[sledge] Change: Context interface to set-of-assumptions terminology

It is more confusing than necessary to use logical formula terminology
for the Context interface, considering that Formula represents
formulas and Context represents a (solver state resulting from a) set
of assumptions.

Reviewed By: jvillard

Differential Revision: D22571136

fbshipit-source-id: 087c97a02
Josh Berdine 5 years ago committed by Facebook GitHub Bot
parent 4da75ad2b0
commit f20cabf7a4

@ -1257,23 +1257,23 @@ module Context = struct
let pp = Ses.Equality.pp
let invariant = Ses.Equality.invariant
let true_ = Ses.Equality.true_
let empty = Ses.Equality.true_
let and_formula vs f x =
let add vs f x =
let vs', x' = Ses.Equality.and_term (vs_to_ses vs) (f_to_ses f) x in
(vs_of_ses vs', x')
let and_ vs x y =
let union vs x y =
let vs', z = Ses.Equality.and_ (vs_to_ses vs) x y in
(vs_of_ses vs', z)
let orN vs xs =
let interN vs xs =
let vs', z = Ses.Equality.orN (vs_to_ses vs) xs in
(vs_of_ses vs', z)
let rename x sub = Ses.Equality.rename x (v_map_ses (Var.Subst.apply sub))
let is_true x = Ses.Equality.is_true x
let is_false x = Ses.Equality.is_false x
let is_empty x = Ses.Equality.is_true x
let is_unsat x = Ses.Equality.is_false x
let implies x b = Ses.Equality.implies x (f_to_ses b)
let refutes x b =
@ -1369,9 +1369,9 @@ module Context = struct
type call =
| Normalize of t * exp
| And_formula of Var.Set.t * fml * t
| And_ of Var.Set.t * t * t
| OrN of Var.Set.t * t list
| Add of Var.Set.t * fml * t
| Union of Var.Set.t * t * t
| InterN of Var.Set.t * t list
| Rename of t * Var.Subst.t
| Apply_subst of Var.Set.t * Subst.t * t
| Solve_for_vars of Var.Set.t list * t
@ -1380,9 +1380,9 @@ module Context = struct
let replay c =
match call_of_sexp (Sexp.of_string c) with
| Normalize (r, e) -> normalize r e |> ignore
| And_formula (us, e, r) -> and_formula us e r |> ignore
| And_ (us, r, s) -> and_ us r s |> ignore
| OrN (us, rs) -> orN us rs |> ignore
| Add (us, e, r) -> add us e r |> ignore
| Union (us, r, s) -> union us r s |> ignore
| InterN (us, rs) -> interN us rs |> ignore
| Rename (r, s) -> rename r s |> ignore
| Apply_subst (us, s, r) -> apply_subst us s r |> ignore
| Solve_for_vars (vss, r) -> solve_for_vars vss r |> ignore
@ -1412,9 +1412,9 @@ module Context = struct
try f () with exn -> raise_s ([%sexp_of: exn * call] (exn, call ()))
let normalize_tmr = Timer.create "normalize" ~at_exit:report
let and_formula_tmr = Timer.create "and_formula" ~at_exit:report
let and_tmr = Timer.create "and_" ~at_exit:report
let orN_tmr = Timer.create "orN" ~at_exit:report
let add_tmr = Timer.create "add" ~at_exit:report
let uniontmr = Timer.create "union" ~at_exit:report
let interN_tmr = Timer.create "interN" ~at_exit:report
let rename_tmr = Timer.create "rename" ~at_exit:report
let apply_subst_tmr = Timer.create "apply_subst" ~at_exit:report
let solve_for_vars_tmr = Timer.create "solve_for_vars" ~at_exit:report
@ -1422,15 +1422,14 @@ module Context = struct
let normalize r e =
wrap normalize_tmr (fun () -> normalize r e) (fun () -> Normalize (r, e))
let and_formula us e r =
wrap and_formula_tmr
(fun () -> and_formula us e r)
(fun () -> And_formula (us, e, r))
let add us e r =
wrap add_tmr (fun () -> add us e r) (fun () -> Add (us, e, r))
let and_ us r s =
wrap and_tmr (fun () -> and_ us r s) (fun () -> And_ (us, r, s))
let union us r s =
wrap uniontmr (fun () -> union us r s) (fun () -> Union (us, r, s))
let orN us rs = wrap orN_tmr (fun () -> orN us rs) (fun () -> OrN (us, rs))
let interN us rs =
wrap interN_tmr (fun () -> interN us rs) (fun () -> InterN (us, rs))
let rename r s =
wrap rename_tmr (fun () -> rename r s) (fun () -> Rename (r, s))

