Summary: public
modules are better for namespacing.
How I made this diff:
1. moved list_* functions from{,i} to{,i}
2. shell commands:
grep '^val ' infer/src/backend/iList.mli | cut -f 2 -d ' ' | tr '\n' ' '
# gives a list of former list_ functions that IList implements, fed into the loops below:
LISTNAMES=" compare equal append combine exists filter flatten flatten_options find fold_left fold_left2 for_all for_all2 hd iter iter2 length fold_right map mem nth partition rev rev_append rev_map sort split stable_sort tl drop_first drop_last rev_with_acc remove_duplicates remove_irrelevant_duplicates merge_sorted_nodup intersect mem_assoc assoc map2 to_string"
# replace " list_*" function calls with IList.* ones
for i in $LISTNAMES; do find . -name '*.ml' -exec sed -i -e "s/ list_$i\b/ IList.$i/g" \{\} \; ; done
# replace (list_* functions with (IList.* ones
for i in $LISTNAMES; do find . -name '*.ml' -exec sed -i -e "s/(list_$i\b/(IList.$i/g" \{\} \; ; done
# ditto with [
for i in $LISTNAMES; do find . -name '*.ml' -exec sed -i -e "s/\[list_$i\b/[IList.$i/g" \{\} \; ; done
3. Then fix up the rest by hand. In particular, stuff that called Utils.list_*
explicitely, and stuff that used the "Fail" exception that has moved to
IList. (may revisit this in the future)
Reviewed By: jeremydubreil, cristianoc
Differential Revision: D2550241
fb-gh-sync-id: cd64b10
Summary: public Two cases were not handled properly so far:
1. Declaration of a reference variable missed reference bit in type
2. Parameters to a function expecting T& had type T.
The way to distinguish reference types from value types is to look
whether parameter is type 'T rvalue' or type 'T lvalue' (xvalue probably as well)
Unfortunately, we can't just say 'T lvalue' = 'T&' because it would break
a lot of things in our frontend.
However, we know that when parameter to a function call has type 'T lvalue', it has to be 'T&' type.
Same applies when init_expression type is lvalue.
So, the solution is to add wrapper function that looks at results of `instruction` function and
expected expression type. Then if it's lvalue, wrap the type in reference.
Do this wrapping magic only when we know that lvalue mean reference type.
The rest of the changes is to make frontend tests pass - since we use different fields
in the AST, some of them were incorrectly set before and no one noticed.
Reviewed By: cristianoc
Differential Revision: D2549991
fb-gh-sync-id: 067f5d5
Summary: @public
This removes the old way of finding variable declarations to create sil variables and replaces it with
a a new way based on the map from pointers to declarations.
Basically, every variable dereference contains a pointer to the variable declaration, with that we can
build the corresponding sil variable.
Reviewed By: @akotulski
Differential Revision: D2536000
fb-gh-sync-id: dd29cf9
Summary: @public
Get newest goodness from facebook-clang-plugins
that allows us to change type of type_ptr during deserialization
We are modifying that fcp/clang-ocaml expects to
exist - we provide our own implementations of:
t_ptr, pointer_to_type_ptr, type_ptr_to_pointer
Reviewed By: @dulmarod
Differential Revision: D2498623
Summary: @public
qual_type was the same as type_ptr, so it was removed.
This commit makes it compatible with facebook-clang-plugins
Commands ran:
codemod --extensions ml,mli 'qual_type' 'type_ptr'
codemod --extensions ml,mli 'qt' 'tp'
If there is any other popular name for qual_type, let me know
Reviewed By: @dulmarod
Differential Revision: D2498289
Summary: @public
We no longer rely on existence of qt_raw field.
Update facebook-clang-plugins so that this field
is not even exported. This should give us some perf wins
since qual_type is written in a lot of places
Reviewed By: @dulmarod
Differential Revision: D2489308
Using the qualified names of fields to create mangled names.
This removes the need to search for the fields in the tenv when translating a field access.
That was only done to build the correct mangled name,
The rest of the changes are using the qualified names for ivars and property names in the property module,
which is needed to make it work. Basically a big chain of changes of using qualified names to make the code
This diff aims at removing the occurrences of the types in string form so that we can remove them
from the ast which will save space.
There is one occurrence left regarding attributes that will be handled later by Andrzej.
We build a function to create a string out of a function type used for name mangling.
This is the second of 3 stack diffs to deal with replacing the parser of types.
This diff is about general changes to the frontend to make it cope with the change. There
are two main challenges:
1. We create pieces of ast in ast_expressions, such as getters and setters. For that we create
custom types.
2. We store types in cMethod_signature for parameters and return type of functions. This was
stored as strings, but that means losing the pointer information which is vital to get the
sil types.
So this diff consists mostly of dealing with these challenges. It change the signature of
cMethod_signature and update modules accordingly.
To deal with the custom types, we build methods in ast_expressions for creating those types,
with a custom type pointer, like "internal_typeint". At the beginning of the translation we save
all these custom types in the map from type pointers to sil types that we build as we compute the
types, so that they are available later.
Another custom type that we build is a type of classes or pointer of classes based on the current
class. I found a simple way to deal with it, giving it a pointer "class_name", and then we know
how to translate those. Something I tried is to save the declaration of the current class and pass
that declaration around, but somehow that lead to pref regression, so I removed it in favor of this
more lightweight version.
Update fcp version and make infer build with it.
It's not using new features yet, diffs will follow.
New stuff:
Proper type information in form of pointer->type
Expose more information about cxx classes (superclass info)
Add pointers to objc method decls when possible
This commit is the result of
`find infer/src -name '*.ml' -or -name '*.mli' -exec ocp-indent -i \{\} \;`
This makes infer C frontend compatible
with new scheme for naming which has:
1. plain name (like 'fun')
2. qualified name (reversed list like ['fun', 'class', 'top_class', 'namespace'])