList.append add stack_top.component )
let visit node =
let node_id = CFG.Node.id node in
match Dfn.find node_id !dfn with
| node_dfn ->
[node_dfn] is going to be either +oo (see [Dfn] for why), in which case [record_head]
will have no effect; or be the [dfn] of the head of a back-edge or cross-edge in the
current strictly connected component.
record_head node_dfn
| exception Caml.Not_found ->
push_on_stack node
| exception Not_found_s _ ->
push_on_stack node
let rec process_stack partition =
match !stack with
| None ->
| Some ({succs_to_visit= succ :: succs_to_visit} as stack_top) ->
stack_top.succs_to_visit <- succs_to_visit ;
visit succ ;
(process_stack [@tailcall]) partition
| Some {succs_to_visit= []; building_component= true} ->
| Some
{succs_to_visit= []; building_component= false; node_id; node_dfn; head; component; next}
when head < node_dfn ->
(* [node] is in a strictly connected component but is (locally) not its head. *)
stack := next ;
record_head head ~add_to_component:(ARList.cons node_id component) ;
(process_stack [@tailcall]) partition
| Some
( { succs_to_visit= []
; building_component= false
; node
; node_id
; node_dfn
; succs
; head
; component
; next } as stack_top ) ->
dfn := Dfn.add node_id Int.max_value !dfn ;
if head > node_dfn then
(* [node] is not (locally) in a strictly connected component *)
partition := Partition.add_node node !partition
else (
head = node_dfn. [node] is (locally) the head of a strictly connected component.
[node] is marked as already visited (line dfn := ... above).
All nodes in the current [component] are marked as not visited.
And we recursively construct a WTO for the component.
Container.iter component ~fold:ARList.fold_unordered ~f:(fun nid ->
dfn := Dfn.remove nid !dfn ) ;
let component_partition =
let partition = ref Partition.empty in
stack_top.building_component <- true ;
stack_top.succs_to_visit <- succs ;
process_stack partition ;
partition := Partition.add_component node component_partition !partition ) ;
stack := next ;
(process_stack [@tailcall]) partition
let partition = ref Partition.empty in
push_on_stack (CFG.start_node cfg) ;
process_stack partition ;

@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
* Copyright (c) 2018-present, Facebook, Inc.
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
open! IStd
module F = Format
(* The definitions below taken from [Bou] "Efficient chaotic iteration strategies with widenings"
by François Bourdoncle.
A hierarchical ordering of a set is a well-parenthesized permutation of its elements without two
consecutive "(". I defines a total order <= over its elements.
The elements between two matching parentheses are called a Component.
The first element of a Component is called the head.
Let denote by H(v) the set of head of the nested components containing v.
module Partition : sig
type 'node t = private
| Empty
| Node of {node: 'node; next: 'node t}
| Component of {head: 'node; rest: 'node t; next: 'node t}
val pp : pp_node:(F.formatter -> 'node -> unit) -> F.formatter -> 'node t -> unit
A weak topological ordering (WTO) of a directed graph is a hierarchical ordering of its vertices
such that for every edge u -> v,
u < v and v is not in H(u) (forward edge)
v <= u and v is in H(u) (feedback edge)
A WTO of a directed graph is such that the head u of every feedback edge u -> v is the head of a
component containing its tail v.
module type S = sig
module CFG : ProcCfg.S
val make : CFG.t -> CFG.Node.t Partition.t
module type Make = functor (CFG : ProcCfg.S) -> S with module CFG = CFG
Implementation of Bourdoncle's "Hierarchical decomposition of a directed graph into strongly
connected components and subcomponents". See [Bou] Figure 4, page 10.
module Bourdoncle_SCC : Make

@ -281,8 +281,9 @@ end
module Make (CFG : ProcCfg.S with type Node.t = Procdesc.Node.t) (T : TransferFunctions.MakeSIL) =
module AI_RPO = MakeMake (AbstractInterpreter.MakeRPO) (CFG) (T)
module AI_WTO = MakeMake (AbstractInterpreter.MakeWTO) (CFG) (T)
let ai_list = [("ai_rpo", AI_RPO.create_test)]
let ai_list = [("ai_rpo", AI_RPO.create_test); ("ai_wto", AI_WTO.create_test)]
let create_tests ?(test_pname = Typ.Procname.empty_block) ~initial ?pp_opt extras tests =
let open OUnit2 in

