[clang] wrap test determinator in frontend exception catcher

The clang frontend has bugs. When a bug we know about happens some
exception is raised and, most of the time, logged away so as not to
crash the whole process. This catching of exceptions wasn't done from
testDeterminator so it could crash where capture didn't. This diff wraps
the crashy function in test determinator to avoid that.

Reviewed By: ngorogiannis

Differential Revision: D16963178

fbshipit-source-id: 87a4ff70b
Jules Villard 6 years ago committed by Facebook Github Bot
parent b59ff499c7
commit f76ed88741

@ -101,8 +101,10 @@ let run_clang_frontend ast_source =
if Config.linters then AL.do_frontend_checks trans_unit_ctx ast_decl ;
if Config.export_changed_functions then (
let source_file = trans_unit_ctx.CFrontend_config.source_file in
let process_fn = AstToRangeMap.process_ast ast_decl (Tenv.create ()) source_file in
TestDeterminator.test_to_run_clang source_file ~process_ast_fn:process_fn
let process_ast_fn =
AstToRangeMap.process_ast trans_unit_ctx ast_decl (Tenv.create ()) source_file
TestDeterminator.test_to_run_clang source_file ~process_ast_fn
~changed_lines_file:Config.modified_lines ~test_samples_file:None ;
TestDeterminator.emit_relevant_methods () ) ;
if Config.capture then CFrontend.do_source_file trans_unit_ctx ast_decl ;

@ -5,11 +5,20 @@
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
open! IStd
module F = Format
module L = Logging
let process_ast ast tenv default_source_file f =
let process_ast trans_unit_ctx ast tenv default_source_file f =
let open Clang_ast_t in
let mk_key decl = CType_decl.CProcname.from_decl ~tenv decl in
let call_f decl range =
CFrontend_errors.protect trans_unit_ctx
~recover:(fun () -> ())
~pp_context:(fun f () ->
F.fprintf f "%a: processing %s" SourceFile.pp default_source_file
(Clang_ast_j.string_of_decl decl) )
~f:(fun () -> f (mk_key decl) range)
let rec extract_location decl =
match decl with
| ObjCMethodDecl (di, _, _)
@ -19,7 +28,7 @@ let process_ast ast tenv default_source_file f =
| CXXConstructorDecl (di, _, _, _, _)
| CXXDestructorDecl (di, _, _, _, _) ->
let range = CLocation.location_of_decl_info default_source_file di in
f (mk_key decl) range
call_f decl range
| _ -> (
match Clang_ast_proj.get_decl_context_tuple decl with
| Some (decls, _) ->

@ -7,7 +7,8 @@
open! IStd
val process_ast :
-> Clang_ast_t.decl
-> Tenv.t
-> SourceFile.t
-> (Typ.Procname.t -> Location.t * Location.t -> unit)

@ -20,6 +20,8 @@ let equal_clang_lang = [%compare.equal: clang_lang]
type translation_unit_context =
{lang: clang_lang; source_file: SourceFile.t; integer_type_widths: Typ.IntegerWidths.t}
type decl_trans_context = [`DeclTraversal | `Translation]
(** Constants *)
let alloc = "alloc"

@ -18,6 +18,8 @@ val equal_clang_lang : clang_lang -> clang_lang -> bool
type translation_unit_context =
{lang: clang_lang; source_file: SourceFile.t; integer_type_widths: Typ.IntegerWidths.t}
type decl_trans_context = [`DeclTraversal | `Translation]
(** Constants *)
val alloc : string

@ -12,34 +12,6 @@ module F = Format
module L = Logging
let protect ~f ~recover ~pp_context (trans_unit_ctx : CFrontend_config.translation_unit_context) =
let log_and_recover ~print fmt =
recover () ;
incr CFrontend_config.procedures_failed ;
(if print then L.internal_error else L.(debug Capture Quiet)) ("%a@\n" ^^ fmt) pp_context ()
try f () with
(* Always keep going in case of known limitations of the frontend, crash otherwise (by not
catching the exception) unless `--keep-going` was passed. Print errors we should fix
(t21762295) to the console. *)
| CFrontend_errors.Unimplemented e ->
ClangLogging.log_caught_exception trans_unit_ctx "Unimplemented" e.position e.source_range
e.ast_node ;
log_and_recover ~print:false "Unimplemented feature:@\n %s@\n" e.msg
| CFrontend_errors.IncorrectAssumption e ->
(* FIXME(t21762295): we do not expect this to happen but it does *)
ClangLogging.log_caught_exception trans_unit_ctx "IncorrectAssumption" e.position
e.source_range e.ast_node ;
log_and_recover ~print:true "Known incorrect assumption in the frontend: %s@\n" e.msg
| exn ->
let trace = Backtrace.get () in
IExn.reraise_if exn ~f:(fun () ->
L.internal_error "%a: %a@\n%!" pp_context () Exn.pp exn ;
not Config.keep_going ) ;
log_and_recover ~print:true "Frontend error: %a@\nBacktrace:@\n%s" Exn.pp exn
(Backtrace.to_string trace)
module CFrontend_decl_funct (T : CModule_type.CTranslation) : CModule_type.CFrontend = struct
let model_exists procname =
(not Config.biabduction_models_mode) && Summary.OnDisk.has_model procname
@ -52,6 +24,7 @@ module CFrontend_decl_funct (T : CModule_type.CTranslation) : CModule_type.CFron
"@\n@\n>>---------- ADDING METHOD: '%a' ---------<<@\n@\n" Typ.Procname.pp procname ;
incr CFrontend_config.procedures_attempted ;
let recover () =
incr CFrontend_config.procedures_failed ;
Typ.Procname.Hash.remove cfg procname ;
let method_kind = ms.CMethodSignature.method_kind in
CMethod_trans.create_external_procdesc trans_unit_ctx cfg procname method_kind None
@ -90,7 +63,7 @@ module CFrontend_decl_funct (T : CModule_type.CTranslation) : CModule_type.CFron
| exception Caml.Not_found ->
protect ~f ~recover ~pp_context trans_unit_ctx
CFrontend_errors.protect ~f ~recover ~pp_context trans_unit_ctx
let function_decl trans_unit_ctx tenv cfg func_decl block_data_opt =
@ -446,9 +419,9 @@ module CFrontend_decl_funct (T : CModule_type.CTranslation) : CModule_type.CFron
let method_decls, no_method_decls = List.partition_tf ~f:is_method_decl decl_list in
List.iter ~f:translate no_method_decls ;
~f:(fun () -> ignore (CType_decl.add_types_from_decl_to_tenv tenv dec))
~recover:(fun () -> ())
~pp_context:(fun fmt () ->
F.fprintf fmt "Error adding types from decl '%a'"
(Pp.to_string ~f:Clang_ast_j.string_of_decl)

