diff --git a/infer/documentation/checkers/Topl.md b/infer/documentation/checkers/Topl.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1d4223fcf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/infer/documentation/checkers/Topl.md
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+# Topl
+## What is it?
+Topl is an analysis framework, built on top of Infer, for statically finding violations of temporal properties. Many analyses can be encoded as temporal properties supported by Topl, such as taint analysis. As a simple example, suppose that we don't want a value returned by method `source()` to be sent as an argument to a method `sink()`. This can be specified as follows:
+property Taint
+ prefix "Main"
+ start -> start: *
+ start -> tracking: source(Ret) => x := Ret
+ tracking -> error: sink(Arg, VoidRet) when x == Arg
+This specifies an automaton called `Taint` that has three states (`start`, `tracking`, `error`). Two of those states (`start` and `error`) have special meaning; other states (`tracking`) can have any names. The first transition (`start → tracking`) is taken when a method called `source()` is called, and its return value is stored in a register called `x`; the second transition (`tracking → error`) is taken when a method called `sink()` is called, but only if its argument equals what was previously saved in register `x`.
+This property is violated in the following Java code:
+public class Main {
+ static void f() { g(tito(source())); }
+ static void g(Object x) { h(x); }
+ static void h(Object x) { sink(x); }
+ static Object tito(Object x) { return x; }
+ static Object source() { return "dirty"; }
+ static void sink(Object x) {}
+Note that `source()` and `sink()` are not called from the same method, and that the “dirty” object is passed around a few times before finally reaching the sink. Assuming that the property is in a file `taint.topl` and the Java code in a file `Main.java`, you can invoke Infer with the following command:
+infer --topl --topl-properties taint.topl -- javac Main.java
+It will display the following error:
+Main.java:2: error: Topl Error
+ property Taint reaches state error.
+ 1. public class Main {
+ 2. > static void f() { g(tito(source())); }
+ 3. static void g(Object x) { h(x); }
+ 4. static void h(Object x) { sink(x); }
+To get a full trace, use the command
+infer explore
+## Specifying Properties
+A property is a nondeterministic automaton that can remember values in registers. An execution that drives the automaton from the start state to the error state will make Infer report an issue, and the trace that it produces will indicate which parts of the program drive which transitions of the automaton.
+The general form of a property is the following:
+property *Name
+* message "Optional error message" // This line can be missing
+ prefix "Prefix" // There can be zero, one, or more prefix declarations
+ sourceState -> targetState: *Pattern*(Arg1,...,ArgN,Ret) when *Condition* => *Action*
+The property name and the optional error message are used for reporting issues. The prefix declarations are used to simplify Patterns. The core of the property is the list of transitions.
+Each transition has a source state and a target state. The special transition label * means that the transition is always taken. Typically, there is a transition
+ start -> start: *
+meaning that the property can start anywhere, not just at the beginning of a method.
+Otherwise, the label on a transition contains:
+* a *Pattern*, which indicates what kind of instruction in the program drives this transition;
+* a list of transition variable bindings (above named Arg1, ..., but any identifier starting with uppercase letters works);
+* possibly a boolean Condition, which can refer to transition variables and to registers;
+* possibly and Action, which is a list sequence of assignments of the form *register* := *TransitionVariable* (registers do not need to be declared, and any identifier starting with a lowercase letter works).
+There are two types of patterns:
+* a regex that matches method names
+ * if the regex uses non-letters (such as dots) it must be within double-quotes; otherwise, double quotes are optional
+ * the prefix declarations are used to add potential prefixes to the regex. The combine regex is essentially “(prefix_regex_a | prefix_regex_b) transition_pattern_regex“
+ * for a method with n arguments, there must be n+1 transition variables to get a match. The first n transition variables get bound to the argument values, and the last transition variable gets bound to the return value. *This is true even for the case in which the return type is void*.
+* the special keyword **#ArrayWrite**. In that case, there should be two transition variables like “(Array, Index)” — Array gets bound to the array object, and Index gets bound to the index at which the write happens.
+For several examples, see https://github.com/facebook/infer/tree/master/infer/tests/codetoanalyze/java/topl
+## Limitations
+* By design, some problems may be missed. Topl is built on Pulse, which attempts to minimize false positives, at the cost of sometimes having false negatives.
+* Analysis time increases exponentially with the number of registers used in properties.
+ * In theory, there should be no significant slowdown if registers belong to different properties, but the implementation is not yet optimized.
+ * If there are many registers within the same property, then the slowdown is unavoidable (without some significant breakthrough). However, the maximum number of registers we ever used for one practical property was 3.
diff --git a/infer/man/man1/infer-analyze.txt b/infer/man/man1/infer-analyze.txt
index 2eb933640..ae94c8cd8 100644
--- a/infer/man/man1/infer-analyze.txt
+++ b/infer/man/man1/infer-analyze.txt
@@ -411,9 +411,9 @@ OPTIONS
(Conversely: --no-starvation-only)
- Activates: checker topl: Detects errors based on user-provided
- state machines describing multi-object monitors. (Conversely:
- --no-topl)
+ Activates: checker topl: Detect errors based on user-provided
+ state machines describing temporal properties over multiple
+ objects. (Conversely: --no-topl)
Activates: Enable topl and disable all other checkers (Conversely:
diff --git a/infer/man/man1/infer-full.txt b/infer/man/man1/infer-full.txt
index e36b7f5b8..22ccadece 100644
--- a/infer/man/man1/infer-full.txt
+++ b/infer/man/man1/infer-full.txt
@@ -1257,9 +1257,9 @@ OPTIONS
@ThreadSafe See also infer-analyze(1).
