This diff fixes a race condition where errors found in a procedure by one checker could be overwritten by running on demand the analysis of the same procedure with another checker.
Reviewed By: cristianoc
Differential Revision: D2847308
fb-gh-sync-id: 4f0c78e
The contravariant subtyping rule for the PerformanceCritial annotation was meant to document the code but can be very too verbose on exisiting project. It is also not necessary as we can get this annotation from the supertypes. I am disabling it for now, but keep the code in case we want to revive it at some point in the future.
Reviewed By: sblackshear
Differential Revision: D2750212
fb-gh-sync-id: 2424281
Lines other than the first of multi-line comments in non-ocaml files
were flush right instead of aligned.
Reviewed By: jvillard
Differential Revision: D2739752
fb-gh-sync-id: c85f56e
It is possible to return null according to
Also, getResource throws NPE if passed null:
$ cat -n
1 import;
3 public class TestClassGetResourceArgument {
5 static URL testClassGetResourceArgument(Class cls) {
6 return cls.getResource(null);
7 }
9 public static void main(String[] args) {
10 System.out.println(testClassGetResourceArgument("".getClass()).toString());
11 }
13 }
$ javac && java TestClassGetResourceArgument
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException
at sun.misc.MetaIndex.mayContain(
at sun.misc.URLClassPath$JarLoader.getResource(
at sun.misc.URLClassPath.getResource(
at sun.misc.URLClassPath.getResource(
at java.lang.ClassLoader.getBootstrapResource(
at java.lang.ClassLoader.getResource(
at java.lang.ClassLoader.getResource(
at java.lang.ClassLoader.getSystemResource(
at java.lang.Class.getResource(
at TestClassGetResourceArgument.testClassGetResourceArgument(
at TestClassGetResourceArgument.main(
Reviewed By: cristianoc
Differential Revision: D2752301
fb-gh-sync-id: 888baf1
Added special modelling for m.put(k,v) as assigning value v to map m at key k.
The modelling is analogous to the one for containsKey: the variable used to represent m.get(k) is generated, and assigned the value v.
Reviewed By: jberdine
Differential Revision: D2743844
fb-gh-sync-id: 56d3581
Change eradicate handling of complex values so that an unknown function that
has an existing mapping to Undef is treated as if there was no existing
Without this change, joining control-flow branches where one called a function
and the other did not resulted in a mapping to Undef. Later calls to the
function would then reuse the Undef mapping.
Reviewed By: cristianoc
Differential Revision: D2695548
fb-gh-sync-id: ab69c47
The case when a resource leaks is reported because the the resource was not closed on the execution branch created by the preconditions checks are not very interesting in practice because the exceptions thrown, either `NullPointerException` or `IllegalStateException` are very rarely caught anyway. So the legimate use of preconditions checks is creating spurious resource leak reports.
Reviewed By: sblackshear
Differential Revision: D2707227
fb-gh-sync-id: 6aece73
Summary: public
The method `android.view.View.findViewById` and should not be run performance critical parts of the code like scrolling.
Reviewed By: sblackshear
Differential Revision: D2698196
fb-gh-sync-id: 2716ad7
Summary: public
This allows to run the checker and get feedback about potential expensive call stacks without having to annotate first all the methods that are overriding PerofrmanceCritical-annotated methods
Reviewed By: cristianoc
Differential Revision: D2693556
fb-gh-sync-id: cb60278
Summary: public
Use the analysis summary to store call stacks from PerformanceCritical-annotated methods to Expensive-annotated methods.
This use the on demand scheduling in order to make sure that the summary of the callee is always analyzed before the callers.
Reviewed By: cristianoc
Differential Revision: D2685347
fb-gh-sync-id: ab403d9
Summary: public
Some more examples to explain the behaviour of the type checker with inheritance
Reviewed By: cristianoc
Differential Revision: D2639908
fb-gh-sync-id: d038061
Summary: public
The classes `{Inflater/Deflater}` where not modelled as resources. In practice, bad memory leak can happen using these classes and forcing the call to `end()` can help to avoid waisting native memory.
Reviewed By: sblackshear
Differential Revision: D2661249
fb-gh-sync-id: 1e33316
Summary: Add possibility of throwing IOException to model of
java.nio.channels.FileChannel.tryLock, and add test case.
Reviewed By: cristianoc
Differential Revision: D2658203
fb-gh-sync-id: 9ca9c02
Summary: Add models of the java.nio.channels.FileChannel.tryLock methods which can
return null according to the java docs.
