Core.Std.( ^/ )

Reviewed By: cristianoc

Differential Revision: D4232460

fbshipit-source-id: 20d5cb8
Josh Berdine 8 years ago committed by Facebook Github Bot
parent 7834c95bc8
commit fc976bc3ef

@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ let cl_file n = "x" ^ (cl_name n) ^ ".cluster"
let pp_cluster_name fmt n = Format.fprintf fmt "%s" (cl_name n)
let pp_cluster fmt (nr, cluster) =
let fname = Config.results_dir // Config.multicore_dir_name // cl_file nr in
let fname = Config.results_dir ^/ Config.multicore_dir_name ^/ cl_file nr in
let pp_cl fmt n = Format.fprintf fmt "%s" (cl_name n) in
store_to_file (DB.filename_from_string fname) (nr, cluster);
F.fprintf fmt "%a: @\n" pp_cl nr;

@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ let pp_prolog fmt clusters = (F.sprintf "--clang-compilation-db-files %s") !Config.clang_compilation_db_files
|> String.concat ~sep:" " in
F.fprintf fmt "INFERANALYZE= %s -results_dir '%s' %s \n@."
(Config.bin_dir // (CLOpt.exe_name Analyze))
(Config.bin_dir ^/ (CLOpt.exe_name Analyze))
(fun c -> if c = '#' then Some "\\#" else None)

@ -82,9 +82,9 @@ let collect_all_summaries root_summaries_dir stacktrace_file stacktraces_dir =
let pair_for_stacktrace_file = match stacktrace_file with
| None -> None
| Some file ->
let crashcontext_dir = Config.results_dir // "crashcontext" in
let crashcontext_dir = Config.results_dir ^/ "crashcontext" in
Utils.create_dir crashcontext_dir;
Some (file, crashcontext_dir // "crashcontext.json") in
Some (file, crashcontext_dir ^/ "crashcontext.json") in
let trace_file_regexp = Str.regexp "\\(.*\\)\\.json" in
let pairs_for_stactrace_dir = match stacktraces_dir with
| None -> []
@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ let crashcontext_epilogue ~in_buck_mode =
let buck_out = match Config.buck_out with
| Some dir -> dir
| None -> "buck-out" in
Config.project_root // buck_out
Config.project_root ^/ buck_out
else Config.results_dir in

@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ let rec rmtree name =
match Unix.readdir dir with
| entry ->
if not (entry = Filename.current_dir_name || entry = Filename.parent_dir_name) then (
rmtree (name // entry)
rmtree (name ^/ entry)
rmdir dir
| exception End_of_file ->
@ -76,8 +76,8 @@ let remove_results_dir () =
rmtree Config.results_dir
let create_results_dir () =
Unix.mkdir_p (Config.results_dir // Config.captured_dir_name) ;
Unix.mkdir_p (Config.results_dir // Config.specs_dir_name)
Unix.mkdir_p (Config.results_dir ^/ Config.captured_dir_name) ;
Unix.mkdir_p (Config.results_dir ^/ Config.specs_dir_name)
let clean_results_dir () =
let dirs = ["classnames"; "filelists"; "multicore"; "sources"] in
@ -89,10 +89,10 @@ let clean_results_dir () =
match Unix.readdir dir with
| entry ->
if (IList.exists (String.equal entry) dirs) then (
rmtree (name // entry)
rmtree (name ^/ entry)
) else if not (entry = Filename.current_dir_name
|| entry = Filename.parent_dir_name) then (
clean (name // entry)
clean (name ^/ entry)
cleandir dir
| exception End_of_file ->
@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ let register_perf_stats_report () =
let touch_start_file () =
let start = Config.results_dir // Config.start_filename in
let start = Config.results_dir ^/ Config.start_filename in
let flags =
Unix.O_CREAT :: Unix.O_WRONLY :: (if Config.continue_capture then [Unix.O_EXCL] else []) in
(* create new file, or open existing file for writing to update modified timestamp *)
@ -170,7 +170,7 @@ let capture build_cmd = function
| Genrule ->
L.stdout "Capturing for Buck genrule compatibility...@\n";
let infer_java = Config.bin_dir // "InferJava" in
let infer_java = Config.bin_dir ^/ "InferJava" in
run_command ~prog:infer_java ~args:[] (fun _ -> ())
| Xcode when Config.xcpretty ->
L.stdout "Capturing using xcpretty...@\n";
@ -180,7 +180,7 @@ let capture build_cmd = function
| build_mode ->
L.stdout "Capturing in %s mode...@." (string_of_build_mode build_mode);
let in_buck_mode = build_mode = Buck in
let infer_py = Config.lib_dir // "python" // "" in
let infer_py = Config.lib_dir ^/ "python" ^/ "" in
~prog:infer_py ~args:(
Config.anon_args @
@ -227,11 +227,11 @@ let capture build_cmd = function
let run_parallel_analysis () =
let multicore_dir = Config.results_dir // Config.multicore_dir_name in
let multicore_dir = Config.results_dir ^/ Config.multicore_dir_name in
rmtree multicore_dir ;
Unix.mkdir_p multicore_dir ;
InferAnalyze.print_stdout_legend ();
InferAnalyze.main (multicore_dir // "Makefile") ;
InferAnalyze.main (multicore_dir ^/ "Makefile") ;
let cwd = Unix.getcwd () in
Unix.chdir multicore_dir ;
@ -282,7 +282,7 @@ let analyze = function
(* In Java and Javac modes, analysis is invoked from capture. *)
| Analyze | Ant | Buck | ClangCompilationDatabase | Gradle | Genrule | Make | Mvn | Ndk | Xcode ->
if (Sys.file_exists Config.(results_dir // captured_dir_name)) <> `Yes then (
if (Sys.file_exists Config.(results_dir ^/ captured_dir_name)) <> `Yes then (
L.stderr "There was nothing to analyze, exiting" ;
Config.print_usage_exit ()