- Activates: checker topl: Detects errors based on user-provided
- state machines describing multi-object monitors. (Conversely:
- --no-topl) See also infer-analyze(1).
+ Activates: checker topl: Detect errors based on user-provided
+ state machines describing temporal properties over multiple
+ objects. (Conversely: --no-topl) See also infer-analyze(1).
Activates: Enable topl and disable all other checkers (Conversely:
@@ -2126,7 +2126,7 @@ INTERNAL OPTIONS
scheduler. (Conversely: --no-trace-ondemand)
- Activates: Detailed tracing information during TOPL analysis
+ Activates: Detailed tracing information during Topl analysis
(Conversely: --no-trace-topl)
--tv-commit commit
diff --git a/infer/man/man1/infer.txt b/infer/man/man1/infer.txt
index 7ae210822..0c81d300f 100644
--- a/infer/man/man1/infer.txt
+++ b/infer/man/man1/infer.txt
@@ -1257,9 +1257,9 @@ OPTIONS
@ThreadSafe See also infer-analyze(1).
- Activates: checker topl: Detects errors based on user-provided
- state machines describing multi-object monitors. (Conversely:
- --no-topl) See also infer-analyze(1).
+ Activates: checker topl: Detect errors based on user-provided
+ state machines describing temporal properties over multiple
+ objects. (Conversely: --no-topl) See also infer-analyze(1).
Activates: Enable topl and disable all other checkers (Conversely:
diff --git a/infer/src/backend/dune b/infer/src/backend/dune
index d22d2e752..9907a6b7b 100644
--- a/infer/src/backend/dune
+++ b/infer/src/backend/dune
@@ -10,9 +10,9 @@
(:standard -open Core -open IStdlib -open IStd -open OpenSource -open
ATDGenerated -open IBase -open IR -open Absint -open Biabduction -open BO
-open Nullsafe -open Pulselib -open Checkers -open Costlib -open Quandary
- -open TOPLlib -open Concurrency -open Labs -open Dotnet))
+ -open Topllib -open Concurrency -open Labs -open Dotnet))
(libraries core memtrace IStdlib ATDGenerated IBase IR Absint Biabduction
- Nullsafe BO Checkers Costlib Quandary TOPLlib Concurrency Labs Dotnet)
+ Nullsafe BO Checkers Costlib Quandary Topllib Concurrency Labs Dotnet)
(pps ppx_compare ppx_fields_conv ppx_yojson_conv)))
diff --git a/infer/src/base/Checker.ml b/infer/src/base/Checker.ml
index 9aff84f05..d5b06a309 100644
--- a/infer/src/base/Checker.ml
+++ b/infer/src/base/Checker.ml
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ type t =
| SelfInBlock
| Starvation
- | TOPL
+ | Topl
| Uninit
[@@deriving equal, enumerate]
@@ -409,12 +409,14 @@ let config_unsafe checker =
; cli_flags= Some {deprecated= []; show_in_help= true}
; enabled_by_default= true
; activates= [] }
- | TOPL ->
+ | Topl ->
{ id= "topl"
- ; kind= UserFacing {title= "TOPL"; markdown_body= ""}
+ ; kind=
+ UserFacing {title= "Topl"; markdown_body= [%blob "../../documentation/checkers/Topl.md"]}
; support= supports_clang_and_java_experimental
; short_documentation=
- "Detects errors based on user-provided state machines describing multi-object monitors."
+ "Detect errors based on user-provided state machines describing temporal properties over \
+ multiple objects."
; cli_flags= Some {deprecated= []; show_in_help= true}
; enabled_by_default= false
; activates= [Pulse] }
diff --git a/infer/src/base/Checker.mli b/infer/src/base/Checker.mli
index 1258183f2..c4ece90dd 100644
--- a/infer/src/base/Checker.mli
+++ b/infer/src/base/Checker.mli
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ type t =
| SelfInBlock
| Starvation
- | TOPL
+ | Topl
| Uninit
[@@deriving equal, enumerate]
diff --git a/infer/src/base/Config.ml b/infer/src/base/Config.ml
index fc458d5f4..f6f9982d2 100644
--- a/infer/src/base/Config.ml
+++ b/infer/src/base/Config.ml
@@ -2500,7 +2500,7 @@ and trace_ondemand =
and trace_topl =
- CLOpt.mk_bool ~long:"trace-topl" "Detailed tracing information during TOPL analysis"
+ CLOpt.mk_bool ~long:"trace-topl" "Detailed tracing information during Topl analysis"
and tv_commit =
diff --git a/infer/src/base/IssueType.ml b/infer/src/base/IssueType.ml
index 02fe7007d..a7ef49cb1 100644
--- a/infer/src/base/IssueType.ml
+++ b/infer/src/base/IssueType.ml
@@ -920,7 +920,10 @@ let complexity_increase ~kind ~is_on_ui_thread =
register_cost ~kind ~is_on_ui_thread "%s_COMPLEXITY_INCREASE"
-let topl_error = register ~id:"TOPL_ERROR" Error TOPL ~user_documentation:"Experimental."
