@ -38,11 +38,15 @@ let create_process_and_wait ~prog ~args =
(** Given a process id and a function that describes the command that the process id
represents, prints a message explaining the command and its status, if in debug or stats mode.
It also prints a dot to show progress of jobs being finished. *)
let print_status f pid status =
let print_status ~fail_on_failed_job f pid status =
L.err "%a%s@."
(fun fmt pid -> F.pp_print_string fmt (f pid)) pid
(Unix.Exit_or_signal.to_string_hum status) ;
L.stdout ".%!"
L.stdout ".%!";
match status with
| Error err when fail_on_failed_job ->
exit (match err with `Exit_non_zero i -> i | `Signal _ -> 1)
| _ -> ()
let start_current_jobs_count () = ref 0
@ -53,14 +57,14 @@ module PidMap = Caml.Map.Make (Pid)
(** [wait_for_son pid_child f jobs_count] wait for pid_child
and all the other children and update the current jobs count.
Use f to print the job status *)
let rec wait_for_child f current_jobs_count jobs_map =
let rec wait_for_child ~fail_on_failed_job f current_jobs_count jobs_map =
let pid, status = Unix.wait `Any in
Pervasives.decr current_jobs_count;
Pervasives.incr waited_for_jobs;
print_status f pid status;
print_status ~fail_on_failed_job f pid status;
jobs_map := PidMap.remove pid !jobs_map;
if not (PidMap.is_empty !jobs_map) then
wait_for_child f current_jobs_count jobs_map
wait_for_child ~fail_on_failed_job f current_jobs_count jobs_map
let pid_to_program jobsMap pid =
@ -72,7 +76,7 @@ let pid_to_program jobsMap pid =
and starts a new batch and so on. [gen_prog] should return a tuple [(dir_opt, command, args,
env)] where [dir_opt] is an optional directory to chdir to before executing [command] with
[args] in [env]. [prog_to_string] is used for printing information about the job's status. *)
let run_jobs_in_parallel jobs_stack gen_prog prog_to_string =
let run_jobs_in_parallel ?(fail_on_failed_job=false) jobs_stack gen_prog prog_to_string =
let run_job () =
let jobs_map = ref PidMap.empty in
let current_jobs_count = start_current_jobs_count () in
@ -89,7 +93,8 @@ let run_jobs_in_parallel jobs_stack gen_prog prog_to_string =
| `In_the_parent pid_child ->
jobs_map := PidMap.add pid_child (prog_to_string job_prog) !jobs_map;
if Int.equal (Stack.length jobs_stack) 0 || !current_jobs_count >= Config.jobs then
wait_for_child (pid_to_program !jobs_map) current_jobs_count jobs_map
wait_for_child ~fail_on_failed_job (pid_to_program !jobs_map) current_jobs_count
done in
run_job ();
L.stdout ".@.";