@ -43,7 +43,8 @@ let () =
; SeverityTests.tests
; StacktraceTests.tests
; TaintTests.tests
; TraceTests.tests ]
; TraceTests.tests
; WeakTopologicalOrderTests.tests ]
@ ClangTests.tests )
let test_suite = "all" >::: tests in

@ -117,23 +117,26 @@ let create_test test_graph expected_result _ =
let inputs =
[ ("straightline", [(1, [2]); (2, [3]); (3, [4])], [1; 2; 3; 4])
; ("if_then_else", [(1, [2; 3]); (2, [4]); (3, [4]); (4, [5])], [1; 2; 3; 4; 5])
; ("if_then", [(1, [2; 4]); (2, [3]); (3, [4]); (4, [5])], [1; 2; 3; 4; 5])
[ ("straightline", [(1, [2]); (2, [3]); (3, [4])], [1; 2; 3; 4], "1 2 3 4")
; ("if_then_else", [(1, [2; 3]); (2, [4]); (3, [4]); (4, [5])], [1; 2; 3; 4; 5], "1 2 3 4 5")
; ("if_then", [(1, [2; 4]); (2, [3]); (3, [4]); (4, [5])], [1; 2; 3; 4; 5], "1 2 3 4 5")
; ( "diamond"
, [(1, [2; 3]); (2, [4]); (3, [4]); (4, [5; 6]); (5, [7]); (6, [7]); (7, [8])]
, [1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6; 7; 8] )
, [1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6; 7; 8]
, "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8" )
; ( "switch"
, [(1, [2; 3; 4; 5]); (2, [6]); (3, [6]); (4, [6]); (5, [6]); (6, [7])]
, [1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6; 7] )
, [1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6; 7]
, "1 2 3 4 5 6 7" )
; ( "nums_order_irrelevant"
, [(11, [10]); (1, [7; 2]); (2, [3; 11]); (7, [11]); (3, [7])]
, [1; 2; 3; 7; 11; 10] ) ]
, [1; 2; 3; 7; 11; 10]
, "1 2 3 7 11 10" ) ]
let tests =
let open OUnit2 in
let test_list =
inputs |> List.map ~f:(fun (name, test, expected) -> name >:: create_test test expected)
inputs |> List.map ~f:(fun (name, test, expected, _wto) -> name >:: create_test test expected)
"scheduler_suite" >::: test_list

@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
* Copyright (c) 2018-present, Facebook, Inc.
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
open! IStd
module MockProcCfg = SchedulerTests.MockProcCfg
module WTO = WeakTopologicalOrder.Bourdoncle_SCC (MockProcCfg)
let inputs_from_scheduler_tests =
SchedulerTests.inputs |> List.map ~f:(fun (name, cfg, _, wto) -> (name, cfg, wto))
let inputs =
@ [ ( "bourdoncle_fig1"
, [(1, [2]); (2, [3; 8]); (3, [4]); (4, [5; 7]); (5, [6]); (6, [5; 7]); (7, [3; 8])]
, "1 2 (3 4 (5 6) 7) 8" )
; ( "bourdoncle_fig2left"
, [(1, [2; 4]); (2, [3]); (3, []); (4, [5; 3]); (5, [4])]
, "1 2 (4 5) 3" )
; ("bourdoncle_fig2right", [(1, [2; 4]); (2, [3]); (3, [1]); (4, [3])], "(1 2 4 3)")
; ( "bourdoncle_fig5"
, [ (1, [4; 2])
; (2, [3])
; (3, [6])
; (4, [10])
; (10, [20; 40])
; (40, [1])
; (20, [30])
; (30, [60])
; (60, [5])
; (50, [60])
; (6, [50])
; (5, [6]) ]
, "(1 4 10 40) 20 30 2 3 (6 50 60 5)" )
; ( "elder_fig1"
, [(1, [2]); (2, [3]); (7, [2; 8]); (3, [4]); (6, [7; 3]); (4, [5]); (5, [6; 2])]
, "1 (2 (3 4 5 6) 7) 8" )
; ( "jjb1" (* corresponds to tests/codetoanalyze/c/frontend/gotostmt/jjb1.c *)
, [ (1, [19])
; (19, [6])
; (6, [7; 8])
; (7, [16])
; (8, [9])
; (16, [13])
; (13, [14; 15])
; (5 (* no preds, dead node *), [4])
; (14, [4])
; (15, [12])
; (4, [3])
; (12, [11])
; (3, [2])
; (11, [10])
; (10, [9])
; (9, [18])
; (18, [17])
; (17, [16]) ]
, "1 19 6 7 8 (9 18 17 16 13 15 12 11 10) 14 4 3 2" )
; ("self_loop", [(1, [1])], "(1)")
; ( "nested_loops_two_entries"
, [(1, [60; 6]); (60, [5; 50]); (5, [6]); (6, [50]); (50, [60])]
, "1 (6 (50 60) 5)" )
; ( "nested_loops2"
, [ (1, [2])
; (2, [9])
; (6, [2; 7])
; (7, [8; 5])
; (5, [7; 6])
; (9, [3; 10])
; (3, [4])
; (4, [5])
; (8, [4; 3]) ]
, "1 (2 9 (3 (4 (5 6 7) 8))) 10" ) ]
let create_test cfg expected_result _ =
let result =
let partition = WTO.make cfg in
Format.asprintf "%a"
(WeakTopologicalOrder.Partition.pp ~pp_node:MockProcCfg.Node.pp_id)
OUnit2.assert_equal ~printer:Fn.id expected_result result
let tests =
let open OUnit2 in
let test_list =
inputs |> List.map ~f:(fun (name, test, expected) -> name >:: create_test test expected)
"wto_suite" >::: test_list