+let topl_error =
+ register ~id:"TOPL_ERROR" Error Topl
+ ~user_documentation:"A violation of a Topl property (user-specified)."
let uninitialized_value =
register ~id:"UNINITIALIZED_VALUE" Error Uninit
diff --git a/infer/src/dune.in b/infer/src/dune.in
index 014b2c927..77912c2cd 100644
--- a/infer/src/dune.in
+++ b/infer/src/dune.in
@@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ let infertop_stanza =
(modes byte_complete)
(modules Infertop)
(flags (:standard -open Core -open IStdlib -open IStd))
- (libraries %s utop Absint ASTLanguage ATDGenerated Backend IBase Biabduction BO Checkers Concurrency Costlib CStubs IR IStdlib Labs Dotnet Nullsafe Pulselib Quandary Integration TestDeterminators TOPLlib UnitTests)
+ (libraries %s utop Absint ASTLanguage ATDGenerated Backend IBase Biabduction BO Checkers Concurrency Costlib CStubs IR IStdlib Labs Dotnet Nullsafe Pulselib Quandary Integration TestDeterminators Topllib UnitTests)
(link_flags (-linkall -warn-error -31))
(preprocess (pps ppx_compare))
(promote (until-clean) (into ../bin))
diff --git a/infer/src/pulse/PulseAbductiveDomain.ml b/infer/src/pulse/PulseAbductiveDomain.ml
index 4a80da29b..905cd04cc 100644
--- a/infer/src/pulse/PulseAbductiveDomain.ml
+++ b/infer/src/pulse/PulseAbductiveDomain.ml
@@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ type t =
[@@deriving compare, equal, yojson_of]
let pp f {post; pre; topl; path_condition; skipped_calls} =
- F.fprintf f "@[%a@;%a@;PRE=[%a]@;skipped_calls=%a@;TOPL=%a@]" PathCondition.pp path_condition
+ F.fprintf f "@[%a@;%a@;PRE=[%a]@;skipped_calls=%a@;Topl=%a@]" PathCondition.pp path_condition
PostDomain.pp post PreDomain.pp pre SkippedCalls.pp skipped_calls PulseTopl.pp_state topl
diff --git a/infer/src/pulse/PulseTopl.ml b/infer/src/pulse/PulseTopl.ml
index 09bbcdacf..98cd95ff9 100644
--- a/infer/src/pulse/PulseTopl.ml
+++ b/infer/src/pulse/PulseTopl.ml
@@ -246,7 +246,7 @@ let get env x =
| Some v ->
| None ->
- L.die InternalError "TOPL: Cannot find %s. Should be caught by static checks" x
+ L.die InternalError "Topl: Cannot find %s. Should be caught by static checks" x
let set = List.Assoc.add ~equal:String.equal
@@ -378,7 +378,7 @@ let dummy_tenv = Tenv.create ()
let is_unsat_expensive path_condition pruned =
let _path_condition, unsat, _new_eqs =
- (* Not enabling dynamic type reasoning in TOPL for now *)
+ (* Not enabling dynamic type reasoning in Topl for now *)
PathCondition.is_unsat_expensive dummy_tenv
~get_dynamic_type:(fun _ -> None)
(Constraint.prune_path pruned path_condition)
@@ -614,6 +614,6 @@ let report_errors proc_desc err_log state =
let loc = Procdesc.get_loc proc_desc in
let ltr = make_trace 0 [] q in
let message = Format.asprintf "%a" ToplAutomaton.pp_message_of_state (a, q.post.vertex) in
- Reporting.log_issue proc_desc err_log ~loc ~ltr TOPL IssueType.topl_error message
+ Reporting.log_issue proc_desc err_log ~loc ~ltr Topl IssueType.topl_error message
List.iter ~f:report_simple_state state
diff --git a/infer/src/pulse/dune b/infer/src/pulse/dune
index 3f3af65fe..1e9e3c9eb 100644
--- a/infer/src/pulse/dune
+++ b/infer/src/pulse/dune
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
(public_name infer.Pulselib)
(:standard -open Core -open IR -open IStdlib -open IStd -open ATDGenerated
- -open IBase -open Absint -open BO -open TOPLlib -open Nullsafe))
- (libraries core IStdlib ATDGenerated IBase IR Absint BO TOPLlib Nullsafe)
+ -open IBase -open Absint -open BO -open Topllib -open Nullsafe))
+ (libraries core IStdlib ATDGenerated IBase IR Absint BO Topllib Nullsafe)
(pps ppx_yojson_conv ppx_compare ppx_variants_conv)))
diff --git a/infer/src/topl/Topl.ml b/infer/src/topl/Topl.ml
index e2f0cd75d..8b14b1b40 100644
--- a/infer/src/topl/Topl.ml
+++ b/infer/src/topl/Topl.ml
@@ -25,4 +25,4 @@ let properties = lazy (List.concat_map ~f:parse Config.topl_properties)
let automaton () = ToplAutomaton.make (Lazy.force properties)
-let is_active () = Config.is_checker_enabled TOPL && not (List.is_empty (Lazy.force properties))
+let is_active () = Config.is_checker_enabled Topl && not (List.is_empty (Lazy.force properties))
diff --git a/infer/src/topl/ToplAutomaton.mli b/infer/src/topl/ToplAutomaton.mli
index 7a601f42d..4a8b73bf5 100644
--- a/infer/src/topl/ToplAutomaton.mli
+++ b/infer/src/topl/ToplAutomaton.mli
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
open! IStd
-(* An automaton is a different representation for a set of TOPL properties: states and transitions
+(* An automaton is a different representation for a set of Topl properties: states and transitions
are identified by nonnegative integers; and transitions are grouped by their source. Also, the
meaning of transition labels does not depend on context (e.g., prefixes are now included).
