@ -384,7 +384,7 @@ let report_lockless_violations (tenv, summary) {StarvationDomain.events} report_
let error_message =
Format.asprintf "Method %a is annotated %s but%a." pname_pp pname
(MF.monospaced_to_string Annotations.lockless)
Event.pp_human event
Event.describe event
let loc = Event.get_loc event in
let ltr = Event.make_trace pname event in
@ -420,7 +420,7 @@ let report_deadlocks env {StarvationDomain.order; ui} report_map' =
"Potential deadlock. %a (Trace 1) and %a (Trace 2) acquire locks %a and %a in \
reverse orders."
pname_pp current_pname pname_pp endpoint_pname Lock.pp_human lock1 Lock.pp_human
pname_pp current_pname pname_pp endpoint_pname Lock.describe lock1 Lock.describe
let first_trace = Order.make_trace ~header:"[Trace 1] " current_pname current_elem in
@ -490,7 +490,7 @@ let report_starvation env {StarvationDomain.events; ui} report_map' =
| MayBlock (_, sev) ->
let error_message =
Format.asprintf "Method %a runs on UI thread (because %a), and may block; %a." pname_pp
current_pname UIThreadExplanationDomain.pp ui_explain Event.pp_human event
current_pname UIThreadExplanationDomain.pp ui_explain Event.describe event
let loc = Event.get_loc event in
let trace = Event.make_trace current_pname event in
@ -504,7 +504,7 @@ let report_starvation env {StarvationDomain.events; ui} report_map' =
let error_message =
"Method %a runs on UI thread (because %a), and may violate Strict Mode; %a." pname_pp
current_pname UIThreadExplanationDomain.pp ui_explain Event.pp_human event
current_pname UIThreadExplanationDomain.pp ui_explain Event.describe event
let loc = Event.get_loc event in
let trace = Event.make_trace current_pname event in