Use SymOp.try_finally to avoid swallowing timeouts

Reviewed By: jberdine

Differential Revision: D5932891

fbshipit-source-id: 7c95be8
Mehdi Bouaziz 8 years ago committed by Facebook Github Bot
parent e8ca44c808
commit f37339bd38

@ -1564,7 +1564,7 @@ let sigma_partial_join tenv mode (sigma1: Prop.sigma) (sigma2: Prop.sigma)
CheckJoin.init mode sigma1 sigma2 ;
let lost_little = CheckJoin.lost_little in
let s1, s2, s3 = sigma_partial_join' tenv mode [] sigma1 sigma2 in
~f:(fun () ->
if Rename.check lost_little then (s1, s2, s3)
else ( L.d_strln "failed Rename.check" ; raise Sil.JoinFail ))
@ -1807,7 +1807,7 @@ let prop_partial_meet tenv p1 p2 =
FreshVarExp.init () ;
Todo.init () ;
Utils.try_finally ~f:(fun () -> Some (eprop_partial_meet tenv p1 p2)) ~finally:(fun () ->
SymOp.try_finally ~f:(fun () -> Some (eprop_partial_meet tenv p1 p2)) ~finally:(fun () -> () ; () ; () )
with Sil.JoinFail -> None
@ -1911,7 +1911,7 @@ let prop_partial_join pname tenv mode p1 p2 =
FreshVarExp.init () ;
Todo.init () ;
~f:(fun () ->
let p1', p2' = footprint_partial_join' tenv p1 p2 in
let rename_footprint = Rename.reset () in
@ -1928,7 +1928,7 @@ let eprop_partial_join tenv mode (ep1: Prop.t) (ep2: P
Rename.init () ;
FreshVarExp.init () ;
Todo.init () ;
Utils.try_finally ~f:(fun () -> eprop_partial_join' tenv mode ep1 ep2) ~finally:(fun () ->
SymOp.try_finally ~f:(fun () -> eprop_partial_join' tenv mode ep1 ep2) ~finally:(fun () -> () ; () ; () )
(** {2 Join and Meet for Propset} *)

@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ let exe_timeout f x =
SymOp.set_alarm ()
~f:(fun () -> suspend_existing_timeout_and_start_new_one () ; f x ; None)
with SymOp.Analysis_failure_exe kind ->

@ -2417,7 +2417,7 @@ let specs_library =
let set_reference_and_call_function reference value f x =
let saved = !reference in
let restore () = reference := saved in
~f:(fun () ->
reference := value ;
f x)

@ -94,8 +94,8 @@ let create_serializer (key: Key.t) : 'a serializer =
(* Retry to read for 1 second in case of end of file, *)
(* which indicates that another process is writing the same file. *)
SymOp.try_finally (fun () -> retry_exception ~timeout:1.0 ~catch_exn ~f:read ()) (fun () ->
In_channel.close inc )
SymOp.try_finally ~f:(fun () -> retry_exception ~timeout:1.0 ~catch_exn ~f:read ())
~finally:(fun () -> In_channel.close inc )
let write_to_tmp_file fname data =
let fname_tmp =

@ -23,22 +23,21 @@ exception Analysis_failure_exe of failure_kind(** failure that prevented analysi
let exn_not_failure = function Analysis_failure_exe _ -> false | _ -> true
let try_finally ?(fail_early= false) f g =
let try_finally ~f ~finally =
match f () with
| r
-> g () ; r
-> finally () ; r
| exception (Analysis_failure_exe _ as f_exn)
-> reraise_after f_exn ~f:(fun () ->
if not fail_early then
try g ()
with _ -> (* swallow in favor of the original exception *) () )
try finally ()
with _ -> (* swallow in favor of the original exception *) () )
| exception f_exn
-> reraise_after f_exn ~f:(fun () ->
try g ()
try finally ()
| g_exn
when (* do not swallow Analysis_failure_exe thrown from g *)
match g_exn with Analysis_failure_exe _ -> false | _ -> true
| finally_exn
when (* do not swallow Analysis_failure_exe thrown from finally *)
match finally_exn with Analysis_failure_exe _ -> false | _ -> true
-> () )
let pp_failure_kind fmt = function

@ -66,11 +66,10 @@ exception Analysis_failure_exe of failure_kind(** Timeout exception *)
val exn_not_failure : exn -> bool
(** check that the exception is not a timeout exception *)
val try_finally : ?fail_early:bool -> (unit -> 'a) -> (unit -> unit) -> 'a
(** [try_finally ~fail_early f g] executes [f] and then [g] even if [f] raises an exception.
Assuming that [g ()] terminates quickly [Analysis_failure_exe] exceptions are handled correctly.
In particular, an exception raised by [f ()] is delayed until [g ()] finishes, so [g ()] should
return reasonably quickly. [~fail_early=true] can be passed to skip executing [g ()] when [f
()] raises a [Analysis_failure_exe] exception. *)
val try_finally : f:(unit -> 'a) -> finally:(unit -> unit) -> 'a
(** [try_finally ~f ~finally] executes [f] and then [finally] even if [f] raises an exception.
Assuming that [finally ()] terminates quickly [Analysis_failure_exe] exceptions are handled correctly.
In particular, an exception raised by [f ()] is delayed until [finally ()] finishes, so [finally ()] should
return reasonably quickly. *)
val pp_failure_kind : Format.formatter -> failure_kind -> unit

@ -165,7 +165,7 @@ let read_json_file path =
try Ok (Yojson.Basic.from_file path)
with Sys_error msg | Yojson.Json_error msg -> Error msg
let do_finally ~f ~finally =
let do_finally_swallow_timeout ~f ~finally =
let res =
try f ()
with exc ->
@ -176,21 +176,21 @@ let do_finally ~f ~finally =
let res' = finally () in
(res, res')
let try_finally ~f ~finally =
let res, () = do_finally ~f ~finally in
let try_finally_swallow_timeout ~f ~finally =
let res, () = do_finally_swallow_timeout ~f ~finally in
let with_file_in file ~f =
let ic = In_channel.create file in
let f () = f ic in
let finally () = In_channel.close ic in
try_finally ~f ~finally
try_finally_swallow_timeout ~f ~finally
let with_file_out file ~f =
let oc = Out_channel.create file in
let f () = f oc in
let finally () = Out_channel.close oc in
try_finally ~f ~finally
try_finally_swallow_timeout ~f ~finally
let write_json_to_file destfile json =
with_file_out destfile ~f:(fun oc -> Yojson.Basic.pretty_to_channel oc json)
@ -203,7 +203,7 @@ let with_process_in command read =
let chan = Unix.open_process_in command in
let f () = read chan in
let finally () = consume_in chan ; Unix.close_process_in chan in
do_finally ~f ~finally
do_finally_swallow_timeout ~f ~finally
let shell_escape_command cmd =
let escape arg =

@ -95,5 +95,6 @@ val write_file_with_locking : ?delete:bool -> f:(Out_channel.t -> unit) -> strin
val rmtree : string -> unit
(** [rmtree path] removes [path] and, if [path] is a directory, recursively removes its contents *)
val try_finally : f:(unit -> 'a) -> finally:(unit -> unit) -> 'a
(** Calls [f] then [finally] even if [f] raised an exception. The original exception is reraised afterwards. *)
val try_finally_swallow_timeout : f:(unit -> 'a) -> finally:(unit -> unit) -> 'a
(** Calls [f] then [finally] even if [f] raised an exception. The original exception is reraised afterwards.
Where possible use [SymOp.try_finally] to avoid swallowing timeouts. *)