diff --git a/infer/src/topl/dune b/infer/src/topl/dune
index 65d998b12..0f1ca015a 100644
--- a/infer/src/topl/dune
+++ b/infer/src/topl/dune
@@ -10,8 +10,8 @@
(modules ToplParser))
- (name TOPLlib)
- (public_name infer.TOPLlib)
+ (name Topllib)
+ (public_name infer.Topllib)
(:standard -open Core -open IR -open IStdlib -open IStd -open ATDGenerated
-open IBase -open Absint -open Biabduction))
diff --git a/scripts/toplevel_init b/scripts/toplevel_init
index 0350bbde2..593b77963 100644
--- a/scripts/toplevel_init
+++ b/scripts/toplevel_init
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ open Pulselib;;
open Checkers;;
open Costlib;;
open Quandary;;
-open TOPLlib;;
+open Topllib;;
open Concurrency;;
open Labs;;
open OpenSource;;
diff --git a/website/docs/all-issue-types.md b/website/docs/all-issue-types.md
index 84e7b3262..9939adb1c 100644
--- a/website/docs/all-issue-types.md
+++ b/website/docs/all-issue-types.md
@@ -2230,7 +2230,7 @@ These annotations can be found at `com.facebook.infer.annotation.*`.
Reported as "Topl Error" by [topl](/docs/next/checker-topl).
+A violation of a Topl property (user-specified).
Reported as "Uninitialized Value" by [uninit](/docs/next/checker-uninit).
diff --git a/website/docs/checker-topl.md b/website/docs/checker-topl.md
index 2a3d62a2c..c777c2c56 100644
--- a/website/docs/checker-topl.md
+++ b/website/docs/checker-topl.md
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
-title: "TOPL"
-description: "Detects errors based on user-provided state machines describing multi-object monitors."
+title: "Topl"
+description: "Detect errors based on user-provided state machines describing temporal properties over multiple objects."
-Detects errors based on user-provided state machines describing multi-object monitors.
+Detect errors based on user-provided state machines describing temporal properties over multiple objects.
Activate with `--topl`.
@@ -12,6 +12,103 @@ Supported languages:
- Java: Experimental
- C#/.Net: Experimental
+# Topl
+## What is it?
+Topl is an analysis framework, built on top of Infer, for statically finding violations of temporal properties. Many analyses can be encoded as temporal properties supported by Topl, such as taint analysis. As a simple example, suppose that we don't want a value returned by method `source()` to be sent as an argument to a method `sink()`. This can be specified as follows:
+property Taint
+ prefix "Main"
+ start -> start: *
+ start -> tracking: source(Ret) => x := Ret
+ tracking -> error: sink(Arg, VoidRet) when x == Arg
+This specifies an automaton called `Taint` that has three states (`start`, `tracking`, `error`). Two of those states (`start` and `error`) have special meaning; other states (`tracking`) can have any names. The first transition (`start → tracking`) is taken when a method called `source()` is called, and its return value is stored in a register called `x`; the second transition (`tracking → error`) is taken when a method called `sink()` is called, but only if its argument equals what was previously saved in register `x`.
+This property is violated in the following Java code:
+public class Main {
+ static void f() { g(tito(source())); }
+ static void g(Object x) { h(x); }
+ static void h(Object x) { sink(x); }
+ static Object tito(Object x) { return x; }
+ static Object source() { return "dirty"; }
+ static void sink(Object x) {}
+Note that `source()` and `sink()` are not called from the same method, and that the “dirty” object is passed around a few times before finally reaching the sink. Assuming that the property is in a file `taint.topl` and the Java code in a file `Main.java`, you can invoke Infer with the following command:
+infer --topl --topl-properties taint.topl -- javac Main.java
+It will display the following error:
+Main.java:2: error: Topl Error
+ property Taint reaches state error.
+ 1. public class Main {
+ 2. > static void f() { g(tito(source())); }
+ 3. static void g(Object x) { h(x); }
+ 4. static void h(Object x) { sink(x); }
+To get a full trace, use the command
+infer explore
+## Specifying Properties
+A property is a nondeterministic automaton that can remember values in registers. An execution that drives the automaton from the start state to the error state will make Infer report an issue, and the trace that it produces will indicate which parts of the program drive which transitions of the automaton.
+The general form of a property is the following:
+property *Name
+* message "Optional error message" // This line can be missing
+ prefix "Prefix" // There can be zero, one, or more prefix declarations
+ sourceState -> targetState: *Pattern*(Arg1,...,ArgN,Ret) when *Condition* => *Action*
+The property name and the optional error message are used for reporting issues. The prefix declarations are used to simplify Patterns. The core of the property is the list of transitions.
+Each transition has a source state and a target state. The special transition label * means that the transition is always taken. Typically, there is a transition
+ start -> start: *
+meaning that the property can start anywhere, not just at the beginning of a method.
+Otherwise, the label on a transition contains:
+* a *Pattern*, which indicates what kind of instruction in the program drives this transition;
+* a list of transition variable bindings (above named Arg1, ..., but any identifier starting with uppercase letters works);
+* possibly a boolean Condition, which can refer to transition variables and to registers;
+* possibly and Action, which is a list sequence of assignments of the form *register* := *TransitionVariable* (registers do not need to be declared, and any identifier starting with a lowercase letter works).
+There are two types of patterns:
+* a regex that matches method names
+ * if the regex uses non-letters (such as dots) it must be within double-quotes; otherwise, double quotes are optional
+ * the prefix declarations are used to add potential prefixes to the regex. The combine regex is essentially “(prefix_regex_a | prefix_regex_b) transition_pattern_regex“
+ * for a method with n arguments, there must be n+1 transition variables to get a match. The first n transition variables get bound to the argument values, and the last transition variable gets bound to the return value. *This is true even for the case in which the return type is void*.
