[starvation] simplify deadlock dedup

Summary: Deadlocks often result in two reports if not deduplicated (two traces), so there is some logic for doing that.  Locks recently became an opaque type, with the `get_access_path` loophole supporting that deduplication ordering.  Fix that here and remove `Lock.get_access_path`.

Reviewed By: jvillard

Differential Revision: D19465223

fbshipit-source-id: b597e3c65
Nikos Gorogiannis 5 years ago committed by Facebook Github Bot
parent cf26c024bf
commit f8e0a148d1

@ -556,24 +556,15 @@ let should_report_deadlock_on_current_proc current_elem endpoint_elem =
L.die InternalError "Deadlock cannot occur without two lock events: %a" CriticalPair.pp
| LockAcquire endpoint_lock, LockAcquire current_lock -> (
match (Lock.get_access_path endpoint_lock, Lock.get_access_path current_lock) with
| ((Var.LogicalVar _, _), []), _ ->
(* first elem is a class object (see [lock_of_class]), so always report because the
reverse ordering on the events will not occur since we don't search the class for static locks *)
| ((Var.LogicalVar _, _), _ :: _), _ | _, ((Var.LogicalVar _, _), _) ->
(* first elem has an ident root, but has a non-empty access path, which means we are
not filtering out local variables (see [exec_instr]), or,
second elem has an ident root, which should not happen if we are filtering locals *)
L.die InternalError "Deadlock cannot occur on these logical variables: %a @."
CriticalPair.pp current_elem
| ((_, typ1), _), ((_, typ2), _) ->
(* use string comparison on types as a stable order to decide whether to report a deadlock *)
let c = String.compare (Typ.to_string typ1) (Typ.to_string typ2) in
c < 0
|| Int.equal 0 c
&& (* same class, so choose depending on location *)
Location.compare current_elem.CriticalPair.loc endpoint_elem.CriticalPair.loc < 0 )
(* first elem is a class object (see [lock_of_class]), so always report because the
reverse ordering on the events will not occur since we don't search the class for static locks *)
Lock.is_class_object endpoint_lock
match Lock.compare_wrt_reporting endpoint_lock current_lock with
| 0 ->
Location.compare current_elem.CriticalPair.loc endpoint_elem.CriticalPair.loc < 0
| c ->
c < 0 )
let should_report pdesc =

@ -116,6 +116,8 @@ module Lock = struct
let is_class_object = function {root= Class _} -> true | _ -> false
(* using an indentifier for a class object, create an access path representing that lock;
this is for synchronizing on Java class objects only *)
let path_of_java_class =
@ -173,8 +175,6 @@ module Lock = struct
L.die InternalError "Non-Java methods cannot be synchronized.@\n"
let get_access_path {path} = path
let pp fmt {root; path} =
let pp_path fmt ((var, typ), accesses) =
F.fprintf fmt "(%a:%a)" Var.pp var (Typ.pp_full Pp.text) typ ;
@ -203,6 +203,10 @@ module Lock = struct
let pp_locks fmt lock = F.fprintf fmt " locks %a" describe lock
let compare_wrt_reporting {path= (_, typ1), _} {path= (_, typ2), _} =
(* use string comparison on types as a stable order to decide whether to report a deadlock *)
String.compare (Typ.to_string typ1) (Typ.to_string typ2)
module Event = struct

@ -49,10 +49,15 @@ module Lock : sig
(** make a lock if the expression is rooted at a global or a formal parameter, or represents a
class object *)
val get_access_path : t -> AccessPath.t
val make_java_synchronized : FormalMap.t -> Procname.t -> t option
(** create the monitor locked when entering a synchronized java method *)
val is_class_object : t -> bool
(** is the lock a class object such as in [synchronized(MyClass.class){}] or
[static synchronized void foo()] *)
val compare_wrt_reporting : t -> t -> int
(** a stable order for avoiding reporting deadlocks twice based on the root variable type *)
module Event : sig