@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
* Copyright (c) 2018-present, Facebook, Inc.
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
extern void print_int(int);
int jjb1() {
int x, y;
if (x / 2) {
if (x <= 0)
goto L3;
goto L1;
} else {
goto L0;
return 0;

@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
/* @generated */
digraph cfg {
"jjb1.9d6085e324f8fe61c38e804980fa5cf1_1" [label="1: Start jjb1\nFormals: \nLocals: y:int x:int \n " color=yellow style=filled]
"jjb1.9d6085e324f8fe61c38e804980fa5cf1_1" -> "jjb1.9d6085e324f8fe61c38e804980fa5cf1_19" ;
"jjb1.9d6085e324f8fe61c38e804980fa5cf1_2" [label="2: Exit jjb1 \n " color=yellow style=filled]
"jjb1.9d6085e324f8fe61c38e804980fa5cf1_3" [label="3: Return Stmt \n *&return:int=0 [line 29, column 3]\n " shape="box"]
"jjb1.9d6085e324f8fe61c38e804980fa5cf1_3" -> "jjb1.9d6085e324f8fe61c38e804980fa5cf1_2" ;
"jjb1.9d6085e324f8fe61c38e804980fa5cf1_4" [label="4: Skip GotoLabel_L3 \n " color="gray"]
"jjb1.9d6085e324f8fe61c38e804980fa5cf1_4" -> "jjb1.9d6085e324f8fe61c38e804980fa5cf1_3" ;
"jjb1.9d6085e324f8fe61c38e804980fa5cf1_5" [label="5: + \n " ]
"jjb1.9d6085e324f8fe61c38e804980fa5cf1_5" -> "jjb1.9d6085e324f8fe61c38e804980fa5cf1_4" ;
"jjb1.9d6085e324f8fe61c38e804980fa5cf1_6" [label="6: BinaryOperatorStmt: Div \n n$1=*&x:int [line 14, column 7]\n " shape="box"]
"jjb1.9d6085e324f8fe61c38e804980fa5cf1_6" -> "jjb1.9d6085e324f8fe61c38e804980fa5cf1_7" ;
"jjb1.9d6085e324f8fe61c38e804980fa5cf1_6" -> "jjb1.9d6085e324f8fe61c38e804980fa5cf1_8" ;
"jjb1.9d6085e324f8fe61c38e804980fa5cf1_7" [label="7: Prune (true branch, if) \n PRUNE((n$1 / 2), true); [line 14, column 7]\n " shape="invhouse"]
"jjb1.9d6085e324f8fe61c38e804980fa5cf1_7" -> "jjb1.9d6085e324f8fe61c38e804980fa5cf1_16" ;
"jjb1.9d6085e324f8fe61c38e804980fa5cf1_8" [label="8: Prune (false branch, if) \n PRUNE(!(n$1 / 2), false); [line 14, column 7]\n " shape="invhouse"]
"jjb1.9d6085e324f8fe61c38e804980fa5cf1_8" -> "jjb1.9d6085e324f8fe61c38e804980fa5cf1_9" ;
"jjb1.9d6085e324f8fe61c38e804980fa5cf1_9" [label="9: Skip GotoLabel_L1 \n " color="gray"]
"jjb1.9d6085e324f8fe61c38e804980fa5cf1_9" -> "jjb1.9d6085e324f8fe61c38e804980fa5cf1_18" ;
"jjb1.9d6085e324f8fe61c38e804980fa5cf1_10" [label="10: Call _fun_print_int \n n$3=*&x:int [line 19, column 15]\n n$4=_fun_print_int(n$3:int) [line 19, column 5]\n " shape="box"]