+* the special keyword **#ArrayWrite**. In that case, there should be two transition variables like “(Array, Index)” — Array gets bound to the array object, and Index gets bound to the index at which the write happens.
+For several examples, see https://github.com/facebook/infer/tree/master/infer/tests/codetoanalyze/java/topl
+## Limitations
+* By design, some problems may be missed. Topl is built on Pulse, which attempts to minimize false positives, at the cost of sometimes having false negatives.
+* Analysis time increases exponentially with the number of registers used in properties.
+ * In theory, there should be no significant slowdown if registers belong to different properties, but the implementation is not yet optimized.
+ * If there are many registers within the same property, then the slowdown is unavoidable (without some significant breakthrough). However, the maximum number of registers we ever used for one practical property was 3.
## List of Issue Types
diff --git a/website/static/man/next/infer-analyze.1.html b/website/static/man/next/infer-analyze.1.html
index 3059ff096..fd85729f3 100644
--- a/website/static/man/next/infer-analyze.1.html
+++ b/website/static/man/next/infer-analyze.1.html
@@ -720,9 +720,9 @@ and disable all other checkers (Conversely:
Activates: checker topl:
-Detects errors based on user-provided state machines
-describing multi-object monitors. (Conversely:
Activates: checker topl: Detect
+errors based on user-provided state machines describing
+temporal properties over multiple objects. (Conversely:
diff --git a/website/static/man/next/infer.1.html b/website/static/man/next/infer.1.html
index a985f4fd7..919becb98 100644
--- a/website/static/man/next/infer.1.html
+++ b/website/static/man/next/infer.1.html
@@ -2176,9 +2176,9 @@ should be considered aliases of @ThreadSafe
Activates: checker topl:
-Detects errors based on user-provided state machines
-describing multi-object monitors. (Conversely:
Activates: checker topl: Detect
+errors based on user-provided state machines describing
+temporal properties over multiple objects. (Conversely:
See also
diff --git a/website/static/odoc/next/infer/IBase/Checker/index.html b/website/static/odoc/next/infer/IBase/Checker/index.html
index b2ad7db3d..db0ed01a5 100644
--- a/website/static/odoc/next/infer/IBase/Checker/index.html
+++ b/website/static/odoc/next/infer/IBase/Checker/index.html
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
checker runs but is not expected to give reasonable results
| Support
checker is expected to give reasonable results
per-language support for each checker
type cli_flags = {
deprecated : string list;
More command-line flags, similar to ~deprecated arguments in CommandLineOption.
show_in_help : bool;
type kind =
| UserFacingof{
title : string;
the title of the documentation web page
markdown_body : string;
main text of the documentation
can report issues to users
| UserFacingDeprecatedof{
title : string;
the title of the documentation web page
markdown_body : string;
main text of the documentation
deprecation_message : string;
can report issues to users but should probably be deleted from infer
| Internal
Analysis that only serves other analyses. Do not use to mean experimental! Please still document experimental checkers as they will become non-experimental.
| Exercise
reserved for the "resource leak" lab exercise
type config = {
id : string;
Unique identifier. Used to generate web URLs for the documentation as well as the flag to enable this option on the command line.
checker runs but is not expected to give reasonable results
| Support
checker is expected to give reasonable results
per-language support for each checker
type cli_flags = {
deprecated : string list;
More command-line flags, similar to ~deprecated arguments in CommandLineOption.
show_in_help : bool;
type kind =
| UserFacingof{
title : string;
the title of the documentation web page
markdown_body : string;
main text of the documentation
can report issues to users
| UserFacingDeprecatedof{
title : string;
the title of the documentation web page
markdown_body : string;
main text of the documentation
deprecation_message : string;
can report issues to users but should probably be deleted from infer
| Internal
Analysis that only serves other analyses. Do not use to mean experimental! Please still document experimental checkers as they will become non-experimental.
| Exercise
reserved for the "resource leak" lab exercise
type config = {
id : string;
Unique identifier. Used to generate web URLs for the documentation as well as the flag to enable this option on the command line.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/website/static/odoc/next/infer/IBase__Checker/index.html b/website/static/odoc/next/infer/IBase__Checker/index.html
index aa332d53b..5028bf776 100644
--- a/website/static/odoc/next/infer/IBase__Checker/index.html
+++ b/website/static/odoc/next/infer/IBase__Checker/index.html
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-IBase__Checker (infer.IBase__Checker)
checker runs but is not expected to give reasonable results
| Support
checker is expected to give reasonable results
per-language support for each checker
type cli_flags = {
deprecated : string list;
More command-line flags, similar to ~deprecated arguments in CommandLineOption.
show_in_help : bool;
type kind =
| UserFacingof{
title : string;
the title of the documentation web page
markdown_body : string;
main text of the documentation
can report issues to users
| UserFacingDeprecatedof{
title : string;
the title of the documentation web page
markdown_body : string;
main text of the documentation
deprecation_message : string;
can report issues to users but should probably be deleted from infer
| Internal
Analysis that only serves other analyses. Do not use to mean experimental! Please still document experimental checkers as they will become non-experimental.
| Exercise
reserved for the "resource leak" lab exercise
type config = {
id : string;
Unique identifier. Used to generate web URLs for the documentation as well as the flag to enable this option on the command line.
checker runs but is not expected to give reasonable results
| Support
checker is expected to give reasonable results
per-language support for each checker
type cli_flags = {
deprecated : string list;
More command-line flags, similar to ~deprecated arguments in CommandLineOption.
