@ -5,14 +5,12 @@
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
open Fml
type var = Var.t
type trm = Trm.t [@@deriving compare, equal, sexp]
type fml = Fml.t [@@deriving compare, equal, sexp]
let map_pos_neg f e cons ~pos ~neg =
map2 (Set.map ~f) e (fun pos neg -> cons ~pos ~neg) pos neg
map2 (Fml.Set.map ~f) e (fun pos neg -> cons ~pos ~neg) pos neg
(** Conditional terms, denoting functions from structures to values, taking
the form of trees with internal nodes labeled with formulas and leaves
@ -82,6 +80,18 @@ let project_out_fml : cnd -> fml option = function
Some cnd
| _ -> None
(** Construct a conditional formula. *)
let cond cnd pos neg = Fml.cond ~cnd ~pos ~neg
(** Construct a conditional term, or formula if possible precisely. *)
let ite : fml -> exp -> exp -> exp =
fun cnd thn els ->
match (thn, els) with
| `Fml pos, `Fml neg -> `Fml (cond cnd pos neg)
| _ -> (
let c = `Ite (cnd, embed_into_cnd thn, embed_into_cnd els) in
match project_out_fml c with Some f -> `Fml f | None -> c )
(** Embed a conditional term into a formula (associating 0 with false and
non-0 with true, lifted over the tree mapping conditional terms to
conditional formulas), identity on formulas.
@ -98,16 +108,7 @@ let project_out_fml : cnd -> fml option = function
[0 ≠ x] holds. *)
let embed_into_fml : exp -> fml = function
| `Fml fml -> fml
| #cnd as c -> map_cnd _Cond (fun e -> _Not (_Eq0 e)) c
(** Construct a conditional term, or formula if possible precisely. *)
let ite : fml -> exp -> exp -> exp =
fun cnd thn els ->
match (thn, els) with
| `Fml pos, `Fml neg -> `Fml (_Cond cnd pos neg)
| _ -> (
let c = `Ite (cnd, embed_into_cnd thn, embed_into_cnd els) in
match project_out_fml c with Some f -> `Fml f | None -> c )
| #cnd as c -> map_cnd cond (fun e -> Fml.not_ (Fml.eq0 e)) c
(** Map a unary function on terms over an expression. *)
let ap1 : (trm -> exp) -> exp -> exp =
@ -116,7 +117,7 @@ let ap1 : (trm -> exp) -> exp -> exp =
let ap1t : (trm -> trm) -> exp -> exp = fun f -> ap1 (fun x -> `Trm (f x))
let ap1f : (trm -> fml) -> exp -> fml =
fun f x -> map_cnd _Cond f (embed_into_cnd x)
fun f x -> map_cnd cond f (embed_into_cnd x)
(** Map a binary function on terms over conditional terms. This yields a
conditional tree with the structure from the first argument where each
@ -137,7 +138,7 @@ let ap2t : (trm -> trm -> trm) -> exp -> exp -> exp =
fun f -> ap2 (fun x y -> `Trm (f x y))
let ap2f : (trm -> trm -> fml) -> exp -> exp -> fml =
fun f x y -> map2_cnd _Cond f (embed_into_cnd x) (embed_into_cnd y)
fun f x y -> map2_cnd cond f (embed_into_cnd x) (embed_into_cnd y)
(** Map a ternary function on terms over conditional terms. *)
let map3_cnd :
@ -181,7 +182,7 @@ let apNt : (trm array -> trm) -> exp array -> exp =
let apNf : (trm array -> fml) -> exp array -> fml =
fun f xs ->
rev_mapN_cnd _Cond
rev_mapN_cnd cond
(fun xs -> f (Array.of_list xs))
(Array.to_list_rev_map ~f:embed_into_cnd xs)
@ -333,54 +334,44 @@ end
module Formula = struct
type t = fml [@@deriving compare, equal, sexp]
include Fml
let inject f = `Fml f