"jjb1.9d6085e324f8fe61c38e804980fa5cf1_10" -> "jjb1.9d6085e324f8fe61c38e804980fa5cf1_9" ;
"jjb1.9d6085e324f8fe61c38e804980fa5cf1_11" [label="11: UnaryOperator \n n$5=*&x:int [line 18, column 5]\n *&x:int=(n$5 - 1) [line 18, column 5]\n " shape="box"]
"jjb1.9d6085e324f8fe61c38e804980fa5cf1_11" -> "jjb1.9d6085e324f8fe61c38e804980fa5cf1_10" ;
"jjb1.9d6085e324f8fe61c38e804980fa5cf1_12" [label="12: + \n " ]
"jjb1.9d6085e324f8fe61c38e804980fa5cf1_12" -> "jjb1.9d6085e324f8fe61c38e804980fa5cf1_11" ;
"jjb1.9d6085e324f8fe61c38e804980fa5cf1_13" [label="13: BinaryOperatorStmt: LE \n n$6=*&x:int [line 16, column 9]\n " shape="box"]
"jjb1.9d6085e324f8fe61c38e804980fa5cf1_13" -> "jjb1.9d6085e324f8fe61c38e804980fa5cf1_14" ;
"jjb1.9d6085e324f8fe61c38e804980fa5cf1_13" -> "jjb1.9d6085e324f8fe61c38e804980fa5cf1_15" ;
"jjb1.9d6085e324f8fe61c38e804980fa5cf1_14" [label="14: Prune (true branch, if) \n PRUNE((n$6 <= 0), true); [line 16, column 9]\n " shape="invhouse"]
"jjb1.9d6085e324f8fe61c38e804980fa5cf1_14" -> "jjb1.9d6085e324f8fe61c38e804980fa5cf1_4" ;
"jjb1.9d6085e324f8fe61c38e804980fa5cf1_15" [label="15: Prune (false branch, if) \n PRUNE(!(n$6 <= 0), false); [line 16, column 9]\n " shape="invhouse"]
"jjb1.9d6085e324f8fe61c38e804980fa5cf1_15" -> "jjb1.9d6085e324f8fe61c38e804980fa5cf1_12" ;
"jjb1.9d6085e324f8fe61c38e804980fa5cf1_16" [label="16: Skip GotoLabel_L0 \n " color="gray"]
"jjb1.9d6085e324f8fe61c38e804980fa5cf1_16" -> "jjb1.9d6085e324f8fe61c38e804980fa5cf1_13" ;
"jjb1.9d6085e324f8fe61c38e804980fa5cf1_17" [label="17: Call _fun_print_int \n n$12=*&y:int [line 24, column 15]\n n$13=_fun_print_int(n$12:int) [line 24, column 5]\n " shape="box"]
"jjb1.9d6085e324f8fe61c38e804980fa5cf1_17" -> "jjb1.9d6085e324f8fe61c38e804980fa5cf1_16" ;
"jjb1.9d6085e324f8fe61c38e804980fa5cf1_18" [label="18: UnaryOperator \n n$14=*&y:int [line 23, column 5]\n *&y:int=(n$14 + 1) [line 23, column 5]\n " shape="box"]
"jjb1.9d6085e324f8fe61c38e804980fa5cf1_18" -> "jjb1.9d6085e324f8fe61c38e804980fa5cf1_17" ;
"jjb1.9d6085e324f8fe61c38e804980fa5cf1_19" [label="19: UnaryOperator \n n$17=*&x:int [line 13, column 3]\n *&x:int=(n$17 + 1) [line 13, column 3]\n " shape="box"]
"jjb1.9d6085e324f8fe61c38e804980fa5cf1_19" -> "jjb1.9d6085e324f8fe61c38e804980fa5cf1_6" ;