@ -14,15 +14,11 @@ module F = Format
module L = Logging
module OndemandEnv = BufferOverrunOndemandEnv
module SPath = Symb . SymbolPath
module SPathSet = Symb . SymbolPathSet
module Trace = BufferOverrunTrace
module TraceSet = Trace . Set
module LoopHeadLoc = Location
type eval_sym_trace =
{ eval_sym : Bounds . Bound . eval_sym
; trace_of_sym : Symb . Symbol . t -> Trace . Set . t
; eval_locpath : PowLoc . eval_locpath }
module ItvThresholds = AbstractDomain . FiniteSet ( struct
include Z
@ -93,9 +89,15 @@ module type TaintS = sig
val pp : F . formatter -> t -> unit
val of_bool : bool -> t
val is_tainted : t -> bool
val param_of_path : SPath . partial -> t
val tainted_of_path : SPath . partial -> t
type eval_taint = SPath . partial -> t
val subst : t -> eval_taint -> t
module Taint = struct
@ -110,27 +112,99 @@ module Taint = struct
let pp _ _ = ()
let of_bool _ = ()
let is_tainted _ = false
let param_of_path _ = ()
let tainted_of_path _ = ()
type eval_taint = SPath . partial -> t
let subst _ _ = ()
module ServiceHandlerRequest = struct
include AbstractDomain . BooleanOr
type t =
| Param of SPathSet . t
| Tainted of SPathSet . t (* The path set of [Tainted] should be non-empty. *)
[ @@ deriving compare ]
let pp f = function
| Param params ->
if SPathSet . is_empty params then F . pp_print_string f " not tainted "
else F . fprintf f " unknown taint from %a " SPathSet . pp params
| Tainted params ->
assert ( not ( SPathSet . is_empty params ) ) ;
F . fprintf f " tainted by %a " SPathSet . pp params
let leq ~ lhs ~ rhs =
match ( lhs , rhs ) with
| Param _ , Tainted _ ->
| Tainted _ , Param _ ->
| Param params1 , Param params2 | Tainted params1 , Tainted params2 ->
SPathSet . subset params1 params2
let compare = Bool . compare
let join x y =
match ( x , y ) with
| Param _ , Tainted _ ->
| Tainted _ , Param _ ->
| Param params1 , Param params2 ->
Param ( SPathSet . union params1 params2 )
| Tainted params1 , Tainted params2 ->
Tainted ( SPathSet . union params1 params2 )
let widen ~ prev ~ next ~ num_iters : _ = join prev next
let bottom = Param SPathSet . empty
let is_bottom = function
| Param paths ->
SPathSet . is_empty paths
| Tainted paths ->
assert ( not ( SPathSet . is_empty paths ) ) ;
let is_tainted = function
| Tainted paths ->
assert ( not ( SPathSet . is_empty paths ) ) ;
| _ ->
let pp fmt taint = if taint then F . fprintf fmt " (tainted) "
let of_bool x = x
let param_of_path path = Param ( SPathSet . singleton path )
let is_tainted x = x
let tainted_of_path path = Tainted ( SPathSet . singleton path )
type eval_taint = SPath . partial -> t
let subst x eval_taint =
match x with
| Tainted _ ->
| Param params ->
let accum_subst path acc = join acc ( eval_taint path ) in
SPathSet . fold accum_subst params bottom
include ( val if Config . bo_service_handler_request then ( module ServiceHandlerRequest )
else ( module Unit ) : TaintS )
type eval_sym_trace =
{ eval_sym : Bounds . Bound . eval_sym
; trace_of_sym : Symb . Symbol . t -> Trace . Set . t
; eval_locpath : PowLoc . eval_locpath
; eval_taint : Taint . eval_taint }
module Val = struct
type t =
{ itv : Itv . t
@ -165,11 +239,15 @@ module Val = struct
if not ( ModeledRange . is_bottom range ) then
F . fprintf fmt " (modeled_range:%a) " ModeledRange . pp range
let taint_pp fmt taint =
if Config . bo_service_handler_request && Config . bo_debug > = 3 then
F . fprintf fmt " (%a) " Taint . pp taint
let trace_pp fmt traces =
if Config . bo_debug > = 3 then F . fprintf fmt " , %a " TraceSet . pp traces
F . fprintf fmt " (%a%a%a%a%a, %a, %a%a) " Itv . pp x . itv itv_thresholds_pp x . itv_thresholds
itv_updated_by_pp x . itv_updated_by modeled_range_pp x . modeled_range Taint . pp x . taint PowLoc . pp
itv_updated_by_pp x . itv_updated_by modeled_range_pp x . modeled_range taint_ pp x . taint PowLoc . pp
x . powloc ArrayBlk . pp x . arrayblk trace_pp x . traces
@ -500,7 +578,7 @@ module Val = struct
let subst : t -> eval_sym_trace -> Location . t -> t =
fun x { eval_sym ; trace_of_sym ; eval_locpath } location ->
fun x { eval_sym ; trace_of_sym ; eval_locpath ; eval_taint } location ->
let symbols = get_symbols x in
let traces_caller =
Itv . SymbolSet . fold
@ -512,6 +590,7 @@ module Val = struct
let powloc_from_arrayblk , arrayblk = ArrayBlk . subst x . arrayblk eval_sym eval_locpath in
{ x with
itv = Itv . subst x . itv eval_sym
; taint = Taint . subst x . taint eval_taint
; powloc = PowLoc . join powloc powloc_from_arrayblk
; arrayblk
; traces }
@ -586,9 +665,10 @@ module Val = struct
( if may_last_field then " , may_last_field " else " " )
( if is_java then " , is_java " else " " ) ;
let taint =
Taint . of_bool
( Config . bo_service_handler_request && ( not is_java ) && Lazy . force_val is_service_handler
&& SPath . is_request path )
if ( not Config . bo_service_handler_request ) | | is_java then Taint . bottom
else if Lazy . force_val is_service_handler && SPath . is_request path then
Taint . tainted_of_path path
else Taint . param_of_path path
match typ . Typ . desc with
| Tint ( IBool | IChar | ISChar | IUChar ) ->
@ -648,7 +728,7 @@ module Val = struct
let length = Itv . of_length_path ~ is_void : false path in
of_java_array_alloc allocsite ~ length ~ traces
| Some JavaInteger ->
itv_val ~ non_int : false ~ taint : ( Taint . of_bool false )
itv_val ~ non_int : false ~ taint : Taint . bottom
| None ->
let l = Loc . of_path path in
let traces = traces_of_loc l in