@ -185,7 +185,8 @@ and Formula : sig
val disjuncts : t -> t list
(** Inference System *)
(** Sets of assumptions, interpreted as conjunction, plus reasoning about
their logical consequences. *)
module Context : sig
type t [@@deriving sexp]
@ -197,43 +198,45 @@ module Context : sig
include Invariant.S with type t := t
val true_ : t
(** The diagonal relation, which only equates each term with itself. *)
val empty : t
(** The empty context of assumptions. *)
val and_formula : Var.Set.t -> Formula.t -> t -> Var.Set.t * t
(** Conjoin a (Boolean) term to a relation. *)
val add : Var.Set.t -> Formula.t -> t -> Var.Set.t * t
(** Add (that is, conjoin) an assumption to a context. *)
val and_ : Var.Set.t -> t -> t -> Var.Set.t * t
(** Conjunction. *)
val union : Var.Set.t -> t -> t -> Var.Set.t * t
(** Union (that is, conjoin) two contexts of assumptions. *)
val orN : Var.Set.t -> t list -> Var.Set.t * t
(** Nary disjunction. *)
val interN : Var.Set.t -> t list -> Var.Set.t * t
(** Intersect (that is, disjoin) contexts of assumptions. *)
val rename : t -> Var.Subst.t -> t
(** Apply a renaming substitution to the relation. *)
(** Apply a renaming substitution to the context. *)
val is_true : t -> bool
(** Test if the relation is diagonal. *)
val is_empty : t -> bool
(** Test if the context of assumptions is empty. *)
val is_false : t -> bool
(** Test if the relation is empty / inconsistent. *)
val is_unsat : t -> bool
(** Test if the context of assumptions is inconsistent. *)
val implies : t -> Formula.t -> bool
(** [implies x f] holds only if [f] is a logical consequence of [x]. This
only checks if [f] is valid in the current state of [x], without doing
any further logical reasoning or propagation. *)
(** Holds only if a formula is a logical consequence of a context of
assumptions. This only checks if the formula is valid in the current
state of the context, without doing any further logical reasoning or
propagation. *)
val refutes : t -> Formula.t -> bool
(** [refutes x f] holds only if [f] is inconsistent with [x]. *)
(** Holds only if a formula is inconsistent with a context of assumptions,
that is, conjoining the formula to the assumptions is unsatisfiable. *)
val class_of : t -> Term.t -> Term.t list
(** Equivalence class of [e]: all the terms [f] in the relation such that
[e = f] is implied by the relation. *)
(** Equivalence class of [e]: all the terms [f] in the context such that
[e = f] is implied by the assumptions. *)
val normalize : t -> Term.t -> Term.t
(** Normalize a term [e] to [e'] such that [e = e'] is implied by the
relation, where [e'] and its subterms are expressed in terms of the
relation's canonical representatives of each equivalence class. *)
assumptions, where [e'] and its subterms are expressed in terms of the
canonical representatives of each equivalence class. *)
val fold_vars : init:'a -> t -> f:('a -> Var.t -> 'a) -> 'a
(** Enumerate the variables occurring in the terms of the context. *)
@ -263,23 +266,24 @@ module Context : sig
val apply_subst : Var.Set.t -> Subst.t -> t -> Var.Set.t * t
(** Relation induced by applying a substitution to a set of equations
generating the argument relation. *)
(** Context induced by applying a solution substitution to a set of
equations generating the argument context. *)
val solve_for_vars : Var.Set.t list -> t -> Subst.t
(** [solve_for_vars vss r] is a solution substitution that is entailed by
[r] and consists of oriented equalities [x e] that map terms [x]
(** [solve_for_vars vss x] is a solution substitution that is implied by
[x] and consists of oriented equalities [v e] that map terms [v]
with free variables contained in (the union of) a prefix [uss] of
[vss] to terms [e] with free variables contained in as short a prefix
of [uss] as possible. *)
val elim : Var.Set.t -> t -> t
(** Weaken relation by removing oriented equations [k ↦ _] for [k] in
[ks]. *)
(** [elim ks x] is [x] weakened by removing oriented equations [k ↦ _]
for [k] in [ks]. *)
(* Replay debugging *)
val replay : string -> unit
(** Replay debugging *)
(** Convert from Llair *)