show_in_help : bool;
type kind =
| UserFacingof{
title : string;
the title of the documentation web page
markdown_body : string;
main text of the documentation
can report issues to users
| UserFacingDeprecatedof{
title : string;
the title of the documentation web page
markdown_body : string;
main text of the documentation
deprecation_message : string;
can report issues to users but should probably be deleted from infer
| Internal
Analysis that only serves other analyses. Do not use to mean experimental! Please still document experimental checkers as they will become non-experimental.
| Exercise
reserved for the "resource leak" lab exercise
type config = {
id : string;
Unique identifier. Used to generate web URLs for the documentation as well as the flag to enable this option on the command line.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/website/static/odoc/next/infer/IR/Procdesc/index.html b/website/static/odoc/next/infer/IR/Procdesc/index.html
index eea1b8e62..e7fa23f11 100644
--- a/website/static/odoc/next/infer/IR/Procdesc/index.html
+++ b/website/static/odoc/next/infer/IR/Procdesc/index.html
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-Procdesc (infer.IR.Procdesc)
Map and replace the instructions to be executed using a context that we built with previous instructions in the node. Returns true if at least one substitution occured.
Map and replace the instructions to be executed using a context that we built with previous instructions in the node. Returns true if at least one substitution occured.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/website/static/odoc/next/infer/IR__Procdesc/index.html b/website/static/odoc/next/infer/IR__Procdesc/index.html
index 3ddc085b6..6426f6962 100644
--- a/website/static/odoc/next/infer/IR__Procdesc/index.html
+++ b/website/static/odoc/next/infer/IR__Procdesc/index.html
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-IR__Procdesc (infer.IR__Procdesc)
Map and replace the instructions to be executed using a context that we built with previous instructions in the node. Returns true if at least one substitution occured.
Map and replace the instructions to be executed using a context that we built with previous instructions in the node. Returns true if at least one substitution occured.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/website/static/odoc/next/infer/TOPLlib/.dune-keep b/website/static/odoc/next/infer/Topllib/.dune-keep
similarity index 100%
rename from website/static/odoc/next/infer/TOPLlib/.dune-keep
rename to website/static/odoc/next/infer/Topllib/.dune-keep
diff --git a/website/static/odoc/next/infer/TOPLlib/Topl/index.html b/website/static/odoc/next/infer/Topllib/Topl/index.html
similarity index 81%
rename from website/static/odoc/next/infer/TOPLlib/Topl/index.html
rename to website/static/odoc/next/infer/Topllib/Topl/index.html
index 5bcf21866..4a2ade1ed 100644
--- a/website/static/odoc/next/infer/TOPLlib/Topl/index.html
+++ b/website/static/odoc/next/infer/Topllib/Topl/index.html
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-Topl (infer.TOPLlib.Topl)
Return the automaton representing all Topl properties.
val is_active : unit -> bool
Return whether PulseTopl is active.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/website/static/odoc/next/infer/TOPLlib/ToplAst/index.html b/website/static/odoc/next/infer/Topllib/ToplAst/index.html
similarity index 98%
rename from website/static/odoc/next/infer/TOPLlib/ToplAst/index.html
rename to website/static/odoc/next/infer/Topllib/ToplAst/index.html
index 0e86ff35d..3638b54d1 100644
--- a/website/static/odoc/next/infer/TOPLlib/ToplAst/index.html
+++ b/website/static/odoc/next/infer/Topllib/ToplAst/index.html
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-ToplAst (infer.TOPLlib.ToplAst)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/website/static/odoc/next/infer/TOPLlib/ToplAstOps/index.html b/website/static/odoc/next/infer/Topllib/ToplAstOps/index.html
similarity index 80%
rename from website/static/odoc/next/infer/TOPLlib/ToplAstOps/index.html
rename to website/static/odoc/next/infer/Topllib/ToplAstOps/index.html
index a660e3661..078b385e0 100644
--- a/website/static/odoc/next/infer/TOPLlib/ToplAstOps/index.html
+++ b/website/static/odoc/next/infer/Topllib/ToplAstOps/index.html
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-ToplAstOps (infer.TOPLlib.ToplAstOps)
Module TOPLlib.ToplAstOps
val pp_label : Stdlib.Format.formatter ->ToplAst.label option-> unit
\ No newline at end of file
+ToplAstOps (infer.Topllib.ToplAstOps)
Module Topllib.ToplAstOps
val pp_label : Stdlib.Format.formatter ->ToplAst.label option-> unit
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/website/static/odoc/next/infer/TOPLlib/ToplAutomaton/index.html b/website/static/odoc/next/infer/Topllib/ToplAutomaton/index.html
similarity index 94%
rename from website/static/odoc/next/infer/TOPLlib/ToplAutomaton/index.html
rename to website/static/odoc/next/infer/Topllib/ToplAutomaton/index.html
index 03d7de994..3c4ae66da 100644
--- a/website/static/odoc/next/infer/TOPLlib/ToplAutomaton/index.html
+++ b/website/static/odoc/next/infer/Topllib/ToplAutomaton/index.html
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-ToplAutomaton (infer.TOPLlib.ToplAutomaton)