@ -188,7 +188,7 @@ let process_merge_file deps_file =
| target :: _ :: target_results_dir :: _ ->
let infer_out_src =
if Filename.is_relative target_results_dir then
Filename.dirname (buck_out ()) // target_results_dir
Filename.dirname (buck_out ()) ^/ target_results_dir
else target_results_dir in
let skiplevels = 2 in (* Don't link toplevel files, definitely not .start *)
if should_link ~target ~target_results_dir ~stats infer_out_src infer_out_dst

@ -247,31 +247,31 @@ let bin_dir =
Filename.dirname real_exe_name
let lib_dir =
bin_dir // Filename.parent_dir_name // "lib"
bin_dir ^/ Filename.parent_dir_name ^/ "lib"
let etc_dir =
bin_dir // Filename.parent_dir_name // "etc"
bin_dir ^/ Filename.parent_dir_name ^/ "etc"
(** Path to lib/specs to retrieve the default models *)
let models_dir =
lib_dir // specs_dir_name
lib_dir ^/ specs_dir_name
let models_jar =
lib_dir // "java" // "models.jar"
lib_dir ^/ "java" ^/ "models.jar"
let models_src_dir =
let dir = bin_dir // Filename.parent_dir_name // "models" in
let dir = bin_dir ^/ Filename.parent_dir_name ^/ "models" in
Utils.filename_to_absolute dir (* Normalize the path *)
let relative_cpp_extra_include_dir = "cpp" // "include"
let relative_cpp_extra_include_dir = "cpp" ^/ "include"
let cpp_extra_include_dir = models_src_dir // relative_cpp_extra_include_dir
let cpp_extra_include_dir = models_src_dir ^/ relative_cpp_extra_include_dir
let relative_cpp_models_dir =
relative_cpp_extra_include_dir // "infer_model"
relative_cpp_extra_include_dir ^/ "infer_model"
let wrappers_dir =
lib_dir // "wrappers"
lib_dir ^/ "wrappers"
let ncpu =
@ -445,8 +445,8 @@ and project_root = !project_root
let inferconfig_path =
match inferconfig_home with
| Some dir -> dir // inferconfig_file
| None -> project_root // inferconfig_file
| Some dir -> dir ^/ inferconfig_file
| None -> project_root ^/ inferconfig_file
(* Proceed to declare and parse the remaining options *)
@ -1139,7 +1139,7 @@ and report_custom_error =
and report_hook =
CLOpt.mk_string_opt ~long:"report-hook"
~default:(lib_dir // "python" // "")
~default:(lib_dir ^/ "python" ^/ "")
"Specify a script to be executed after the analysis results are written. This script will be \
passed --issues-csv, --issues-json, --issues-txt, --issues-xml, --project-root, and \
@ -1147,7 +1147,7 @@ and report_hook =
and results_dir =
CLOpt.mk_path ~deprecated:["results_dir"; "-out"] ~long:"results-dir" ~short:"o"
~default:(init_work_dir // "infer-out")
~default:(init_work_dir ^/ "infer-out")
~meta:"dir" "Write results and internal files in the specified directory"
@ -1646,7 +1646,7 @@ let specs_library =
let add_spec_lib specs_library filename =
let basename = Filename.basename filename in
let key = basename ^ Utils.string_crc_hex32 filename in
let key_dir = cache_dir // key in
let key_dir = cache_dir ^/ key in
let extract_specs dest_dir filename =
if Filename.check_suffix filename ".jar" then
match (Unix.mkdir dest_dir ~perm:0o700) with
@ -1656,7 +1656,7 @@ let specs_library =
let zip_channel = Zip.open_in filename in
let entries = Zip.entries zip_channel in
let extract_entry (entry : Zip.entry) =
let dest_file = dest_dir // (Filename.basename entry.filename) in
let dest_file = dest_dir ^/ (Filename.basename entry.filename) in
if Filename.check_suffix entry.filename specs_files_suffix
then Zip.copy_entry_to_file zip_channel entry dest_file in
IList.iter extract_entry entries;