@ -49,16 +49,16 @@ let%test_module _ =
(* let g = Term.mul u *)
let of_eqs l =
List.fold ~init:(wrt, true_)
~f:(fun (us, r) (a, b) -> and_formula us (Formula.eq a b) r)
List.fold ~init:(wrt, empty)
~f:(fun (us, r) (a, b) -> add us (Formula.eq a b) r)
|> snd
(* let and_eq a b r = and_formula wrt (Formula.eq a b) r |> snd *)
(* let and_ r s = and_ wrt r s |> snd *)
let or_ r s = orN wrt [r; s] |> snd
let or_ r s = interN wrt [r; s] |> snd
let difference x e f = Term.d_int (Context.normalize x (Term.sub e f))
let r0 = true_
let r0 = empty
let%test _ = difference r0 (f x) (f x) |> Poly.equal (Some (Z.of_int 0))
let%test _ = difference r0 !4 !3 |> Poly.equal (Some (Z.of_int 1))

@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ type t = starjunction [@@deriving compare, equal, sexp]
let emp =
{ us= Var.Set.empty
; xs= Var.Set.empty
; ctx= Context.true_
; ctx= Context.empty
; pure= Formula.tt
; heap= []
; djns= [] }
@ -256,13 +256,13 @@ and pp_djn ?var_strength vs xs ctx fs = function
let pp_diff_eq ?(us = Var.Set.empty) ?(xs = Var.Set.empty) ctx fs q =
pp_ ~var_strength:(var_strength ~xs q) us xs ctx fs q
let pp fs q = pp_diff_eq Context.true_ fs q
let pp fs q = pp_diff_eq Context.empty fs q
let pp_djn fs d =
pp_djn ?var_strength:None Var.Set.empty Var.Set.empty Context.true_ fs d
pp_djn ?var_strength:None Var.Set.empty Var.Set.empty Context.empty fs d
let pp_raw fs q =
pp_ ?var_strength:None Var.Set.empty Var.Set.empty Context.true_ fs q
pp_ ?var_strength:None Var.Set.empty Var.Set.empty Context.empty fs q
let fv_seg seg = fold_vars_seg seg ~f:Var.Set.add ~init:Var.Set.empty
@ -292,10 +292,10 @@ let rec invariant q =
Context.invariant ctx ;
( match djns with
| [[]] ->
assert (Context.is_true ctx) ;
assert (Context.is_empty ctx) ;
assert (Formula.is_true pure) ;
assert (List.is_empty heap)
| _ -> assert (not (Context.is_false ctx)) ) ;
| _ -> assert (not (Context.is_unsat ctx)) ) ;
invariant_pure pure ;
List.iter heap ~f:invariant_seg ;
List.iter djns ~f:(fun djn ->
@ -430,8 +430,8 @@ let elim_exists xs q =
(** conjoin an FOL context assuming vocabulary is compatible *)
let and_ctx_ ctx q =
assert (Var.Set.is_subset (Context.fv ctx) ~of_:q.us) ;
let xs, ctx = Context.and_ (Var.Set.union q.us q.xs) q.ctx ctx in
if Context.is_false ctx then false_ q.us else exists_fresh xs {q with ctx}
let xs, ctx = Context.union (Var.Set.union q.us q.xs) q.ctx ctx in