@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
open! IStd
module F = Format
module L = Logging
type exception_details =
{ msg: string
@ -26,3 +27,30 @@ let unimplemented position source_range ?ast_node fmt =
let incorrect_assumption position source_range ?ast_node fmt =
F.kasprintf (fun msg -> raise (IncorrectAssumption {msg; position; source_range; ast_node})) fmt
let protect ~f ~recover ~pp_context (trans_unit_ctx : CFrontend_config.translation_unit_context) =
let log_and_recover ~print fmt =
recover () ;
(if print then L.internal_error else L.(debug Capture Quiet)) ("%a@\n" ^^ fmt) pp_context ()
try f () with
(* Always keep going in case of known limitations of the frontend, crash otherwise (by not
catching the exception) unless `--keep-going` was passed. Print errors we should fix
(t21762295) to the console. *)
| Unimplemented e ->
ClangLogging.log_caught_exception trans_unit_ctx "Unimplemented" e.position e.source_range
e.ast_node ;
log_and_recover ~print:false "Unimplemented feature:@\n %s@\n" e.msg
| IncorrectAssumption e ->
(* FIXME(t21762295): we do not expect this to happen but it does *)
ClangLogging.log_caught_exception trans_unit_ctx "IncorrectAssumption" e.position
e.source_range e.ast_node ;
log_and_recover ~print:true "Known incorrect assumption in the frontend: %s@\n" e.msg
| exn ->
let trace = Backtrace.get () in
IExn.reraise_if exn ~f:(fun () ->
L.internal_error "%a: %a@\n%!" pp_context () Exn.pp exn ;
not Config.keep_going ) ;
log_and_recover ~print:true "Frontend error: %a@\nBacktrace:@\n%s" Exn.pp exn
(Backtrace.to_string trace)

@ -36,3 +36,12 @@ val incorrect_assumption :
-> 'a
(** Used to mark places in the frontend that incorrectly assume something to be
impossible. TODO(t21762295) get rid of all instances of this. *)
val protect :
f:(unit -> unit)
-> recover:(unit -> unit)
-> pp_context:(Format.formatter -> unit -> unit)
-> CFrontend_config.translation_unit_context
-> unit
(** Catch frontend errors in [f] to avoid crashing due to bugs in the frontend. Upon error [recover]
is run and [pp_context] is used to provide more info to the user. *)

@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ val clang_to_sil_location : SourceFile.t -> Clang_ast_t.source_location -> Locat
val should_translate_lib :
-> Clang_ast_t.source_range
-> CModule_type.decl_trans_context
-> CFrontend_config.decl_trans_context
-> translate_when_used:bool
-> bool

@ -12,8 +12,6 @@ type block_data = CContext.t * Clang_ast_t.qual_type * Typ.Procname.t * (Pvar.t
type instr_type =
[`ClangStmt of Clang_ast_t.stmt | `CXXConstructorInit of Clang_ast_t.cxx_ctor_initializer]
type decl_trans_context = [`DeclTraversal | `Translation]
module type CTranslation = sig
(** Translates instructions: (statements and expressions) from the ast into sil *)
@ -42,7 +40,7 @@ module type CFrontend = sig
-> Tenv.t
-> Cfg.t
-> decl_trans_context
-> CFrontend_config.decl_trans_context
-> Clang_ast_t.decl
-> unit

@ -132,8 +132,8 @@ let () =
L.progress "Logs in %s@." (Config.results_dir ^/ Config.log_file) ;
L.progress "Execution ID %Ld@." Config.execution_id ) ;
( if Config.test_determinator then (
TestDeterminator.test_to_run_java Config.modified_lines Config.profiler_samples
Config.method_decls_info ;
TestDeterminator.test_to_run_java ~changed_lines_file:Config.modified_lines
~test_samples_file:Config.profiler_samples ~code_graph_file:Config.method_decls_info ;
TestDeterminator.emit_tests_to_run () )
match Config.command with

@ -283,7 +283,7 @@ let test_to_run_clang source_file ~process_ast_fn ~changed_lines_file ~test_samp
relevant_tests := List.append test_to_run !relevant_tests
let test_to_run_java changed_lines_file test_samples_file code_graph_file =
let test_to_run_java ~changed_lines_file ~test_samples_file ~code_graph_file =
L.(debug TestDeterminator Quiet) "***** Start Java Test Determinator *****@\n" ;
if is_test_determinator_init () then ()
else init_java changed_lines_file test_samples_file code_graph_file ;

@ -7,7 +7,11 @@
open! IStd
val test_to_run_java : string option -> string option -> string option -> unit
val test_to_run_java :
changed_lines_file:string option
-> test_samples_file:string option
-> code_graph_file:string option
-> unit
val test_to_run_clang :