@ -247,7 +247,7 @@ let fold_paths_matching ~dir ~p ~init ~f =
let rec paths path_list dir =
~f:(fun acc file ->
let path = dir // file in
let path = dir ^/ file in
if Sys.is_directory path = `Yes then (paths acc path)
else if p path then f path acc
else acc)

@ -46,5 +46,3 @@ let failwithf fmt =
let invalid_argf fmt =
Format.kfprintf (fun _ -> invalid_arg (Format.flush_str_formatter ()))
Format.str_formatter fmt
let ( // ) = Filename.concat

@ -48,8 +48,8 @@ let set_log_file_identifier (current_exe : CLOpt.exe) string_opt =
| None -> ""
) ^ Pid.to_string (Unix.getpid ()) ^ "_" in
let exe_log_dir =
let log_dir = Config.results_dir // Config.log_dir_name in
log_dir // (log_dir_of_current_exe current_exe) in
let log_dir = Config.results_dir ^/ Config.log_dir_name in
log_dir ^/ (log_dir_of_current_exe current_exe) in
let fmt_chan_file name suffix = lazy (
Unix.mkdir_p exe_log_dir ;

@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ module FileNormalize = struct
(* concatenate a list of strings representing a path into a filename *)
let rec list_to_fname base path = match path with
| [] -> base
| x :: path' -> list_to_fname (base // x) path'
| x :: path' -> list_to_fname (base ^/ x) path'
(* normalize a path where done_l is a reversed path from the root already normalized *)
(* and todo_l is the path still to normalize *)
@ -145,7 +145,7 @@ module FileNormalize = struct
let is_relative = Filename.is_relative fname in
let must_normalize = fname_contains_current_parent fname in
let simple_case () =
if is_relative then Unix.getcwd () // fname
if is_relative then Unix.getcwd () ^/ fname
else fname in
if must_normalize then begin
let done_l, todo_l =
@ -189,7 +189,7 @@ let filename_to_relative root fname =
String.sub s2 ~pos:(n1 + 1) ~len:(n2 - (n1 + 1))
else s2 in
let norm_root = (* norm_root is root without any trailing / *)
Filename.dirname root // Filename.basename root in
Filename.dirname root ^/ Filename.basename root in
let remainder = (* remove the path prefix to root including trailing / *)
string_strict_subtract norm_root fname in
@ -197,7 +197,7 @@ let filename_to_relative root fname =
let directory_fold f init path =
let collect current_dir (accu, dirs) path =
let full_path = current_dir // path in
let full_path = current_dir ^/ path in
if Sys.is_directory full_path = `Yes then
(accu, full_path:: dirs)
@ -219,7 +219,7 @@ let directory_fold f init path =
let directory_iter f path =
let apply current_dir dirs path =
let full_path = current_dir // path in
let full_path = current_dir ^/ path in
if Sys.is_directory full_path = `Yes then
full_path:: dirs