if Context.is_unsat ctx then false_ q.us else exists_fresh xs {q with ctx}
let and_ctx ctx q =
[%Trace.call fun {pf} -> pf "%a@ %a" Context.pp ctx pp q]
@ -451,11 +451,11 @@ let star q1 q2 =
| {djns= [[]]; _}, _ | _, {djns= [[]]; _} ->
false_ (Var.Set.union q1.us q2.us)
| {us= _; xs= _; ctx; pure; heap= []; djns= []}, _
when Context.is_true ctx && Formula.is_true pure ->
when Context.is_empty ctx && Formula.is_true pure ->
let us = Var.Set.union q1.us q2.us in
if us == q2.us then q2 else {q2 with us}
| _, {us= _; xs= _; ctx; pure; heap= []; djns= []}
when Context.is_true ctx && Formula.is_true pure ->
when Context.is_empty ctx && Formula.is_true pure ->
let us = Var.Set.union q1.us q2.us in
if us == q1.us then q1 else {q1 with us}
| _ ->
@ -466,9 +466,9 @@ let star q1 q2 =
let {us= us2; xs= xs2; ctx= c2; pure= p2; heap= h2; djns= d2} = q2 in
assert (Var.Set.equal us (Var.Set.union us1 us2)) ;
let xs, ctx =
Context.and_ (Var.Set.union us (Var.Set.union xs1 xs2)) c1 c2
Context.union (Var.Set.union us (Var.Set.union xs1 xs2)) c1 c2
if Context.is_false ctx then false_ us
if Context.is_unsat ctx then false_ us
exists_fresh xs
{ us
@ -505,7 +505,7 @@ let or_ q1 q2 =
| _ ->
{ us= Var.Set.union q1.us q2.us
; xs= Var.Set.empty
; ctx= Context.true_
; ctx= Context.empty
; pure= Formula.tt
; heap= []
; djns= [[q1; q2]] } )
@ -526,8 +526,8 @@ let pure (p : Formula.t) =
List.fold (Formula.disjuncts p) ~init:(false_ Var.Set.empty)
~f:(fun q p ->
let us = Formula.fv p in
let xs, ctx = Context.(and_formula us p true_) in
if Context.is_false ctx then false_ us
let xs, ctx = Context.add us p Context.empty in
if Context.is_unsat ctx then false_ us
else or_ q (exists_fresh xs {emp with us; ctx; pure= p}) )
[%Trace.retn fun {pf} q ->
@ -701,7 +701,7 @@ let rec propagate_context_ ancestor_vs ancestor_ctx q =
let dj = propagate_context_ ancestor_vs ancestor_ctx dj in
(dj.ctx, dj) )
let new_xs, djn_ctx = Context.orN ancestor_vs dj_ctxs in
let new_xs, djn_ctx = Context.interN ancestor_vs dj_ctxs in
(* hoist xs appearing in disjunction's context *)
let djn_xs = Var.Set.diff (Context.fv djn_ctx) q'.us in
let djn = List.map ~f:(elim_exists djn_xs) djn in
@ -787,7 +787,7 @@ let simplify q =
[%Trace.call fun {pf} -> pf "%a" pp_raw q]
let q = freshen_nested_xs q in
let q = propagate_context Var.Set.empty Context.true_ q in
let q = propagate_context Var.Set.empty Context.empty q in
let q = simplify_ q.us [] q in
