@ -11,14 +11,27 @@ open! Utils
module F = Format
module InstrCfg = ProcCfg.OneInstrPerNode (ProcCfg.Normal)
let tests =
let cfg = Cfg.Node.create_cfg () in
let test_pdesc =
Cfg.Procdesc.create cfg (ProcAttributes.default Procname.empty_block !Config.curr_language) in
let create_node cfg =
Cfg.Node.create cfg Location.dummy (Cfg.Node.Stmt_node "") [] test_pdesc [] in
let dummy_instr1 = Sil.Remove_temps ([], Location.dummy) in
let dummy_instr2 = Sil.Abstract Location.dummy in
let dummy_instr3 = Sil.Stackop (Pop, Location.dummy) in
let instrs1 = [dummy_instr1; dummy_instr2;] in
let instrs2 = [dummy_instr3] in
let instrs3 = [] in
let instrs4 = [] in
let create_node cfg instrs =
Cfg.Node.create cfg Location.dummy (Cfg.Node.Stmt_node "") instrs test_pdesc [] in
let n1 = create_node cfg instrs1 in
let n2 = create_node cfg instrs2 in
let n3 = create_node cfg instrs3 in
let n4 = create_node cfg instrs4 in
let n1, n2, n3, n4 = create_node cfg, create_node cfg, create_node cfg, create_node cfg in
Cfg.Procdesc.set_start_node test_pdesc n1;
(* let -> represent normal transitions and -*-> represent exceptional transitions *)
(* creating graph n1 -> n2, n1 -*-> n3, n2 -> n4, n2 -*-> n3, n3 -> n4 , n3 -*> n4 *)
Cfg.Node.set_succs_exn cfg n1 [n2] [n3];
@ -27,16 +40,53 @@ let tests =
let normal_proc_cfg = ProcCfg.Normal.from_pdesc test_pdesc in
let exceptional_proc_cfg = ProcCfg.Exceptional.from_pdesc test_pdesc in
let instr_cfg = InstrCfg.from_pdesc test_pdesc in
let open OUnit2 in
let cmp = IList.equal Cfg.Node.compare in
(* TODO: cleanup *)
let instr_cfg_test =
let instr_cfg_test_ _ =
(* CFG should look like: dummy_instr1 -> dummy_instr2 -> dummy_instr3 *)
let assert_one_instr node =
let instrs = InstrCfg.instrs node in
assert_bool "Nodes should contain one instruction" ((IList.length instrs) = 1);
IList.hd instrs in
let assert_one_succ node =
let succs = InstrCfg.succs instr_cfg node in
assert_bool "Should only have one succ" ((IList.length succs) = 1);
IList.hd succs in
(* walk forward through the CFG and make sure everything looks ok *)
let start_node = InstrCfg.start_node instr_cfg in
let instr1 = assert_one_instr start_node in
assert_bool "instr should be dummy_instr1" (instr1 = dummy_instr1);
let succ_node1 = assert_one_succ start_node in
let instr2 = assert_one_instr succ_node1 in
assert_bool "instr should be dummy_instr2" (instr2 = dummy_instr2);
let succ_node2 = assert_one_succ succ_node1 in
let instr3 = assert_one_instr succ_node2 in
assert_bool "instr should be dummy_instr3" (instr3 = dummy_instr3);
(* now, do the same thing going backward *)
let assert_one_pred node =
let preds = InstrCfg.preds instr_cfg node in
assert_bool "Should only have one pred" ((IList.length preds) = 1);
IList.hd preds in
let pred_node1 = assert_one_pred succ_node2 in
let instr2 = assert_one_instr pred_node1 in
assert_bool "instr should be dummy_instr2" (instr2 = dummy_instr2);
let start_node = assert_one_pred pred_node1 in
let instr1 = assert_one_instr start_node in
assert_bool "instr should be dummy_instr1" (instr1 = dummy_instr1) in
"instr_cfg_test">::instr_cfg_test_ in
let cmp l1 l2 =
let sort = IList.sort Cfg.Node.compare in
IList.equal Cfg.Node.compare (sort l1) (sort l2) in
let pp_diff fmt (actual, expected) =
let pp_node_list fmt l = F.pp_print_list Cfg.Node.pp fmt l in
let pp_sep fmt _ = F.pp_print_char fmt ',' in
let pp_node_list fmt l = F.pp_print_list ~pp_sep Cfg.Node.pp fmt l in
F.fprintf fmt "Expected output %a but got %a" pp_node_list expected pp_node_list actual in
let create_test input expected _ =
assert_equal ~cmp ~pp_diff input expected in
let test_list = [
let normal_exceptional_tests = [
(* test the succs of the normal cfg *)
("succs_n1", ProcCfg.Normal.succs normal_proc_cfg n1, [n2]);
("normal_succs_n1", ProcCfg.Normal.normal_succs normal_proc_cfg n1, [n2]);
@ -69,4 +119,5 @@ let tests =
("exn_normal_preds_n2", ProcCfg.Exceptional.normal_preds exceptional_proc_cfg n2, [n1]);
|> IList.map (fun (name, test, expected) -> name>::create_test test expected) in
let tests = instr_cfg_test :: normal_exceptional_tests in