@ -87,9 +87,6 @@ module TransferFunctions = struct
let postprocess = TransferFunctions.no_postprocessing
let exec_instr astate _ = function
| Sil.Letderef (lhs_id, Sil.Var rhs_id, _, _) ->
(* note: logical vars are SSA, don't need to worry about overwriting existing bindings *)
Domain.gen (LogicalVar lhs_id) (LogicalVar rhs_id) astate
| Sil.Letderef (lhs_id, Sil.Lvar rhs_pvar, _, _) when not (Pvar.is_global rhs_pvar) ->
Domain.gen (LogicalVar lhs_id) (ProgramVar rhs_pvar) astate
| Sil.Set (Sil.Lvar lhs_pvar, _, Sil.Var rhs_id, _) when not (Pvar.is_global lhs_pvar) ->
@ -97,12 +94,15 @@ module TransferFunctions = struct
| Sil.Set (Sil.Lvar lhs_pvar, _, Sil.Lvar rhs_pvar, _)
when not (Pvar.is_global lhs_pvar || Pvar.is_global rhs_pvar) ->
Domain.kill_then_gen (ProgramVar lhs_pvar) (ProgramVar rhs_pvar) astate
| Sil.Letderef (lhs_id, _, _, _) ->
(* non-copy assignment (or assignment to global); can only kill *)
Domain.kill_copies_with_var (LogicalVar lhs_id) astate
| Sil.Set (Sil.Lvar lhs_pvar, _, _, _) ->
(* non-copy assignment (or assignment to global); can only kill *)
Domain.kill_copies_with_var (ProgramVar lhs_pvar) astate
| Sil.Letderef _
(* lhs = *rhs where rhs isn't a pvar (or is a global). in any case, not a copy *)
(* note: since logical vars can't be reassigned, don't need to kill bindings for lhs id *)
| Sil.Set (Var _, _, _, _) ->
(* *lhs = rhs. not a copy, and not a write to lhs *)
| Sil.Call (ret_ids, _, actuals, _, _) ->
let kill_ret_ids astate_acc id =
Domain.kill_copies_with_var (LogicalVar id) astate_acc in
@ -113,9 +113,6 @@ module TransferFunctions = struct
if !Config.curr_language = Config.Java
then astate' (* Java doesn't have pass-by-reference *)
else IList.fold_left kill_actuals_by_ref astate' actuals
| Sil.Set (Sil.Var _, _, _, _) ->
(* this should never happen *)
assert false
| Sil.Set _ | Sil.Prune _ | Sil.Nullify _ | Sil.Abstract _ | Sil.Remove_temps _
| Sil.Declare_locals _ | Sil.Stackop _ ->
(* none of these can assign to program vars or logical vars *)