let project = function `Fml f -> Some f | #cnd as c -> project_out_fml c
let ppx = Fml.ppx
let pp = Fml.pp
(* constants *)
(** Construct *)
let tt = mk_Tt ()
let ff = _Not tt
(* equality *)
(* comparisons *)
let eq = ap2f Fml.eq
let dq a b = Fml.not_ (eq a b)
let eq = ap2f _Eq
let dq a b = _Not (eq a b)
let eq0 = ap1f _Eq0
let dq0 a = _Not (eq0 a)
let pos = ap1f _Pos
(* arithmetic *)
let eq0 = ap1f Fml.eq0
let dq0 a = Fml.not_ (eq0 a)
let pos = ap1f Fml.pos
(* a > b iff a-b > 0 iff 0 < a-b *)
let gt a b = if b == Term.zero then pos a else pos (Term.sub a b)
(* a ≥ b iff 0 ≥ b-a iff ¬(0 < b-a) *)
let ge a b =
if a == Term.zero then _Not (pos b) else _Not (pos (Term.sub b a))
if a == Term.zero then Fml.not_ (pos b)
else Fml.not_ (pos (Term.sub b a))
let lt a b = gt b a
let le a b = ge b a
(* uninterpreted *)
let lit p es = apNf (_Lit p) es
let lit p es = apNf (Fml.lit p) es
(* connectives *)
let and_ = and_
let andN = function [] -> tt | b :: bs -> List.fold ~f:and_ bs b
let or_ = or_
let orN = function [] -> ff | b :: bs -> List.fold ~f:or_ bs b
let iff = _Iff
let xor p q = _Not (_Iff p q)
let cond ~cnd ~pos ~neg = _Cond cnd pos neg
let not_ = _Not
(** Traverse *)
let vars = Fml.vars
let xor p q = Fml.not_ (iff p q)
(** Query *)
@ -388,8 +379,6 @@ module Formula = struct
(** Transform *)
let map_vars = Fml.map_vars
let rec map_terms ~f b =
let lift_map1 : (exp -> exp) -> t -> (trm -> t) -> trm -> t =
fun f b cons x -> map1 f b (ap1f cons) (`Trm x)
@ -405,15 +394,18 @@ module Formula = struct
match b with
| Tt -> b
| Eq (x, y) -> lift_map2 f b _Eq x y
| Eq0 x -> lift_map1 f b _Eq0 x
| Pos x -> lift_map1 f b _Pos x
| Not x -> map1 (map_terms ~f) b _Not x
| And {pos; neg} -> map_pos_neg (map_terms ~f) b _And ~pos ~neg
| Or {pos; neg} -> map_pos_neg (map_terms ~f) b _Or ~pos ~neg
| Iff (x, y) -> map2 (map_terms ~f) b _Iff x y
| Cond {cnd; pos; neg} -> map3 (map_terms ~f) b _Cond cnd pos neg
| Lit (p, xs) -> lift_mapN f b (_Lit p) xs
| Eq (x, y) -> lift_map2 f b Fml.eq x y
| Eq0 x -> lift_map1 f b Fml.eq0 x
| Pos x -> lift_map1 f b Fml.pos x
| Not x -> map1 (map_terms ~f) b Fml.not_ x
| And {pos; neg} -> map_pos_neg (map_terms ~f) b Fml.andN ~pos ~neg
| Or {pos; neg} -> map_pos_neg (map_terms ~f) b Fml.orN ~pos ~neg
| Iff (x, y) -> map2 (map_terms ~f) b Fml.iff x y
| Cond {cnd; pos; neg} ->
map3 (map_terms ~f) b
(fun cnd pos neg -> Fml.cond ~cnd ~pos ~neg)
cnd pos neg
| Lit (p, xs) -> lift_mapN f b (Fml.lit p) xs
let fold_map_vars e s0 ~f =
let s = ref s0 in
@ -428,7 +420,7 @@ module Formula = struct
let rename s e = map_vars ~f:(Var.Subst.apply s) e
let fold_pos_neg ~pos ~neg s ~f =
let f_not p s = f (_Not p) s in
let f_not p s = f (Fml.not_ p) s in
Fml.Set.fold ~f:f_not neg (Fml.Set.fold ~f pos s)
let fold_dnf :
@ -554,7 +546,7 @@ let vs_of_ses : Ses.Var.Set.t -> Var.Set.t =
let uap1 f = ap1t (fun x -> Trm.apply f [|x|])
let uap2 f = ap2t (fun x y -> Trm.apply f [|x; y|])
let litN p = apNf (_Lit p)
let litN p = apNf (Fml.lit p)
let rec uap_tt f a = uap1 f (of_ses a)
and uap_ttt f a b = uap2 f (of_ses a) (of_ses b)