Reviewed By: sblackshear, cristianoc
Differential Revision: D2650050
fb-gh-sync-id: ae6c8ce
Summary: public
This adds the following subtyping rules:
- methods that are not annotated with Expensive cannot be overwritten by a method annotated with Expensive
- methods annotated with PerformanceCritical must be overwitten by method annotated with PerformanceCritical
Reviewed By: cristianoc
Differential Revision: D2636076
fb-gh-sync-id: eb616c9
Summary: public
Just works by running the analysis bottom-up and promoting any method as virtually annotated with `Expensive` whenever one of its callee is annotated with `Expensive`
Reviewed By: cristianoc
Differential Revision: D2635242
fb-gh-sync-id: 4401be6
Summary: public Buck prints all the output at once and it doesn't look good. So we should not print the progress bar in the tests.
Reviewed By: jvillard
Differential Revision: D2631722
fb-gh-sync-id: 5460a70
Summary: public
This is an initial version of the Expensive checker which only report violations on direct calls. The main objective is to setup all the files for this new checker.
The next steps are:
1) run the checker in interprocedural mode
2) Save in the summary of a method foo() the annotation attribute Expensive if a direct callee of foo is annotated with Expensive
3) Check that Expensive is enforced by subtyping, i.e. check that non-expensive method cannot be overwritten by a method annotated with Expensive
Reviewed By: cristianoc
Differential Revision: D2629947
fb-gh-sync-id: 0e06f85
Summary: public
The context leaks were reported multiple times. If a leaks was found on method `f()` and `g()` calls `f()`, then the same leak was report both in `f()` and in `g()`.
Reviewed By: sblackshear
Differential Revision: D2598110
fb-gh-sync-id: ca90b57
Summary: public
Extends the current activity leak checker to all sort of context leaks.
Reviewed By: sblackshear
Differential Revision: D2572548
fb-gh-sync-id: 9da18e4
Summary: public
This allow to tell Infer to skip the translation of some files. This is especially useful to skip the translation of some generated files following the syntax:
> cat .inferconfig
"skip_translation": [
"language": "Java",
"source_contains": "_SHOULD_BE_SKIPPED_"
Reviewed By: cristianoc
Differential Revision: D2588095
fb-gh-sync-id: 3fda816
Summary: @public Infer previously did not work correctly when a function returns the result of a skip function:
retUndef() {
x = undefined();
return x;
derefUndef() {
y = retUndef();
y.doSomething(); // Symexec_memory_error here, prevents spec inference
The problem is that angelic mode did not know to add the return value of `retUndef()` to the footprint.
This diff fixes the problem by adding return values marked with the `Aundef` attribute to the footprint.
This is done lazily (e.g., a value only gets added to the footprint when you try to deref it).
Reviewed By: @jvillard
Differential Revision: D2444929
Added two annotations @TrueOnNull and @FalseOnNull to be used for boolean functions to specify what value is returned when the argument is null.
Added model for TextUtils.isEmpty, which corresponds to the annotation
static boolean isEmpty(@Nullable java.lang.CharSequence s)
System.getProperty can return null when the property is not found, and expects a non-null argument.
Add models for Infer and Eradicate to reflect that.
Errors arising from overriding methods defined in other files were not reported, because during parallel analysis the clusters did not have access to overridden methods, so could not load their annotation.
Changed cluster generation to add location information for the methods overridden by the procedures defined in the current cluster.
When someone runs --changed-only mode, there is a risk of corrupting the results
for future analyses. The problem is that changed-only mode does not analyze the callers of changed
procedures. If a subsequent analysis relies on the specs of one of these callers, they will be stale
and may give the wrong results. To be concrete, let's say we know `` calls `` and we do the following rounds of analysis:
Analysis round 1: Analyze all files, including `Parent` and `Child`
Analysis round 2: Analyze `` only with `--changed-only flag`. `` is now stale.
Analysis round 3: Add procedure `Parent.baz()` that calls ``, analyze in (any) incremental mode.
The analysis will only analyze `Parent.baz()`. However, the specs for `` are stale and may give us bad results for `Parent.baz()`. We want the analysis to re-analyze `Parent.baz()`, but before this diff it will not.
This diff fixes this problem by adding a `STALE` status bit to procedure summaries. In `--changed-only` mode,
the callers of a changed procedures are not re-analyzed, but their summaries are marked as stale. For both
`--changed-only` and regular incremental mode, callees of changed procedures that are marked as stale are
re-analyzed even if they have not changed. This is better than a more obvious solution like deleting stale
procedure summaries, since that would force the next analysis to re-analyze all stale procedures even if it
does not need the results for whatever analysis it is doing. This scheme implemented in this diff ensures
that each analysis only does the work that it needs to compute reliable results for its changed procedures.
Summary: Handler.postDelayed keeps a persistent reference to its Runnable argument that may cause a memory leak if an Activity is reachable from the Runnable.