val pp_transition : Stdlib.Format.formatter ->transition-> unit
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/website/static/odoc/next/infer/TOPLlib/ToplLexer/index.html b/website/static/odoc/next/infer/Topllib/ToplLexer/index.html
similarity index 92%
rename from website/static/odoc/next/infer/TOPLlib/ToplLexer/index.html
rename to website/static/odoc/next/infer/Topllib/ToplLexer/index.html
index 74e05374e..b83b85ec8 100644
--- a/website/static/odoc/next/infer/TOPLlib/ToplLexer/index.html
+++ b/website/static/odoc/next/infer/Topllib/ToplLexer/index.html
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-ToplLexer (infer.TOPLlib.ToplLexer)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/website/static/odoc/next/infer/TOPLlib/ToplParser/index.html b/website/static/odoc/next/infer/Topllib/ToplParser/index.html
similarity index 96%
rename from website/static/odoc/next/infer/TOPLlib/ToplParser/index.html
rename to website/static/odoc/next/infer/Topllib/ToplParser/index.html
index a1b670a3b..63173571e 100644
--- a/website/static/odoc/next/infer/TOPLlib/ToplParser/index.html
+++ b/website/static/odoc/next/infer/Topllib/ToplParser/index.html
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-ToplParser (infer.TOPLlib.ToplParser)
Module TOPLlib.ToplParser
type token =
| UIDof string
| STRINGof string
| RP
| RC
| NE
| LT
| LP
| LIDof string
| LE
| LC
| INTEGERof int
| INDENTof int
| GT
| GE
| EQ
val properties : (Stdlib.Lexing.lexbuf ->token)-> Stdlib.Lexing.lexbuf ->ToplAst.t list
\ No newline at end of file
+ToplParser (infer.Topllib.ToplParser)
Module Topllib.ToplParser
type token =
| UIDof string
| STRINGof string
| RP
| RC
| NE
| LT
| LP
| LIDof string
| LE
| LC
| INTEGERof int
| INDENTof int
| GT
| GE
| EQ
val properties : (Stdlib.Lexing.lexbuf ->token)-> Stdlib.Lexing.lexbuf ->ToplAst.t list
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/website/static/odoc/next/infer/TOPLlib/index.html b/website/static/odoc/next/infer/Topllib/index.html
similarity index 88%
rename from website/static/odoc/next/infer/TOPLlib/index.html
rename to website/static/odoc/next/infer/Topllib/index.html
index 0a7c49a9c..92ca68c2a 100644
--- a/website/static/odoc/next/infer/TOPLlib/index.html
+++ b/website/static/odoc/next/infer/Topllib/index.html
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-TOPLlib (infer.TOPLlib)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/website/static/odoc/next/infer/TOPLlib__Topl/.dune-keep b/website/static/odoc/next/infer/Topllib__Topl/.dune-keep
similarity index 100%
rename from website/static/odoc/next/infer/TOPLlib__Topl/.dune-keep
rename to website/static/odoc/next/infer/Topllib__Topl/.dune-keep
diff --git a/website/static/odoc/next/infer/TOPLlib__Topl/index.html b/website/static/odoc/next/infer/Topllib__Topl/index.html
similarity index 66%
rename from website/static/odoc/next/infer/TOPLlib__Topl/index.html
rename to website/static/odoc/next/infer/Topllib__Topl/index.html
index da4a841e1..050c483a9 100644
--- a/website/static/odoc/next/infer/TOPLlib__Topl/index.html
+++ b/website/static/odoc/next/infer/Topllib__Topl/index.html
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-TOPLlib__Topl (infer.TOPLlib__Topl)
Return the automaton representing all Topl properties.
val is_active : unit -> bool
Return whether PulseTopl is active.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/website/static/odoc/next/infer/TOPLlib__ToplAst/.dune-keep b/website/static/odoc/next/infer/Topllib__ToplAst/.dune-keep
similarity index 100%
rename from website/static/odoc/next/infer/TOPLlib__ToplAst/.dune-keep
rename to website/static/odoc/next/infer/Topllib__ToplAst/.dune-keep
diff --git a/website/static/odoc/next/infer/TOPLlib__ToplAst/index.html b/website/static/odoc/next/infer/Topllib__ToplAst/index.html
similarity index 97%
rename from website/static/odoc/next/infer/TOPLlib__ToplAst/index.html
rename to website/static/odoc/next/infer/Topllib__ToplAst/index.html
index d9b371cac..2149d7ecd 100644
--- a/website/static/odoc/next/infer/TOPLlib__ToplAst/index.html
+++ b/website/static/odoc/next/infer/Topllib__ToplAst/index.html
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-TOPLlib__ToplAst (infer.TOPLlib__ToplAst)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/website/static/odoc/next/infer/TOPLlib__ToplAstOps/.dune-keep b/website/static/odoc/next/infer/Topllib__ToplAstOps/.dune-keep
similarity index 100%
rename from website/static/odoc/next/infer/TOPLlib__ToplAstOps/.dune-keep
rename to website/static/odoc/next/infer/Topllib__ToplAstOps/.dune-keep
diff --git a/website/static/odoc/next/infer/TOPLlib__ToplAstOps/index.html b/website/static/odoc/next/infer/Topllib__ToplAstOps/index.html
similarity index 61%
rename from website/static/odoc/next/infer/TOPLlib__ToplAstOps/index.html
rename to website/static/odoc/next/infer/Topllib__ToplAstOps/index.html
index 494cc2c88..9816c8e48 100644
--- a/website/static/odoc/next/infer/TOPLlib__ToplAstOps/index.html
+++ b/website/static/odoc/next/infer/Topllib__ToplAstOps/index.html
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-TOPLlib__ToplAstOps (infer.TOPLlib__ToplAstOps)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/website/static/odoc/next/infer/TOPLlib__ToplAutomaton/.dune-keep b/website/static/odoc/next/infer/Topllib__ToplAutomaton/.dune-keep
