@ -10,6 +10,8 @@
open! IStd
open! PVariant
module L = Logging
let count_newlines (path: string): int =
let f file = In_channel.fold_lines file ~init:0 ~f:(fun i _ -> i + 1) in
In_channel.with_file path ~f
@ -134,19 +136,22 @@ let create ?(warn_on_error=true) path =
from_abs_path ~warn_on_error path
let changed_files_set =
Option.bind Config.changed_files_index Utils.read_file |>
Option.map ~f:(
~f:(fun changed_files line ->
let source_file = create line in
let changed_files' = Set.add source_file changed_files in
(* Add source corresponding to changed header if it exists *)
match of_header source_file with
| Some src -> Set.add src changed_files'
| None -> changed_files'
match Config.changed_files_index with
| None ->
| Some index -> match Utils.read_file index with
| Ok lines ->
Some (List.fold lines ~init:Set.empty ~f:(fun changed_files line ->
let source_file = create line in
let changed_files' = Set.add source_file changed_files in
(* Add source corresponding to changed header if it exists *)
match of_header source_file with
| Some src -> Set.add src changed_files'
| None -> changed_files'
| Error error ->
L.user_error "Error reading the changed files index '%s': %s@." index error ;
module UNSAFE = struct
let from_string str =