[thread-safety] don't use Map.choose or Set.choose

Read the documentation and it doesn't seem like these functions are guaranteed to choose the same value in different runs.
I hypothesize that these may be the source of flakiness in the thread-safety tests/smoke tests.

Reviewed By: jvillard

Differential Revision: D5794384

fbshipit-source-id: 02b7a96
Sam Blackshear 8 years ago committed by Facebook Github Bot
parent 94ff44ed57
commit fd105802db

@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ module ReversePostorder (CFG : ProcCfg.S) = struct
quick popping, and do a linear search only when this list is empty *)
let pop t =
let init_id, init_work = M.choose t.worklist in
let init_id, init_work = M.min_binding t.worklist in
let init_priority = WorkUnit.priority init_work in
let max_priority_id, _ =

@ -332,13 +332,13 @@ module TransferFunctions (CFG : ProcCfg.S) = struct
if Ident.is_none id then mem
let mem = Dom.Mem.add_stack (Loc.of_var (Var.of_id id)) v mem in
if PowLoc.is_singleton locs then Dom.Mem.load_alias id (PowLoc.choose locs) mem
if PowLoc.is_singleton locs then Dom.Mem.load_alias id (PowLoc.min_elt locs) mem
else mem
| Store (exp1, _, exp2, loc)
-> let locs = Sem.eval exp1 mem loc |> Dom.Val.get_all_locs in
let v = Sem.eval exp2 mem loc |> Dom.Val.add_trace_elem (Trace.Assign loc) in
let mem = Dom.Mem.update_mem locs v mem in
if PowLoc.is_singleton locs then Dom.Mem.store_alias (PowLoc.choose locs) exp2 mem
if PowLoc.is_singleton locs then Dom.Mem.store_alias (PowLoc.min_elt locs) exp2 mem
else mem
| Prune (exp, loc, _, _)
-> Sem.prune exp loc mem
@ -483,7 +483,7 @@ module Report = struct
(* check that we are the last instruction in the current node
* and that the current node is followed by a unique successor
* with no instructions.
* this is our proxy for being the last statement in a procedure.
* The tests pass, but it's kind of a hack and depends on an internal
* detail of SIL that could change in the future. *)

@ -434,8 +434,8 @@ module Make (CFG : ProcCfg.S) = struct
match callee_ret_alias with
| Some ret_loc
-> if PowLoc.is_singleton v1 && PowLoc.is_singleton v2
&& Loc.equal (PowLoc.choose v1) ret_loc
then ret_alias := Some (PowLoc.choose v2)
&& Loc.equal (PowLoc.min_elt v1) ret_loc
then ret_alias := Some (PowLoc.min_elt v2)
| None
-> ()
@ -488,7 +488,7 @@ module Make (CFG : ProcCfg.S) = struct
| Itv.Bound.Linear (_, se1) when Itv.SymLinear.is_zero se1
-> (bound_map, trace_map)
| Itv.Bound.Linear (0, se1) when Itv.SymLinear.cardinal se1 > 0
-> let symbol, coeff = Itv.SymLinear.choose se1 in
-> let symbol, coeff = Itv.SymLinear.min_binding se1 in
if Int.equal coeff 1 then
(Itv.SubstMap.add symbol actual bound_map, Itv.SubstMap.add symbol traces trace_map)
else assert false

@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ module SymLinear = struct
let cardinal : t -> int = M.cardinal
let choose : t -> Symbol.t * int = M.choose
let min_binding : t -> Symbol.t * int = M.min_binding
let fold : (Symbol.t -> int -> 'b -> 'b) -> t -> 'b -> 'b = M.fold
@ -138,7 +138,7 @@ module SymLinear = struct
fun x ->
let x = M.filter (fun _ v -> v <> 0) x in
if Int.equal (M.cardinal x) 1 then
let k, v = M.choose x in
let k, v = M.min_binding x in
if Int.equal v 1 then Some k else None
else None

@ -1228,7 +1228,7 @@ let make_read_write_race_description conflicts tenv pname final_sink_site initia
let pp_conflicts fmt conflicts =
if Int.equal (Typ.Procname.Set.cardinal conflicts) 1 then
Typ.Procname.pp fmt (Typ.Procname.Set.choose conflicts)
Typ.Procname.pp fmt (Typ.Procname.Set.min_elt conflicts)
else Typ.Procname.Set.pp fmt conflicts
let conflicts_description =
@ -1529,7 +1529,7 @@ let quotient_access_map acc_map =
let rec aux acc m =
if AccessListMap.is_empty m then acc
let k, vals = AccessListMap.choose m in
let k, vals = AccessListMap.min_binding m in
let _, _, _, tenv, _ =
List.find_exn vals ~f:(fun (elem, _, _, _, _) ->
ThreadSafetyDomain.Access.equal (ThreadSafetyDomain.TraceElem.kind elem) k )

@ -196,7 +196,7 @@ let report_call_stack summary end_of_stack lookup_next_calls report call_site si
(fun _ call_sites (unseen, visited as accu) ->
let call_site = AnnotReachabilityDomain.CallSites.choose call_sites in
let call_site = AnnotReachabilityDomain.CallSites.min_elt call_sites in
let p = CallSite.pname call_site in
let loc = CallSite.loc call_site in
if Typ.Procname.Set.mem p visited then accu
@ -209,7 +209,7 @@ let report_call_stack summary end_of_stack lookup_next_calls report call_site si
(fun _ call_sites ->
let fst_call_site = AnnotReachabilityDomain.CallSites.choose call_sites in
let fst_call_site = AnnotReachabilityDomain.CallSites.min_elt call_sites in
let fst_callee_pname = CallSite.pname fst_call_site in
let fst_call_loc = CallSite.loc fst_call_site in
let start_trace = update_trace (CallSite.loc call_site) [] in