similarity index 100%
rename from website/static/odoc/next/infer/TOPLlib__ToplAutomaton/.dune-keep
rename to website/static/odoc/next/infer/Topllib__ToplAutomaton/.dune-keep
diff --git a/website/static/odoc/next/infer/TOPLlib__ToplAutomaton/index.html b/website/static/odoc/next/infer/Topllib__ToplAutomaton/index.html
similarity index 89%
rename from website/static/odoc/next/infer/TOPLlib__ToplAutomaton/index.html
rename to website/static/odoc/next/infer/Topllib__ToplAutomaton/index.html
index 1f02add1b..34e143c56 100644
--- a/website/static/odoc/next/infer/TOPLlib__ToplAutomaton/index.html
+++ b/website/static/odoc/next/infer/Topllib__ToplAutomaton/index.html
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-TOPLlib__ToplAutomaton (infer.TOPLlib__ToplAutomaton)
val pp_transition : Stdlib.Format.formatter ->transition-> unit
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/website/static/odoc/next/infer/TOPLlib__ToplLexer/.dune-keep b/website/static/odoc/next/infer/Topllib__ToplLexer/.dune-keep
similarity index 100%
rename from website/static/odoc/next/infer/TOPLlib__ToplLexer/.dune-keep
rename to website/static/odoc/next/infer/Topllib__ToplLexer/.dune-keep
diff --git a/website/static/odoc/next/infer/TOPLlib__ToplLexer/index.html b/website/static/odoc/next/infer/Topllib__ToplLexer/index.html
similarity index 76%
rename from website/static/odoc/next/infer/TOPLlib__ToplLexer/index.html
rename to website/static/odoc/next/infer/Topllib__ToplLexer/index.html
index e96203445..dd19a513e 100644
--- a/website/static/odoc/next/infer/TOPLlib__ToplLexer/index.html
+++ b/website/static/odoc/next/infer/Topllib__ToplLexer/index.html
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-TOPLlib__ToplLexer (infer.TOPLlib__ToplLexer)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/website/static/odoc/next/infer/TOPLlib__ToplParser/.dune-keep b/website/static/odoc/next/infer/Topllib__ToplParser/.dune-keep
similarity index 100%
rename from website/static/odoc/next/infer/TOPLlib__ToplParser/.dune-keep
rename to website/static/odoc/next/infer/Topllib__ToplParser/.dune-keep
diff --git a/website/static/odoc/next/infer/TOPLlib__ToplParser/index.html b/website/static/odoc/next/infer/Topllib__ToplParser/index.html
similarity index 95%
rename from website/static/odoc/next/infer/TOPLlib__ToplParser/index.html
rename to website/static/odoc/next/infer/Topllib__ToplParser/index.html
index b939e5d73..53316c218 100644
--- a/website/static/odoc/next/infer/TOPLlib__ToplParser/index.html
+++ b/website/static/odoc/next/infer/Topllib__ToplParser/index.html
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-TOPLlib__ToplParser (infer.TOPLlib__ToplParser)
Module TOPLlib__ToplParser
type token =
| UIDof string
| STRINGof string
| RP
| RC
| NE
| LT
| LP
| LIDof string
| LE
| LC
| INTEGERof int
| INDENTof int
| GT
| GE
| EQ
val properties : (Stdlib.Lexing.lexbuf ->token)-> Stdlib.Lexing.lexbuf ->TOPLlib.ToplAst.t list
\ No newline at end of file
+Topllib__ToplParser (infer.Topllib__ToplParser)
Module Topllib__ToplParser
type token =
| UIDof string
| STRINGof string
| RP
| RC
| NE
| LT
| LP
| LIDof string
| LE
| LC
| INTEGERof int
| INDENTof int
| GT
| GE
| EQ
val properties : (Stdlib.Lexing.lexbuf ->token)-> Stdlib.Lexing.lexbuf ->Topllib.ToplAst.t list
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/website/static/odoc/next/infer/index.html b/website/static/odoc/next/infer/index.html
index 0d7360b44..2fbc418b5 100644
--- a/website/static/odoc/next/infer/index.html
+++ b/website/static/odoc/next/infer/index.html
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-index (infer.index)
infer index
Library infer.ASTLanguage
The entry point of this library is the module: ASTLanguage.
Library infer.ATDGenerated
The entry point of this library is the module: ATDGenerated.
Library infer.Absint
The entry point of this library is the module: Absint.
Library infer.BO
The entry point of this library is the module: BO.
Library infer.Backend
The entry point of this library is the module: Backend.
Library infer.Biabduction
The entry point of this library is the module: Biabduction.
Library infer.CStubs
The entry point of this library is the module: CStubs.
Library infer.Checkers
The entry point of this library is the module: Checkers.
Library infer.ClangFrontend
The entry point of this library is the module: ClangFrontend.
Library infer.ClangUnitTests
The entry point of this library is the module: ClangUnitTests.
Library infer.Concurrency
The entry point of this library is the module: Concurrency.
Library infer.Costlib
The entry point of this library is the module: Costlib.
Library infer.Dotnet
The entry point of this library is the module: Dotnet.
Library infer.IBase
The entry point of this library is the module: IBase.
Library infer.IR
The entry point of this library is the module: IR.
Library infer.IStdlib
The entry point of this library is the module: IStdlib.
Library infer.Integration
The entry point of this library is the module: Integration.
Library infer.JavaFrontend
The entry point of this library is the module: JavaFrontend.
Library infer.Labs
The entry point of this library is the module: Labs.
Library infer.Nullsafe
The entry point of this library is the module: Nullsafe.