Infer would previously give confusing reports in the following case: two classes `foo.MyClass` defined in `` under directory `foo/` and `bar.MyClass` defined in file `` under `bar/` are compiled together in a single call to the Java compiler. Then the errors in `foo/` could potentially be reported in `bar/`, or the other way around.
The reason is: Infer starts the translation from the bytecode which only contains information about the base filename in the metadata. For example, both `foo.MyClass` and `bar.MyClass` will contains the information that the source file is `` but not the full path to the actual source file (hopefully).
In order to cope with this issue, this diff adds the possibility to read the package declaration from the source file so that we can map classes to the source files these classes are defined without ambiguity. In order to avoid having to open and read the source files when not necessary, the code will behave as before as long as no name conflict is found. Otherwise, it will only load and search for the package declaration when two or more sources files have the same basename but are defined in different subdirectories.
Closes t9395275
Reviewed By: jberdine
Differential Revision: D2763775
fb-gh-sync-id: 0adc1ac
Summary: public
This is a non-functional refactoring to add a flag to trigger the translation of the procedure description of callees. This allows to check in which cases we still need to procedure description of callees to run the analysis.
Reviewed By: cristianoc
Differential Revision: D2620402
fb-gh-sync-id: 7ef5b5f
Summary: public
modules are better for namespacing.
How I made this diff:
1. moved list_* functions from{,i} to{,i}
2. shell commands:
grep '^val ' infer/src/backend/iList.mli | cut -f 2 -d ' ' | tr '\n' ' '
# gives a list of former list_ functions that IList implements, fed into the loops below:
LISTNAMES=" compare equal append combine exists filter flatten flatten_options find fold_left fold_left2 for_all for_all2 hd iter iter2 length fold_right map mem nth partition rev rev_append rev_map sort split stable_sort tl drop_first drop_last rev_with_acc remove_duplicates remove_irrelevant_duplicates merge_sorted_nodup intersect mem_assoc assoc map2 to_string"
# replace " list_*" function calls with IList.* ones
for i in $LISTNAMES; do find . -name '*.ml' -exec sed -i -e "s/ list_$i\b/ IList.$i/g" \{\} \; ; done
# replace (list_* functions with (IList.* ones
for i in $LISTNAMES; do find . -name '*.ml' -exec sed -i -e "s/(list_$i\b/(IList.$i/g" \{\} \; ; done
# ditto with [
for i in $LISTNAMES; do find . -name '*.ml' -exec sed -i -e "s/\[list_$i\b/[IList.$i/g" \{\} \; ; done
3. Then fix up the rest by hand. In particular, stuff that called Utils.list_*
explicitely, and stuff that used the "Fail" exception that has moved to
IList. (may revisit this in the future)
Reviewed By: jeremydubreil, cristianoc
Differential Revision: D2550241
fb-gh-sync-id: cd64b10
each procedure has a different scope, so we can restart the fresh name generator and have more stable instructions in the cfg, that don't change when other procedures are changed
This commit is the result of
`find infer/src -name '*.ml' -or -name '*.mli' -exec ocp-indent -i \{\} \;`