@ -556,24 +556,15 @@ let should_report_deadlock_on_current_proc current_elem endpoint_elem =
L . die InternalError " Deadlock cannot occur without two lock events: %a " CriticalPair . pp
| LockAcquire endpoint_lock , LockAcquire current_lock -> (
match ( Lock . get_access_path endpoint_lock , Lock . get_access_path current_lock ) with
| ( ( Var . LogicalVar _ , _ ) , [] ) , _ ->
(* first elem is a class object ( see [lock_of_class] ) , so always report because the
reverse ordering on the events will not occur since we don't search the class for static locks * )
| ( ( Var . LogicalVar _ , _ ) , _ :: _ ) , _ | _ , ( ( Var . LogicalVar _ , _ ) , _ ) ->
(* first elem has an ident root, but has a non-empty access path, which means we are
not filtering out local variables ( see [ exec_instr ] ) , or ,
second elem has an ident root , which should not happen if we are filtering locals * )
L . die InternalError " Deadlock cannot occur on these logical variables: %a @. "
CriticalPair . pp current_elem
| ( ( _ , typ1 ) , _ ) , ( ( _ , typ2 ) , _ ) ->
(* use string comparison on types as a stable order to decide whether to report a deadlock *)
let c = String . compare ( Typ . to_string typ1 ) ( Typ . to_string typ2 ) in
c < 0
| | Int . equal 0 c
&& (* same class, so choose depending on location *)
Location . compare current_elem . CriticalPair . loc endpoint_elem . CriticalPair . loc < 0 )
(* first elem is a class object ( see [lock_of_class] ) , so always report because the
reverse ordering on the events will not occur since we don't search the class for static locks * )
Lock . is_class_object endpoint_lock
| |
match Lock . compare_wrt_reporting endpoint_lock current_lock with
| 0 ->
Location . compare current_elem . CriticalPair . loc endpoint_elem . CriticalPair . loc < 0
| c ->
c < 0 )
let should_report pdesc =