@ -16,11 +16,11 @@ type t = {
let fcp_dir =
Config.bin_dir /\/ Filename.parent_dir_name /\/ Filename.parent_dir_name /\/ "facebook-clang-plugins";
Config.bin_dir ^\/ Filename.parent_dir_name ^\/ Filename.parent_dir_name ^\/ "facebook-clang-plugins";
/** path of the plugin to load in clang */
let plugin_path = fcp_dir /\/ "libtooling" /\/ "build" /\/ "FacebookClangPlugin.dylib";
let plugin_path = fcp_dir ^\/ "libtooling" ^\/ "build" ^\/ "FacebookClangPlugin.dylib";
/** name of the plugin to use */
@ -92,14 +92,14 @@ let clang_cc1_cmd_sanitizer cmd => {
) {
switch Config.clang_include_to_override {
| Some to_replace when String.equal arg to_replace =>
fcp_dir /\/ "clang" /\/ "install" /\/ "lib" /\/ "clang" /\/ "4.0.0" /\/ "include"
fcp_dir ^\/ "clang" ^\/ "install" ^\/ "lib" ^\/ "clang" ^\/ "4.0.0" ^\/ "include"
| _ => arg
} else {
let post_args_rev =
[] |> IList.rev_append ["-include", Config.lib_dir /\/ "clang_wrappers" /\/ "global_defines.h"] |>
[] |> IList.rev_append ["-include", Config.lib_dir ^\/ "clang_wrappers" ^\/ "global_defines.h"] |>
/* Never error on warnings. Clang is often more strict than Apple's version. These arguments
are appended at the end to override previous opposite settings. How it's done: suppress
all the warnings, since there are no warnings, compiler can't elevate them to error

@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ let context_with_ck_set context decl_list =
let store_issues source_file =
let abbrev_source_file = SourceFile.encoding source_file in
let lint_issues_dir = Config.results_dir // Config.lint_issues_dir_name in
let lint_issues_dir = Config.results_dir ^/ Config.lint_issues_dir_name in
Utils.create_dir lint_issues_dir;
let lint_issues_file =
DB.filename_from_string (Filename.concat lint_issues_dir (abbrev_source_file ^ ".issue")) in

@ -40,9 +40,9 @@ let ckcomponentcontroller_cl = "CKComponentController"
(** script to run our own clang *)
let clang_bin xx =
Config.bin_dir // Filename.parent_dir_name // Filename.parent_dir_name //
"facebook-clang-plugins" //
"clang" // "install" // "bin" // "clang" ^ xx
Config.bin_dir ^/ Filename.parent_dir_name ^/ Filename.parent_dir_name ^/
"facebook-clang-plugins" ^/
"clang" ^/ "install" ^/ "bin" ^/ "clang" ^ xx
let class_method = "class"
let class_type = "Class"
let copy = "copy"

@ -250,10 +250,10 @@ let debug_eval_end result =
let save_dotty_when_in_debug_mode source_file =
match ctl_evaluation_tracker with
| Some tracker ->
let dotty_dir = Config.results_dir // Config.lint_dotty_dir_name in
let dotty_dir = Config.results_dir ^/ Config.lint_dotty_dir_name in
Utils.create_dir dotty_dir;
let source_file_basename = Filename.basename (SourceFile.to_abs_path source_file) in
let file = dotty_dir // (source_file_basename ^ ".dot") in
let file = dotty_dir ^/ (source_file_basename ^ ".dot") in
let dotty = Debug.EvaluationTracker.DottyPrinter.dotty_of_ctl_evaluation !tracker in
Utils.with_file file ~f:(fun oc -> output_string oc dotty)
| _ -> ()

@ -59,9 +59,9 @@ let swap_command cmd =
let clang = "clang" in
let clangplusplus = "clang++" in
if String.is_suffix ~suffix:plusplus cmd then
Config.wrappers_dir // clangplusplus
Config.wrappers_dir ^/ clangplusplus
Config.wrappers_dir // clang
Config.wrappers_dir ^/ clang
let run_compilation_file compilation_database file =
@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ let get_compilation_database_files_buck () =
(** Compute the compilation database files. *)
let get_compilation_database_files_xcodebuild () =
let prog_args = IList.rev in
let temp_dir = Config.results_dir // "clang" in
let temp_dir = Config.results_dir ^/ "clang" in
Utils.create_dir temp_dir;
let tmp_file = Filename.temp_file ~in_dir:temp_dir "cdb" ".json" in
let xcodebuild_prog, xcodebuild_args =

@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ let quote style =>
let mk_arg_file prefix style args => {
let temp_dir = Config.results_dir /\/ "clang";
let temp_dir = Config.results_dir ^\/ "clang";
Utils.create_dir temp_dir;
let file = Filename.temp_file in_dir::temp_dir prefix ".txt";
let write_args outc =>
